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The Wastelands (Alice/xgkf)


Dec 6, 2009
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Name: Alice
Age: 24
Skill: Guns
Reference Image:

Looking to play a Fallout-ish themed game of the EGG, complete with the whole 'person chosen to test the pod/game experience' thing.

I say "Fallout-ish" because I'd like it to generally be set in the Fallout universe: vaults, mutations, monsters, post-apocalyptic survival, etc., but I'm fine with not-strictly-Fallout creatures and stuff being included to if it makes enough sense. As for setting, preferably New Vegas or Fallout 4 if the GM wants to use an existing setting (not necessarily their storyline), but some other wasteland would work just as well, too, if the GM doesn't necessarily want to have to deal with existing characters in those game worlds or their factions, or wants to perhaps explore different parts of the world that the games themselves haven't already.

For the purpose of keeping things sexually appealing, combat, particularly with guns and explosives, would be 'impact' based rather than having bullets and such actually piercing skin or anything and causing any 'real' bloody or gory damage.

It was a rather cool, rainy and in short miserable day outside when Alice received her invitation to the EGG co. building downtown to try out their newest virtual reality chamber. The company had only sent out a limited number of invitations to the public, but thankfully even though she had not received a formal one, she had managed to win hers by getting the gold ball in the lotto drawing at the radio station the weekend before. So now, she was running in out from the rain after leaving her cab, her hoodie sheltering her from the rain as best it could. When she got inside she was greeted by a fetching and pleasant green haired woman in a labcoat and short skirt, "Greetings, miss. Do you have an invitation, and if so may I have your name?"
Re: The Wastelands (Alice/xgkf)

"Ahh, hi there! That I do!" Alice replied as she pulled the hood back from her head, giving a friendly smile back to the receptionist despite having to bite back a shiver caused by the rain. She then retrieved her invitation from the pocket of her hoodie and handed to the other woman. "Here you go. My name's Alice."
Re: The Wastelands (Alice/xgkf)

The receptionist took her invitation examining for a moment before smiling and replying, "Very well, Miss Alice. Please, follow me." She said as she would lead Alice to a white circular room, everything was white and sterile, and it smelled of sanitizing and cleaning supplies. Very medical. Inside they were greeted by another fetching green haired woman, this one also wearing a lab coat but she was dressed in a grey sweater, and black miniskirt, with white stockings and black high heels. Also her was let down. "Miss Alice, this is Jun Hasigawa, the head of research and development team." Hello there, Alice. Welcome to EGGCO. I take it you're our newest participant for testing the new engine? I hope you find your time in the egg exciting and satisfactory. Please step right over here, to our newest model." she said in a friendly tone as she led Alice to stainless steel reclining chair with two or three panels extending from either side that seemed to close in around the main seat. It was like something out of a sci fi movie! Once Alice would take a seat in the device she would be presented with a menu.

Humans: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5 where 1 is rarely and 5 is often)
Male/Female: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Female/Female: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Pregnancy: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Birthing: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Non Consent Sex: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
BDSM: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Slavery: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Monsters (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Roughness: (How gentle are the monsters when you lose?): This is left vague on purpose, a number can't properly convey this setting.
______(Feel free to add new ones, though I may not run it if I'm not into it)

Difficulty select: Easy Normal Hard Hardcore

It would look like the easy setting was greyed out, and therefore not available.
Re: The Wastelands (Alice/xgkf)

"It's nice to meet you, Jun," Alice replied, giving a small nod of acknowledgement to the attractive woman's introduction before following her over to the seat indicated to her, feeling a tad overwhelmed as she looked around the room. Everything seemed a little more 'medical' than she was expecting given the fact that she was here to help test what amounted to a highly advanced video game, but perhaps not surprising given the virtual reality nature of it, especially considering how similar it seemed to an anime she'd seen recently with this same sort of setup. 'It really is amazing how advanced technology is getting,' Alice thought idly as she took her seat in the sci-fi-looking steel chair.

Almost as soon as she was settled in, a menu popped for her to choose a series of options for her game, causing her to blush slightly at exactly what it was the options governed, despite knowing full well what to expect in that regard after reading through the info-packet that EGGCO had sent to her. that tinge of embarrassment faded quickly, though. 'It's what I'm here for, after all.' She knew it, and the technicians in here with her knew it, so there was no point being embarrassed, she thought as she set about filling out the options before her.

