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The Straw That Broke the Scylla's Back (Nessa;Taki)

Re: The Straw That Broke the Scylla's Back (Nessa)

The man was left behind by Nessa and Bosh, a mangled man. He cried, slobbered, and screamed words that never took shape, making him sound mentally ill. Compared to everything else Nessa had done, Bosh did not turn his head away from what she did to him. When his bone snapped, he gave a start, but seemed more excited than shocked. He seemed as if he wanted to have done that himself, but was content to leave it in Nessa's tentacles.

Once outside, Bosh looked to Nessa, but seemed to shy away from her hand touching his cheek, rather than embrace it. There seemed to be an expression of frustration on Bosh's face, which he quickly swallowed down and replaced with a restrained look, one that he assumed Nessa wanted. "I don't care what you do with whom, mistress." Bosh replied with a cold tone. "I am yours because you made me yours. Whether you break me as you did him, and leave me mangled, or if you fancy someone else... I'm not going to pretend that I have control over any of that, nor will I pointlessly protest. I am yours so long as you hold power over me." he said firmly, with cold tone remaining in his voice.
Re: The Straw That Broke the Scylla's Back (Nessa)

Nessa heaved a long, drawn-out sigh after leaving the furious man to his own devices. As she slithered away from his chamber, with Bosh alongside her, she began to mutter, to herself as much as to her new partner. "Ugh... well, at least it's good to know I'm not entirely wrong about the human race. Not that I ever had serious moments of doubt... but, I'd have summed them all up to be nothing more than copies of that man, if I hadn't met you. Still... if the majority were of your character, my dear Bosh, then us aquatic mamono would not be having these problems. Something has to be done, and I feel as if I have idled for far too long in allowing our reef to reach the sad state it is in now."

When the young sailor drew his face away ever so slightly from her loving motion, Nessa tilted her head, questions already popping up in her expression. "...Oh? Your words don't quite seem to match your actions. I may not be terribly experienced in dealing with your kind, but I am certainly not ignorant to the feelings of others, particularly those I care about. I very well know when something is wrong..." Cupping his chin, she forcibly pulled his face closer to hers, giving him no choice but to look her in the eye. While she might have been intimidating in her own way, Nessa was still difficult to deny, at least physically. "As noble and honorable as that statement of yours sounds, if you are to be my husband, you ought to be more honest with me. If it causes a stir in your heart to see me with someone else... if it causes you to seethe inside, burning with passion to be in the other's place instead, then please, by all means, tell me. And show me. You won't offend me in the slightest. Quite frankly, while your recognition of my dominion over you is... admirable, it does feel a little troublesome in its own way. What I mean to say is... it's not as if I don't wish to feel wanted, either, you know. If you were to see me with another man, would you not want to be in his place, loving me just as passionately, if not more?"

Her brow furrowed, she tried her best to gauge Bosh's expression, seeing if she could break him out of that stoic, obedient mask of his. He was disciplined, to be sure, and part of that was what set him apart from the others, at least in the mind of the dominating scylla. And yet, she couldn't help but feel a little melancholy from his indifferent response.
Re: The Straw That Broke the Scylla's Back (Nessa)

Bosh remained with his head turned away, before giving a start as Nessa grabbed his chin and made him face her. His face went red as her assertive behavior seemed to capture his attention. As she spoke though, he seemed to steel himself. His expression hardened, and he returned her gaze with his own, his eyes firm. "Lust and love are two easily confused feelings." he began with a firm statement. "A mamono you are, and so beautiful you are as well. If it's honesty you want, I will be honest with you, Mistress. You are both a magnificent and powerful sight to behold. Like that man back there, you can crush a human being easily. Right now, you can try to use your unnaturally beautiful form to seduce me, which no human woman I've ever seen could possibly compare with." If she'd allow it, Bosh would raise one of his hands to gently cup the underside of Nessa's left breast. "Every carnal instinct that I have tells me to lust for you, that is the honest truth. It's terrifying how the stories of mamono that were not fabrications still hold true. I was only with a woman once when I was young, and after being with you, that girl would never satisfy. Even if I were to escape you, I'd be doomed to either return or find another mamono, as human society would cast me out."

