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The Weight of Power (TentanariX)


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 23, 2013
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Lan Shuriai was one of the top students at Gekkoukan High School, and benefiting that title, she spent a large amount of time at the school. With her artistry and computer knowledge she had more or less been forced (whether she wanted or not) into both the Art club and the Computer club by her second year, and by now she was the club president of both, which meant she had even more paperwork.

As it was, Lan was working on funding work for the Art Club, when she heard a knock on the door of the art room. If she looked up she'd see her friend Shiino sitting at the door. The girl having a friendly smile as she said. "Working late again Lan? Those clubs really need to let up on you."
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

Ooooh... I wouldn't have minded being in either club, but they forced me to join both! And if that wasn't bad enough, they just decided to make me president of both of them! Without even considering what I felt or thought about it or wanted... Now I'm stuck doing both of the accounting and planning for both clubs when I'd rather be working on my Yuri manga or playing the new fallout 4 beta! *sigh* Lan thought to herself as she toiled and fretted over the finances of said clubs.

After seeing Shiino sitting at the door after looking up towards the knock, Lan looked to her friend with an exasperated half smile with a large sweat drop sliding down her features, "I don't suppose you would be inclined to helping me would you, Shiino? It would make things go twice as fast y'know?" She said with a half hearted, nervous, tired chuckle.
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

"Ya, I'll help you." Shiino said. "Though you really need to tell one of the clubs to go screw themselves. You barely get any time to hang out anymore with all the stuff they have you doing."

The girl settled in to help Lan with the papers, and thanks to that they finished before it started to get dark. "Ugh, seriously, even just doing half the work was a pain. I can't imagine how you handle all this on a daily basis."
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

"Thanks, Shiino. It really can be a pain. Sometimes I just have to swallow my pride and either beg or twist the VP's arm to get to him to help me with it. I swear, I hope they all appreciate what I do around here. If it weren't for me, I bet both these clubs would just fall apart" she said before cracking down on the stacks of paper work; figuring the ledger, sorting out and calculating expenses and the budget, and looking through requests.

"P-phew! Finally! Thank fucking god, right? I'm thinking I should bribe or strong arm the VP to switch out for me, tackle this in shifts. Just because I'm gifted doesnt make me a machine. Seriously, the treasurer and other members could stand to do their own work every now and then..." She said before looking out the window.

"Hrmmm... It'll be dark before too long... When do your folks want you home, Shiino? We might have the time to hit the arcade for a bit, or maybe swing by the snack shop or convenient store for some goodies. You know, a lil congratulatory reward for your services?~" she asked her friend before looping her arm around her neck and pulling her in for a nuzzle.
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

"Ehh I got time, let's hit the arcade." Shiino said with a grin as she half hugged Lan back. "Not like my parents care to much if I'm hope quick or not and you need something to help unwind from all this work."

With that Siino started to drag her friend out of the room and toward the school entrance, looking to put as much distance between her and the paperwork that she could.
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

"A-aaah! Hey, s-slow down a lil, Shiino!" Lan called out as she was drug out by her arm towards the school entrance. "Its like the paperwork traumatized you or something! I know its boring and a real slog at times, but its not like its a wild animal or something" she said laughing a little as she went to get her bicycle from the rack. "Alright Shiino, let's head to the arcade! I wanna try out the new Pokken Tournament cabinet they got in Monday! I wanna be the first to get the #1 spot!" She said as she waited for Shiino to get ready before riding off to the arcade. Once there she would park her bike outside, "Hey Shiino! Get us a couple sodas please? I'll pay you back. But first I gotta blow about five to ten bucks worth of change on here!" She said with a wide Cheshire grin cat face, proceeding to pump quarters in the machine, selecting her top choice Pokémon, Blaziken and trying to clear out story mode.
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

Shiino and Lan got to the arcade in good time, and they'd have a few hours easily before the arcade would close down for the day. Parking there bikes Shiino would say. "Okay, I'll be back in a few minutes."

As Lan headed inside to the arcade machine, she would find it was surprisingly line less, in fact there seemed a lot of people weren't even seeing the new arcade cabinet. Though that seemed like a good thing for Lan as she was able to get to the machine as fast as she wanted.
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

"Weird... Its not usually as dead here is it, Shiino? Is it just because its a school night or something?" She said before her first opponent a Mienshao, appeared. She would finish it off easily, throwing a Dynamic Punch to confuse it, letting it beat itself up before letting it get a hit it once it snapped out of it, only to KO it with a counter. Her next opponent would be a Breloom. It would be a bit trickier, as she was hit with Stun Spore first off, paralyzing her. She would counter back with a Flamethrower once she snapped out of it, following up with a Double Kick and a Brave Bird. But then she was nearly KOed with a Sleep Powder and a Razor Leaf. She managed to finish it off though with a timely Hi Jump Kick, moving onto a new opponent. She would take a short break from her battles to take a quick long swig of her soda once Shiino brought it over to her before giving her friend a tight squeeze. "Thanks, Shiino! You're the best!"
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

Shiino seemed a bit wierded out by how quiet it was as well, though it more seemed to just be in the corner that the new machine was in. "No problem, but why is everyone avoiding here? Seriously you'd think this game would be crowded given its so new."

