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The Straw That Broke the Scylla's Back (Nessa;Taki)

Re: The Straw That Broke the Scylla's Back (Nessa)

Hurrying with Nessa, Gale quickly went about her orders as the two men headed towards Bosh. Not as quick as Nessa to climb aboard, Gale climbed one fin at a time over the side after being helped up by Nessa. Just as she lifted her weapon to cut at the many lines of rope that held the boat to the dock, Nessa would hear one of the two men from before speak Nessa's latest lover's name. "Bosh?" one questioned aloud. "Bosh... What are you doing here?"

Then, Gale's weapon fell, cutting the rope and giving a snap just loud enough to catch the two men's attention. They looked over to the boat, saw Gale and Nessa, before they looked back to Bosh, who was suddenly meeting them with his staff, giving them just enough time to defend themselves and block. "No fucking way!" the more talkative of the two men exclaimed. "Of all people, why you Bosh!?"

With no swings being made yet, Bosh simply pressed his weapon against their shabby swords of poor quality. "Zack, Rurik. I want you to leave this town." Bosh announced to them. "It's not safe here anymore."

The men pushed Bosh back, neither seeming eager to fight him as they seemed to have a past together. "Damn it, Bosh," Zack growled, glancing to the ship Nessa was releasing the sails on, after a bit of struggle to learn how to work the ropes. "We won't tell anyone, so you don't have to side with them. C'mon, Bosh!" he tried talking to him, before he turned to the other, Rurik, and gave a gesture to him before the other man ran off, shouting to the town in declaration that one of their ships were being stolen. "You ain't doomed just because some monster touched you!"

Bosh shook his head. "Even if I could... An army is heading for this town. There would be nowhere for me to run. Do you understand me!?" Bosh growled with anger, attacking his former friend once more, this time his weapon hit him in the chest and knocked him back. "Get out! Run!" Bosh ordered him. But even with such an oppressive measure, his friend still rose, and returned the favor, using his sword to slap Bosh's defense side, and kick him in the chest, sending him several steps backwards.

"Fuck you, Bosh! Like I'm just gonna run away knowing where you're gonna be for the rest of your life!" his friend replied. "It's not right!"

While Bosh and his friend argued, the water began to stir as Coral's magic began to hurry the boat along, pulling it away from the dock as armed men gathered at the dock only to watch their boat sail away. The sound of battle soon drew their eyes away however, as Bosh's friend didn't seem too keen on letting Bosh leave to join with Nessa on her new ship. "You're not going with them!" he announced, while Bosh tried to beat him back, "This is the way it is! Just fucking accept it and run!" Bosh replied. Before their fight could reach any real conclusion, Alora suddenly sprang from the waters, and in one swift motion, she stole Bosh off from the side of the boat, bringing him into the waters below. "Bosh!" the man cried out as he watched Bosh vanish into the water in Alora's arms. Looking up from the side of the boat, if Nessa was watching, she would see him snarl before he'd shout. "Fucking monster! I'll make you burn! You hear me!? I hope you come back, because I'm gonna kill you!"

"Hostile, isn't he?" Alora inquired as she suddenly came aboard, hauling Bosh onto the deck. "This was certainly a rather silly thing to watch. They're making a big deal out of nothing."

Bosh in the meanwhile, flopped onto the ship, soaking wet from the ocean water to lay on his back. Looking a little tired from the fight, he offered no input as he simply laid there, staring up at the full sails.
Re: The Straw That Broke the Scylla's Back (Nessa)

After grabbing hold of the mast, Nessa turned her head towards the heated exchange that came up between Bosh and what appeared to be two of his fellow villagers, at least from what she could make out. She couldn't hear exactly what was being said at first, especially while needing to focus on the steering of her newly acquired vessel, but multiple glances back in that direction told her that the confrontation, while tense, wasn't quite as hostile as it could have been--nor was it an obvious betrayal on the young sailor's part. A slightly puzzled look upon her visage shifted to that of a more serious one as she went through with the operation, choosing to focus on getting the ship out of there in the meantime without allowing it to take too much damage.

As much as she might have tried to ignore it, she couldn't help but to overhear the conversation that turned into something of a yelling match between Bosh and the other young men. It became clear to Nessa that her newest lover--if she could even call him that, at this point--still had many attachments to his home town. And who could blame him? He was away for perhaps no longer than a day or two by now, if one were to count the route that was taken before coming to her reef. Not to mention, he made it perfectly clear that the scylla, for all her charms as a mamono, did not quite possess his heart completely. Much to her relief, however, she did see that Alora brought him back to the boat safely. She gave a silent nod to the nereid in thanks, as well as a brief look towards the heaving Bosh before setting her sights on the ocean ahead. All in all, it was a bittersweet victory, for while they had easily acquired a new ship suitable for many a voyage, she was reminded of the apparent difficulty involved in swaying the hearts of men--or at least, those like the ones that she could respect the most.

"Well done. Thank you, everyone," was all that she said once they were in the clear. "I will finish speaking after we return home." The rest of the trip was spent in a somewhat awkward silence. When they arrived back at the cove nearest to their reef, provided it was without incident, Nessa would carefully maneuver the ship to one side, so that it would be covered properly by the tall rock structures of the inlet. She would then order Gale to drop the anchor before moving to the boat's edge and make a headcount. Once that was finished, she would begin.

"This is just one step towards the restoration of our homes," she announced to the group as a whole. "You've all accomplished a great thing today. By doing this, we help not only ourselves, but the mamono living in the neighboring reef... and the one past that, and every single one on this vessel's route that is plundered on a daily basis thanks to the greed, or perhaps the ignorance, of those who do so. Let's get what we can from this boat, anything you like, and sleep well tonight so that we may plan ahead for the next day's operation," proclaimed the proud scylla with a confident and reassuring smile upon her face, aimed at the other monstergirls.

Taking Bosh by the arm, she would then check the ship's cabin, searching through closets and other storage areas for spare clothes that might have been kept on board--specifically, a captain's jacket and hat, or something like it. Even a dress would do. With little need for clothing, her breasts remained largely uncovered all this time, but she figured that a more subtle charm might aid her in future acquisitions. After all, watching the clothes peeled off of the helpless men proved somewhat arousing to her, and she couldn't help but wonder if it would have a similar effect on Bosh; that is, to see her shapely body exposed in a more systematic fashion. Had she found a proper jacket, she would leave it open for the most part, only closing it just enough to obscure her nipples, thus displaying a fair amount of cleavage and the subtle trace of her abs beneath. Afterwards, she would turn around, presenting herself to the young sailor.

"So... does it suit me?" Her tone was calm, despite the troubling subjects at the back of her mind. She awaited his response. Regardless of whether or not she got one, the mamono would then pull him along, locating a wooden pail on board and grabbing it before returning to the beach. With the bucket in one hand, and Bosh's hand in the other, she found a spot near the water. "... We need to talk."
Re: The Straw That Broke the Scylla's Back (Nessa)

Alora returned her nod when Nessa gave it, leaving Bosh on the boat. Only Nessa and Bosh stayed on the boat. The others preferred to swim, thus attributing to the awkward silence. Bosh sat up, and leaned back against the boat's railing. His head remained down, not in the brightest of spirits over what transpired. Gale returned aboard to help Bosh with the lifting and heaving of the anchor overboard, Coral giving a shocked cry below as she was apparently in the wrong place at the wrong time, nearly getting hit. Everyone gathered up to listen to Nessa's speech. Somehow, they didn't seem too thrilled. Rather than uninspired to fight, it seemed that they were looking at the boat, and seeing it only with hateful disgust. They didn't like it, and clearly didn't want it. All except Alora and Bosh seemed to hold distaste for the construction of wood. Alora clapped with a smile as Nessa finished. "So business like~" she cooed. "Yet... Too business like. I'd rather see you filled with passion~"

Then, Nessa was already departing into the deck with Bosh in tow, following along as if on a leash. He quietly watched her find a tight fitting jacket, and a hat to match, before putting them on and presenting herself to Bosh. "... You look..." he sighed. "Of course you look sexy. Clothed or not, you look sexy." he said flatly. Seeing her take the bucket before she'd take him along once more, Bosh looked at it as if wondering how it could come to harm him in some way, before being taken off the boat, and to the shore.