Humans: Y 5
Male/Female: Y 5
Female/Female: Y 5
Pregnancy: Y 1 (No 'human' pregnancy, but occasional egging and/or similar are okay)
Birthing: Y 1 (No 'human' birthing, but egg laying and/or larva are okay)
Non Consent Sex: Y 5
BDSM: Y 3 (Light bondage such as restraints/collars and dom/sub play, nothing painful or overly fancy)
Slavery: Y 3
Monsters (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): Y 3
Roughness: (How gentle are the enemies when you lose?): A little rough, depending on how hard it was for them to win, but nothing overly painful.

Robots: Y 2
Animals (Dogs): Y 4

With her options set, she went over them a couple times before skipping down to the difficulty selection and set it to "Normal". She wasn't opposed to a challenge in games, but she didn't know yet what 'normal' was for this experience, so she didn't want to push it too hard right away. Maybe if she found things too easy she would up the difficulty later, but for now 'normal' would do.

With her settings locked in, she took a moment to make sure she was comfortable in her chair before relaxing and waiting to see what happened next.
Re: The Wastelands (Alice/xgkf)

After inputting her desired settings Alice would feel a sense of weightlessness for a brief moment before finally settling down on solid ground. She would find herself what a stereotypical TV sitcom neighborhood, there were several small houses lined in row all with white picket fences. There were children running, playing and laughing. People were out and about chatting each other up. If she looked around in the house she found herself in, she would find a print out of three stapled pieces of paper labeled WISC-IV Personality Test. It was full of dozens on dozens of different questions all apparently meant to gauge her personality. If she looked through it, she would find herself met with a chart:


You may rearrange each of these to suit your style. Additionally, you have 5 extra points to distribute how you wish.

Once she finished filling it out the char would vanish, and she would find something on the back of the last page of the Printout: "How would you describe yourself? Lucky, athletic, strong, intelligent, observant, or charming?"

((Pick a Perk))

After she finished filling out the chart she would be rocked out of whatever thought she was in by a loud alarm klaxon and the sound of several confused people murmuring and discussing in hushed paniced tones. At this time she could either chat with any of the people milling about or take a look into the situation herself. Either way she would later be greeted by a buzzer and the sound of what could only be a massive steel vault door opening. If she explored to check out the sound, she would be presented with a jarring site: a barren post war, apocalyptic wasteland sprawling out before her eyes into the horizon...
Re: The Wastelands (Alice/xgkf)

As Alice closed her eyes for a moment while she settled in, a sense of weightlessness briefly came over her before feeling her feet back on solid ground again, and opened her eyes to find that she was apparently now in the game world all of the sudden, amazed at how quickly and smoothly the transition had been, and how amazing everything looked around her.

After looking a round for a moment she spotted a few sheets of paper stapled together on the a table, a 'personality test' of some kind, according to the title, followed by a series of questions for such, as well as a chart that she instantly recognized as the 'S.P.E.C.I.A.L.' attribute points from the Fallout series. "Of course, this must be my 'character creation'," she said to herself, briefly looking it over again before setting about adjusting her given attribute points accordingly:

STRENGTH - 4 [COLOR="Red"](-1)[/COLOR]
CHARISMA - 7 [COLOR="Green"](+2)[/COLOR]
INTELLIGENCE - 6 [COLOR="green"](+1)[/COLOR]
AGILITY - 6 [COLOR="green"](+1)[/COLOR]
LUCK - 5

With her S.P.E.C.I.A.L. points set, Alice saw that she was given the option to select a Perk as well, but wasn't quite sure what she wanted to take yet as she wasn't sure how or where the game would start her out, or what she might need so early, so she decided to bank that Perk point for now.

Almost immediately upon finishing with her basic character creation, the sound of an alarm filled the area, prompting her to go and investigate what was going on. 'Guess my game's about to begin,' she thought, both a little anxious and excited for the experience that awaited her.
Re: The Wastelands (Alice/xgkf)

As Alice walked up to the door leading out to the 'real world', she would find two large boxes bearing the Vaultec emblem and a crowbar she could use to pry them open and take any goodies stashed inside. Inside the crates she would find a thick heavy fur coat, a couple of med pacs, a few packages labeled "Big Horn Jerky", a couple of bottles of Purified Water, A single shot rifle with two full magazines, and her very own PIPBOY. If she ventured to look outside, she would find the outside world was frozen and cold, with a layer of fresh snow covering the ground surrounding the vault. If she had to venture a guess she would be somewhere north, most likely Canada. There was a branching road a few hundred feet off in the distance with a sign. Upon closer inspection she would see that it read:

---> Mooseport
<----- Clifton
^ Icehaven
v Ridgeway

After reading over the sign she was left with a choice of which direction to head out into...

