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The Trial of the Champion

Re: The Trial of the Champion

(Where did the 8 SP damage come from?)

Lindsay would decimate the goblins with relative ease. A straightforward combat trial like that was a simple endeavor for her. Simply evade the slime being thrown at her and then attack when the goblins were "reloading" as it were. Moving on from that room she would descend further into the earth. A simple door was in front of her with 5 keys all having a colored triangle on them.

Having to think about puzzles was not Lindsay's forte. Being confronted with a door that had 5 keys in front of it that were color coded in some manner. Barring a random guess, Lindsay would have no real idea what to do here.

(Use explore, Consult with the queen and look over the diagram then take a [hopefully educated] guess as to which key to use on the door)

With no real idea how to proceed here, Lindsay would see if she could focus enough to consult the queen. Having been trapped here for some time she may know more about this particular obstacle. Barring any solution the pair could come up with, they would try to figure out which key to pick and go with it.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

(the entrance to the cave did some explore damage remember.)

Linsay poured over the keys as she consulted the queen who had little help to give.

"Sadly I was trapped in the other room, until I had a host I could not leave the range of about ten feet from my useless eternal body." She said slightly disappointed in herself for her failure to escape her prison. "If I were to wager a guess this puzzel has something to do with moving the keys into the right position to open the door. But honestly we never used puzzles to lock doors in my kingdom we just used normal locks." She added as Linsay poured over it, it seemed each key needed to have it's colored fragment pointed towards the center, but the middle key having no color coding to it made knowing what position it needed to be in difficult.

--Explore to deduce the puzzle, minor bonus for consulting the queen. 5+7+3=15 vs 20 5 spirit damage and five HP damage as the trap triggers.--

She moved the key's into the right position and twisted the middle key until the door clicked and opened, as it did she felt the metal of the key tingle for a single moment before the lightning shot into her body. The electricity moving through her body to the floor in an instant burning her as it moved. The burns were far from major but the pain of the electricity moving through her was immense.

The door finished swinging open as Linsay would recover from the electrical trap. In front of her stood a large room and the air glimmered, the queen spoke up as she removed from the shock.

"Those are illusions, this room seems filled with illusionary walls, and with that is probably more then one hidden foe. Keep your guard up as you move through it." She said as Linsay felt her layering a magical barrier over her mind, hopefully to help keep her safe from any mind altering magic's in the room.

--Explore to navigate the room, then either combat or spirit to defend against any other foes in the room.

Linsay level 1
Willpower: 30/30
Combat/HP: 11 - 30/30
Explore/SP: 7 - 22/30
Spirit/MP: 0 - 0/10
Naughty/LP: 9 - 30/30
-Lust Slimed-
Re: The Trial of the Champion

Lindsay would consult the queen, and unfortunately the queen would reveal that she was trapped in the room that they encountered each other in. They would work together to try to deduce a solution and place the keys accordingly. The order they picked was incorrect possibly as a surge of lightning would course through Lindsay rattling her very being to the core. At least the door was opened. What was beyond would be explained by the queen as a room full of illusions.

(Use Explore to navigate the room and Combat to handle any hostile illusions)

Lindsay would almost immediately ask the queen if she had something she could do to infuse her blade with some kind of magical property.

("My blade was all but useless when I encountered you, if these are more spirits or illusions as you say then I need your help to combat them.") Lindsay would make it clear that she would need the help of the queen. Hopefully as the pair would work together a level of trust would form between the two.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

(Okay so the damage break down is correct now I messed up the last post it should have been stamina damage instead of spirit. The queen's mental barriers actually protected you against the spirit damage that would have come from the slime. Also she is now a part of your mind she gives you a bonus but does not have her own stats. She would need to be exorcised or you would need to have her forcibly removed from your mind at this point.)