"Talk?" Bosh questioned aloud, shaking some water off. "Another punishment, you mean? I'll accept your worst." Bosh said firmly. "I tried to get them to leave, but they didn't listen to me. I'd ask you to grant mercy, especially on the quiet one, Rurik. He has a wife already, but that doesn't matter to you, does it? You, who hate humans."
Re: The Straw That Broke the Scylla's Back (Nessa)

Nessa folded her arms, crooking her mouth at the response. She was not so dense as to miss the general air that surrounded her crew, as well as the nonverbal signals they gave to show that being aboard the ship was less desirable than swimming in the open water. It made sense, after all; they were aquatic mamono, and wood had little place in the middle of the ocean.

"Well, I'm glad somebody appreciates it," she said with a sigh, turning an eye to Bosh and Alora momentarily before addressing the others once more. "Believe me, I am not terribly fond of it either, but it is far better under our control than that of the fishermen. The humans can still survive... if anything, they are better off with us. With more operations like these, our reef--no, the entire ocean--will heal soon enough."

When she presented her new look to Bosh, his reaction to her threads, despite being a compliment in itself, proved to be far less pleasing than she would have liked, given his flat tone. However, in the back of her mind, the scylla told herself that she should have expected as much. Unwilling to let it bother her to the point of showing it externally, however, she moved on, withholding any further words until they reached the desired location upon the beach. She chose a tiny inlet of sorts, settling down to where several head-sized rocks were located, halfway soaked by the tide. Burrowing a tentacle beneath one of the larger stones, she flipped it to reveal various, common sea life; starfish, barnacles, snails and the like. Of them, Nessa only sought one kind, however, and those would be crabs. She plucked the largest ones she could out of the pool, tossing them into the wooden bucket.

She was not to ignore his explanation completely, however, opting to listen to his tale in its entirety before making her response. "I see... mm, how dutiful you are towards your own people. And well, no, I wouldn't say that. Hate is probably too strong a word for how I feel about your race. Allow me to explain." Nessa presented him the bucket full of crabs. "Look at this. You might know of such behavior, being a fisherman." The creatures scuttled about the container, occasionally stacking upon each other, but whenever one got too high, attempting to escape, the others pulled it back down. "While they could easily escape from the pail, or at least most of them can, they instead sort to grabbing at each other in a useless competition that prevents any of them from leaving. All of them, ultimately suffer together, as they are to be a meal for us later on," she explained.

"Logically, several of them surviving are better than none, but they resent the success of those that make it out, petty as it is. Is this evil, for one's selfishness and jealousy to lead to the demise of an entire group? No... perhaps not. I don't hate crabs--they are simple sea creatures. It is in their nature. They aren't so different from your kind... driven on by instincts, seeking only to live, individually before others of course. I don't necessarily hate all humans. I... wouldn't be as attracted to you as I am otherwise." A blush formed on her cheeks as she went on, though her expression remained businesslike.

"My point is, despite nearly being slaves to your instincts, not unlike other creatures of this world, you humans have the vast potential to be both extremely creative and yet, destructive. As a species, you are very poor swimmers, if I must say so myself. Even some of the weakest mamono girls on the reef can outswim the strongest man. And yet here you are now, on your ships made of wood, as if you belonged on the seas all this time. Despite not being native to the ocean, you can catch fish just as easily as we can--no, even better in some regards, to where we aquatic mamono suffer as a result... as you saw. No... I think that humans aren't so much 'evil' as they are possessed by their nature, for better or for worse, even when it defies logic. The difference lies in your numbers and capability. Surely, SOMEONE has to keep the lot of you from destroying yourselves... and especially others. Why not one who understands this?"

She took a deep breath. "At any rate, it doesn't quite mean that I will spare you of punishment. Why did you try to get your friends to leave? Would it pain you to see them resigned to a fate like yours?" cooed Nessa inquisitively. Curling her tendrils about various parts of his body to add more pressure for a definite response, she cupped his chin in one hand.
Re: The Straw That Broke the Scylla's Back (Nessa)

Hearing her lecture, and with his body bound and chin cupped in her hand, he remained with a constant expression of indifference on his face to her use of crabs as an example to some of the features of the human race, particularly the bad ones. Though when she brought up his friends, his eyes did narrow. It wasn't hostility that showed in his glare, but a kind of dangerous look one would see in a knight standing before his land, ready to protect it. He offered no squirm in her tightened grip, nor her controlling action of her hand holding his chin. Rather, he looked at her directly, showing no surprise that he was to be punished. "No matter how truly saintly you think you are, what you're doing is causing a war. What happens in war always goes out of the leader's control. I've seen for myself, the disregard mamono's have shown to possess for the love between a human man and woman. When I was young, I saw a succubus attack a man and his wife. She raped the man, and turned his wife into another demon before he ended up watching his beloved mount other men with complete disregard for their prior relationship."

The fire in his eyes only grew stronger, as he remained held in her tendrils like some tiny insignificant creature against a truly massive and dangerous terror. He held no fear towards Nessa, but held a great deal of defiance. "You're starting something you'll be unable to stop. And eventually, someone just like me will witness an event like that. I will use any power I'm allowed to stop you, Nessa, fruitless as my attempts may be..." he announced, before the strength he put up as his front, the fire in his eyes, became wrapped and suffocated by the sturdy grip of her tentacles and natural appeal of her sexuality. Held like that in her tentacles, he offered his first squirm, if only out of discomfort, though it was clear his moment of defiance was over.
Re: The Straw That Broke the Scylla's Back (Nessa)

"What I'M doing is causing a war...?" Nessa exhaled deeply through her nose afterwards, keeping her jaw clenched tightly with anger swelling up in her eyes. "What I'M doing?! You---... hahh..." She fought against the temptation to slap him across the face. Ultimately, she failed, and her open hand met his cheek, leaving a bright red handprint where it had struck flesh.


"Have you not listened to anything I said, Bosh?! You were taking our food! What did you want me to do, sit here and do nothing about it?! Starve to death?!! Is that what you wanted?! Tell me what I was supposed to do, then," she spat, her glare more piercing than ever. "If anyone started this war, it was your kind! Don't you dare pin this on me!"

The scylla took a few more audible breaths before calming down, raising a hand to the side of her head as if nursing a headache. "Bosh... do you not try to understand us at all?"

Her grip upon him loosened, though only slightly. "Yes, I am attracted to you, by the courage you have shown me, and continue to exhibit, as well as the discipline and restraint that I once thought humans incapable of, until recently. And... yes, it is true--the relationships you share with females of your own species tends to be the last thing on our minds when we lust over men such as yourself. Besides, why -should- they be at the forefront of our conscious concerns, anyway? Mates can be as precious a commodity as food itself, since every mamono in this part of the ocean is female, as you may have noticed. Unlike humans, we take only what we need--but of the things we take, we intend to hold onto. And I... need you," she explained in a low voice. "To grant me children. And amongst men, you are a fine one, I will say that much. If not a puzzling one, at times. Am I simply to relinquish you so easily?" asked the blonde, gently stroking the side of his face where she had hit him.

"Perhaps seeing your friends today re-ignited your defiant flame once again," pondered Nessa aloud, her numerous tendrils searching about Bosh's body, now somewhat more familiar with his sensitive spots thanks to their previous session. "But I will be glad to quench that as many times as it takes, until I hear you say the words I want to hear," she cooed, her lips taking on a triumphant smirk when she saw the first reaction out of the young sailor. This only encouraged her to move further with the teasing, moving two tentacles to the bulge of his crotch and circling the tent that would soon form. One of them paid extra attention to the head of the youth's cock, while the other descended to rub and toy with his balls.