Luck Roll for loot: 81
CHA 5= +0% chance of finding rare items (bobbleheads, etc.)
Re: The Wastelands (Alice/xgkf)

After equipping and stashing away all the gear that she'd retrieved from the crates, Alice took few moments to fiddle with and acquaint herself with how everything felt; focusing mostly on how it felt to aim and reload the rifle, and how to work the PIPBOY. She was amazed at how realistic and natural it all felt to her. Thoroughly impressed with her 'Fallout: EGG Edition' experience already, Alice made her way outside the Vault to have a look around, curious to see what sort of environment the game would be starting her in, and already eager to find some new clothing to wear instead of a hideous Vault Jumpsuit.

"Well, at least with the jumpsuit and this heavy coat I'll still be warm," she thought aloud to herself as she emerged unto what proved to be a cold, snowy outside world, before looking around and spotting a road sign off in the distance.

Alice would opened up her PIPBOY as she approached the sign and see if it had a functioning map. She was glad to see that it did, but frowned as she saw nothing but her own location and the location of the Vault she'd come from marked on it. 'Damn. Makes sense, though, since I haven't discovered anything else yet...' she thought to herself as she re-focused on the sign. Without a surefire way to gauge how far away each location was, she decided to leave it up to fate (aka. a round of Eenie, Meenie, Miney, Moe) before setting off along the road leading to Mooseport, keeping at eye out to either side of the road as she walked in case she stumbled upon anything of interest or value.
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Re: The Wastelands (Alice/xgkf)

As lice made her way down the cold, frozen, snowy roads she would find that her trip was note or less uneventful for the first few hours; but half way to her destination she would catch a low violent growl coming from the left of her from a thick swath of forest. After a few moments the growl would be accompanied by a fairly sizeable arctic wolf. It had crimson red eyes, large sharp teeth, its white fur was thick and oddly fwuffy, and it did not seem to want company.

Walf Init Roll(1d20)+0:

Alice Init Roll(1d20)+0:

Walf attacks first

Walf Attack Roll(1d20)+0:
Total:2 Miss

Alice Defense Roll(1d20)+0:
Total:14 COUNTER!

Snow Wolf
FP 3/3 AP 3/3
FP 5/5 AP 3/3 PP 5/5 Armor 2 (jacket)
Re: The Wastelands (Alice/xgkf)

After a good while walking, Alice began to regret her choice to go to Mooseport a little bit, leaving her to grumble convinced that at least one of the other towns would probably have been a shorter hike. At least the game seemed to be generous in terms of keeping the environment relatively comfortable; she had been walking for a long time, but her legs and feet weren't sore and she wasn't feeling particularly tired or winded like she usually was after similar morning walks in real life. She also didn't feel like she was freezing like she probably should be, especially considering the snow-covered environment around her.

There was a noticeable chill in the air that she could feel, but it never got to the point where it felt uncomfortable or caused her to shiver. A few thoughtful features of the EGG, Alice assumed, making sure that her general experience of just existing in the environment remained at least pleasant enough to 'want' to continue playing.

She was then drawn out of her thoughts by a low growl coming from the underbrush off to her left, soon followed by a fairly large arctic wolf emerging to block her path. Alice stopped in her tracks as she met its crimson red eyes and brought her rifle to the ready. "Easy there, boy..." she began calmly, slowly taking steps that would take her around the wolf, if possible. "I'm just passing through, no one needs to get hurt..." she finished, hoping to not have to shoot white-furred beast. Alice loved dogs, and always disliked having to kill them in games - even wolves. She did if she had to, though, and wouldn't hesitate to do so here as well if the wolf made any aggressive moves.

