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The Trial of the Champion

Re: The Trial of the Champion

(Heh, finally rolled a d20 instead of d6 lol. Looks like its more of the same this round, and if there is another round after this.. I dont see her strategy changing as a whole.)

Lindsay would do little to help herself. Neither finding anything and also performing horribly attempting to combat the Lich. Lindsay would get herself disarmed in the process. Little more than an instinctive reaction, she would deliver a few punches to the Lich that had no real effect. The lich would counter by running his hands up from her belly button up through the cleavage of her breasts. The small rush of adrenaline fading away as the Lich would again weave a spell upon her body.

The Lich would press its advantage over Lindsay and also take advantage of his hand being already near her breasts. The Lich would pinch one of her nipples and Lindsay was starting to fade away into orgasmic bliss again, her mind being overridden by a desire to submit herself to the Lich that was ever more difficult to overcome. Lindsay soon felt fingers invade her pussy and the touch almost instantly sent her over the edge.

The few seconds Lindsay had to recover her bearing after yet again being brought to a mind shattering orgasm. The Lich's intent was clear as the whispers inside her head were growing more and more intense. Lindsay was meant to submit to the will of this necromancer, though she was not quite done for yet.

Able to summon the last of her energy, Lindsay was able to yet again resist the Lich. A surge of energy would flow through Lindsay and she knew this was her last stand here. She was either going to find a way to defeat the Lich or the Lich was going to claim her as a prize.

Lindsay was able to break the spell that the Lich was using to break her mind. In the process she shattered the Lich into many pieces. It was apparent after a few seconds that the Lich was not quite done yet, as the bones were scattered about the room. The problem for Lindsay was that they were all coming back to a central area reforming the Lich.

(Use Explore again, Combat, and I think we both know the drill now)

Lindsay had bought herself a few more seconds of time to first get her sword back, and then try yet again to see if there was some manner of magical device that the Lich was using. Even someone so inept at magical endeavors would realize the vassal of the Lich was held together by magic of some kind.

Lindsay had to make her last stand, and if anything again try to buy herself more time to figure out the Lich's weakness. If she could shatter the body again, Lindsay figured it would be able to give her more time to end this foul magic. If she could destroy the source, the Lich would have no method to sustain itself in this form.

The alternative here to success was rather inconvenient.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

--Explore for victory condition 14+7=21 pass notice the gem resting on his collar. Granting a bonus to combat for the round.--
--Combat roll 14+11=25 vs 20 Victory.--

Linsay would scan the room again her will weak, her body sore and burning with desire. her eyes came to a gem resting on the liches collar to his robes. It glowed slightly, if there was anything to aim for while fighting him it would be that. Using what little strength she had left she surged forward, they once again entered their duel. Linsay this time coming up on top, swinging her blade up cleaving through his chest and connecting with the gem. It was knocked clear of his skeletal body landing on the ground a few fee away.

His bones began to move to the gem again she jumps stabbing down into the gem. It shattered as a laugh erupted through the chamber.

"Well done, well done. I wont lie i thought I would be having a new play thing for most of this encounter. Good luck finding my phylacracy, I look forward to challenging you again." He said with a laugh as the bones in the room stopped moving. Linsay had done it she had won, the queen was still sensless inside her mind.

Linsay level 1
Willpower: 6/30
Combat/HP: 11 - 0/30
Explore/SP: 7 - 22/30
Spirit/MP: 0 - 0/10
Naughty/LP: 9 - 0/30
-Lust Slimed-
Re: The Trial of the Champion

Knowing this was her last stand, Lindsay seemed to be aided by her desperation as she got another surge of adrenaline. Everything seemed to slow down in front of her and she was able to scan around at lightning speed.

As the Lich reformed anew she realized there was a faint glow coming from the collar of his robe. Making one last desperate attack, Lindsay would scatter the bones for one last time. Watching the glowing brooch, she would realize that was the thing she was looking for all along.

Making one last strike, Lindsay would destroy the brooch. With the destruction of the Lich's phylactery, the bones would simply stop moving. The Lich was still able to speak and in doing so confirmed that she was victorious.