While there was still the cloth barrier of his pants separating Bosh's hardening genitalia from her slimy, cool tentacles, her touch proved so graceful, so fluid, that the seaman's clothing did little overall to prevent the escalation of his arousal to the next level. "Mmm... so hard already," commented the mamono, pulling his shirt up with her hands and teasing at his nipples with yet another pair of her dexterous limbs. Meanwhile, she leaned ever closer to him, nibbling at his ear and soon working her way down to his neck, peppering his exposed flesh with light bites and the occasional lick from her long, capable tongue. She then kissed at his cheek, letting her tentacles continue to work at his crotch and chest before taunting him further. "So, are you going to use 'any power you're allowed' to stop me now? Hmm~?" Nessa released a low giggle, gripping the waistband of his trousers with her next set of arms and gradually lowering them while stroking away at him ever so slowly. "Can you even do as much, when your body is screaming at you for more, just like this? Fufu..."

"You talk a big game, but you're nothing more than a helpless little whelp in my grasp, Bosh. I can easily ensure that you will be going to sleep tonight frustrated," she scoffed, before doing away with his shirt and bottoms completely, effectively leaving him nude by the water. She wasn't done with him yet, though. Sure, he seemed turned on enough, but it was never Nessa's style to do things halfway in that regard--she wanted to see his face from earlier. The look of sheer lust and desperation. To have several more men like him at her beck and call, pleading for her touch... it was a fantasy she could entertain quite easily. Not only that, it was a goal she could work for. She pondered this, idly toying with him as she did so. The tentacles that had already been attending to Bosh's manhood resumed their task, curling around the base of his shaft and evenly massaging his scrotum. Paired with the numerous suckers upon them, they made the crewman feel as if his rod was constantly being treated to a thousand kisses all around his most sensitive of areas. Those at his chest left numerous, light red hickie marks with their own suckers all over his torso, and the third pair migrated to his backside.

"Feeling it yet?" asked Nessa, eventually releasing Bosh and moving herself over the youth so as to straddle him, her captain's coat opened just enough to show her generous assets. She pushed forward, burying his face in her cleavage as she cradled the back of his head with one hand, the other gripping his shoulder. While such actions resulted in a most pleasurable feeling, no doubt, it still wouldn't compare to the bliss that the sailor's manhood soon felt, teased by the exterior of Nessa's dripping pussy alone.

She strategically moved herself back and forth, as if simulating their coupling, yet without allowing him to penetrate her, kissing the bulbous tip of his cock with her slick, pink petals yet never quite engulfing it the way he would have liked. She would drive him to the point just short of orgasm, but stop every single time, allowing him to cool down a bit, and repeating the process. "Oh, look... you're so close to putting it inside me. I doubt you're still thinking of your friends at this point..."

After several minutes of this, she craned her head downwards and to the side, taking a close look at Bosh's face. "I'd go all the way with you tonight, but you've misbehaved, and those who upset me don't get rewards without making up for things properly, which you don't intend on doing anytime soon. So... I think we're done here, hmm~?" She narrowed her eyes while exhibiting a most devious grin.
Re: The Straw That Broke the Scylla's Back (Nessa)

Slapped, Bosh kept his head turned away in the direction her blow sent it. Defending herself, Bosh didn't seem convinced in the least, despite it all. "The reason why human beings are still flocking to the order and joining their ranks to kill mamono, is due to decisions like the one you're making..." he replied simply. "In war, no one wins. At the very least, I hope you realize that after you leave countless ruins behind you."

When her tentacles came, Bosh tried his best to brace for it, but Nessa was far too good at what she does, even possessing so much instinctual skill alone on how to make a man squirm. At first he seemed to put up a mental barrier, a bastion against Nessa that was besieged by her efforts. He twitched, and his face went red, but he refused to squirm right away as she toyed with him. However, his weakest point was revealed as she disrobed him. He visibly grit his teeth as he braced himself to prepare for what was to come. Nessa's soon working tentacle, suckers and all, working his shaft made him tremble and groan as she related him to a pathetic whelp under her power. After a moment of torture, he started to squirm a little, occasionally letting out a gasp that made Nessa's primal instincts grant her a reward in the form of shivering pleasure from the sound.

So pride was she when she asked if he was 'feeling it', and in reply she got Bosh's weakened strength. "I will sleep soundly!" he replied quickly. "This is nothing! It's... Guh... It's adorable, actually!" he announced, grinning at Nessa as if mocking her. Even as she straddled him, and her rubbing in that fashion made him shout out in pleasure, his body squirming well now as all instincts desired him to thrust inside of her, he continued to show that he wouldn't give her the satisfaction of his surrender as he laughed in between his moans. "So cute... Nnngah! Little Nessa, trying to act tough~!" he taunted her, even as he shook, his body longing to cum as she teased him.
Re: The Straw That Broke the Scylla's Back (Nessa)

"So you would have me die then," spat Nessa, sporting a frown at his initial retort. "It feels as if I am speaking to a rock. I can't tell whether you are deaf of simply daft at times. It's almost as if you're trying to turn me off with such insolence," added the scylla.

Despite having said as much, she went on to resume her molestation of the resistant youth. "But, I suppose one can't have it all... and as I said, you aren't without your uses, fufu. You won't be rid of me that easily, Bosh."

"'Little' Nessa? Trying to act tough? Please... you must be talking about yourself. Seeing you act like more than you are is what's adorable, my dear. We'll see how long you'll last for the night," she scoffed, keeping him pinned down and descending upon him, though only moving a few centimeters, which ultimately allowed half of his head to pierce her velvety, warm depths. He wouldn't be given complete satisfaction, however, as she would then draw herself back upwards with a devious grin, gyrating her hips so as to let his precum smear itself around her pink petals. Taking a deep breath, she smirked, and while keeping him bound, acquired some seaweed from the water nearby. "Are you familiar with ironweed? It's stronger than much of the lines you use. Even I have difficulty simply breaking it." Pulling the aquatic shrubs from the dirt, along with their roots, she then utilized them to bind Bosh's hands behind his back, then followed suit with his legs.

Nessa carried him to their place in the cave afterwards, where she would sit him down on her lap, with the man facing upwards to keep him from rubbing himself on the floor in order to get off. Though such a sight would be amusing and not entirely upsetting for her, she did want to teach him a lesson about how to respond to one's domme, something that the young seaman clearly had not yet learned. Occasionally, she would stroke his throbbing cock to keep him hard, almost constantly at the point of bursting but never quite granting it. Sitting down with her back against the wall of the dank cave, she allowed him to recline a bit, providing her body as a cushion for him while caressing his cheeks lovingly. By doing this, she gave Bosh the illusion of comfort, knowing that it was absolute torture for him down below, as he was most likely aching to get off. Four of her tentacles wrapped around him would keep the youth from escaping in the night. "I can sleep just like this, you know... I only hope you can, too. We'll see how you feel in the morning. Perhaps if you beg me hard enough then, and renounce all that you've said, I might be merciful enough to lend you a tentacle or two."

With that, she would fall into a relatively light slumber, snuggling with her tightly bound captive, and doing her best to keep him painfully erect for the majority of the night. He would learn to behave in her presence, one way or another.
Re: The Straw That Broke the Scylla's Back (Nessa)

Bosh frowned, showing an inkling of nervousness as Nessa wasn't shaken by his taunts. Bound and taken to her den, Bosh fidgeted with clear nervousness as she kept him erect and continuously tortured him with teasing pleasure so that he may never know release for the rest of the night. He had nothing more to say as he was visibly shaken by the idea of enduring such torture, making every obvious attempt to try and mentally prepare himself for it, even though he was wise enough to know that he was going to be pushed beyond his limits and tortured to Nessa's liking.

