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The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

"If she's in then I'm in." Shiino said with a nod.

"Togepi!" "Okay, just remain calm, this may hurt a bit." Then the Togepi raised its arms in the air and both girls suddenly felt a blinding pain. It lasted for only a moment though, before the girls were able to see again.

Both of them now sported outfits that looked straight out of a TV show or a game, or maybe a brothel given how much spandex was on Lan and how much skin her outfit showed.

"Umm, is that you still Lan? You look nothing like you do normally." Shiino said, looking over herself and her friend.
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

For a brief second Lan felt like she may pass out- or vomit- or throw up while passing out... But thankfully the pain only lasted for a second before her world returned to... what it was a second ago; video games pulling you inside, running from horny pokiemanz, and understanding pokespeak was most certainly NOT normal! Regardless however, the pain had passed and she had found herself transformed! Upon hearing Shiinos remark Lan would reply "Good. An alter Ego should be completely different and seperate from our main identities. We don't want any of these youma tracking us down, Shiino." She said taking her silver locks in her fingers and inspecting her changed appearance over once well. "I mean... Superman thinks he can fool people just by putting on glasses for crying out loud! I'm guessing these youma probably aren't that stupid!" she finished nodding to her own logic before turning back to the Togepi. "Alright now, Togepi. Do you know where we can the youma responsible for the Pokefiasco?" she asked pounding her fist into her open palm.
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

"Ugh, my hair's red now?" Shiino said annoyed as she looked over her own form. "And my breasts have shrunk." The other squeezed her breasts once well Lan talked to the Togepi. "Togepi!" "It's disguised as a Mewtwo, and its using its mindcontrol to make the other pokemon act this way. It's in a cave over that way."

The pokemon pointed into the woods, toward a set of mountains in the distance. They'd have to watch out for the other pokemon, but it didn't look like it would be to hard to get there.
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Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

Lan kicked a nearby tree in frustration, "SHIT! OF COURSE IT HAD TO BE A LEGRNDARY POKEMON! Probably at least lvl 60 too if my experience is any indicator! What I wouldnt do to have a master ball on me... And whether you like red hair or not Shiino, your boobs shrinking and hair changing is a huge advantage. They won't be looking a short black haired girl with D cups." Land ribbed her close friend winking at her.

"Hrmmm.... Hey Shiino... About how far away do you think those mountains are? If they're too far away, I'm wondering if I could use mg powers to help me fly... It would make travelling much less of a pain. What do you think, Togepi? Would it be possible for us to fly or teleport to those mountains? If not I guess were just gonna have to bite down, bear it, and keep our eyes peeled while hauling ass." She finished, either way the trio would begin making their way to the mountain where the Youmamon was residing.
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

"Pi" "I don't think its that strong, you two should have no trouble beating it. More likely it is just masking as the Mewtwo because none of the other pokemon will challenge it. The larger threat are the pokemon it has mind controlled into its service."

"The ones we were running from before?" Shiino asked, and the Togepi nodded. "And I'd say they are maybe an hour or two away at most by foot."

The togepi seemed to think for a moment. "Togepi!" "I'm not sure, your powers are your own so its up to you two to find ways to use them."
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

"Hrmmm.... Okay, then... Do I just... think about flying? It can't be that simple can it!? I'm not even really sure what kind of powers I have! I just have 'powers' as far as I know." Lan said clutching her forehead for a moment in deep thought awaiting Togepis answer. "Hey... Shiino, try imagining something you would like to do... Like stop time, or fly and see what happens... I know, it sounds ludicrous... But even though I accepted powers, and were dealing with monsters and magical pokemon inside a video game... Part of me is still trying to wrap my brain around it all..." She would ask her friend, and (hopefully) after some experimentation and trial and error, the two would be able to get their powers in control. If they managed to do successfully, Land would try picturing her and Shiino flying through the sky towards the mountains; heading towards the cave to confront the youma.
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

Shiino would scrunch her eyes, and after a few moments would say. "Well, I can't fly. Let's try something else, like stopping time." Then Shiino was gone and a voice came from right behind Lan's. "Ohh hey it worked. I guess I can control time, I feel like I just stopped running after a few minutes though."

"Togepi" "Atleast a few of your basic powers should come to you naturally, you just need to think of it and it will happen. To get more advanced powers you need to absorb seeds from the youma."
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

"Well... Shit. It looks like were going to have hoof it, Shiino. Do you think we could get like superspeed or something with time control? Also, I might be able to... levitate, us up to the cave once we got to the mountains. I'd rather not stick around longer than necessary, less chance of Pokémon rape that way. And... What do you mean by seeds? They're not like plant people or something are they?" Once Shiino gave her answer to the speed issue and Togepi gave his explanation of seeds, Lan and Shiino would either zoom, or run as fast as they could before needing to rest, their way to the mountains, where Land would try to use her powers to levitate the two of them to the Youmas cave.
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

"Maybe, but my powers take alot out of me, so it'd probably leave me useless if we got into a battle if I sped us up." Shiino said with a shrug.