The first thing Lindsay could do was tjank the Amazon queen for her help. Were it not for the queen, then Lindsay surely would have lost. Lindsay was not sure if she had survived the battle with the Lich. Searching through her mind almost frantically for any signs that the queen were still "alive" inside of her.
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Re: The Trial of the Champion

Scanning her mind she would find the queen weak and easily suggestible, it seems the spell that was aimed for Linsay had taken it's effect on the queen for the first casting. At least partially, she lazily responded to linsay as she attempted to speak to her.

"Barely able to think, Lich so easily overpowered me broke my will was going to make me his. Had already made me his ages ago, I had forgotten in my shade form. I had never defeated him, he had defeated me enslaved me and preserved my body for his amusement. So weak, being consumed by your mind passively, need my own body or I will fade away." The queen weakly attempted to say each word becoming more labored then the one before.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

Having found the queen within her mind, Lindsay would realize the dire nature of the situation. Without the queen, she would have suffered the same fate herself. As the queen labored to even communicate with her, Lindsay knew that the queen needed to be returned to her body if at all possible. It was the least she could do to repay the sacrifice of the queen.

("Don't talk. Try to save your strength. I will do what I can to get you back to your body. I defeated the Lich, so you can rest easier now knowing this if I am unable to get you to your body in time. Thank you for your sacrifice.")

With this, Lindsay would try to recover herself as the battle had drained her down to the last shred of sanity that she had left. If she could, Lindsay would now try to get the queen back to her own body. Though Lindsay herself knew this was not going to be easy.

Almost feeling as if she were indebted to the queen now, Lindsay would set off to go back where she had originally encountered the queen. The only problem was that she took a series of portals to get into the Lich's abode. She might have to fight her way through the traps and mazes that the Lich had afforded her the ability to skip past.

Almost in a last ditch attempt, Lindsay realized that the Lich had spoken after the vassal was destroyed. If need be, she would attempt to call out to the Lich and ask for it's aid in restoring the queen to her body.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

Linsay would stare at the portal back through the breeding pit, it would be the fastest way back. But also the most dangerous as the monsters there were almost certainly rested and ready for her. There was also a stairway up into the caverns again. she could try to get past the few traps the lich had between her and the queens body. But both paths seems like almost certain doom, she couldn't rest here long enough to get the strngth to take much of any punishment before breaking.

Would she risk herself for the queen or seek another outlet for getting the queen free, she could search the room which had more then a few magical tomes in it. Or ask the lich for assistance.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

Going through the options in her head, Lindsay could dismiss two pretty quickly. She could not go back, either through the portal or conventional means. It would be like throwing a carcass to a pack of wolves.

She knew this room likely contained the magics she would need. Though she also knew that she would not he able to comprehend any of it. She was a combatant and certainly not a scholar. The realization of what she needed to do was sickening, but the Lich she just defeated was most certainly the best option.

Lindsay would prepare herself to make a deal with the devil as it were. She wanted an army of sorts to venture north from her village. The queen being saced as part of that would be a bonus gift of sorts. In exchange, Lindsay would offer the deaths of her enemies as a payment of sorts. The only issues were that she still needed to be able to contact the Lich, and it almost certainly would have terms of it's own.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

The table and vials for the golem process sat in front of her she could easily play around with it and try to make one. Although if she wanted she could call out to the Lich and he would probably answer. Although the tools she had to put together a body for her weakened friend were all here.

"I am unsure if I could help you put together that thing, but it would be a suitable host for now." The queen added weakly obviously she could help in some way but it was a question of how much help she would be in that regard. So the question truly became now not so much if she was going to make this body, but how she was going to do it.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

( Use explore to search around, also apologizing for suck post cause busy)

Seeing the obvious choice in front of her, Lindsay would attempt to construct a golem of sorts to contain the spirit of the amazon queen. The real danger was making a construct that the queen could not control.

Another consideration would be if the lich could or would help her. Clearly Lindsay was the least qualified of the lot to handle this.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

(it's all good don't feel rushed for it we can take it easy this weekend.)