The queen thought for a long moment as you commented on your blades. "Your right until we get a permanent magical blade we do need to enchant that. Sadly concentrating on that would mean I wont be able to protect our mind as well. You must choose which you would like me concentrating on. I believe honestly the weapon effecting magical and phasing things is probably ideal for now. As without it you're mostly defenseless, but I leave it to you." her voice was slightly ragged as Linsay would notice that she was feeling all the pain she had felt. And the slime's lust based effect didn't hit her either, obvious the queens protective barrier was better then she probably gave it credit.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

(Thanks for sorting it out.)

Lindsay would consider what the queen had to say. She could focus herself on defending Lindsay or attacking anything that she may encounter. The queen herself even agreed that Lindsay would be defenseless against anything magical that her blade could not touch. After a further short exchange between the two, Lindsay would make up her mind.

(In her mind: "I agree, no defense is impenetrable forever. If I cannot defeat them then eventually I am going to fall. I would ask of you to enchant my blade so that I can fight more effectively against any manner of magical or spirit creature.")

Lindsay was hopefully more prepared now to take on whatever the necromancer had in store for her. Where the queen had faltered, Lindsay would resolve herself not to. Between the two, she felt confident that they would emerge victorious.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

--Explore the room. 7+7=14 No damage difficult encounter found. Combat 9+11=20 vs 22 2 HP damage 4 spirit damage which moves to WP as Spirit is drained--

Linsay began into the room using what little knowledge she had of mazes to navigate it. Keeping one hand along a wall while she moved, sadly it also mean her path lead her through everything in the room. As she rounded a corner a small black circle on the ground would emerge and from it would surge eight tentacles towards her. Each one attacked her with lustful abandoned, luckily she was prepared and began cutting them down sadly she couldn't get every one of them as two wormed their way through her defenses. One diving down her top the other up her skirt ripping her clothing from her body. Leaving her naked, as she struck down one the other would slam into her stomach as she killed it stinging her with some sort of spike. As a surge of pain and then pleasure washed through her body. More of the slime was pumped into her, only a small dose but it was directly into her blood stream causing it's effect to be accelerated.

She stood in the room, still stuck in the maze, but one trap dealt with. She had to keep exploring to find the exit, if she got lucky she could find it soon, otherwise there would be more threats attacking her over and over until she was finally worn down.

--The room requires a passed explore to escape from the maze. Until you escape you'll be stuck here.--

Linsay level 1
Willpower: 26/30
Combat/HP: 11 - 23/30
Explore/SP: 7 - 22/30
Spirit/MP: 0 - 0/10
Naughty/LP: 9 - 30/30
-Lust Slimed-
Re: The Trial of the Champion

Lindsay would learn fairly quickly that she was in a maze of some form. Simply choosing to keep turning left at every point she could do so was a fairly straightforward way to attempt going about the solution. The unfortunate side effect of this particular strategy is that it is far from optimal. While turning a corner, Lindsay activated a trap of some form. A black circle would appear on the ground with tentacles surging forth.

With the queen's help she was able to start cutting them down as they attempted to molest her. Lindsay was for a short while overwhelmed by the tentacles and had her shirt and skirt removed all at the same time, ripping the clothes from her body. With little more than her panties left she would slice one of them while the other slammed into her abdomen. The sting caused both pleasure and pain as it punctured her skin, delivering a small dose of the toxin already coating her body into her bloodstream.

(Using explore.. shocker I know. Use Combat/Naughty as you feel appropriate to do so for anything encountered.)

Looking around and seeing her clothing lay shredded on the ground, Lindsay got an idea. What if she were to use the scraps of clothing as almost a breadcrumb trail? It would not find her the exit directly, but it would serve to help her not retrace her steps. It was easy enough to go back to the start with how she had proceeded so far. Leaving a small piece of her skirt as she walked back to the start at a few intersections along the way.

Lindsay would still continue on as she returned back to the place she encountered the trap still subscribing to the always turn left if possible plan. If she hit a dead end she would return to the last scrap and go in a different way from there. Eventually she would hopefully find her way through while leaving herself a way to remember where she had been previously.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

--Explore roll of 12+2 (For excellent idea) +7=23vs22 Pass escape the MAZE!--

Linsay began placing her scraps of cloth as she moved through the maze, slowlyl finding her way deeper into the maze. Finally getting herself to the center without any additional traps or combats. As she arrived she found a ladder leading down deeper into the earth, as well as a small glimmering portal. It was at this point that the Lich once again spoke to her.

