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The voyage to an unknown world (Human Introduction)

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Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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It was a fairly clouded night. A cool breeze was constantly blowing on all those who were breathing the fresh ocean air. A large ship, meant for transporting travelers was to be seen, traveling on the open sea. The waters were calm, and the moon shined beautifully against the face of the water. The sailors took this as a good omen for their travels, and were in high spirits, despite the stories about the supposed island they were venturing to...

Anticipation is high, preventing a comfortable sleep for anyone seeking one. The brig below the ship carries a powerful scent of food being prepared in celebration of the safe voyage, some plates already being handed out to those eager to eat. Others less eager to eat were enjoying themselves, either conversing, or gambling with each other. It seemed like everyone was in a great mood.

The heroes of this story, Heigho, Grave, a catboy, Desmas, and Kalicia, all either hired volunteers, slaves brought against their will, or mercenaries, are aboard this ship, and it will be up to them to find the mystery behind this strange island, where is it said no one returns...

(This'll be your introduction posts. Basically, all you have to do is post what your character is doing during the events taking place. And next post after, the action begins.)
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Re: The voyage to an unknown world (Human Introduction)

Heigho sits on a railing, looking back over his shoulder at the sea, his large hammer propped against the railing next to him, wondering why he was asked to come along. He sat there, waiting for the long journey to finish, hoping there was a village in need of a blacksmith on the accursed island.
Re: The voyage to an unknown world (Human Introduction)

Nerem laid somewhere hidden, looking up at the moon from behind a crate. He would stretch out a bit, and sniff the air, finding that instead of the smell of seawater he found food. He got up, and followed his nose, attempting to make his way to the food, rumbling sounds coming from his stomach as he tried to find the food, ignoring anyone on the way there.

Once at the brig he would find some food, and start eating, hoping nobody would notice he didn't pay for anything, nor did he sign up anywhere. He didn't even know where the ship was going, and he didn't care either, as he had to find something to do with his life anyway it might as well be going on an adventure to wherever the ship would take him. He would sit back, and let out a short burp as he looked down to an empty plate.
Re: The voyage to an unknown world (Human Introduction)

Grave was leaning against the main mast, staring into the distance. He was a hired volunteer - apparently, people with his talents were needed even at a place like this. He already ate before, and now was observing the sea. His usual grimace had been replaced with a thoughtful look. In fact, right now Cynder was pondering the gamble he decided to throw everything upon - a game in which he had nothing to lose, but a lot to gain. This island held many posibilities, but most likely many dangers as well. Grave shrugged. If everything failed, at least he would be able to find peace, away from the rest of the world, and perhaps a chance to study the nature.
Re: The voyage to an unknown world (Human Introduction)

Desmas was down below, sprawled out and relaxing on the floor among the ships supplies. He didn't feel like really walking around on the boat, as in his mind, contact leads to conflict, and he didn't want to bother anyone while they were at sea. He had only figured he'd come downstairs and take a bit of food when most people are leaving, but for the most part, he wanted to keep to himself.
Re: The voyage to an unknown world (Human Introduction)

(Many of these will have similarities, but I figured I'd make them each from your own character's perspective.)


As Heigho looks at the ocean, his mind lost in the rhythm of the sea, he suddenly notices an oddity in the water's movements. It may have been just a fish that wondered too close to the water's top, but something about it struck Heigho as odd. Looking closer by instinct, Heigho was suddenly surprised by some very strange sounds coming from the direction he was looking, almost like wet suction cups. Looking down, he'd spot the strangest thing he'd likely ever seen.

A nude woman, with the lower body of what seemed to be an octopus and an odd pot on her head, was climbing right up towards him. What made things worse, was that she was accompanied by several others just like her. At that time, it hit him, the ship was under attack by monsters! The crew went into a panic as the other monsters boarding the ship, some shouting, "Monsters!" as they were attacked. Some of the crewmen were pinned by the monsters, and appeared helpless as the octopus women were doing... Something to them.

The next thing he knew, the octopus lady pulled upwards hard with her tentacles, and flew straight up towards Heigho, her suction cups reaching out for him. She was moving fast, and he sure he couldn't swing the hammer fast enough to retaliate.