He squirmed, twitched, and moaned slightly as Nessa let herself fall into sleep. Throughout the night, Bosh's squirming increased before it stopped entirely. After who knows how long without squirming, Nessa would awake to a full erect, and exhausted Bosh, who was apparently the reason for Nessa waking up given his nudging. "Wake up... Gods, wake up!" Bosh begged in a helpless whisper. Upon seeing her eyes open, Nessa would be treated to Bosh's most pathetic expression. The overnight torture did well to break down his willpower. "I give..." Bosh said with a raspy, dry voice. "I surrender myself..." he wheezed with humiliation. "Please, just stop this torture...!" he begged her, her tentacle's natural movement as she'd awake causing Bosh to twitch and stir as if she stabbed him with something, his rod clearly sensitive beyond belief at this point, and it was as red as could be to boot.
Re: The Straw That Broke the Scylla's Back (Nessa)

Nessa's eyes fluttered open as Bosh roused her from a fairly shallow part of her sleep cycle. Due to the young sailor's timing in that regard, his captor lacked the grogginess typical of most who were awakened so abruptly. Instead, the busty scylla showed him a triumphant smirk brought about by the pathetic, pleading look given to her. "Mm... oh? Couldn't take it anymore, could you? But it's only been, hm, perhaps five hours or so? Who was the one that said that this was 'nothing'? Was it you? Perhaps you should jog my memory," she taunted aloud, forcing him to the ground with her tendrils and, as the daring seaman might have expected, resumed teasing his nethers without hesitation. "I thought you said that you'd sleep soundly," continued Nessa, mocking her captive's defiant words from just hours prior. "But look at you now, you poor thing," she said in a low voice akin to a whisper. "You're miserable, and now you're surrendering after this much? Tsk, tsk. Though I suppose even the most honorable humans like yourself have their limits, don't they? Just keep in mind though, I won't be playing this game that often. Should you continue to misbehave, it'll only get worse... and perhaps you won't even get a moment of mercy from me next time. Know that if this is truly want you want from me, to indulge in my pleasures, then I won't let you off so easily. Understand~?"

As she spoke, deliberately drawing out the session of torture to hear Bosh's words, she idly slid her tentacles up and down his reddened, throbbing manhood, keeping him just short of the brink in the same fashion as before. The sailor remained pinned to the ground, arms and legs splayed out with only his cock sticking straight up, coiled about by a pair of Nessa's tentacles. "So, should I make you cum on yourself, as your shipmate did? No, I'd say you've earned a little more than that... perhaps my mouth will do the trick," she went on suggestively, placing her hands on his inner thighs and planting a small kiss on each of them before caressing his balls with her tongue. The scylla made audible slurping noises as she did so, covering Bosh's jewels with a sheen of warm saliva, then letting a few seconds pass to expose them to the cool night air. She went on to immerse him right back into pleasure by taking one of his testicles in between her lips, massaging its sensitive surface with her tongue as it was nestled in her mouth. Afterwards, she followed suit with the other one, making eye contact with him all the while. While undoubtedly a delightful bout of stimulation, it still wasn't the sort of thing that would make Bosh release right away, and Nessa knew this. "Mmm... I'm sure these have been simply -aching-, haven't they? Hard at work, producing more delicious semen for me to feed on? When Mistress Nessa says to give her breakfast, lunch, or dinner at any given time, that's exactly what you'll do."

Seeing an otherwise respectable human being utterly humiliated and degraded like this proved quite arousing in its own way to the sadistic blonde mamono, and she reveled in his whimpers and pleas for mercy. Still, the promise of his obedience was worthy of a good enough reward for Bosh, one that she would deliver personally, as it also had selfish motivations. "Though, I'm not really in the mood for an appetizer... so why don't we move on to the main course? That's what you've wanted, isn't it? I suppose I can... ah... oblige," she cooed, crawling over him and straddling the helpless crewman. While she maintained her air of superiority over him, it was plain to see that even Nessa herself was aroused by the thought of having Bosh inside of her once again. She found it hard to keep quiet as she swayed above him, driving her hips back and forth and dragging the head of his sensitive rod along her waiting slit, coating the young man's throbbing tool in her feminine juices. Biting her lower lip, she eyed him with a smirk, releasing a soft sigh as she savored the moments before penetration, observing his level of frustration. "Ahh~n... you've been waiting all night for this, haven't you?" She employed the limbs that were wrapped around his wrists to force his hands upwards to her bosom, guiding them firmly onto each of her large, soft mounds, allowing Bosh to feel her hardened nipples against his palms. "See what you've done? I won't let you leave this be without taking responsibility... though I'll be sure to take good care of you too, now that you've learned a little humility for once."

Nessa winked, and allowed her confident smirk to shift into an expression of pure bliss as she sunk herself down onto him, moaning as she felt his pulsing cock part her soaked lower lips. The sailor's hips met her own as she forced him to hilt into her with relative ease. That, however, was only by virtue of Bosh's hardness; when he entered her, the mamono girl's pussy wrapped tightly around the sailor's manhood, providing him with a snug yet pleasant fit. "Ohhh, yesss," she cooed, her mouth agape as the blush deepened across her cheeks. While no doubt a tremendous relief to the supine seaman, it would provide him with a new implicit challenge, one of not releasing his built-up load right away. Nessa wasn't going to make it any easier, however. As her monstrous instincts took over, she found herself moving up and down on his shaft with little thought for buildup, ravaging Bosh's senses with a feverish pace from the start. Her eight lower limbs provided her with a solid base on which she could position her hips and thrust herself onto him from just about any angle, and she used this advantage to the fullest, first tilting forward, humping him steadily and firmly from there, then shifting to a backwards-leaning position and allowing him a full view of her gorgeous upper half. "Ah! Oh! Nnnh, ooh, yes, Bosh... aahuhnn, ah, ah, aah! Oooh!" She rode him hard, causing the wet slaps of their heated mating session to echo through the night.

Nessa was quite aware that the man wouldn't last terrible long, having been frustrated and denied orgasm for the better part of the evening. But she wouldn't torture him any further, as that would have a similar effect on her own senses, so when she felt him come dangerously close to orgasm, she didn't slow down. Instead, she sped up, with her tight cunny practically jerking him off until the final moment. This time, she was using every last one of her strong limbs not to restrain him, but to help propel herself up and down on him, making the force and speed by which her hips impacting his faster than the sailor could ever try with his own hand. Then, suddenly, her slick inner walls clenched firmly around Bosh's member at the moment he released his first spurt, helping draw out his load in force. When she felt the hot slap of his seed touch down upon her pussy's inner walls, she let out a blissful sigh, content with the wonderful feeling of receiving his potent gift. But that wouldn't be all. A second, then a third, a fourth, a fifth and perhaps a few more spurts after that left the youth's body, only to be greedily claimed by Nessa's thirsty womanhood. She continued to bounce up and down on him, grinding her clit against his pubic bone with a satisfied grin. "Ah... oooh, hnnn~! I can feel how much you've saved up," remarked the scylla, gyrating her hips as her partner filled her. Whether it was against his better wishes or not, Bosh would have little choice but to serve as a living toy for his Mistress.