Letting her breast go, Bosh relaxed in her grip, even his chin if she did not let him go. "I call you my mistress, not my wife nor my lover. Just from experiencing you and witnessing your terrible power, it's clear why mamono consider themselves a higher species. It's clear as well why I call you my mistress, and nothing else." He stated, before drawing closer to his conclusion. "You're very powerful, and I respect how dangerous you are. However, while you may take everything from me, I'm afraid that my love cannot be snared by your tentacles as easily as my pride, or my neck. If you tell me to call you lover, or my wife, I will do it and hope I am not broken by you. However, I will still only see you as my mistress, someone I should serve, obediently or not, regardless of what I am commanded to call you."

Letting out a sigh, Bosh closed his eyes, rather than continue to gaze upon Nessa. "And yet... I do wonder if you will be displeased with me, and what terrible fate might await me if I am cast aside. Men who experience mamono, but are abandoned by them often meet such terrible fates. Sometimes they starve, other times they are killed by the Order. A miserable, and pathetic existence it is, to be marked as exile. So, in light of that..." his eyes slowly opened. "I will do my best to be your husband, or your lover, despite my true feelings. And I'll do it because I have no other choice..."
Re: The Straw That Broke the Scylla's Back (Nessa)

Bosh's first statement, short as it was, still did its job in confusing Nessa, though she only relayed this back to him with a slight raise of an eyebrow. After all, in theory, she 'knew' this, and almost found it insulting that he would even bother to remind her of such a thing. In reality, however, she found his implication utterly puzzling. Yes, Nessa was as confident as any mamono in her ability to seduce a man, but at the same time... how could this young sailor be so cold and detached about it all? Regardless, she let him continue, allowing herself to be somewhat flattered from his barrage of compliments. The scylla couldn't help but exhibit a sultry grin as Bosh proceeded to make comparisons, of which she surely won. She didn't even flinch when he moved to touch her. Any other man may have retracted a broken limb, but it didn't take much for even the honorable seaman to know that he was different to her.

The following statements turned her expression from one of great pride to an odd feeling of disappointment. How could he be so quick to acknowledge her beauty, power, and ability, calling her Mistress so readily, and yet not be willing to claim her as his lover? While reading people was 'easy' for the icy monstergirl, she still couldn't quite comprehend these matters of the heart, especially those of humans in particular. Was she not worthy of his love? Surely, she had to be. For the first time, she could feel the seeds of doubt, tiny as they were, taking root in her heart. "So, that is all then...?" she answered in a low tone. Her previous smile of triumph, which was triggered from the string of praise just moments earlier, now flattened as she gave him a solemn look. Nessa took a deep breath, clenching her fists at her side for a few awkward seconds in response to the words that she perceived was nothing more than a long-winded rejection. It wasted no time in eating away at her. How dare he? She had allowed him to claim her virginity, after all, something that as a mamono was a true challenge to retain, especially for one as gifted as Nessa.

Coiling one of her tendrils around Bosh's hand, the one that had cupped her breast, she pulled it away from her chest forcefully. Then, without further warning, she pulled it down, parting her front tentacles and guiding it to her womanhood below.

"Remember how much you said you loved me... how much you loved -this-? Don't act as if I don't remember. The way you said that, with such conviction, as our bodies were intertwined..." said Nessa, almost accusingly. "So did you lie to me merely for the purpose of receiving more pleasure, that I would finally allow you to find sweet release the way you did? It doesn't seem fitting for someone as honorable as yourself, to say the things I want to hear in order to do as you pleased with my body. Such a low act like that would be more characteristic of humans like that other man... that pathetic shipmate of yours." Narrowing her eyes, she was clearly not pleased, though she pressed her lower petals even closer to his fingers while keeping a deathgrip on his wrist. "Or is it just that you have to get balls-deep in me to be able to be honest about your feelings towards your Mistress?" She almost spoke with a snarl at that point, despite her proximity to him.