As Cynder pondered his reason, and what might lie ahead, he was suddenly interrupted out of his thoughts when the crewmen started shouting, "Monsters!" And when Grave turned to look, he saw monstrous creatures, nude women, with the lower body of what seemed to be an octopus, all wearing odd pots on their heads, attacking the crewmen aboard the ship. And before Cynder knew it, he suddenly felt a tentacle attach, and yank him off of his footing, slamming his back hard against the deck. One of the monsters did this, and didn't stop there, quickly climbing on top of him, and wrapping her other tentacles around him, holding his limbs down.

She leaned down at him, smiling evilly, "Been a while since more humans dared to show up." she said. She trailed her hand along Grave's cheek, "You've got some beautiful eyes, human... You wanna tell me your name, before I make you mine?"


Surprisingly, no one seemed to pay much attention to Nerem at all. No matter how scared Nerem must have gotten at being called out, nothing happened. Even the captain walked right by him without a second glance. This allowed him to eat to his heart's content. Even walking up with everyone else, the chef happily gave him the food he wanted. What's more, some of the girls noticed they hadn't seen him on the ship before, and gave him many suggestive glances...

After finishing his food, following the burp, suddenly there were cries of distress coming from above. Men yelling loudly, and sounds even from the sides of the ship, sounds of suction cups filled the room around him. Nerem suddenly got the feeling that something bad was happening, very bad...


After Desman felt he'd waited long enough, mostly after the noise in the area above him died down, he felt that was the best time to grab something to eat. Going up the stairs, getting a much stronger whiff of the food, he saw there was still plenty left over, as well as two strange people in the room with him. One was a boy with cat ears, and a tail sticking out from the chair he was sitting on, with fur only covering those parts. The other was more like a leopard girl, her fur orange, with black slashes as the design. She seemed more mutated than the boy, having both the ears and tail, along with her hands and feet replaced with paws. She was eating a fish, holding it between her front paws, eating the disgusting looking raw thing with vigor.

However, before he could even enjoy his food, suddenly there were cries of distress coming from above. Men yelling loudly, and sounds even from the sides of the ship, sounds of suction cups filled the room around him. It sounded like the ship's crew was in danger!


Kalicia was down below with the other crewmen, getting her own bite to eat among the others. Even now, after so much time with the shipmates, she was still getting suggestive looks from the crewmen. As a half animal, she could never stand wearing clothes, and wore a little as possible, enough to cover her decency. And of course, this attracted many eyes to her body.

Her dish was a delicious raw fish. Not even getting a plate, she reached out with her paws and took it from the chef eagerly, taking it to a nearby table, and eating it heartily. However, before she could even finish half of it, suddenly there were cries of distress coming from above. Men yelling loudly, and sounds even from the sides of the ship, sounds of suction cups filled the room around her. It sounded like the ship's crew was in danger!
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Re: The voyage to an unknown world (Human Introduction)

Heigho notices the monsters, looking on in horror as they climb, grasping his hammer, but not having the time to bring it up to strike the monster. He falls to the deck, face-first, his heavy hammer clenched in hand "W-w-what are you, a demon?" he asks, turning over on his back and slowly trying to back away by pushing with his legs against the deck, scared out of his mind at the monster attack
Re: The voyage to an unknown world (Human Introduction)

Nerem would smile at any of the girls he noticed to glance at him, but besides that he ignored them so he could eat. He thought it was odd nobody asked him why he was there, but didn't mind, as the resulting conversation could have turned out to be very awkward for him. Once finished eating he tried to look for some of the girls, but as soon as he heard the yells from the men on the deck he would run back to the brig, and try to find a crate or barrel to hide behind while he listened for sounds, hoping the other people at the ship would soon fix whatever caused the screams. Every few seconds he tried to peek over from out of his hiding place to see what happened in the room, which would result in anybody that would look in his direction seeing a pair of cat ears just above a crate or barrel.
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Re: The voyage to an unknown world (Human Introduction)