Even then, apparently he was far from done. "Is that all you've got? I haven't even cum yet," she said mockingly, as if he hadn't done a good enough job for her just yet. Even if he should fall limp, she would keep him inside, slowly stirring her hips and waiting for him to get hard again before the second round commenced.
Re: The Straw That Broke the Scylla's Back (Nessa)

Bosh grit his teeth at Nessa's taunts. Still, she had dulled him to the point where all he could think about was cumming. "It was me," he replied to her initial question without hesitation. "I didn't... I didn't know my place... Haaaah..." Bosh moaned with intense desire. His eyes stared at her with nothing but lust. He was willing to say or do anything at this point if it meant satisfaction, and he long lost the energy to struggle. "I understand! I understand!" he repeated twice as he was pinned down and tortured further. He still barely had the energy to twitch his hips in an effort to stimulate himself enough to cum, all in vain. "J-just... Please... PLEASE LET ME CUM!" Bosh cried out, begging and pleading. The rest that followed was simply repeated begging. He offered anything and everything, short of his soul, if she'd let him cum. "I'll be your slave... I'll... I..." he cried out, the torture clearly driving him somewhere close to insanity, all while he was clearly being shattered as a dignified man. Now, he simply wanted to be drained.

He was so ready to release that all it took was Nessa taking him into her folds. With a loud orgasmic cry Nessa felt him cumming into her body with his mouth wide open. Like some kind of animal desperately attempting to leave it's seed, his cum ejaculated deep into her, and he didn't stop cumming for quite a while. There was so much cum inside her that it wouldn't be strange to say that he emptied everything into her in that one instant. Though he calmed down immensely, Bosh would then lay there, moaning as she moved her body along his shaft, fucking him while his seed sloshed about inside of her womb. His hands to her breasts, Bosh embraced the act of her riding him. "Haah... Haah! Nngh! Hah... Ha-ha-ha...!" he laughed as he moaned and panted like a horny animal. "I'm yours...! I'm yours! Yours!" he announced as if he wanted the whole world to hear it. "I've gone crazy... Because... Of you!"

His arms laid flat, or were loose depending on how much she controlled them. He twitched from pleasure as his weak body was attacked by her monstrous form. In little time at all he was cumming a second time. His eyes were rolling into the back of his head as his tongue hung limply out of his mouth. Her plump, attractive body drawing upon his shaft, causing his balls to throb, trying to push cum into her that wasn't there. He looked in such pain from the session, and yet he never begged her to stop. In fact, he did the opposite. "More! I love you!" he announced, laughing more with a pathetic and tired voice. He constantly remained stiff for her, even after he'd long reached the point where he simply had no more cum to give her, her pussy overflowing now with all of the extra seed his balls had created to try and satisfy the monster on top of him.

His moans, cries, and words came to an end at some point as she neared closer to her own massive climax. A certain kind of twitch from him was the only sign of another climax. If she were counting, he had reached orgasm thirteen times, and was now quite broken. With him like that, she'd finally hit her peak, her crushing sex finally having reached a point of satisfaction on top of her victim as her peak would constrict his cock and wring out that last little orgasm from him, a tiny droplet of seed adding to the rest of the mess.

"Goodness, are you trying to kill him~?" asked Alora. The Nereid was watching from another connecting body of water with an amused smile on her face. "Though, I trust that he will never disobey you again. And he even said 'I love you'~" Alora giggled. "How adorable."
Re: The Straw That Broke the Scylla's Back (Nessa)

"That's right, you didn't know your place. You thought you could taunt me and get away with it, and now you're paying the price. Hopefully next time you'll know better, hmm?" She smiled and patted his cheek twice in response to his begging, with a smug tone made to show that she had expected such an answer from the helpless young man. "That's a good boy. Always obedient when sex is on the line, aren't you? See, maybe we're not so different after all, you and I... but don't worry. If you behave like this all the time and beg properly like you're doing now, there's a lot more pleasure to be had that I can grant you. I haven't even shown you the surface of everything I'm capable of," added the scylla, before moving on to violate him mercilessly.


Nessa's eyes widened as Bosh came upon entering her, failing to stifle a gasp thanks to the unique sensation of his potent seed hitting her sensitive inner walls. "Ooh~! You came already?! Nnnnh... t-that's not nearly enough," she said with feigned disapproval before her instincts spurred her to ride him harder. The feeling of being cummed inside was exhiliarating, addicting even, for an aquatic monster whose evolutionary adaptations rotated around extracting the sperm of human males just like Bosh. One load wasn't nearly enough. She wanted more, needed more, as the chances of conception would naturally raise with the amount of cum he emptied into her womb. In this animalistic state, Nessa's instincts spoke more than her logic did. She rode him hard and fast, as if she was the one doing the fucking, while the crewman would be able to do little other than surrender his life-giving liquid to his violator's hungrily clenching pussy. He would have to strain to satisfy her or die trying.

Luckily for him, her anatomy made it quite easy for him to do so. Just when Bosh thought they were done, Nessa hilted herself down upon him completely and grinned, placing one hand on his chest as the other grabbed a fistful of his hair. "Hahhhuhnnnn.... ooohhhuuhuuhhhnnfff....! Oooooohhhhh!!" Her eyes rolled upwards as she bit her lower lip, showing that she had reached orgasm. But Bosh didn't have to look at his mistress' face to know as much, as the best indicator of her climax was already wrapped around his sensitive tool. Her vaginal walls clenched tightly around his cock, starting from the base and working their way up with a series of contracting and relaxing motions that literally squeezed the servings of warm spunk out of his shaft. As if that weren't enough, the entrance to her womb dilated and dipped down in the process, kissing the very end of its guest's bulbous tip and sipping out what it could of the milky gift. It was as if her entire body had devoted itself to the function of bearing his young.

By the time she came down from her orgasmic high, Nessa's partner was visibly spent. Even the powerful mamono was breathing heavily, sweat framing her face, as she came to her senses, relaxing a little. While a great deal of the sailor's excess fluids dribbled out from her, most of it was stored safely in her womb, where it would no doubt be served to fertilize the egg she would eventually shed. With that, she stretched out, wriggling slightly atop him before pulling herself up, which left Bosh's half-erect member flopping flat as it left the comfort of her cunny. "Mmm, how satisfying was that? Don't tell me you're done already, when you were begging me to let you cum just hours earlier... oh, I guess you are. I suppose it doesn't matter all that much, since you did well enough to make me go. Some training will still be in order though, so be ready, fufu..." She was still dripping, however, and certainly wasn't in the mood to be moving about this morning while messy. Turning around, she sat upon her partner's face, forcing him to lick up some of his own mess from between her lower lips as a service to the domme.

And while he may not have enjoyed the taste of his own fluids, it wasn't as if there were no benefits in it for him. While he cleaned her, Nessa craned down and put her tongue to work along Bosh's softening cock, then took it into her mouth completely to clean it off thoroughly. She bobbed up and down as her tongue remained active, perhaps earning another erection out of him, but certainly couldn't get anymore cum from the young man. It didn't bother the scylla too much, who seemed content to tend to her newest slave in such a fashion for the next several minutes. It was enough to get one more orgasm out of Bosh. Though nothing left him, he still felt the sheer bliss of it all run through his groin one last time, and with that, Nessa rose, licking her lips and rotating in place so that she was facing the sailor. If he wasn't done licking her up by then, she would have him continue, reaching down and running her fingers through his hair as he faithfully resumed his task.

An alluring voice chimed in, almost out of nowhere, and Nessa looked up to spot the beautiful nereid, Alora. "Mmm, morning. No, not trying to kill him... just taming him a little. I think it's working," she replied casually, maintaining a firm grip on the back of his head as she put him to work. "Well, I certainly hope not. Having an opinion is one thing, but constantly reminding me of it is another." She sighed at the last part. "If only he could say as much without the promise of mating, but I suppose that's part of the deal, isn't it... hmph. At any rate, are there some recent developments I should know about? Or did you just come to watch?" she asked with a grin.
Re: The Straw That Broke the Scylla's Back (Nessa)

Alora giggled at Nessa's reply. "I had almost forgotten you were an adorable virgin before recent events. You were already such a natural at this that it was easy to forget that you were new to this." she said while raising her arms out of the water and resting her elbows on the ground. Water splashed lightly from her motion as water gracefully dripped from her blue flesh. She place her face between her hands to be held up in her palms as if she were putting her pretty face on display. At the same time, her fins on her legs would gracefully rise out of the water and splash about. Alora's appearance was that of a seductive and mischievous trickster, an expression of character that seemed to match her perfectly. While Bosh choked on Nessa's attempts to get him to clean his own seed from her lower body, Alora smiled at Nessa warmly while taking a stray tentacle with one finger, and twirling it around as one would with a strand of hair. "Perhaps you should get a bit more serious?" she suggested. "After we take over the town, we should have some free time, so why not go out on a date? If you truly have romantic plans, marriage is down that road, you know," Alora hummed. "I do envy that line of thinking as well. I myself am far too fickle to bother with marriage. Maybe one day." Alora seemed content to think along those lines that perhaps one day she'd bother with marriage.