Searching around she would find two books that seemed to be pretty much right what she was looking for. The first was how to implant a mind into the control gem for the golem the second would be for making the golem. Thankfully the implanting would be easy.

"I think I can manage that, the golem is going to be beyond me but honestly you can just keep me here until you find a suitable place to put me." The queen would say weakly as they worked on the gem, the process was simple enough. She set up the gem and the circles and the queen inside her mind took hold of her mouth and hands and cast the spell.

The pulling was not something she expected, it sent surges of magical energy through her body, worse yet they were nothing but pleasure. While the spell pulled the queen out Linsay could do little but squirm and moan in pleasure. Finally cumming as the queen made her exit, her mind exhausted from the battle with the lich she almost broke from the orgasm, but simply went limp slumping to her knee's her body panting by reflex.

"that was certainly a different show then what I was expecting to see when I checked on you my dear warrior." The liches voice spoke in the room. "Well done putting her into a soul gem, are you going to try to make a golem for her? Because with your limited knowledge and skill that could end poorly for you." He said with a light chuckle
Re: The Trial of the Champion

(Whee finally done, and even earned a trip to the hospital from dehydration.. fun!)

Lindsay would start the process, as it was a necessary first step to implant the Amazon queen's spirit into a spirit gem. The gem would serve as a control component for the golem that they would use to possibly restore the queen into a useable body. Having gotten the directions and rehearsed what to do a few times Lindsay would need to get this done. Relinquishing control of her body temporarily to the queen so that she could contruct the gem, something that Lindsay was almost certain to get wrong.

The process was interesting to say the least. Lindsay would not have feelings of pain having the spirit exorcised from her mind. They were instead feelings of visons of pure pleasure. The magical energy was intense, though nothing that seemed to overload her senses. Lindsay was powerless to do anything aside from twitch about and moan as the queen left her and entered into the control gem. The overload of her senses would culminate in another orgasm being forced from her body. Leaving Lindsay panting and slumped down to her knees.

Now the Lich would interdict, clearly still able to look over what exactly was happening. Saying that he did in fact enjoy the show, he would offer a warning to put the gem itself into a golem. The process would likely end poorly, but without any other choice. Lindsay truly had to see if she could gain anything by engaging the Lich.

"I think you underestimate me still my dear. I did defeat you here did I not? I appreciate the warning, but in all reality what other option is there? I am listening if you happen to have any ideas. I admit reanimation is not exactly my forte. Afraid to lose the chance to take us both are you?"

If she were lucky, she would be able to appeal to the Lich for some possibly unintentional help in constuction of the golem.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

"Oh I don't much care how many friends you get when you come for me, makes it more interesting honestly. Although I will help you make the golem, you should see a book in front of you with a brown spine with illegible letters on it. Inside it details how to make the golem I was trying to make. An amorphous one, lets the controller shift the golem into what ever form they desire. Very useful but also rather unstable. If you desire more help I can offer it but for now I'm just interested in what happens when you make the golem." He said as his voice faded. The book with the markings he indicated was sitting on the book shelf.

Linsay could begin the process of making that golem, or attempt to rest up and try another way to get the queen a body.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

Having engaged the Lich in conversation now, it was more than amicable with imparting some knowledge in how to create a golem. As things stood, Lindsay figured that whatever she managed to function as the golem for the queen would not be needed long as the goal would be to restore her to her body if that were possible to do in a perfect world. Assuming that the spirit would not stray far from the body Lindsay would see if she could still communicate with the queen to confirm this.

(Heh, why not.. Use naughty to lead the Lich on a bit maybe?)

Now at least satisfied that she had found the book that the Lich had indicated as having the proper steps within, she would look over the book while trying to engage the Lich in a little not so idle banter.

"This control gem is not going to cease to function soon will it? I fail to see what could go wrong here. Just go through step by step and this should work, right?

From what the queen explained and what I saw inside my own mind of her projected image of herself, she was pretty hot. Nothing personal but other women are kinda my thing. So making myself a living toy to play with could be possible with this?"

