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[Complete - Partial] The Three Charms Lonesome Spirit Translation |Up for Adoption|


Feb 1, 2019
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Lonesome Spirit is (was) my second ever attempt at a fan translation. My first was a short VN by casapig (link to their stuff: ), which took me around a week to do. Feeling confident, I made the incorrect choice to tackle the latest in the Three Charms series, skipping R as I figured it was already underway by someone else. After eight months of work using Translator++, I don't have much to show. Only the first ten or so H-Scenes are fully translated and cleaned, and the main story was done up to Kraken's area.
After hesitating for a while, I've decided to put up what I have done here, in the hopes someone else can get a headstart off of it. I simply don't have the time or energy anymore. I love the series to death, so it deserves a translation done by someone more experienced.


If my work is literally too bad to work off of, I wouldn't take offense. It was my fault in the first place undertaking something I was woefully unprepared for. If someone does use my work, feel free to ask for clarification on some of the terms/phrases I translated. Most of them were brought over from Rare_Cats original translation of the first game.
It's tempting to take this on fresh after doing the the second game but it's a big commitment and I don't know if I can do it justice on my own. Would you be open to collaboration to lighten the load rather than abandoning it altogether? Translator++ isn't the most collaboration-friendly tool, but there are ways to do it and I'd be happy to help contribute by clearing scenes that are a pain in the ass or to take some work off you so you can focus on other parts. I remember that while I was doing R I'd sometimes get stuck in ruts where I'd get really burnt out doing h scenes because of how repetitive they can be, or I'd run into weird JP a lot that required spending time doing research to understand references, and often putting those on hold while I focused on the main story for a change of pace helped reinvigorate my motivation for getting it done.
It's tempting to take this on fresh after doing the the second game but it's a big commitment and I don't know if I can do it justice on my own. Would you be open to collaboration to lighten the load rather than abandoning it altogether? Translator++ isn't the most collaboration-friendly tool, but there are ways to do it and I'd be happy to help contribute by clearing scenes that are a pain in the ass or to take some work off you so you can focus on other parts. I remember that while I was doing R I'd sometimes get stuck in ruts where I'd get really burnt out doing h scenes because of how repetitive they can be, or I'd run into weird JP a lot that required spending time doing research to understand references, and often putting those on hold while I focused on the main story for a change of pace helped reinvigorate my motivation for getting it done.

Absolutely would be down to collab, would save both of us a lot of pain.
I'm not free to pick it back up immediately., however. I'm currently around half-way through a different project. Shouldn't take long. I'll probably be done with it in around 2 months TOPS. After that, I'd love to get back at this.
Thanks for the work you've done up to this point, really hope you're up to continue as a team. If I wanted to apply this partial to play the earlygame content, how would I go about doing that?
Thanks for the work you've done up to this point, really hope you're up to continue as a team. If I wanted to apply this partial to play the earlygame content, how would I go about doing that?
You'd use Translator++, open the patch file and apply it. Fair warning, a lot of it is machine-translated in the download.
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well, TTC is one of my favourite h-games saga out there, so i hope i gets fully translated at some point, either by you teaming up or by some charitable soul who wants to take this project. So i'll be cheering you on and in the case you get some way of supporting you and the project, i'll try to.
Wanted to share that this person made a UI patch of the game:
After thinking about it for a while, I think I'll end up taking this on after all. OP's busy with other projects so I'll be tackling it by myself. I think what I needed was just a break from doing Three Charms for a while before coming back to it and now that the SHRIFT is getting closer and closer to its conclusion, now's a good time to start getting involved in other things as well. Some notes on how this will probably go:
  • Translator++ is being a shit again so I'll probably end up starting from scratch rather than picking up from the current translation progress, but that's okay since it'll be easier to keep things consistent if I'm using the same "voice" throughout the whole translation rather than partially from one person and partially from another.
  • The UI is going to be a bitch to do and will probably end up taking a bit a time by itself since my image editing skills aren't great. I know someone's done a UI patch but it creates complications using other people's work, especially from their Patreon. And also I'd rather keep things in my own style, again for consistency. It's the first thing I'm going to work on since the UI's borderline unusable without fumbling around for anyone who's not Japanese.
  • I can't give any time frames, but I wouldn't expect relatively fast progress like the last game.
  • I'll probably release partials again like I did last time, both for those who want to early access to parts of the game, and for those who want to help test for missed dialogue, etc.
Glad to hear it, though its unfortunate that progress will be lost. Godspeed anyway, looking forward to more of hakunen's wholesome adventures. ^,^