Meanwhile, Bosh was completely spent. Even though Nessa would manage to get his cock semi-erect, he gave little more than a twitch to her actions. Of course, as much as Nessa enjoyed giving him such treatment, especially since it was due to him causing her displeasure, there were those who would not support Nessa's methods. One of those individuals made her appearance following Alora. At first, the curious mermaid meekly peeked up from the water beside Alora as the blue fish gave a curious glance, before she burst up from the water in an outrage. "Nessa, what are you doing to him!?" Pearl exclaimed. "He looks like he's suffering!" she cried out. The idealistic mermaid hesitated to act out the emotions boiling up in her, fear of confrontation being the main setback for her. However, it seemed her urge to help Bosh won the mental battle, and the mermaid flew out of the water with a dolphin's grace, and came straight to Bosh as she tried to push Nessa aside, and wrap her arms around him as if to shield him from Nessa's punishment. She'd quickly find that no matter how successful she was, or if Nessa backed off or not, that it didn't matter at that point. The torture seemed well enough finished. With a fluster she tried to clean his face, before Pearl turned and looked at Nessa with a shaken and angry expression. "This is too much, Nessa! Too much! He doesn't look right, he looks awful!" she cried, distraught.
Re: The Straw That Broke the Scylla's Back (Nessa)

"As had I," responded Nessa to the nereid's comment, unable to help but maintain her smile. "But then again, it's not as if I ever had to learn how to eat or sleep, and this... felt much like the same thing," she admitted, rolling her hips so as to push her soaked flower tighter against Bosh's face and letting the sailor clean his Mistress. She managed to stifle a few small gasps and moans thanks to the constant strokes of his tongue against her lower lips. Though the temptation to simply mount him again rose by just a small amount as a result, seeing him obediently heed her commands despite his own discomfort, in a display of his own brand of faithfulness, caused her to hold back just this once. Of course she found him attractive, and coupled with her hard-coded instincts as a mamono, sex just came naturally. But to find something more with him... it was a bit more complicated. It was difficult for her to pinpoint exactly how devoted he really was. One moment, rebellious, and the next, simply a mindbroken toy. Was that just the effects of sex with her, or any monster girl for that matter, given their pull over men? How much of what he said was the real Bosh speaking?

"Perhaps," answered the scylla, taking on a thoughtful expression. "That's a shame, though. You seem like you'd make a good wife... a far better one than me, anyway," she added with a slight shrug. Loathe as she was to admit it, there were probably some things she needed to work on in that department, mainly because she had never given it nearly as much thought before, up until now.

Then, Pearl interrupted to coddle Bosh, or what looked like it, and Nessa found herself too stunned to really resist. She gave a somewhat puzzled look at the mermaid's sudden protest. Was it really that bad? Had she wronged him to such an unforgivable extent when all she wanted to do was prove a point to the young seaman? While her next instinct was to turn on Pearl in anger, she simply took a deep breath with eyes closed. Then, she opened them slowly, looking to the rebellious mamono and making her response. "Does he? He sounded quite happy just moments ago. Don't you think, Alora? You did hear what he said earlier..." she remarked with a shrug in a voice that was a little too polite to be genuine. "Why don't we ask him, then. Bosh, is this too much for you? Is it enough?" She gave him an expectant look with a half grin. With this, she could know the answers to some of the questions she held inside sooner than expected.
Re: The Straw That Broke the Scylla's Back (Nessa)

(Inspirational song used: )

Alora laughed, relaxing where she was by leaning back and propping her elbows up on the land behind her while the rest of her body casually floated underwater. Alora always had that sly and cunning smile on her face, one that Nessa would slowly come to see as the nereid's mask. That smile seemed to hide much of what she was thinking, and the smile itself also was a message of it's own that she was well aware of others and their attempts to read her. It seemed to be somewhat of a trend in the sea. Those mamono who live in it have trouble revealing their emotions like the creatures on land. Alora had the smile, Gale her blank face, Pearl her timid and fearful expression, and Nessa herself would find that she always had the face of a queen. Cold, and stern. Much like the others, it would be perhaps somewhat difficult to immediately sense the affections she might have at the time. Their company was a parade of masks, hiding their true feelings, though they were even more mysterious than those with masks, because one would be unable to tell at first that their natural expressions were masks at all. Unless they knew better, it seemed that Nessa would always be thought of as someone distant, too distant to be approached. Someone who thought herself better than others, regardless of how she really was on the inside. Perhaps Alora understands this issue, and was able to better tell Nessa's true character. Among all the other mamono in her company, Nessa would be blind not to tell who was closest to her.

"Then would you say you were a natural leader upon your birth?" the nereid asked with a curious tone. "After all, such came naturally to you as well. The moment an issue arose, you were the center. You were the nexus that bound us all together, and the leader who combined our efforts to help solve it." Alora gestured to Bosh, "Even when rebellions rise, you yourself put them to rest. These are the qualities of a powerful leader, my dear Nessa, and that is an extremely useful talent to have given the times coming ahead." Alora bowed her head a little. "I apologize for eavesdropping, but I did see your exchange with Bosh, albeit briefly." Alora let a long breath slip out of her body, able to breathe the oxygen, but only for a little while. That little while was reaching it's end, and as such, Alora dipped into the water a moment to let her gills sort out the amount of oxygen in her body. She rose slowly, and with such grace that there was hardly any ripples around her body before she relaxed against the opening in the same posture as before, relaxed and leaning back. "He is right about one thing. It's natural for more conflict to result of our actions in both past and future. It would be a bit unreasonable to expect us to reach a conclusion that our troubles will end with the removal of that fishing village. Two things will keep us involved in conflict, and with each other. First being the retaliation from the humans. It will come for us eventually. Second being the extended issue... One must remember the other mamono beyond our small scope. There are more just like us suffering out there, but the biggest difference between us and them... Is the lack of a reliable leader. As we both may know... The current Queen of Atlantis is incompetent." Alora said flatly. "If she had done something, us near the shore wouldn't be suffering... But you are more suited to leading your fellow people of the sea. You know of this suffering first hand, while the current Queen only knows of her Atlantis, her comfortable kingdom."

Alora simply shook her head at the insistence that she'd make a good wife. "I wouldn't be able to settle with one man, my dear Nessa. I do not care for how men feel. Only their bodies interest me," she announced with a deeper grin. Through her pleasant smile, something rather sadistic slipped through and informed Nessa of Alora's dark nature.

After Pearl's inturruption, Alora simply grinned in response to Nessa's question. Bosh, meanwhile, pathetic as he looked, lightly spat the contents of his mouth out onto the floor. That gesture gave hint that he had reserves of strength bottles up inside, protected against Nessa. "... It's fine." Bosh said simply. "Could you heal my pain?" he inquired towards Pearl, who would put her hands on Bosh's body where he indicated, before using healing magics on the places where he was apparently in pain.