Lindsay clearly knew little to nothing about how to make a golem but if she could throw the Lich off a bit and get him excited a little, maybe the Lich would let some manner of information slip as it alluded to the creation process being something that Lindsay was not going to be able to control. Though if the control gem that the queen was currently residing in were stable, Lindsay would certainly have more time to not rush things and rest herself before attempting the process.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

"This gem is most suitible for me." The queen said a little stronger then when she left. "I can't really help you with the body creation from here as I have no eyes or ears to see. I can only telepathically communicate with you, while your close to the gem." She said as the lich chimed in at her remark.

"Very interesting, sadly it can only make one golem without needing more parts, and those parts are not easy to come by. But I would certainly love to see you make it, I have only one requirement, you must enjoy each other in that room before you leave. Simple enough I would hope." He said with a smile towards her.

(Should linsay be okay with that requirement the Lich will walk her through the golems creation.)

"I must say every time we speak I like you more and more. I am truly happy you did not succumb to my magics, you are going to be fun to watch." He said with a laugh.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

"I accept your terms." Was all Lindsay would say. There was no further need for bargaining as she got what was needed. With the aid of the Lich, Lindsay felt that she had solved all the problems currently facing her save one. Turning her attention to the queen, Lindsay would inform her of the deal that she made. Figuring that it was a small price to pay for the queen to be back in control of any body at least until they could find her own. If not, the queen could take it out on Lindsay if she really needed to.

Having in principle at least put all the parts in motion, Lindsay would start to feel relief that she may well have saved the queen. The adrenaline of battle and the rush of panic having subsided as Lindsay started to relax, she would simply collapse to the floor as the exhaustion would overtake her. She needed to rest a bit before continuing on with the construction of the golem.

Taking half an hour or so Lindsay would feel refreshed enough that she felt that she was able to continue on. Knowing full well that she was likely going to be put through the ringer as it were by the queen, Lindsay would put her focus into making sure the golem was created properly. A few moments would pass and knowing full well that the Lich was still watching over her, she would signal that she was ready to begin the process of creating the golem.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

(Sorry for the delay this is a rather long post and wanted to make it good.)

The golem creation process was rather straight forward it was simply putting the items into the correct places on the large tube the golem would emerge from. With the liches direction she would place each item into the pipe as needed, slowly adding more items into the tube. Which slowly filled with liquid then the golem began to emerge, it started as simply a ball of goo. Which slowly grew in size as she added more components to the construct. After a half hour of slowly having the thing grow it reached maturity of sorts. Releasing from the tube and oozing onto the ground.

"Good good, phase one is done, now you need to let it cover you, so it knows what a human form is. that lets it duplicate it." He said as the ooze did not wait for an order but swarmed over the mostly spent warrior. Coating her breasts and pussy, before surging inside her pussy and mouth only going deep enough to hit the back of her throat, or opening to her womb. It began thrusting into her sending surge of pleasure after surge through her body, rapidly pushing her to her first orgasm. After she came it would slump from her body, reshaping itself into a human, a perfect clone of Linsay.

"Now then firstly I think I'm going to have some fun." He said as a gem flew across the room and entered the golem, it rapidly reshaped into a fit handsome male. With a large erect cock. Linsay resting on her knee's could do little but watch as it moved towards her with a grin on it's face and thrust it's hard cock into her mouth, pushing it deep eventually pushing into her throat by an inch. It began thrusting into her holding her head and fucking her throat rapidly, moans of pleasure in the liches voice echoed through the room.

"I had forgotten how much fun it was to actually fuck something. How good it felt." He said as he withdrew his cock from her mouth, grabbing her hands and lifting her up bending her over the near by table and thrusting itself fully into her wet ready cunt. It continued fucking her rapidly without pause or need for rest, her body completely submissive to the creature as it pounded into her. Sending wave after wave of pleasure into her body as she would be brought to orgasm once again by the rough fucking of the creature. With a moan of pleasure the lich would remove himself from her cunt, letting Linsay rest on the table her pussy soaked and leaking her own juices. The lich moved to the table and picked up the queens gem and forced it into the golems chest.