"I gave you my first time. I did not do such a thing only to be rejected like this, Bosh. Are you truly being as honest with your feelings as I am with mine, right now? If those words are not the truth, then what is? What must I say? What must I do, to hear them again?" She slowly and steadily pushed him forward, pinning the helpless sailor to the wall, her tentacles slithering all about his frame, though a hint of desperation lay in her eyes, vulnerability that the strong scylla would otherwise never show to her other subordinates. However, despite her idle gropings of Bosh's body, Nessa seemed about ready to violate him, forcefully, even angrily, at a moment's notice. It all depended on his answer.
Re: The Straw That Broke the Scylla's Back (Nessa)

Forced against the wall, Bosh did seem affected by Nessa's aggression, though he didn't look surprised. He grunted as he was pinned against the wall by her, and he put up no fight against her. Though, as he looked back at her, of all the emotions one might display while in his situation, Bosh looked down, and what Nessa saw on his face was guilt. In her writhing, distraught tentacles, Bosh went limp, and his eyes closed as he retreated to some mental sanctuary to gather some time to think. He took two calm breaths, before raising his head to return her look, his expression a sad one as his eyes gazed back at her own. "Nessa... If I am to say the words you wish to hear, and say them from the depths of my heart, they will not be forced. They will not be to please you. If I confess my feelings to you, it will be because I truly do care for you." he sighed. "How long has it been since you and I met? Since I fell into the sea, and away from the life I knew? My heart still lingers with my home... So... What I ask, Nessa, is that you give me time. Please, give me time." he pleads with her. "All the credit you give me above the rest of humanity is more than I deserve. I'm not so much better than others. I try to be honorable, but I will still waver at times, especially when I am with a powerful, and beautiful woman who has destroyed my life and wishes me to become apart of her own..."

Bosh, with his other hand, touched one of the tentacles writhing on him, holding it as if trying to make a physical connection as well as emotional. "In time... Mistress... I may come to love you. I'm begging you to give me that time... I know of the mamono rituals, and of marriage... Such a vow would eternally bind me to you... Don't I deserve to know who my eternal love will be beyond appearance and name?" he asked her, his expression becoming a rather emotional one, breaking away from his rather calm and collected presence before. He seemed rather serious about his question, and request. "If we were to have the tattoos of our vows permanently marked on our bodies, and my time with you only brings me pain... I would rather death..." he said grimly. "Break me now if you must... But... I implore you... Please allow me to learn more about you. I swear I will give you an answer once I feel we've truly become close."
Re: The Straw That Broke the Scylla's Back (Nessa)

Nessa furrowed her brow just slightly, letting Bosh make his explanation in its entirety while giving him the mother of all piercing stares to add further pressure to his delivery and in turn emphasize the weight of his answer. While she remained completely silent the whole time, her face said it all--that this response better be good. Waiting, she simply listened, her expression remaining largely the same as she did so. If his words had any effect on the tentacled mistress, then the sailor would have no idea of such... that is, not until he was finished speaking.

However, when he did finish, her grip upon him would loosen just slightly, with her expression softening. No longer would Bosh feel the threat of pain, death, or imminent rape. Considering that he wasn't being tortured or mounted, his answer must have been at least acceptable to the intimidating scylla, if nothing else. In truth, his words did much to wrench her heart. She could barely imagine the horror she would feel upon being taken from the sea, as it was a possibility her own mind wouldn't even touch down on for long, let alone be taken into someone's custody. And here she was, having done both to this human without much of a second thought about it. Not just any human, but one that she still found to be far more honorable than herself, despite his claims. Nessa had not been fair, and she knew it, but saying as much verbally was far more of a challenge than admitting it to herself, which was difficult enough. Huffing, she folded her arms and finally let him go completely, but not before stroking his cheek with one of her tentacles.