"Clever girl using your ruined clothing to mark your path and get yourself out of my maze faster. I must applaud you, the portal you see there is a short cut, trust me or not it's not a safe short cut. It will take you through my." He paused as he thought for a moment before continuing. "I suppose you would call it breeding ground. Not all my lairs are like this one, mostly my magical traps. I have aims to make one full of lovely beastial rape. In there you will find my monsters. A few lizard men, a couple of wolf men, and a rather large pack of goblins. Getting past them will be difficult but it will get you to me in half the time the rest of my dungeon would take. I offer it to you because well I'm impressed, I like you, I think were going to have a long a fruitful relationship." He said with a chuckle as his voice faded.

The queen spoke up meekly for once.
"He is always a man of his word but I have to say, I am worried of that path. Although if that's the short cut I'm even more worried about what lay before us on the next level. Your magical defenses are weak, and if I were to wager a guess the next level down is probably mostly magical traps. You are in control my dear Linsay, but based upon your skills I think taking his shortcut may actually be the best choice for you." she finished as she watched the young warrior woman and wondered where she would go next.

The path down was only fifteen feet and opened into a rather large room from what she could see. The tiles on the ground were obviously all marked with some sort of arcane runes. Would the warrior woman choose brute force or finesse for her path to the lich?

--Portal and risk the combat with the monsters or proceed downwards and continue to challenge the magical puzzles of the lich?--

Linsay level 1
Willpower: 26/30
Combat/HP: 11 - 23/30
Explore/SP: 7 - 22/30
Spirit/MP: 0 - 0/10
Naughty/LP: 9 - 30/30
-Lust Slimed-
Re: The Trial of the Champion

Lindsay would somehow figure out how to get through the maze. Her idea seemed to help as she did not encounter any more traps or things at all. After getting to a point in the maze, a voice would ring out offering a shortcut of sorts to Lindsay. The other option of course would be to wander through the rest of the gauntlet of traps.

With the queen offering her advice on the situation. It really seemed to make an obvious choice that much more obvious. A stroll through the breeding ground where she could likely fight her way through, or a trap filled nightmare that she would be almost defenseless against due to her inability to really understand magic all that well.

(Go through portal, make with the combat and hopefully order up a side of naughty as well.)

Lindsay would take a few seconds to prepare herself. At least she was going to have a fighting chance here instead of get broken by magical traps and devices. The necromancer seemed interested enough in Lindsay that he himself wanted to be the one to break her instead of letting the journey do it for him.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

Linsay pushed herself through the portal emerging in a series of simple rooms, the first of which was more like a den then a true room. The floor was covered in straw, from one of the side rooms emerges a large rather well built lizard man. He wears little more then a loin cloth to cover himself as he strolls into the center of the room confidently. He assumes a fighting stance and rushes towards her lust burning in his eyes.

--Combat Roll 2+11=13vs23 ten HP damage, ten spirit damage which hits WP.--

To her surprise he is a talented warrior. Her first defensive stance and attack is easily parried. Pushing her backwards slightly as the portal behind her is closed. He pressed his advantage and Linsay lands one or two good blows upon him but he grabs hold of one of her arm and strips her sword away and it lands in the center of the room and the lizard man pushes her into the wall grinding himself against the young warrior. His hands remove her remaining clothing tearing her panties from her body. As he moves his loin cloth revealing his large eight in lizard cock, which he plunges into the unprepared warrior woman.

He presses her against the wall as he continues roughly pounding into her tight cunt. Grunting as he opens his jaws and his tongue slides over her cheek. The slime currently still coursing through her veins sending a wave of pleasure through her body, draining her already almost none existent mana from her body. In her mind she can hear the queen almost complete subdued by the mana drain and pleasure flowing through her body from the rough use of the lizard man. After a few moments he pulls himself free and cums onto her stomach and legs as he tosses Linsay to the floor.