With a burst of magical energy the gem that was inside it would fall to the ground spent as the queen took control of the construct.

"Oh lord it feels good to have a body again." She said as she stared at Linsay's spent form laying on the table her breasts pressed against the desk as she rested. "I'm sorry my friend but I lust for you." She said as she moved up behind her running her new hand over her companions ass. Sliding two fingers inside her. Linsay could barely notice with her body and mind pushed so far past her limits by the past fucking she endured. The queen slowly molded the creature into her old body. Firm full D cup breasts, with large brown nipples, her hips full of perfect her body a perfect hourglass figure.

"Enjoy yourself and when you pass out you'll awaken refreshed and we'll continue our quest." She said as she pushed her two fingers inside her reshaping them into a perfect dildo, shaped just perfectly for her pussy, touching every erotic point inside her. Slowly trusting at first eliciting more moans from the weakened warrior woman. Before with a pleased smile she picked up the pace, thrusting into her rapidly as she felt Linsay reach climax again.

"Good, good I'm going to enjoy this body immensely I think." She said as she pulled Linsay from the desk to the floor grinding her new pussy against her friends scissoring them together watching her face as she was lost almost completely to the pleasure. Her hand move to her lips as she took the dildo that was still the queen's hand into her mouth tasting her own sex juices. The queen continued playing with her friend thrusting into her mouth and grinding their hips together to another of Linsay's orgasm.

The last moment Linsay would remember would be the queens mouth wrapped around her nipple sucking on it and teasing it with her perfect tongue, as their hips ground together moans of pleasure erupting from each party as they slowly came to the final orgasm Linsay would remember. As she came again and darkness enveloped her.

She would awaken laying on the ground her head resting on the queen's knee's as she ran her perfectly smooth fingers through her hair.

"Did you enjoy yourself my dear, I must say I did. This body is a lovely thing no womb to be impregnated, only endless pleasure. Honestly I don't want my old body back, I think I'll keep this one." She said with a smile down at the warrior woman, still aching from the pleasure but her mind and senses completely recovered from the ordeal getting her this far.

(Level up once again, and were moving to dungeon number 3)
Re: The Trial of the Champion

(Well, it did not disappoint. Something about good things coming to those who wait? They were pretty right on.)

Lindsay with the aid of her former(?) enemy in the Lich, would set herself upon the creation of the golem. Full well expecting the Lich to find some way to exploit Lindsay's lack of magical knowledge, it was more a matter of when than if the Lich was going to take advantage of the situation. Lindsay was prepared for this at least, as she knew it was coming.

Having apparently won over the respect of the Lich, Lindsay would be guided through the creation process step by step. The result of the recipe would provide what seemed to be a ball of goo. The Lich had taken the first opportune moment to take advantage of Lindsay's body. Commanding Lindsay to allow the goo to cover her so that it would be able to replicate the form of a human body, she would allow the goo to violate her. Lindsay did not sense any malice from the goo as it started to work her body.

The goo would cover her, sending a sensation of pleasure while it manipulated her breasts and teased her nipples. Exploring over the rest of her body, the goo would invade her mouth and pussy though only going so far into each. The goo would form into a few phallic members to thrust itself into each opening. After a few moments, Lindsay would have the pleasure of what was to be the first of many orgasms that the goo would facilitate. As Lindsay slumped to the ground, the goo would form a perfect copy of her.

The Lich again knowing the opportune moment to press the attack was now, would manipulate the control gem that was likely the source of the Lich's ability to still remain aware of what was going on in the room and implant it on the golem. With control of the golem for himself, the Lich would start to have his way with Lindsay. The golem would reshape itself into what could only be the real form of the Lich as it became a fit, good looking male. The golem did nothing to hide the rather large erect cock it was going to put to good use.