Meanwhile the Togepi said. "No, the seeds are the Youma's magic condensed into a single item. I can purify it and then you will be able to use it to power yourselves up."

Finally they started to leave the little clearing they had found themselves in, being forced to run. Though Lan's attempt at levitation would work if she actually tried it, but she wouldn't be able to get more speed then a slow walk or get a height that the charzard likely would't be able to grab them at with her current power level.
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

"*huffhuff* Aaaargh! I wasn't aware I was in the friggin track team too, Shiino! *huffpuff* Ha... I'm a... Computer nerd!*huffhuff* I'm not built for track and bloody field!" Lan complained out loudly in between huffs and puffs of air as she and Shiino would make their way to the mountains and cave where the Mewtwo was holding out in eventually. She crash up against a tree some ways away from it, not just to rest from the run but also to conceal herself so she could scope out the situation. She kept her eyes open for anymore horny pokemans that might be lurking about or on patrol. Once she felt that the coast was clear, she would slowly and stealthily as she could make her way into the cave telling Shiino to stay close to her. She would try to hide herself and attempt to follow any pokemon into the cave hoping to be lead to the Mewtwo's den...
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

Shiino wasn't doing much better then Lan, the girl less running and more things like gymnastics. Stopping at a tree beside Lan, the other girl looked around for the trio of horny pokemon as well. Maybe they would be lucky enough to not encounter them on the way there?

(Encounter Roll 1d100 (high is better) = 5)

Unfortunately though, luck was not on there side today. Indeed it seemed it was against them. The two girls heard a roar to there front, and in the clearing before them, the charzard landed with a heavy 'thump.'

Even worse, behind them they heard two other pokemon calls, and turning to look they would see the blaziken and lucario coming up behind them. It looked like they this was going to come to a fight, unless they figured surrendering and waiting till the trio burned out their lust was the better idea.

"Dammit, what do you think we should do Lan." Shiino said as she looked warily at the surrounding pokemon.
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

"We have to fight, Shiino..." Land said rather grimly yet determined. "We can't keep running. We hardly had the endurance to make it this far. Besides, were right there! So I say we make a stand. Either we take them out and rest before going after the youma or we lose and they take us to him. Either way, were right at our goal, so I'm not going anywhere." She said before closing her eyes and focusing all of her concentration and energy to the first boulder or really big rock she could find, Charizards are flying and fighting; so this should do FOUR TIMES damage! If were lucky we might be able to KO at least one of them relatively quickly. she thought to herself as she would devote her mental energies into hurling the sizeable stone at the Charizard and praying to God and Bhudda that it wouldn't dodge...
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

"Okay then, lets do this." Shiino said, moving into what she thought was a fighting stance, and then dissapearing for a moment. The next she was striking Blaziken with a surprisingly powerful uppercut for her size. The pokemon's head snapping back before the creature kicked the girl away from him. Sending Shiino bouncing through the dirt before she righted herself.

Meanwhile Lan managed to pick up the boulder and launched it at the Charzard, the creature nearly dodging the attack, and the resulting grazing hit sapped much of the damage out of Lan's attack, though it seemed to do alot for such a near miss.

Unfortunately for her though she was so focused on Charzard that she missed Lucario coming up behind her. The fighting pokemon didn't hit her with a strike though, instead it went for her outfit. Grabbing her from behind Lan heard a tearing sound, and the next thing she knew she was standing in the nude.

(Team Lan
Lan 4/4 Naked
Shiino 4/5

Team Pokemon
Charzard 3/5
Blazekin 3/4
Lucario 4/4)
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

"KYAAAH!" Land cried out as heard and felt her outfit get ripped off leaving her only in her birthday suit. "YOU STUPID PERVERTMON!" Lan screamed as she would go for a cheap shot and kick the Lucario in the crotch, hoping to at least disable it. If she could manage to do so she would jump back behind a bush before once again focusing on the charizard, this time trying to use her powers to remove its advantage of flight by increasing its personal gravity tenfold; making it too heavy to take off.
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Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

Lan's attempt worked out well, she missed her kick at the Lucario, but the Charzard took to the air just before she put her powers into effect. The result was the pokemon crashing into the ground with a thump. It didn't look too damaging compared to her last attack but a hit was a hit.

