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The Unseen (SirOni)

Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

There were a few empty bottles back with the canned goods and such. Taking two and filling them fit right in with Alex's bag. With the house now devoid of useful items, the girl made her way back outside.

The suburb did not offer much cover. The outside circle path seemed to lack much vegetation, nothing to hide in. There were plenty of winding and twisting streets, one could not see very far down them. However, that cover was offset by the fact that any number of the houses could hold hostile monsters, ready to ambush Alex as she walked calmly down the street. The choice was really a fifty-fifty trade off, but one with potentially dire consequences.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

Alex catiously makes her way down a street she assumes leads outwards of the city, keeping her ears open for any suspicious sounds as well as tightening her grip on her axe just in case someone or something comes to attack her.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

The street, atleast right here, was quiet and deserted. The stillness was broken only by papers littered around the roadside and the occasional burnt out car. Alex could almost hear far off cries of the various monsters lurking about in the suburb, but nothing distinct or close enough to cause concern.

After a few blocks, well, side streets, the winding layout didn't allow for standard blocks really, Alex came to a small hill. There was no indication that something was wrong on the other side, save for a wierd feeling in her gut and perhaps the faint smell of something burning. She didn't have to go up it and check what was on the other side, but that was the way the road went.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

"Well this doesn't bode well..." Alex thinks to herself as she takes a small sniff at the air, instinctively hugging the axe closer to her as she tightened her grip on it.

She lets out a sigh after several minutes of standing at the base of the hill. With no obvious route other than this she decides that, against her better judgement, she should climb up the hill to see what was happening at the other side. With small steps she gradually makes her way up, though about three quarters up the hill she drops down onto her stomach and continues the ascent with a crawl, only stopping when she could just about poke her head over the crest of the hill to see over the other side.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

Alex's stealth attemps did not matter, the area ahead was lifeless. However, that did not mean she didn't find anything to be concerned about. The area ahead was utterly devestated, full of burnt out cars and various litter. In the distance was a shopping complex, a mall at the back of a parking lot with some outbuildings closer to her. Despite being brick, some of the buildings looked very damaged, as if they'd been shelled by artillery.

Alex had a few options. A medium capacity road ran to either side of her position, allowing her to bypass this place to either side. However, the sprawl ahead was a good place to look for some more supplies. Nearest to Alex was a video rental place, nothing there probably, but beside it were two fast food places. Perishable food wouldn't last long, perhaps best to east some now. Of course Alex could venture past and search the mall proper as well.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

Once she had seen all options available to her Alex sat atop the hill to think for a while. The road, while an obvious choice to get her safely past all this and closer to exiting the city would most likely be the best place for someone or something to ambush. On that thought so would the buildings, but at least she'd have some cover to hide behind, Alex thought.

The video store, she thought to herself, wouldn't house much of anything that would be of use to her, but the fast food restaurants would most likely hold some food that she could eat now. Though Alex would rather eat something that wouldnt repeat on her an hour later.

With a heavy sigh Alex begrudgingly accepted that the mall was the only real option available to her now. And with all the horror movies and games springing to mind she wasn't too pleased about the decision. Still, if she could find better weapons there then she wasn't going to complain too much. Standing up Alex slowly made her way down the hill and towards the mall, her axe held out at the ready to fend off whatever may come at her.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

Alex's path did not take her very close to any of the outbuildings, but nevertheless, as she passed through the parking lot she could hear something happening in one of the fast food places on its perimeter. Wierd clicking noises and shifting debris could be destinctly heard echoing from an open door.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

The noise coming from the fast food restaurant instantly caught Alex's attention, and despite wanting to ignore it and push on towards the mall she stood frozen in place listening to it.

After a few minutes of standing there she decided that it would at least be alright if she inspected the noise before deciding on whether she should interact with the noise maker or make her way towards the mall.

Walking catiously over to the diner Alex quietly leans against the wall next to the door and pokes her head in to see what was making the noise, her grip on the axe tightening.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

The interior was trashed. Nearly all the tables had been flipped over, along with their chairs. Some food created slicks here and there on the tile floor. There may have been a bloodstain or two, but it was hard to tell with the ketchup spills.