Lan would also notice something else, the air seemed a bit odd, almost like someone had blued the lights. Though if she looked at them they seemed to be glowing just normally.
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

"... Huh... People may just be busy, or not care for it too much... Though it was kind of advertised the hell out of... And its Pokémon! I'll think about it some more later, you know like when I'm not focused on keeping from getting KO'ed!" She said as dealt with two more opponents, a Chesnaught and a Poliwrath. The Poliwrath gave her a bit of trouble because of Hydro Pump. But she managed to squeak out a victory. She was getting to the top of the tourney tree now, and before too long the boss. Her next two foes were a Meditite and Hawlucha. They cost her a couple of continues due to being part psychic and flying respectively. Her next opponent was a Mega Lucario. He proved to be much more difficult than the rest of the entries, nearly causing her a continue from Close Combat and Aura Blast. However of was the boss, a Mega Mewtwo X that proved to be the real pain in the ass. She had to use up the rest of her cash to just be able to get past the thing. Fucking Psycho Boost and confusion. But she finally managed to overcome the Mega psychic/fighting type and complete the game. She gleefully entered her initials at the top spot with an impressive rank of an S. Once she finished she would pull Shiino to her and struck and anime style V for Victory pose before exclaiming "Success!" She would then go over to the counter before finishing off her soda, crushing the can and tossing it into the waste bin. "Haaah~ I needed that, some much deserved stress relief! Though... Now that I'm not completely absorbed with trying to secure my number one spot, I have to agree with you Shiino. Did no body else show up the entire I was playing even? This place isn't usually any where near this dead, you know?"
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Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

When Lan turned back from the counter, she saw that Shiino had decided to try to beat out her number one spot. "Not a clue, though maybe somethings up?" As Lan headed back to the game she'd notice the blue tint to the air, and the crowds around that had been giving the booth a wide berth seemed to fade away.

Then when she got to the machine itself, things went very weird, very fast. The screen on the machine changed, suddenly dropping to a black screen as if the machine had crash. "Dammit, what the....hell?" Shiino started off annoyed, but as she looked at the black screen she seemed to drift off, and if Lan looked at it she'd feel a weird compulsion to keep looking, to reach out and touch the screen.

Whether she resisted or not, a second later Shiino let out a yelp, her fingers having touched the screen itself, and like water it rippled, before her friend was suddenly yanked into the screen itself. The girl dissapearing into the blackness and leaving just ripples in her wake.
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

"AWWW!~ Nantekotta!? Really! It's supposed to be brand new!" Lan said reaching out and tapping on the screen gently like one might a fish tank. Even as she said and did this, she would feel a weird, fuzzy, staticy pressure in her head like something was trying to grab her hand make her touch the video screen. Though even as she was beginning to place her hand on the screen, she would hear Shiino yelp out in shock as she was suddenly yoinked into the game itself! "AH! SHIINO!" Lan cried out panicked as she saw her best friend disappear into the electronic device. Shiino! Shit, shit, fuck, shit! Wh-what the fuck is going on!? Did Shiino really just get pulled into that game!? Or.... Did someone lace the sodas with PCP!? She thought before grabbing a hold of cheek and pinching and twisting it viciously as to wake herself up. "OW!" she cried out in pain, Fakku... Definitely not a dream! O-o-okay, Lan... Just get a h-hold of yourself! Panicking won't help you or Shiino... I guess... I guess I just gotta try touching the screen again, and go in after her... She took a deep breath of air before gulping audibly and settling her nerves before slowly reaching out to touch her open palm to the black rippling video screen her friend had just disappeared into...
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

Lan reached out for the screen, and the moment her fingers made contact with the surface she felt a powerful force yank her forward, her body being pulled into the machine. As she slipped past the glass, her vision was taken up by bright lights flashing and swirling around her, before she landed on solid ground.