He moves to grab her leg and drag her deeper into his lair to breed the young warrior and break her will completely.

--Resist the lizard further and press onwards, let him drag you into his den and have some fun with him. And see who's stamina for sex is greater.--

Linsay level 1
Willpower: 16/30
Combat/HP: 11 - 23/30
Explore/SP: 7 - 22/30
Spirit/MP: 0 - 0/10
Naughty/LP: 9 - 30/30
-Lust Slimed-
Re: The Trial of the Champion

(stop rolling six sided dice please? I though this was a d20 game lol.)

Lindsay would be confident that she made the right choice, going through the portal. Her confidence would soon turn to almost horror as the lizardman that was set to be her first opponent would make short work of her. Being disarmed and hurt pretty badly in the process, the lizardman would establish dominance by removing her panties rather forcibly.

A few seconds later Lindsay would be pushed into the wall and another element would come into play. The lizard had a massive cock, and was not afraid to use it. Ramming himself inside Lindsay, she would feel pain from the massive size alone though the slime she was coated in would convert that pain into pleasure as well almost draining Lindsay of her will to fight back in the process.

As the lizard was about to reach his peak, Lindsay would feel his member pull out. The lizard let Lindsay fall to the ground where he would make his claim to her body as he would come on her stomach. A few moments later, as Lindsay is recovering from the exhaustion she could feel herself being dragged away.

(Use combat again, hopefully with a d20 instead of a d6 this time lol, to try to finish off the lizard.)

Lindsay would realize that the lizard was dragging her right past the sword it left laying in the middle of the room. Easily within range of being able to grab, Lindsay would do so and then attempt to get herself in position to land a killing blow by letting the lizard drag her further. Wherever it was they were going, Lindsay would spiring up and surprise the lizard, hopefully killing it.

The plan made sense in her head, and that was hopefully how it would play itself out. The alternative of failure was not something Lindsay wanted to think about too much.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

(The dice is a d20 it just hates you for no good reason. Even using an online dice roller which should be a better random then my actual dice.)

--Combat roll 10+11=21vs23 2 Combat damage and 2 Lewd damage.--

(See it's a d20 it just hates you, you've gotten maybe three rolls above 10 so far.)

Linsay grabbed hold of her blade and surged back to her feet catching the lizard man by surprise. Her blade connecting deeply into his back, he turned and swung his arm catching her in the side sending her rolling to the ground again. But she had wounded him enough that he looked at her wearily and proceeded back into his den, probably to heal. The sounds of a few more lizard men rustled deeper in the den, Linsay knew she needed to not be here anymore and pushed forward deeper into the breeding pit.

The queen spoke after finally recovering, although the sound of her voice was faint. The slimes pleasure and the rough sex was taking it's tole on her mind.

"He said wolf men and goblins were left down here? I don't look forward to either. Wolf men hunt in packs and mate in packs, and goblins hunt and mate in swarms. Were going to be rather sizeably out numbered by everything we encounter for the rest of this run. I would suggest attempting to sprint to the end but that seems equally disastrous."

She felt her voice fade again as she exited the current cave into a larger area, moss covered the ground and claw marks were apparent all over the walls. In the center of the room were three wolf men, they had not noticed her yet. She could probably get the drop on them, or possibly sneak past.

Linsay level 1
Willpower: 26/30
Combat/HP: 11 - 11/30
Explore/SP: 7 - 22/30
Spirit/MP: 0 - 0/10
Naughty/LP: 9 - 18/30
-Lust Slimed-
Re: The Trial of the Champion

(haha, yeah d20s seem to not want to cooperate with me lately lol.)

Lindsay would stab the lizard, but she was unable to kill it. Taking a swipe along her sides in retaliation, the lizard seemed content to withdraw. It would become apparent why as there were certainly more sounds that could be heard off in the distance. There were more of them and it was pretty clear that Lindsay would not want to stick around to greet them all.