Grave couldn't help but smirk when the female monster complimented him. Usually, people were afraid of him because of his eyes, but apparently this rule didn't apply to those creatures... Whatever they were. Cynder found this quite ironic. However, he didn't want to spend his day in the company of this creature, and he certainly didn't want to stay pinned. He tried to force his way out of the monster's grasp - most likely a futile effort. Grave could feel his heartbeat becoming faster, and a wave of heat - a sign that he was starting to feel very stressed. He even began to wonder whether he was going to die... That didn't make him sound less sarcastic, though. "Does it really matter, whether you know my name or not?"
Re: The voyage to an unknown world (Human Introduction)

Kalicia frowned and so badly wanted to finish eating but she knew if there was danger something had to be done. Biting down hard on her fish she then darted for the door making headway to go investigate while not even daring to elave her meal behind on the table. muffled grumbling noises coming from her mouth as she headed for the deck.
Re: The voyage to an unknown world (Human Introduction)


The monster woman chuckled, "Something like that." she responded, before lashing out one of her tentacles, attaching one of the suction cups to the hammer, taking it, and flinging it away across the ship. Then her other tentacles quickly took advantage of the weaponless man, wrapping around his limbs, squeezing hard enough to hurt him, in order to let him know who's in control. Then, she moved up, enough so that she was on top of him. She reached down to his pants, and began to slowly remove them, letting the thought of what was happening seep into his mind, so she could see the look on his face.

After pulling down his lower clothing, the woman trailed down Heigho's body, so that her head was right near his cock. She grinned evilly at him, before grabbing the soft member with her hand, and putting it in her mouth, sucking on him fiercely, and quickly, getting him ready for sex.


Quickly hiding in hopes that the crewmen resolved whatever was happening above, Nerem would stay for sometime, the danger only sounding to get closer, before even the people in the room with him were screaming in fear. But, the strange part of it all was, there was laughter as well, followed by sounds of struggle. As Nerem slowly looked up to peak, a nearby octo-lady saw the pair of ears peaking up from a box, and lashed out with one of her tentacles, sticking her cups to his back, and lifting him up from his hiding place.

"Well, well, well," she said, amused at her catch, "looks like I caught myself a kitty cat! A cute one to!" she laughed. Her other tentacles quickly ensnared each of his limbs, holding them in check as she drew him in closer. She placed one of her hands on his crotch, and smiled, "I might actually take you back home with me, but..." she gave his crotch a squeeze, "Do you think you can keep up, kitty cat?"


A tentacle slowly wrapped around Grave's neck at that question, while she giggled seductively, "Why, so I'll know what name to give my children, when they ask who their father is..." She sat up straight, drawing away from Grave's face. Then, Cynder felt one of her slimy tentacles slip into the belt of his pants, as well as others, all intent on the purpose of removing his lower garments. Once that was done, she parted her tentacles enough so that she could show him what was happening 'down there,' and apparently, the human part of her happened to end... At the genitalia. A very human-like vagina was over his exposed cock, and she began by trailing her pussy up and down his currently soft member, her already wet pussy soaking his cock. She was smiling triumphantly over him, as she stimulated him with her back and forth movements, her pussy lips quickly making him hard...


Running on all fours, Kalicia quickly made her way up the stairs, and once she nearly reached the top side, her path was suddenly blocked by a strange, half-woman, half-octopus. She was naked, except for a strange pot on her head, and before Kalicia could stop in time, she found herself ramming into the beastly woman. The monster responded by quickly entangling her with it's tentacles, and once it had Kalicia in it's grip, she panted, and laughed a little.

"Why in such a rush, little kitty?" she asked with humor in her tone. The monster woman quickly got to work, eagerly taking off the minor bra that Kalicia had on, as well as her panties. "Oh, perfect!" she exclaimed when she saw Kalicia's nude body. She smiled at the cat woman, and drew her in closer. Kalicia could feel something slimy, and wet suddenly start rubbing along her pussy, as one of the monster's tentacles started teasing her pussy lips.

On the ground with the monster, Kalicia was on her side, tied by tentacles, with one of her legs in the air, and a tentacle sliding itself along her nether. The octo-woman smiled happily, "What's your name, little kitty?" she asked seductively.


Waiting with the others, who were all just as confused as he was, Desmas heard what very obviously sounded like a losing battle. There wasn't even any sounds of men fighting anymore, he could only hear movement above, and some shouting after a time. Following this, whatever was above apparently found it's way down, meaning they all were likely in big trouble. He saw monstrous creatures, nude women, with the lower body of what seemed to be an octopus, all wearing odd pots on their heads barge into the lower deck where Desmas and the other crew members waited in fear.