She wasn't the only person where she landed though, Shiino was there, slowly picking herself up, and if Lan looked around, she'd see a number of....pokemon, all staring at her. "Ohh god, what the hell was that?!? Why are there pokemon everywhere?" Shiino said, obviously she didn't realize what had happened to her before she got sucked into the screen.
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

Lan felt as if her stomach had been turned inside out as she was sucked through the vortex into the video screen; with no gravity, sense of direction or perspective she was completely horribly disoriented and befuddled. When she finally landed in... wherever the fucking hell they were, she had to drop down on all fours; she felt like she was about to toss a weeks worth of lunches on the ground from the experience. Her head was swimming like a novice in an ocean storm, her knees were as wobbly as fuck, and her stomach was doing its best impersonation of an Olympic Gymnast. After several moments, Shiinos words finally registered with her...

"Sh-Shiino... I... I know how absolutely bat shit this is going to sound... B-but... But I th-think, I think that we were pulled inside of the game itself! I think were inside a video game world... I... I just don't really know what the fuck else to think!" She said looking around at all of the cute cuddly collectable little Pokeymanz, before gathering her wits, and allowing herself to calm and process everything. "Just... Just stay close to me Shiino. And just think of every Pokemon game you've ever played and every episode you've ever watched; and act accordingly. If we keep our heads on straight, keep our wits and stay cool, I believe we can get ourselves out of this okay?" She said reaching out and grabbing her best friends hand to assure her and keep her calm, while she tried to look around her new surroundings, and seeing if she could find some familiar staples of the Pokemon franchise (apart from the cuddly titular creatures themselves) that she could identify and use for direction.
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

Lan would see nothing around her, just a forest at the edge of the clearing, and a few other pokemon looking at her from there. None of the ones nearby seemed aggressive, actually, that wasn't entirely true. Three pokemon from the roster, a Charzard, a Blaziken, and a Lucario were all looking at them rather odd.

"Umm...is it just me, or do those three kinda look....horny?" Shiino said unsure, maybe it was just her. The trio of pokemon would start to get closer, and the sky seemed to darken a tiny bit. "I-I think we should run Lan."
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

"H-horny!? DO I LOOK LIKE A FRIGGING DITTO!?" Land asked incredulously at Shiinos summation of the three Final Stage Pokémon. "You're right Shiino, I have no interest in being a pokemon day care center whore or seeing any 'Masterballs'," Lab said half seriously and half joking as she would quickly grab Shiinos hand and make like a blue hedgehog with all the Super Emeralds. She would run as fast as she possibly could and as far ad her endurance would allow into the forest, while she was wary of wild Pokémon lurking in there, at the very least it would provide her some cover and hiding with trees and plantlife . PleasenovinetentaclepokemonPleasenovinetentaclepokemonPleasenovinetentaclepokemon!!!!!!
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

The pokemon would pursue the two for some distance, but soon Lan and Shiino would lose them. Still, the pokemon were searching for them. They did discover a different pokemon as they came to a stop though, one that was very much not frighting, a Togepi.

The small egg pokemon looked up at the two girls, and then made its distinct pokemon chirp. "Togepi!" Though oddly enough, the girls seemed to be able to understand just what the pokemon was trying to say.

"You two look like you could use some help."
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

Lan would hunch over as soon as she would find herself having lost the pursuing Pokémon although the trio would still be searching the forest for them. But right when Lan would be considering taking off running again, she would be met by the cute little chirp of a Togepi. At the Togepi's chime Land was surprised that she could understand the Pokemon's message; and for a moment began to wonder if she had been transformed into a Meowth or something. But as soon as she heard and comprehended Togepi's chirp, she would kneel down and rub the Pokemon's head "Hey there, little guy. My name's Lan and this is my best friend Shiino. And yes, we do need help. Were being chased by a trio of horny high leveled Pokémon. Can you help us?"
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

"Toge-Togepi!" "Yes I can help. This game has been tainted by the prescence of a creature called a Youma. I can give you both the power to find and defeat it, which should purify the game. Though in exchange for this power you will have to assist me in purging other such creatures in the future."

Shiino almost seemed to sweatdrop. "H-How did it fit all that in such a short phrase...Still, umm, should we trust it? I mean we did kinda get pulled into a game so its story isn't too unbelievable but maybe its the bad guy."
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

"I don't know.... I'm not a linguist, Shiino! But... Let's consider our options for a moment. We cant keep running from those Pokémon forever, and if they catch us they're going to make us their little fuck toys! If we go with the Togepi, we'll at least be able to fight back. I would rather go down fighting and make them go through hell if were going to be raped. Besides if we don't more people are gonna be sucked in here to be pokeraped. Are you really okay with that!?" She would let it all sink into Shiino for a moment before turning to the Togepi, "All right, my lil egg fairy friend, I accept. I don't want to smack down on innocent Pokémon and I don't intend on being anyone's sex toy. Let's do this!"