(Use explore to run like the win and streak through the area.)

It was clear that there was one way to go and that was out of there as fast as possible. Lindsay had something of a plan, and it was at best risky and more a kin to insanity than anything. Lindsay would almost hope that the lizards would attempt to pursue her. If the claw marks were any indication, this was probably werewolf territory now. Lindsay would wait on the edge of the new area to see if anything came to run her down.

(Use combat to provoke a battle between the lizards and werewolves)

The werewolves would hopefully not respond very kindly to anything going into their territory and Lindsay would hope to cause a turf war between the pursuing lizards and the werewolves. So much so that she would run the lizards and werewolves into each other. Once the melee were to begin she would try to get herself out of there as quickly as possible.

(Use naughty on the goblins)

If Lindsay would be fortunate enough to get past the werewolves, it was likely to be goblins that were next. A simple creature to say the least but their numbers can sometimes overwhelm. Lindsay knew that combat would end up poorly for her as she could only swing one blade against dozens against her. Instead she would try to use the goblins for what they were, mere toys. Goblins might be fairly large in number, but they are legendarily quick to spill their buckets.

If she were good enough, she might be able to get the goblins riled up enough that they would get excited and simply bukkake her while she would get a lucky few of them off using her hands, mouth and pussy equally in an attempt to overwhelm the goblins.

At best it was a risky proposition, though as it ran through her head it felt like it would give her the best chance to survive through this gauntlet. Simple combat was going to end horribly as the numbers game would catch up to her at some point. Simply running through haphazardly would probably work out as well as just simply trying to use her body to outlast the packs upon packs of creatures. She would likely end up a broken sex toy were she to only use one aspect of her repertoire.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

--explore 15+7=22vs21 pass!--

Her first course of action was to clear the Lizard area, and she found they were not really following her. they were stalking up but they were apprehensive to rush after her so close to the wolves. But Linsays cleaver plan only needed them close enough that they thought they could take her after dealing with the wolves. So she needed to fight them and win the initial conflict, then leave when the lizards engaged.

--Combat 16+11=27vs23 You would get bonuses for a good plan, but you passed with flying colors so kinda moot.--

She engaged the wolves striking from behind hitting one hard in the back, his wound was deep but she could tell it was not out of the fight. They two remaining converged on her and she parried them back towards the lizards lair. Fighting them and wounding them lightly as she fought making it look like she might lose. The Lizards did exactly what she wanted them to do, they jumped the wolves and began fighting them. Chaos erupted into the room, and Linsay knew when to make her escape. She pushed from the room in the chaos navigating the battle with ease.

--Naughty 11+9=20vs22 2 naughty damage, doubled by her negative status 4 total.--

She came upon the goblins there were ten of them that she could see. They were moving to swarm her as she knelled down and presented herself with a grin. They knew what contest was coming, it would be a contest of stamina between her and them. They descended upon her pulling her into the center of the room as one plunged his cock of surprising size into her waiting mouth. Two more took her ass and pussy, as the others took hold of her hands and made her stroke them off. Two more rubbed their cocks against her feet as she felt them moving around her. They were not long before they shot their loads. The three inside her faster then anything as they filled her ass and pussy and stomach with their seed.

At this point they flipped her over and one climbed onto her stomach massing her tits together as he began fucking her cleavage. Two more rubbed their cocks against her nipples as two new ones took her mouth and pussy for another ride, the slime that was still in her system still surging. Her body would be quickly wracked with more pleasure then she could handle sending an orgasm through her body as they came again. It was five more waves before the goblins were satisfied and spent, Linsay would be left in the center of the room, her body covered in cum as she would be laying in a small puddle of the juices. Her pussy ass and mouth leaking the sum that had been shot into each hole. But she was conscious and still herself, she had won, at least this contest.

The path to the portal to the lich was a short one through a simple tunnel, and another portal. She stood in a study of sorts at the desk was a lich writing in a book. A large circular globe of magic glowing in front of him as she could see the replay of how she escaped his breeding pit.