As for the noise, it was coming from the kitchen, still out of Alex's view. The distinct sound of pots and pans hitting the floor could be heard, as well as the clicks from before, mixed with a low buzzing. It was clearly comming from a monster of sorts, though it had a faint electronic sound as well. It almost seemed to be in a patern, as if it was actually a language of sorts.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

"Great, the bastard is further in," Alex muttered to herself all the while cursing her curiosity despite knowing that whatever it was could attack her at any minute. Though thankfully many counters and tables could serve as a defensive barricade for her if they were needed.

With a sigh Alex slowly made her way into the diner, brandishing her axe in case whatever it was detected her and she needed to defend herself.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

Entering the joint quickly proved to be a bad idea. Alex slipped on a ketchup spill and did the splits, axe clanging to the ground when the girl's instincts tried to stop her fall. The noise was quickly followed by two howls from the kitchen. Alex was outnumbered too, it seemed. Two monsters came into view, looking somewhat humanoid, but walking on all fours and with a very large rear end, as if it was designed to fire projectiles or something. They charged a Alex but fortunately got tangled together in the doorway, though they wouldn't stay that way for long.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

"Shitshitshit, this was a bad idea!" Alex mentally scolds herself as she drops to the floor and the monsters scuttle in and get trapped trying to get at her. Alex tries to quickly climb to her feet and makes to grab her axe. If she gets up before the monsters free themselves then she makes a run for it otherwise she'll try to fight them off.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

The two monsters continued to comically stuggle to get through the door. At one point they did realize they had to go one at a time, but by then they were wedged too tightly in. Despite Alex's borderline panic attack, she had plenty of time to get out of the building. She stumbled out into the parking lot as the beasts let out howls of fury at their prey escaping.

Alex had a moment to think, but those two wouldn't be stuck forever. She had to decide fast what to do. She could continue on towards the bigger complex as she had been originally, though at a faster pace, or perhaps run back over the small hill to hide, then sneak around the place entirely.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

A pauses for a moment as she comes to a stop outside the restaurant, her breathing heavy and fast. Doubled over, she tries to think where would be best to go though all her mind is screaming for her to do is to get away from the restaurant as fast as possible.

Finally making up her mind Alex runs into the direction of the mall without caring about making a noise now, thinking that though the monsters may very well end up following her there'll be more places to hide in there than there would be on a hill.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

Alex manages to get to one of the glass entryways. She can see inside, and besides some random damage here and there, probably caused by looting, it looks clear. The two monsters still have not emerged from behind her, letting her slip in here without being seen if so desired. However, there is nothing special about this area of the mall, Alex could take a risk and slide over to the main entrance where there'd no doubt be a map and better places to hide.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

Alex stops for a moment to catch her breath and allow her muscles a break as they ache from running, something she's not really accustomed to. After several minutes rest Alex checks her surroundings and lets out a sigh of discontent, realising that she'd either have to find the main entrance to get a better view of the mall proper or push on deeper from this entryway to find a map or something to find out which exit she'd need to take to make her way closer to the outskirts of the city.

After some careful thought Alex thought it would be best to push on from here instead of risking her safety by going to the entrance.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

Alex entered and quickly found herself obscured from view of anyone outside behind some debris. She was in a longish hallway that led to the central chamber that was lined with shops. It was obvious this place had been somewhat rundown before the event, as the white walls were stained yellowish by time, in addition to the damage sustained during the day.

Down the hall was dark, but not too dark. Alex could see some overturned benches littered with papers at the junction. That was the obvious way to proceed. However, about halfway there, there was a small door probably leading to an employee area, a set of keys were in the lock, oddly enough. Both choices had pros and cons. Going out in the open Alex would be able to see more, but also be quite exposed. Going the back way Alex would be confined and unable to escape danger while not getting a clear view of the mall, but she'd also be able to hide better from any threats.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

"Hmm..." Alex takes stock of both paths, weighing up her options to try and work out which way would be the best. Though she decides that getting the keys would probably be in her best interest as they may be able to open other places for her in the mall.

Making her way quickly but quietly Alex heads to the door with the keys in the lock.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

There were many keys on the keyring. Alex could probably open up atleast the majority of locked doors around this place, but unfortunately none of the keys were labled with anything more then a number, if that. The key stuck in this door was unlabled, but of a bit different design. All told, there were around twenty numbered keys and five unlabled keys.

(Did you want to go down that hallway?)
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

((Sorry, should've made that clear, yeah I want to go down the hallway))

Alex pockets the keys and, looking around for a moment as paranoia sets in she quickly heads down the corridor, her pace a little faster than she intended on.