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The Tome of Infinite Dungeon

Re: The Tome of Infinite Dungeon


Not really a game mechanic's thing, it's more that for them to leave they would each need a gem that lets you leave. As monsters don't normally move from one level to the next. Although if she did go to the next level with them that would be possible. A temporary alliance is possible as Ria can just leave when ever she wants, it's more the orc's themselves are not looking for a temporary alliance. They are looking for a new leader to rebuild their tribe, at least this group is, she can probably look into getting a more temporary alliance going forward. But allying with the orc's in general is going to force a lot of her interactions to be very, corrupting in the sense that going forward as the character she will grow quickly into not wanting to leave the dungeon.

It's the main reason I put it together this way, one it's what the orc's want and two. Really if she makes this alliance for any prolonged period of time she's gonna start turning rather evil dominatrix queen pretty quick.
Re: The Tome of Infinite Dungeon

Gotcha. Thanks for the clarification. :)

In that case, I vote for Ria to refuse the offer and NOT ally with them.

If that means having to fight the leader in order to be allowed to leave, that's fine, but if the bimbo-shopkeeper's "service" was already enough tribute to let them pass then I'd prefer having Ria just leave (unless the orcs will be a potential problem later, such as if they're likely to follow, in which case might as well get the fighting out of the way).
Re: The Tome of Infinite Dungeon

Not sure if I was clear my vote is for refusing.
Re: The Tome of Infinite Dungeon


Re: The Tome of Infinite Dungeon

Vote to decline the offer
Re: The Tome of Infinite Dungeon

I'll vote for a good ol fashioned fight! Let's make it interesting!
Re: The Tome of Infinite Dungeon

Sounds good I should be able to get the next update up before the weekend, I have a question for the readers while I get that together.

Do you guys wanna see the heroines get corrupted into monsters of the dungeon or just eventually fall to the dungeon. Cause I'm good with both I don't really have a good end intended for them, figured I would give you heads up and get your opinions on the adventure going forward.

Also if you want a good end give me some opinions on what you would like to see, cause honestly I had not really thought about it much.
Re: The Tome of Infinite Dungeon

If by "fall" you mean getting killed or becoming some sort of mindless/brain-dead breeding husk, then I'd very much prefer corruption, or other forms of falling to various sorts of (preferably sexual) depravity within the dungeon.

For example, if Suki had lost to her clone before, I'd have had no issue with her becoming a sort of slave to her lust. Or if Ria here fights and loses to the orcs, I'd have no issue with her ending up captured as a sex slave for them (or if she had become a succubus or something earlier if she had drank the proper potion(s)). I also wouldn't have had a problem if the voting had made Ria accept the orcs offer, that just wasn't the direction I wanted to vote for.

As for a good ending, I guess defeating the evil master of the dungeon (the guy Suki met up with?) would be a good start. Maybe defeating him nullifies the evil corruption in the dungeon? Changing back those it has transformed? Keeping them "transformed", but just no longer evil or seeking to corrupt others? I dunno.
Re: The Tome of Infinite Dungeon

Sounds good I should be able to get the next update up before the weekend, I have a question for the readers while I get that together.

Do you guys wanna see the heroines get corrupted into monsters of the dungeon or just eventually fall to the dungeon. Cause I'm good with both I don't really have a good end intended for them, figured I would give you heads up and get your opinions on the adventure going forward.

Also if you want a good end give me some opinions on what you would like to see, cause honestly I had not really thought about it much.

Im fine with both too, but my fav would be fall to the dungeon as all the others slaves. I was fine with Suki partial ending, she got a lot of things, but as a complete good ending it wuld be beat the dungeon and notice than the challengue maze is still there after beat the boss :p
Re: The Tome of Infinite Dungeon

I agree with xgkf. A good end could be something like what he said. I like the idea of retaining any transformations they gained in the dungeons, then if we beat it they either become the new rulers or are freed.
Re: The Tome of Infinite Dungeon

-Well it is time to continue the adventure, at least get to the next choice. Sadly the more I look at it the more I realize this one should be rather small then the next one rather large.-

Ria stared at the orc chief he was strong and seemed to have a good head on his shoulders at least in regards to his boys. Sadly she had no interest in becoming the orc queen of this dungeon, she wanted her loot and to get out. Her eyes returned to her bimbo, now having another load of cum sprayed onto her large breasts as she moaned satisfied. She wondered if they would insist upon keeping her?

"While tempting, sadly I must decline. I don't mind you but I am not looking for a new world to live in. Simply some loot to get more power and return home." She said with a smile as she looked at him. "Is the bimbo going to be payment for safe passage?" She looked him over as he sighed slightly shrugging his shoulders.

"I honestly expected this, maybe should things turn sour for you, you may return to us and give a different answer. As for the bimbo yes, she is well fucked now and probably pregnant, she would be extremely helpful to me so I must insist she become mine for your passage." He said his gaze returning to her as Ria moved into her pouch and fondled the potions inside, she had one more clone potion, a though creeped through her mind. She suddenly wondered what they might give her for three bimbo's instead of just one.

"So if one bimbo gives me free passage what would two buy me? Or to that matter three?" She asked with a raised eyebrow and a wide smirk. He returned it as he leaned over to her.

"It would buy you the only item i have that I can part with. A cloak of shadows, sadly it is all but completely useless to me. It was my mates last and she decided she wanted demon cock to orc cock." He said with more then a little resentment in his voice. He stared at her and continued. "So where exactly would you be keeping two more bimbo's?" He asked her as Ria pulled the vial from her pouch.

"One is in here," She said shaking the potion. "The other in the room behind us. Sadly I don't know how long the clones last but if someone drinks this potion they birth a small seed which grows into a perfect clone of themselves. I used it on the bimbo to sate the last rooms tentacles." She said with a grin. A grin of his own grew upon his face.

"If you find the trade satisfactory then it is yours, Or just the bimbo for passage. What say you beautiful?" He asked his attraction to Ria not missed by her, she could probably use that, if she ever saw him again.

-A simple choice take the deal and hand over the potion and proceed upon Ria's way. Or haggle more for something he's not easily willing to part with, or fight them and forcibly take their stuff.-
Re: The Tome of Infinite Dungeon

I suppose that the deal is acceptable, although I wonder if a clone of Ria herself might be worth more than another clone of the shopkeeper given this orc leaders attraction to her. ;)

Couldn't hurt to at least ask and see if there's anything more that the orc might be willing to part with. Maybe a threesome between the orc leader, Ria, and her clone (with him getting to keep the clone afterwards) as payment if the item is worth it?
Re: The Tome of Infinite Dungeon

Decline and move on, we might find someone we're more interested in cloning later on.
Re: The Tome of Infinite Dungeon

It would be interesting but not something he would jump on because he does not just want her body and the clones well they don't have much in the mind department. Although I'm not sure I ever said that, so ya know. If you wanna do that option I can put that in as it is a very good idea, just wont get you an awesome item as like a magical Ax would not be super useful to her since her weapons are all ethereal.
Re: The Tome of Infinite Dungeon

Eh, I guess I'll vote to just accept the offer for the cloak then.
Re: The Tome of Infinite Dungeon

yes, accept the cloak