Alice will first try to calmly go around the wolf to avoid fighting it if possible. If it attacks, though, she will shoot to kill from that point on unless the wolf decides to flee at any point
Re: The Wastelands (Alice/xgkf)

Alice's Charidma Roll(1d100)+7:
Wolfs Perception Roll:(1d100)+0:
Success, Wolf goes from Hostile to indifferent

As Alice speaks and attempts to move away in a non threatening manner, the wolf tracked her curiously, sniffing about around her pack before it would begin whining a little, softly. It appeared to be hungry and seemed to pick up on the scent of her jerky. At this point, Alice could either ignore the hungry animal at this point and continue onwards or offer it some of her jerky she got from the crate...
Re: The Wastelands (Alice/xgkf)

Alice narrowed her eyes slightly as the wolf began curiously sniffing around her, ready to defend herself if necessary as the animal seemingly took stock of her. The soft whine that followed surprised her, however, and the beasts overall mood seemed to shift as well. A stark contrast to its very hostile-sounding introduction. It was then that she remembered the food in her pack that she'd found in the crates before, coming to the conclusion that the wolf must be hungry and could smell the jerky on her.

'Hmm... I wonder...' Alice thought to herself, moving slowly to retrieve a piece of the jerky from her pack so as not to startle the wolf with a sudden movement. "Are you hungry, boy? It's okay, see?" she said, holding out the piece of jerky for the wolf to inspect before gently tossing it to him if he hadn't already taken it out of her hand. She hadn't expected it, but maybe if she played this right Alice could get herself a traveling companion right from the start...
Re: The Wastelands (Alice/xgkf)

The wolf's ears perked up as Alice held out the stick of processed meat for it, cocking its head to the side, before sniffing at the treat and taking a few tentative licks at it. Finally, it would pluck the tasty item out of her hands into its mouth before muching it down, licking it teeth and lips once finished. Once it was done eating it would lap at Alice's hand and fingers friendly like before nuzzling into her leg, panting happily. Alice had just made a new canine companion!

((The Arctic wolf is now Alice's faithful companion. It will attack on her initiative and help defend her against threats. It can also help uncover secrets by sniffing out items or other hidden paths and objects. Non human companions will only be subdued. Humans will only be taken hostage. No permadeath.))

Once the wolf finished eating she would be allowed to continue on her way towards Mooseport. She would find the rest of the trip to be rather uneventful, and would finally arrive at the town. When she got there she would find a bar, a couple of general stores, a hotel and a jail.
Re: The Wastelands (Alice/xgkf)

Alice was practically beaming as the wolf nuzzled against her leg, panting happily after having accepted and munched down the strip of jerky that she'd offered it. The girl's presumed acquisition of her new canine companion was then confirmed shortly thereafter by a brief prompt from the EGG which outlined the basics. "Awesome!" she said happily, reaching down to run her hands along the beasts beautiful white fur and affectionately scratch behind his ears. "I'm gonna call you 'Snow'! Not the most original of names, sure...but fuck it, it works. Alright, boy, let's go!" Alice finished, setting off again towards Mooseport with her new friend in tow.

The second half of the trip was as uneventful as the first half had been before running into Snow, but it gave Alice some time to think about her new wolf companion and exactly how she should behave around him. She new wolves were pack animals by nature, but she didn't know how...strictly the EGG would try to emulate that sort of personality. Should she try to be commanding and authoritative around Snow to assert herself as the 'alpha' of the group? If she didn't, and just tried to be friendly and loving towards him like she sort-of had in her excitement of having acquired him, would that make him view her as 'weak' and cause him to try and assert himself as her alpha? Or would it even matter since the game now registered Snow as her companion, meaning that he just permanently viewed her as the alpha regardless of how she treated him?

While she didn't want to admit it, the naughtier side of her subconscious kinda liked the idea of option 2, but Alice quickly buried those thoughts for the time being and focused on the road ahead, before finally arriving at Mooseport.

As she entered the town, Alice would first scope out the general stores in search of clothing to replace her Vault jumpsuit, instructing Snow to wait outside by the door if the respective stores' owners' objected to the wolf's presence inside.
Re: The Wastelands (Alice/xgkf)

As Alice would finally make her way to Mooseport and into the general store, nobody seemed to make much of a scene about Snow, one man even rubbing his head a lil, causing him to emit a wary growl, not threatening, just defensive; before slipping past Alice into the snow. She would be met by a friendly average build, but athletic looking middle aged man, wearing a brown, fur trimmed, leather jacket, flannel shirt, heavy pants, and fur lined fingerless gloves. He had a neatly trimmed beard, and a sock cap topping his head. "Oh! Hey there, lil lady! Welcome to Mooseport. Judging from your outfit, it looks like you just got outta da fridge, eh? I'm guessing you don't got any caps then, eh? I'm afraid I can't help you without any payment unfortunately. But if you wanna make some cap, then there's probably job postings up in the lobby of the Jail and hotel. Come back when you have some money, eh? Oh by the way, my name is Lucien."