"Hmpf. Just... be careful. Especially with regards to the next time you make such claims of love. I do not take them lightly, especially coming from someone that I believe to be as honest as yourself. As for time, I suppose you can get as much. Besides, I don't plan to spend the cold nights alone, so you will learn much about me indeed." While her face still bore traces of a scowl, a faint blush formed upon her cheeks. "Admittedly, I can be... overbearing... at times, but... I'm sure there are other qualities you might find to your liking." There had to be. Nessa wouldn't accept rejection, even under these circumstances, even though she was probably about to leave him with far more autonomy than she normally would for the sake of hearing the honest words of someone she could be falling for already.

"Either way, come with me. You must be thirsty." Taking him by the hand, she slithered out from the cave and moved further inland to a beach well that she had created, one that Nessa used whenever she was in need of fresh water for whatever reason. Unlike seawater, this was safe for humans like Bosh to drink. Grabbing a simple wooden bucket with one of her tendrils, lowered it into the well until it was full, then brought it back up and gave it to the dark-haired youth, repeating the process if he was still thirsty. When he was done, she gently wiped a few stray specks of dirt from his face with her thumb. "I wouldn't want you to get dehydrated. I realize that you humans, as... fragile as you are, cannot easily make use of seawater like we can. So, drink." One last time, she dipped the pail into the deep hole so as to fill it, then carried it with her as she proceeded to lead him back to the cave. "Besides... you... might be needing it. For later tonight," she added, trying her best not to make eye contact with him. While she lusted for him, even now, it was clear that his body wasn't quite ready to keep up with her own demands, so she opted instead to take care of him as best she could, as his heartfelt speech kept any previous thoughts of simply 'breaking' him at bay. It would be easy indeed for her to turn him into a mindless slave, but that Bosh wasn't the one she wanted, and he reminded her of this each time he spoke to her.

Provided that the seaman had no other pressing matters, Nessa would return with him to where the other girls stayed in the cave, hopefully to gain some further insight as to their strategic situation and how it could be applied for the following day's operation.
Re: The Straw That Broke the Scylla's Back (Nessa)

"Well, the fact that you have not broken me beyond repair like that man back there is certainly a good quality about you." Bosh replied to Nessa, before he let himself be taken in hand by her to the beach well, where she gathered water, which he took, and gracefully drank, turning his face to the side as she brushed his face clean of some dirt as a hint of a flush appeared on his face from where she cleaned. "Thank you..." he says with a shy tone. Her caretaking seemed to at least be influencing him somewhat, likely a reason why he and Pearl seemed like an instant match, as Pearl is no doubt the kind and doting type.

Making her way to meet the others, Nessa would find that Alora's fancy of the supposed intellectual man had gone further, as the nereid was on top of him, moaning with delight as she fucked him. She seemed to be finishing up as Nessa saw her, and proceeded to wade into a nearby water hole to navigate to another section of Nessa's little lair, joining Pearl as everyone gathered together. "Sorry for that," Alora apologized, "I went for a swim, and got bored so I came back and one thing led to another~" she giggled.

"So," Alora began. "We all know why were here, welcome back Gale, by the way." Alora pointed out Gale, who silently sat against the wall with her weapon over her shoulder. "Oh glorious leader Nessa, would you like to do the honors of getting this whole thing started?" she said to the woman who was responsible for starting all of this.
Re: The Straw That Broke the Scylla's Back (Nessa)

Nessa struggled to fight back a blush upon being thanked by Bosh with such sincerity. "Don't mention it," was all that she said as she turned away from him, so as to hide the shade of red that eventually won over her face. It dawned on her only then that a human had never properly expressed gratitude towards her. Well, not outside of being spurred along by fear or intimidation, anyway. While she felt she was entitled to nothing but admiration and other such sentiments from the human populace, most of what she had managed to get at this point was fear and lust. Or a mixture of both. Anything else just seemed like a byproduct of those two emotions. But this time, the gratitude given to her by Bosh felt... different. Genuine. While it may not have meant much at all to anyone else, for the young scylla, this morsel of emotional delight nourished her more than she expected. She certainly wasn't like Pearl, and remembering this fact gave way to a spark of envy. Really, Nessa was almost the opposite of the kind-hearted mermaid, in many ways. She had very little, if any, qualms about manipulating others or even resorting to violence to achieve her desired ends, as many mamono with her natural talents were prone to doing.