Nessa and Alora were allowed to continue their conversation. Neither Pearl nor Bosh made further disturbance, though Nessa would catch a murderous glare from the mermaid, a mere glance that lasted only a moment.
Re: The Straw That Broke the Scylla's Back (Nessa)

"I can't say I've ever thought of it like that," replied Nessa with partially feigned modesty, her visage shifting into that of a contemplative one. A natural-born leader? Provided, since her youth she had never been the type to shy away completely from verbal confrontation if nothing else, often being the first to initiate dialogue and the like--at least with regards to other mamono. The more she thought about it, the more Alora's words seemed to hold true. Initially, she merely thought to restrict the humans, threaten them and make them realize exactly what they were up against. Only then would those living upon the reef be able to go about their lives in peace.

Then she remembered the curses yelled to her by Bosh's friends, the promises of vengeance and violence to be exacted upon her. Given the difference in power between mamono and men, the latter simply had to have known as much, and yet they continued to do things that aggravated Nessa's kind. These people from the simple fishing village were just commoners to boot, and yet oddly capable of exhibiting such impressive defiance. The scylla realized her folly in assuming that they would simply go away quietly. Their wills needed to be dominated completely, one way or another. Even if conflict were to occur, such was a necessary 'evil'... after all, the desired change would never come on its own otherwise. Battle... no, war, was unavoidable.

"You are right. Perhaps my scope was too small after all. We've already started this... no. The humans did. We had no other choice," she announced, rationalizing it all out loud. "Just as a tiny drop can cause a multitude of ripples, so will the raid of recent only lead to more events that we cannot stop, but only prepare ourselves for. Needless to say, additional recruiting will be near the top of the priority list. As for the current Queen, fufu.. I could have told you that much, about her lack of reliability. Otherwise we wouldn't have suffered the way we did. I don't personally find the needs of aquatic mamono to be terribly unreasonable--to eat, survive, and find a mate--and yet it's been so difficult to do the first two thanks to the humans. Her incompetence goes without saying if she is to watch us starve, only for the sake of upholding some pathetic absolute law that hasn't been revised in who knows how long. I question whether she has ever caught a fish for herself."

Nessa gave Bosh a flat look and a raised brow at his less than impressive response, along with his spitting without permission--the subtle suggestion of his defiance. She would have had him swallow his own cum, to humiliate him and prove to her his renewed loyalty, but the chance to do so was lost quickly thanks to her conversation with Alora--it had slipped her mind. However, she wasn't to dwell on it for long, and instead silently pondered how to better control the young man. The blonde beauty would also catch Pearl glaring daggers at her, but made no comment on the matter for the time being.

Brushing those worries aside, she turned back to Alora after the others made some distance. "So we've a ship and a rag-tag crew. I would still like to take over that village entirely, of course. It's clear that Bosh is quite a resilient man, but I'm sure the minds of his peers are much more... hmm, malleable. What do you think? The main question is whether or not we should do this without some form of help. No doubt they'll have attempted to strengthen their defenses after are most recent raid. Now, who could I turn to for help..." Taking a deep breath, Nessa tried her best to think of mamono acquaintances or others living in the vicinity who could contribute to her cause.
Re: The Straw That Broke the Scylla's Back (Nessa)

Alora nodded with pride towards Nessa when she acknowledged that the humans were at the center of this issue. Alora encouraged keeping hard on the fact that they must ensure that there is no doubt that the humans are at fault. Obviously there will be some things they can be pinned on for being something other than saintly; however, to focus on that when they had a task to perform would only distract them. Alora seemed no stranger to committing evil for the greater good, and Nessa would detect an aura of order about the nereid, as if she had a natural ability to keep chaos and doubt in check. Somehow, Nessa felt some of this natural aura rub off on her as well. The rationalizing she performed would be reinforced, because Alora approved of it. Alora carried with her a natural ability for structure, and offered such services without any cause to hide them. "Stand firm in your beliefs, Nessa. Any who would speak against you may throw logic and reason at you as weapons to crumble your structure of leadership, but even if they are right, a superb leader can simply squash such petty attempts. There is no such thing as being truly good in times of war and conflict. Nay sayers will point out your flaws... But what mamono truly see above all else, is willpower, and strength."

Alora heaved a heavy sigh. "I know you likely want to lecture me on how you already know this... But what I want you to understand is that I support you. When you speak as a leader, and someone appears to silence your voice, I will make it so your authority is not drowned in their traitorous rhetoric." Alora promised.

Then, Alora made a rather deep and menacing laugh upon mentioning the takeover of the town, before extending a hand out towards Nessa. "My Dear Nessa... I am a woman who is a devote lover for information, and I have some love I wish to share with you on that topic. You see, Bosh is the son of the leader of that town. He is the next generation of who the people would have looked up to as their capable leader. Before we took him, he was certainly meant to become the leader of the town that the people could depend on. Let us use Bosh, to show the people that their new way of life is going to change. If we use Bosh... We are assured to crush the enemies spirit and pave the road to your success. We might even win with minimal combat." Alora cooed, seeming to have adopted a rather devious expression.

"That's going too far!" Pearl suddenly spoke out. Immediately, Alora gave Pearl such an expression that matched her idea of who she thought was spouting traitorous rhetoric. "You're thinking of using Bosh against his own parents!? Alora, are you some kind of crazy sociopath!?"

Alora sighed, and leaned back into the waters she inhabited, as if dealing with Pearl was such a bother. "It seems I am. What have you to say about it?" she inquired. Pearl gave no response. With Alora just shrugging it off and taking the entire accusation in without so much as blinking, Pearl looked to be at a bit of a loss as to where to take her frustrations.

Instead of dealing with Alora, she turned back to Nessa. "Don't you love him...? Don't do this to him..." Pearl pleaded, trying to appeal to whatever goodness exists in Nessa's heart.

Alora looked rather taxed from Pearl's idealistic nature. Instead of responding further, she stopped to look to Nessa, offering their leader a chance to speak her mind.

Regardless of what Nessa did, even if she said nothing, there was the issue of who she was going to get to support her. Her most immediate connections happened to be her family; however, there was an issue with that. When mamono breed, the female offspring is often much like the mother. So, if Nessa were to approach her mother for aid, it would be dealing with someone greatly similar to herself, which could be equally a good and bad thing. The male genes offer slight deviations in what the girl looks like, but it's the mothers that primarily determines it. Among all her daughters, Nessa was the one who looked almost like a carbon copy. In order to maintain the difference for when she got older, her mother kept Nessa's hair short, never going beyond her shoulders, while her mother kept her hair long. There was also her two sisters. One sister was from the same father, who ended up with a kraken when her mother tired of him. The other was from the same mother and father, and was a rather peculiar woman. Anyone who seemed to carry Nessa's genes all appeared born to become a mistress. Her full sister, a scylla like herself, was calling herself 'Madame Shirley' as Nessa would recall. Her half-sister, the kraken, was a bit of a hermit on the other hand. There was little information about her and all Nessa would know is the vague idea of her location and the fact that she actually did have such a sister. The rest is shrouded in mystery.

Other than family, there would be very few Nessa would recall. It was hard to even make acquaintances when you happen to be a big and scary octopus. Even octopi interacting with each other is somewhat a stretch, as the species itself is known throughout the ocean as solitary, excluding when they capture a mate of course. The only exception that could be made here is that they're family... So there is a chance they could speak together.
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Re: The Straw That Broke the Scylla's Back (Nessa)

"Truly good, you say..." Nessa pondered the meaning of those words. "You are right. It's less that which I am worried about, however, than it is having a -convincing- argument for the cause. What I mean to stress is that this... campaign we are running did not go unprovoked. Not unless the fishermen, along with the Queen of Atlantis herself, simply expected us to starve ourselves for nothing. How laughable it would be for anyone to assume that a mamono would simply roll over and die for the sake of a matter as trivial as sating a weaker species' greed--let alone another mamono! It really proves just how out of touch our current 'ruler' is with reality, and the plight of the rest of us. At any rate, I appreciate it. Perhaps I have underestimated my own worth as a leader. Though the fact stands that we will need more to join us before any real change can happen."