Alice would sadly need to make money in order to get more than her starting equipment and unfortunately there were no caps in the crates. But as she would exit the general store, she would be met by a woman in a parka, heavy pants, combat boots, and gauntlets. Her eyes were covered by snow goggles, which removed revealed a set of emerald green orbs that shone with a spark of life, despite the wary dullness of a hard life. She would bumo into Alice handing her a hockey puck before addressing her. "Hey, there. If you're looking for steady pay, Canaco is always looking for capable courtiers. The work can be kind of perilous at times, but the pay is good most of the time, and stable. Take this to the Canaco chapter in Ice Haven. Its only a short 3-5 mile trek from here on foot. Just tell them Julie sent you, eh?" And with that the woman hopped up on her dog sled and sped off in the direction she pointed Alice to. She had two options now: either head to the hotel or jail as Lucien suggested, or take Julie up on her offer and head to Ice Haven...
Re: The Wastelands (Alice/xgkf)

Alice couldn't help feeling a little dejected as the merchant Lucien turned her away due to not having any caps to barter with. She had hoped that she'd be able to possibly trade her Vault jumpsuit itself for something, but perhaps it simply wasn't worth anything so the man didn't even bother giving her the option. She took interest in the availability of a job board, however, definitely a good way to find things to do and earn money in games like this; almost a staple, really.

As she left the store and began heading off towards the hotel to check the available jobs, however, she was interrupted by a woman who was quite suitably geared up herself, who abruptly handed her a hockey puck for some reason before addressing her with her own offer of steadily paying work; as a courier for something called Canaco. She apparently already had her first delivery as well in the form of this hockey puck, which was destined for Ice Haven.

Why she was suddenly given this task for seemingly no reason, and certainly with no guarantee that she would even do it, Alice had no idea. Even so, a simple nod and an "Uh... Okay," was about all she could muster before the woman, Julie, was off on her dog sled in the same direction she'd pointed Alice in.

"Well, I guess we've got our first job, then. Ay, boy?" Alice said offhand to Snow before pocketing the hockey puck. 'Still, might as well check the job postings at the hotel, too. Might be able to kill two birds with one stone if anything there is also related to Ice Haven, or can just be done on the way...' she thought before resuming her walk to the hotel.
Re: The Wastelands (Alice/xgkf)

As Alice arrived at the hotel, she would see several posters tacked up onto a corkboard:


It would seem that Alice would have several possible options for additional work along with transporting the puck to the Canaco branch at Ice Haven. Though some of them might seem a little... much for at present. Of course she could also check out the postings at the jail for wanted posters or the likes...
Re: The Wastelands (Alice/xgkf)

Alice briefly eyed the various posters on tack-board, quickly nixing three of them off as possibilities right off the bat. The Deathclaw and the Frost Giant Territory would be suicide this early on, and she wasn't all that interested in the Brotherhood of Steel for the time being. She wasn't opposed to the NCRMP, seeming to be a sort of militia looking for recruits, but she would look into that later. For the immediate future, the bounty that seemed to be placed on the masks of whatever this 'Goal Tender Band' was - likely a local gang of some kind - would be something she could keep in her back pocket should she collect any of them as she went.

With notes on the jobs stored in her PipBoy, Alice decided to see if the jail's listings were any different; maybe give herself a heads-up for any local ne'er-do-wells that she may need to watch out for, or collect the bounty on.

Either way, once she'd made notes of whatever was available on the jail's job board, Alice would set off towards Ice Haven to begin her first mission, eager to collect whatever payment was offered and finally find some new gear.
Re: The Wastelands (Alice/xgkf)

As Alice would make her way to the jail she would be greeted by a securitron robot with a picture of a mounty on his monitor "Oi! G'Day to lil missus! New here in Mooseport, eh!? My name is Dudley! Pleased to make your acquaintance, ay! What might be bringing you to our little jailhouse, ay?" If she looked around there would be an officer resting in a chair on one end, in standard police garb and an actual mounty dressed in the typical uniform of the Royal Mounted Police.
Re: The Wastelands (Alice/xgkf)

"I'm Alice, nice to meet you," she would reply to the securitron before giving a nod in greeting/acknowledgment to the human officer who was present as well. "I'm about to head out to Ice Haven and thought I'd check to see if there are any bounties that I might either want to try and track down, or need to watch out for along the way."