"well done my dear, well done." He turned and stared at her body still covered in cum. "Please use the pool to your right to clean up before we fight. Assuming you wish to combat me, I would rather you be as fresh as you can be considering the situation for this conflict. I have something to tell you while you clean, if you wish to listen?" He said placing his bone fingers together in a steeple as he watched her.

Linsay level 1
Willpower: 26/30
Combat/HP: 11 - 11/30
Explore/SP: 7 - 22/30
Spirit/MP: 0 - 0/10
Naughty/LP: 9 - 14/30
-Lust Slimed-
Re: The Trial of the Champion

(Glad you liked the last plan of "attack". I see the dice liked it too, if only they stay hot just a little longer.)

Lindsay would appreciate the courtesy as it was offered to her, someone with honor at least. Unless the Amazon queen would sense something from the water, Lindsay would accept the offer to clean herself up at face value. Not really sensing any sinister deception in the Lich's words though Lindsay generally would take people at face value as no one really ever had a reason to lie to her.

(Consult the queen to see if she sensed anything before going in the water. If she detected a lie or something with the water that was amiss, then question the Lich about it. Otherwise it is bath time for Lindsay.)

As Lindsay saw no reason not to hear out the Lich, She would know that a Lich was a fairly potent magical being. This was not going to be an easy fight as magic was certainly her weakness and the Lich would be in a position to exploit that weakness better than any foe she has faced previously.

(Use naughty to attempt to seduce the Lich, more for lols than anything useful.)

Along with encouraging the Lich to continue, Lindsay would try to see if she could influence the being even if it were just a tiny bit. The Lich was interested in her so if she could gain some little advantage in either how she replied or moved while she was in the water, it would be a welcomed resource to use. If she could derive the intent of the lich as to why it was so interested in her, it might help her defeat it.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

The queen finds nothing wrong with the pool as Linsay then slides into the liquid. Washing off all the Goblin spunk, lizard spunk, and just grime she's had this whole adventure. As she finishes washing she feels pure again, well as pure as she can, the slime effect finally removed form her body.

--naughty roll 1+9=10vs20 Ten lewd damage, pool removed debuff thankfully.--

He is a pervert, he said so himself. Maybe playing into his little game for a bit might get her out of this quickly. Linsay saunters over to him before he can speak again, rubbing her hands over herself as she stands in front of him slowly starting to pleasure herself. Her fingers pinching her own nipple and sliding inside of herself.

"As much as I would like to talk I think I'll take advantage of this." He said with a snicker as his fingers shot up and plunged inside her pussy they were cold yet oddly dexterous and knew exactly where to touch her. Sending waves of massive pleasure through her body rapidly, shooting her body to orgasm in a matter of seconds.

"If you really wish to continue this we can I think I'm going to like you." He said with a smile as his hand cupped her face and he case a spell.

--Spirit roll to resist domination 13+0=13vs18 2 Spirit damage, queen reactivates defenses against magic.--

"No!" The queen screams inside your head as she surges to your defense, throwing up what little barriers she can before they get broken down by his spell. But thankfully it was enough for her to defend against his attack that round. She would need to defend herself against it again, and honestly the queen now sounded ragged and weakened by the last attack, it was difficult to say what would happen after the next one.

"Now then about what I wished to talk of. Even if you kill me here I wont die, I am a lich as such my soul is stored and hidden away to keep me safe. I was going to offer you a nice warm up combat then you begin your quest to thwart me and destroy me. But honestly just bringing you to orgasm after orgasm, until you beg me to make you my slave seems just as good."