She then listened to the information Alora had about the village with no shortage of interest. "I... see," the scylla echoed softly, turning her glance to Bosh momentarily. "It's not such a bad idea. Even after his return from an apparent kidnapping by us mamono, the villagers seemed to retain their high opinions of him." The promises that Bosh's friends made to 'make her burn' repeated themselves in her mind. "It does explain much. I'll certainly consider it. Though, is that not rather, mmm, time-intensive...?" Nessa idly adjusted her captain's jacket as she gave it further thought. That would mean that the current leader would have to either die or conveniently 'disappear', and Bosh will, of course, have to be set in his place. Though, given the young sailor's rebelliousness, it was hard for her to be sure of the reliability of the plan. How would she keep a tight leash on him, especially with the possibility of the other villagers accusing him of being a puppet? Pearl's apparent doting didn't seem to help, either.

Still, Nessa would turn to face the mermaid with a more neutral look than her true feelings would have communicated. "Tell me then, Pearl... what would you have us do, then? I -am- open to suggestions. But the fact of the matter is, this isn't over yet. We have but one ship. Are you not still hungry? Either way, you will have to see that entire village subjugated for us to not starve, for us to not suffer. Don't take this to be a bad thing, however. They might be safer under our rule than being pawns to other humans like themselves, if their behavior is any indicator. If anything, it is also important that we force our own exposure upon the men, so that they may understand us better. A cultural exchange, of sorts. You saw what they believed--most of them still think that we will feast upon them as meals! The absurdity of the stories they tell about us. It is no doubt part of the reason you've had trouble finding a mate," she said calmly. "If only they understood you, and us, better. That trust doesn't necessarily build up overnight, you know." It was a lesson that Nessa herself recently learned, at least about Bosh.

That was about as diplomatic as she could get for the time being, however. Her mind turned to the potential allies in... well, her siblings. 'Madame Shirley', in this case. As she was very much used to having the final word in most arguments, Nessa didn't always get along with her sisters particularly well--which was part of why she lived in her own little reef--but she was sure that some common ground could be found when it came to dealing with the humans. How were either of his sisters doing? It was time to check. First, she'd make a plan of meeting up with the other scylla, then the kraken, provided she had the opportunity, as the latter's location was somewhat more vague. A fruitless search was the last thing she needed right about now. "I have a sister who calls herself 'Madame Shirley'... perhaps I can convince her to lend a tentacle or two to our cause, should other humans get involved. I am sure there is some profit in it for her as well."
Re: The Straw That Broke the Scylla's Back (Nessa)

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Alora nodded at Nessa's devotion to her ideals behind her reasons. The nereid respectfully accepted that Nessa would not change her mind on the matter. Still, the nereid didn't seem to respect the justice behind the plan in the slightest. Her eyes were set on the future and was clearly planning to set Nessa up for the most aspirational future. Despite her aid, Nessa would never have detected any kindness or endearment in Alora's voice. The nereid didn't hide the fact that she was also after personal gain, and Nessa seemed to be most valuable for whatever she desired. Having Alora as an ally would mean she would be just as useful as she is dangerous. Though the same could be said of all those currently following her orders. Everyone had their own agenda. Pearl's was the most 'pure' one could say, and she more than anyone else might be convinced of the Atlantis Queen's view point. Gale was savage, it seemed she was happy so long as Nessa provided conflict and men to fuck. If Nessa ever was without an enemy, then problems may arise with the sahuagin.

But if Nessa included her sisters, then her current allies would be the least of her worries. Shirley would likely replace Nessa with herself without a second thought to how it may betray her. A moment's weakness, and someone would likely be very willing to rip Nessa away from her gathering power. Nessa's capabilities as a leader are likely to be tested every day from this point out. Given Alora's smirk as she looked at the scylla, Nessa would detect the look of a predator. Though perhaps a habit, the nereid was always scanning Nessa for weakness. As Alora kept Nessa under her deceptive smirk and her sadistic gaze, the nereid spoke with her usual elegant and humble voice. "We are enemies on both fronts, my dear Nessa. Taking our time is simply something we cannot do. I suggest a violent takeover of the town. We rip Bosh's father from the throne of leadership, and have his son convince the townsfolk that their miserable human village belongs to us. We use the men to bolster our numbers, and turn the women into soldiers. We'll begin with an already strong military force as well as an ample supply of warriors!"

Pearl didn't like Alora's suggestion of a full scale assault, but Nessa's words silenced her before she could complain about it. She was suffering the human's ignorance and inconsideration too. Having Bosh convince them to fall under Nessa would be truly convenient, and if they didn't fight it, then there would be no problems. Still, it was clear Pearl didn't like the thought of using Bosh as a tool to power Nessa's apparent war. She only had morals and beliefs of kindness and righteousness to defend herself with, though Pearl was clearly not about to claim that Nessa, everyone else, and even she herself should continue to suffer all for the sake of being nice. "I don't like it...! And I'll never support it!" Pearl resigned herself to saying. "So what if it takes time? We should just peacefully-!"

Alora did something drastic. The nereid seemed rather limited with patience when it came to the mermaid, moreso that she was apparently affecting Nessa, even if only slightly. So, Alora approached Pearl, and gripped the mermaid's face with one hand, her fingers and thumb squeezing her cheeks as Pearl winced, apparently in pain from Alora squeezing her face. "Peacefully give regards to those who would harvest you for your blood, make us starve, and murder us on sight!? Nessa may have patience for your stupidity, but I do not. This is not an issue that can be solved with good wishes and kind words, so it's about time you woke up." Alora said harshly, while Pearl stared at Alora with an expression of fear all the while the nereid spoke, clearly shocked. "Slavery is the least the humans deserve for their crimes, and Nessa seems to lean towards being even kinder to them still. Be thankful." Alora stated, before harshly letting Pearl's face go. The mermaid was tearing in the eyes from Alora's abusive behavior.

Then, on the topic of 'Madame' Shirley, Alora was rather brief, seeming rather irritated over Pearl, who seemed rather subdued now. "I'm sure her power will be an asset. How shall we go about recruiting her?" Alora inquired.
Re: The Straw That Broke the Scylla's Back (Nessa)

Nessa pondered the newest dilemmas that had come up with the issue of recruitment, particularly that of her sister. And while the daunting task of keeping Madame Shirley under her thumb would be an intimidating prospect for anyone else, the leader of the small band would not be deterred. If she ultimately failed and fell to a usurper, then perhaps she was not fit to lead the rebellion in the first place, so she told herself. This, among others, would just be one of many tests to come her way. She had remained stagnant for far too long.

She paused to consider Alora's suggestion seriously. "Pearl. While your sympathy is a trait I might even envy at times, there is a time and a place for it. This is not one of them." Nessa did shake her head at the nereid's rash actions, however. "Still, there is no need for us to be fighting amongst ourselves, particularly in the face of a much larger enemy. Surely there will be inevitable differences between the lot of us, but what we must do is focus on our commonalities," she explained. "And that, in our case, is the suffering we have felt at the hands of the humans. We can all go about our separate ways, if you so desire, AFTER the torture by starvation and the suffering has all ended."

Turning to Bosh, she adopted a curious smirk. "Save for you, a victim of circumstance, one might say... the question is, would YOU be willing to undertake such a mission? And what of the villagers' faith in you? Having lived there, only you would be able to accurately say whether or not they would accept you as their next leader should your father be... displaced." Surely he had to produce an interesting reaction to the proposal.

"As for Madame Shirley, I have an idea of where she lives in the sea. If the humans haven't struck there yet, they will soon enough... and if not, perhaps some sailors can be given a 'nudge' in the right direction. If she is truly a family member of mine, then she will not take an offense made by humans laying down."