Lindsay would know full well what was coming next, and all she really could do about it was like it. Getting deep throated by the golem for a while, the Lich was seemingly able to experience the feelings as well as the moaning from him seemed genuine. Taking a moment to withdraw from her mouth and reposition her, the golem was lining Lindsay up as it placed her bent over on the table. Ramming the cock inside of her pussy, the golem was a fucking machine as it did not stop. Bringing Lindsay to orgasm again, the golem would withdraw from her body. Leaving her pussy soaked from the pair of orgasms she had just experienced.

Having had his fun with her, the Lich was seemingly done with using the golem now. As Lindsay was trying to recover from her earth shattering high, the golem was replacing the control gem of the Lich with the control gem of the Amazon queen. As this was done, the Lich would relinquish control of the golem to the queen, and it was obvious that being in spirit form for so long was displeasing with the proclamation that it was great to have a body again. As part of the deal that was made with the Lich, the queen would now have her way with Lindsay.

Apologizing almost out of respect if anything, it would seem the queen had a lust for Lindsay that needed to be satiated irrelevant of the deal made with the Lich. Getting right to work on her body, the queen would put her new body through a feeling out process. Lindsay was already completely spent and the queen would be given no resistance as the golem started to manifest itself into the shape of the queen's body. As she would do so the last thing Lindsay remembered was the queen saying that she should awaken refreshed.

With the whole ordeal over with, the queen would be by Lindsay's side as she would awaken. Declaring that the golem was better suited for her than her natural body, it was clear that she did not desire going back. With how well she satisfied Lindsay as well, who was she to argue. As she started to regain her senses, Lindsay did feel refreshed though a little sore given what she had just endured before passing out.

Since it is an odd level I obtained, I add: Combat +3, Explore +1, Naughty +1, Willpower+2, HP/SP/LP +1

I think my stats are now:
(feel free to verify)
Willpower: 42
Combat/HP: 14 - 40
Explore/SP: 8 - 40
Spirit/MP: 0 - 10
Naughty/LP: 10 - 40
Re: The Trial of the Champion

(onwards to the next dungeon!)

"How are you feeling my dear Linsay?" The queen asked as she ran her fingers through Linsay's hair. "I already know where we need to go next but I fear you will not like it. It will certainly push you to your limits, probably only mentally. We need to visit the Prophet, Kalarima." She paused watching her friend.

"Getting there and finding the place will be easy, getting through it will be challenging. He, she, they, who ever the prophet is tends to show you the paths you could have taken and the paths you will take, or could take and push your limits there." She said with a smile as she motioned to the table.

"Luckily most of my magical prowess remains and getting you clothing was easy enough, I made some for myself but it felt odd on this body. It's odd I don't feel like I have skin so much as just essence. It will take some getting used to I fear." She said with a frown as she looked down at her ally. "Tell me when you are rested and we shall begin our journey to the temple they reside it."

--Gear up and begin the quest, first order of buisness is getting there, do you travel with a caravan, or do you travel solo over land?--
Re: The Trial of the Champion

"Well so far the journey has been fruitful, so far my struggles have given me you."

Lindsay would reply back to the Amazon queen. Returning the affection that the queen had shown her. It would seem they were to travel together and with this new body, the queen saw no real need for clothing as her form would simply adjust itself accordingly.

"Would there be anything here that might aid you in supplanting my blade with some manner of magical property? I think that is about the only thing I would ask before we set out."

Lindsay would decide that travelling within a caravan would make more sense. The more she could save her energy for the temple itself, the better off she felt they would be for it. Thinking that travelling by land they could end up burning themselves out before even getting to the temple in the first place.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

"That is simple enough to accomplish, a few select runes on the hilt of the blade and a couple at the base of the blade. It should have enough magic in it to allow you to fight anything." She said letting them get up as she prepared the blade for her friend, the process was swift and before another hour was out they were leaving the caves and headed towards the main road.

The main road itself was not spectacular, just a well trodden path, luckily for them a caravan was passing by them. With a wave the leader bid them come walk besides the wagons. The pace was not one of speed just conservation of resources. Slow and stead.

"Hello travelers this is a dangerous part of the wilderness to be traveling so alone. There are raiders and monsters abound." He said with a smile as his eyes rather obviously looked over the Queen and Linsay in turn.