Unfortunately for her though the Lucario wasn't done with her yet. The pokemon leaping on her and pinning her to the ground. It's grip seemed very strong, and if she looked down she could see that the pokemon was still as at the ready as it had been before. If she didn't struggle hard enough it was likely the pokemon would take her at any moment.

Shiino meanwhile was firmly distracted dealing with the Blazekin. The girl dissapearing again and delivering a hard strike to the pokemon's back and causing it to let out a cry of pain before it took a swing at her, knocking her away once again.

((Team Lan
Lan 4/4 Naked, Grappled, Grappled+1
Shiino 3/5

Team Pokemon
Charzard 2/5
Blazekin 1/4
Lucario 4/4 Grappling Lan)
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

"AAAAUUUUGH! NOOOOO! GET OFF OF ME DAMNIT!!!" she cried out in anger and desperation as the Lucario tackled her to the ground before closing her eyes, focusing on the fighting pokemon this time; trying to change his personal gravity and hopefully levitating him up into the air. She would try to lift him up enough to kick or fight him off of her, if she wasn't able to lift him right off. "I TOLD YOU BEFORE, IM NOT A FUCKING DITTO!" She would hope that Shiino could hold out on her own for just a lil bit longer.
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

Unfortunately for Lan, she was still new to her power, and her concentration was rather harmed by the Lucario looming over her. So as it was despite her struggles, she wasn't able to get free. Though, after a moment of failing, she didn't feel the pokemon entering her. Instead it looked over at Shiino kicking the Blazekin into unconsciousness well the Charzard started to move after her, and decided here and now might not be the best place. Instead the pokemon grabbed Lan and started to sprint away. Where it was going was unknown, but it was obviously trying to put as much distance between Lan and Shiino as possible.

It looked like Lan had a single chance to possibly escape, but the Lucario's grip was strong, and struggling might just cause it to knock her out. So she could try it, but with Shiino dissapearing into the distance, it might be better if she didn't resist.

(Team Lan
Lan 4/4 Naked, Grappled, Grappled+2, Kidnapped
Shiino 3/5

Team Pokemon
Charzard 2/5
Blazekin 0/4 Fainted
Lucario 4/4 Kidnapping Lan)
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

"Aaaargh.... Nnnoooo...." Lan whined out as she struggled to break free from the fighting Pokemon's grasp; but alas it was to no avail as the pokemon was simply too strong for her to do much about. She was beginning to lose hope until she noticed that Shiino was still up and kicking... Quite literally as she managed to send the Blaziken into dreamland. Sadly the Charizard was still standing and this allowed the Lucario to make off with her, breaking out into a dead sprint putting an unsettling amount of distance between her and her BFF. "SHIINOOOOOOOOOOOOOO......" Lan called out desperately for her best friend as she saw her shrink before eventually disappearing into the horizon...
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

Failing to struggle out of the Lucario's grip, and seeing Shiino get momentarily distracted by her call, enough for the other magical girl to take a hit from the Charzard. Lan would soon be able to see little other then the trees whizzing by, though that wasn't entirely true. The Lucario didn't seem to feel the need to go down at all during it's escape, and the way she as being held gave her a rather good view of pokemon's knotted red member from the side.

It seemed the Lucario had some method of running extremely fast, and it was likely how the trio had caught up to them in the first place. Before she even knew it, they had arrived at the foot of the mountain range. The lucario having adjusted its grip to ensure there was no chance of Lan escaping by now.

A few more minutes and Lan found herself in a cave, though at the very least it seemed empty except for her and the Lucario. Looking at the pokemon, she'd rather quickly notice the lecherous look on its face had returned, and without even setting her down it shifted her in its grip. The new position left her feeling the pokemon's warm prick pressing up against her, resting between the cheeks of her nude rear. Her arms were still pinned to her sides even now, and it looked like the Lucario wasn't planning to wait any longer.
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

"Aaaaargh..... N-n-nooooo..... I don't... I d-dont want my... my first to be... to be like this... P-please... If... If you can understand me... Please... D-dont just... rape me... At least this thing be something... tender... gentle... something... special! Because I don't know what all sex means to you Pokémon, if anything, but to us humans... Especially girls... Its supposed to be something special... Magical... Saved for that one true special someone... Not something to just to be taken by brute force like this... Please... I... Promise... I promise I won't run away! So just please, please! Let this be that special, tender, loving magical moment its susposed to be!.... Please..." she would cry out and plea to the Lucario, her throat going hoarse from her pleading, her eyes red and streaming tears, her nose snotty, and her breaths coming out in short, ragged, croaky spurts. She prayed to any and all gods who would listen that the Lucario understood her and she would get through to it. This was NOT how a girls first time was supposed to be...