--Resist the lich as you like, every round will have a naughty roll, should he succeed in causing you damage from the roll. He gets a spirit attack against you. Good luck--

Linsay level 1
Willpower: 24/30
Combat/HP: 11 - 11/30
Explore/SP: 7 - 22/30
Spirit/MP: 0 - 0/10
Naughty/LP: 9 - 4/30
-Lust Slimed-
Re: The Trial of the Champion

(Not quite what I had in mind with that naughty move, though ffs maybe something that was not a 1 perhaps? lol)

The pool Lindsay was in was enough to clean herself of the spunk she had accumulated over this particular run through the lich's lair. For some reason, instead of simply trying to gauge the Lich's interest in her by making a few subtle suggestive poses in the pool Lindsay decided to put on a regular show and almost offer her body up to the Lich right there as he plunged his fingers inside her pussy. The cold fingers were rather skilled at this and Lindsay would find herself moaning out an orgasm within seconds.

As Lindsay was weakened by the orgasm, the Lich would attempt to simply take control of her. The queen residing in her head would reactivate her spiritual defenses, though it was a powerful attack that left even the spirit queen drained. At least the Lich was currently unsuccessful in dominating Lindsay's mind.

(Use combat and take up the Lich on the offer of a warm up skirmish.)

The Lich would back off and reveal his plan now to Lindsay. As it stood, they would probably engage in battle and in each round the Lich would attempt to dominate Lindsay's mind. It was truly a race between Lindsay either destroying this vassal of the Lich or succumbing to it. Given that she was not to willing to do the latter, Lindsay would brandish her blade and attempt the former.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

(Oh wow even with those rolls your still up, not be a whole lot but still up is still up!)

Linsay backed up as the liches hand released from her body. The spell not quite enough to dominate her mind she had more time. At least a little more time before her fate was sealed, in victory or defeat.

--Combat roll 5+11=16 vs 22 6 HP damage.--

Linsay rushed towards her opponent swinging her blade left and upwards trying to out fight her opponent. Sadly she found he was deft at defending himself against such frontal assaults and she would need better footing to get any ground. As she twisted to defend herself against his counter blow, her foot slipped, still slippery from the water of the pool. His hand simply touched her skin, and pain and exhaustion washed through her body.

The sensations were strong but nothing she couldn't keep together although it meant even letting him touch her at all was dangerous. Making her future combat actions even more hazardous for her.

--Naughty roll 4+9=13 vs 19 6 lewd damage, leaving two WP damage.--

As she was wracked with pain he moved behind her grabbing both of her breasts and fondling them roughly. Her body reacted exactly how she didn't want it to. It light up with pleasure, as light electricity flowed through is hands into her breasts she felt her body react in ever growing levels. It was only a few seconds before her body was overwhelmed and she orgasmed, from something so simple as getting groped. As she came she felt her mind falter, the though of submission flowed through her mind for an instant before being washed away.

--Spirit roll 3+0=3 vs 17 14 WP damage minus 3 due to queen protection.--

His hand returned to her cheek cupping it as she felt the spell once again surge into her mind. This time the queen could do little to stop it's ravages on her. They both screamed, in a mixture of pleasure and pain as he rapidly over powers them both the spell fades and Linsay feels herself still in control but the spell did quite the number on her mind. If he got another surge like that off, it would be the end of her, she would be wrapped around his little finger.

To her surprise the queen has actually taken the worst of the attacks, she could feel her weak and helpless inside her mind. She would not be helping her for the rest of this fight, she had given all she could to protect Linsay and was a hair's breath away from completely in his control.

Linsay level 1
Willpower: 11/30
Combat/HP: 11 - 5/30
Explore/SP: 7 - 22/30
Spirit/MP: 0 - 0/10
Naughty/LP: 9 - 4/30
-Lust Slimed-
Re: The Trial of the Champion

(lol, ya that looked ugly. I know you were talking about switching to a d6 system but I didn't think you would start rolling them now lol.)

Lindsay would attempt to attack the Lich, but being not entirely aware of herself or her surroundings she would find that being in the pool along with the stone flooring was not a very good match as she attempted to plant her foot she slipped and the Lich would seem to drain the very life from her. She learned that even coming into contact with the Lich here was dangerous to say the least. A lesson that would be reinforced a few more times.

Lindsay was doubled over from the surge of pain that the Lich caused by simply touching her. The Lich would continue it's assault on her body as both of her breasts were groped. Lindsay could feel the electricity flowing through her body and it seemed to heighten both the pleasure and pain that she was experiencing. It took mere seconds for her body to give out and she would reach orgasm from simply having her breasts fondled.