The following events came quickly, a little over a dozen of them came in, overtaking the frightened passengers of the ship, both men and women, and forcing them down. Not long before one came after him as well, the ruckus going on around him made it so he could not see the attack coming, and so he was wrapped in slimy tentacles accordingly, the suction cups firmly sealing him to the monster woman's appendages.

With her prey in her grip, the monster woman slammed Desmas onto the floor, knocking the wind out of him as she pounced, and landed on him. The next thing he knew, Desmas felt her remaining tentacles, worming around his lower regions, all seeming to be both intent on removing his lower garments, and gripping his cock...
Re: The voyage to an unknown world (Human Introduction)

*Kalicia gave a startled eep as she bowled into the creature spittingher fish out in the process as she struggled to get up and away the though of biting into one of those tentacles holding her crossed her mind before she gave a sudden loud mewl and gasp at the teasing tendril* "w-w-what?! why should i tel you anything lemme go before i get mean!"
Re: The voyage to an unknown world (Human Introduction)

A deep blush came to Nerem's face as he felt the woman's hand on his crotch, unsure of how to react to a strange creature making such direct advances on him. "I..Er.. Maybe I think I can try?" He said, trying to weakly struggle against the tentacles holding his arms in an attempt to get them free, though he didn't expect it to work. He wasn't anywhere near the strongest, which he made up for with being fast, making it nearly impossible for him to escape anything that would have held him. Curiosity soon got to him, and he looked down over the woman's tentacles. "..What are you?"
Re: The voyage to an unknown world (Human Introduction)

Grave wasn't prepared for such a turn of events. He felt embarassed by this sudden "attack", and the fact that his body responded naturally didn't help him feel better. Cynder could feel anger boiling somewhere down within him. He tried his best to focus on the monsters face. "Tch... A bit fast, aren't you?" Grave spoke through gritted teeth. He didn't want to let anyone hear him making weird sounds... Altough the fact that Cynder wasn't familiar with the sensation he was feeling right now made it a bit difficult.
Re: The voyage to an unknown world (Human Introduction)

Heigho was about to react to her words, when she had grabbed the hammer from his hands and flung it across the deck, then began to hold him down "W-why are you doing this?!" he both screams and asks at the same time, a wave of pleasure sweeping over his body as he sucked him off "T-This would normally be heaven for me.......I-if I only knew your name........"
Re: The voyage to an unknown world (Human Introduction)

Before Desmas could react, trying to decide whether to hide or gather the people around him and head up to the deck to help, the door had been broken in. The attackers weren't human though.. at least not fully. By the time he came to, the situation had turned dangerous, and he was slammed to the ground. The woman....thing had mounted him and was now rustling through his clothes with her slimy appendages. He didn't want to conflict with the girl, she was obviously much stronger than him, but he didn't want to give up willingly. More confused than scared, he hesitated in really struggling, but instead looked up at her. "What do you want from me? Please stop." He tried to plead with her, at least trying to find out what this woman was capable of.
Re: The voyage to an unknown world (Human Introduction)


The monster woman laughed at Kalicia's threat, "Feisty! Just the way I like them!" she said, all while her tentacle slid along her pussy lips. Kalicia quickly started to feel herself getting wet, as her body began to heat up from the sexual desire burning within her as she was teased by the slimy tendril gliding along her pussy lips. Adjusting herself behind Kalicia, the monster woman reached around with one hand, and grabbed hold of one of Kalicia's breasts, squeezing and groping her, her fingers teasing the nipple.

The tentacle wrapped around her leg in the air suddenly pulled, and made her nether even more available than before. The tentacle sliding along her pussy stopped, then pulled back, before adjusting itself, the tip of it at Kalicia's entrance, and pushing inside of her, parting her pink lips and sending a shock of pleasure through her feline body. The monster girl raped Kalicia furiously in this manner, her slimy tentacle pushing deep inside her, causing her to 'meow' each time it pushed in.

"You're so cute~" the monster girl teased her as she fucked her, "Does my tentacle feel good inside you, kitty?" she giggled.