Having been weakened by her orgasm, the Lich would attempt to again take control of Lindsay's mind. The Amazon queen would seemingly sacrifice herself to stop the latest attempt by the Lich to claim its next victim. Lindsay would separate herself from the Lich and start to panic. The desperation of her situation was starting to affect her, and as she backed herself further away from the Lich she started to truly concentrate and think about how she might be able to win this.

(Use explore to see if there is a magical item in the room)

Lindsay would think back to what the Lich had originally said. This body was not the Lich's body but someone elses. There had to be something that was controlling this body or acting as a focus of sorts. If she could find that then she could turn the tides of the battle and either nullify or defeat this particular incarnation of the Lich.

(Use combat to keep that damned thing away from her)

She would only have a few moments, if that to see if anything could be seen or found that she might be able to use to stop the Lich. Learning full well that she was not going to get anywhere with attacking the Lich, she just needed to buy herself some time and essentially play a game of keepa way with the Lich so that she could either destroy this body of the Lich or potentially get herself more time to find whatever it was that was controlling this vassal of the Lich.

(Use naughty because well, i blame the gm for being a pervert lol)

If all else failed, Lindsay would probably have to use her body one more time in an attempt to lure the Lich in. A last ditch effort this would be to say the least as Lindsay knew the Lich's touch would probably be enough to start weakening her to a point where she could no longer resist. If it gets to this point, Lindsay probably had lost the battle.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

Linsay would explore the room keeping her eyes peeled for something to use to her advantage but find nothing sticking out for her to take advantage of right now. As she looked around she would return her full gaze to the lich and he would vanish in a poof of black smoke. (Explore roll of 11, nothing found to assist)

--Combat roll 1+11=12 vs 21 9 Damage, four converts to WP damage.--

She would raise her blade to defend herself and find it deftly deflected out of her hands and into the ground a few feet from her. She would instantly twist and land two swift blows into her opponents face, which would give and spin left and right as her fists hit it. Only for him to once again touch her this time on her stomach slowly gliding up to her cleavage. The pain would wrack her body again. this time it would begin to dull her senses, she felt herself numbing as the adrenaline of combat was being overwhelmed by the pain of his attacks.

--Naughty Roll 4+9=13 vs 18 5 more lewd damage, one converts to WP--

His hands would once again move one to her breasts pinching her nipple sending a wave of pleasure through her weakened body as his other hand would slide between her legs pushing their way inside her pussy. His fingers knew just where to go and with the added tingle of his pleasure magic, or what ever he was using it would instantly rock her body to orgasm. Again she felt herself weaken, her senses dulling, her will to resist crumbling. In her miind a single phrase floated through it. "Submit to your master." It was a whisper and she felt it grow in resonance inside her mind

--Spirit Roll 20+0=20 vs 16 Pass defend yourself with the powerful crits--

As he touched her cheek again his skull how once again facing her his spell attacked her mind again this time it surged into her. It would have crumbled what little remained of her will. She watched the words in her mind spin and found a reserve of something deep inside her. And screamed in defiance, bashing the skeletal mage bak from her body. Scattering his hands around the room. He would stare at her surprised by her out break. A chuckled left his skull as his arms and hands returned to his body reforming him, as it was obviuosly these bones were held togehter purely by his magic.

"You never cease to amaze me my dear. I want you now more then ever before, you wont be some breeding bitch when I wear you down. You'll be something so much ore pleasing to me." He said with a laugh as he moved towards the warrior woman again, her blade in her hands again. The next exchange would decide everything, either she would emerge victorious or fall to him.

Linsay level 1
Willpower: 6/30
Combat/HP: 11 - 0/30
Explore/SP: 7 - 22/30
Spirit/MP: 0 - 0/10
Naughty/LP: 9 - 0/30
-Lust Slimed-

(Gogo critical at the best times ever!!!!)