The monster woman giggled, using the hand she had on his crotch to pull down his pants. "What I am isn't what you should be thinking about, little kitty," With Nerem's cock now exposed, his pants at his knees, the monster took his cock into her mouth, and began sucking on his cock, using her tongue as she moved her lips along his member to stimulate the head. Out of any blow job he'd gotten, this monster girl gave one of the best. He was quickly hard in a matter of seconds, which made the monster girl smile, as she removed the cock from her mouth.

"Are you ready for the real deal? I'm gonna drain you of all your cum..." she giggled. The next thing Nerem knew, he was on the ground, still bound by the tentacles, with the monster girl climbing on top of him. She moaned as Nerem felt what he knew were pussy lips touching his cock, and cried with pleasure as she took his cock inside her. Her pussy squeezed him fiercely, and her up and down motions filled his senses with pleasure. He almost felt like he would come within' a minute, the way he was being fucked like this. Her breasts bounced wildly as she humped him, and the sounds of her pussy squeezing, and fucking him, trying to milk him of his cum were heard very clearly...


The woman laughed, "I was going to say the same thing. You got hard so fast!" A tentacle wrapped around his throat, as she leaned in towards his face, giving him a small kiss, "I promise I'll be gentle~" she told him, before lifting her ass up, letting his erect cock stand up straight, before pushing down, and taking his whole member inside of her. She moaned with pleasure as her tight cunt squeezed his cock, and quickly got to sliding her pussy up and down his member. "Oh, yes~" she moaned, "It's been so long since I fucked a human, it feels so good..."


The woman giggled, and took his cock out of her mouth, using her hand to stroke it. "Well, aren't you romantic!" she sounded as if she was almost mocking him, "You can call me Ivory, dear," she giggled, and gave Heigho's cock a powerful lick, as if she found his cock delicious, "And what should I call you while I'm riding your cock?" she giggled.


The woman laughed, "Well, since you asked nicely..." The woman grabbed Desmas' arms in her hands, and held them down to the ground as she leaned in, pressing her breasts against his chest, "I'll just fuck you until you can't move anymore," she gave his lips a small kiss, and backed away, grinning down at him at her tentacles proceeded to remove his garments. For some reason, she wanted him completely naked. Her tentacles ripped off his pants and shirt, exposing his whole body to her. She placed her hands on his chest, and ran them along his body, digging her nails into his flesh, enough to cause pain, but not to break the skin.

He felt a tentacle go between his thighs, and wrap around his cock. The next thing he knew, he felt her tight pussy take his cock inside her, as well as a curious tentacle worming around somewhere else, as he felt something slimy begin to toy with his anus...
Re: The voyage to an unknown world (Human Introduction)

Grave didn't have enough time to respond to the creature's remark. He wasn't used to this kind of a sensation. It was incredible, but Cynder was still determined to resist. He kept his mouth shut, altough a small groan would find it's way between his teeth from time to time. As the woman fucked him, Grave's breath was getting heavier and more audible. His body responded just like anyone's body would, and he had to admit that this wasn't a bad feeling. However, the place, time and partner weren't something he would accept so easily.

"Tch! Keh, you witch..."
Re: The voyage to an unknown world (Human Introduction)

Kalica blushed embarrassed by how her body was reacting struggling against the too tight bondage of tentacles as nipples hardened under teasing fingers. "lemme go right now!" her voice had little conviction in it except when a moan escaped in between meows as the tentacles started within her. She tried to make good on her threat fighting to bring one of her arms near her mouth so she might bite one of the tentacles.
Re: The voyage to an unknown world (Human Introduction)

As the woman pulled down his pants and sucked him Nerem was paralysed with fear, pleasure, and surprise, of which fear and surprise soon faded to leave him in pleasure. He seemed to still blush as much as before, and tried to look away for a moment as she told him what she planned to do with him, though his attention to her quickly returned with the penetration, his vision fixated on her bouncing chest. He thought about what she said earlier, and tried his best not to get too excited about it, wanting to at least try to last long enough for her, although it would be hard to do with her skilled movements. If the woman listened carefully, she could hear some light purring sounds coming from him as the blush went away.
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