Furthermore, she had considerably less shame than Pearl in terms of employing her own body as a tool for getting others to do what she wanted, such as in the case of Bosh's less than savory shipmate. Her nurturing side had long been buried away, put aside thanks to years of mistreatment from the humans. But now that the tables were turned, for once, Nessa had an opportunity to show just a glimpse of it, a decision that she wouldn't soon regret. If anything, she wanted more, but couldn't quite bring herself to suddenly shower the sailor with similar attempts at kindness. After all, she was feeling vulnerable enough already. The walk back to the cave proved somewhat awkward for her, and she remained strangely quiet until they encountered Alora and her own mate.

"Mmm... no apologies needed," she replied smoothly to the nereid's explanation of the reasons behind her spontaneous tryst. Did a mamono ever need a reason for such things? Provided, the rituals between them, as well as their loving styles, varied depending on the species, but Nessa understood this well, and would not be one to begrudge allowing Alora some quality time with her new catch. Besides, there was a more important matter at hand. Gale had returned, and with her a great deal of the group's combat strength as a whole, which would no doubt be indispensable for the tasks to come. "It's good of you to join us again, Gale," commented the tentacled beauty in a sly voice. "Just in time for us to claim additional spoils, as well. We'll be attacking another ship... but this one, I wish to commandeer. It's dangerous, yes, but now we have allies that can help us to properly operate and steer the boat as we please." She idly caressed her sailor's shoulder before moving on. "After all, if we wish to eventually expand mamono influence onto land, it would be much easier to employ one of the humans' own vessels. However, before I get too ahead of myself, it would also be a sizeable conquest by which we can show proof to the other aquatic mamono communities that we are truly capable of achieving our goals. That we can do this. Three sailors in themselves may not say much--no offense, dear Bosh. But an entire ship... that could perhaps be a statement of sorts."
Re: The Straw That Broke the Scylla's Back (Nessa)

"Yes, yes, it's a nice idea, but... Rather than dangerous, I'd say it'd just be difficult, since after what we did to the last boat, the humans will no doubt be frightened and as such, won't leave a ship such as the one we destroyed so undefended or vulnerable." Alora said simply in reply to Nessa's idea.

Gale wrote onto the ground, "We'll take it from their port if they act like cowards."

"But that's where it ends... Right?" Pearl rose with worry. "Once the humans learn to have a little more care when it comes to respecting us who live in the sea... It's over?" she inquired.

Alora shook her head. "Naïve," she chided Pearl. "If we are to end this suffering, simply making the humans fear us will only mean that they will bide their time until they have such strength that they can crush us. While they are but a pathetic fishing village, we must crush their behavior at the source."

"There are good people as well among those who have been cruel to all of you," Bosh announced. "Are you just going to indiscriminately punish all humans just through association of their race?"

Alora giggled. "When we've captured them all, you can sort out the good from the bad. Will that make you happy, Bosh?"

Bosh merely sighed, and hung his head back, not offering a reply.
Re: The Straw That Broke the Scylla's Back (Nessa)

"Hmm... reinforcing their ship with additional armaments for the sailors? For them to do that over the course of one day is rather hasty, but I suppose I wouldn't put anything past the humans. If everyone here finds it too risky, then I'll propose taking the fight to their port, then. At night would be best, though, as I feel it pointless to end up with a larger battle on our hands than what we would otherwise encounter trying to raid their other ships as they sailed in our waters. After all, they can run away on land, whereas if thrown overboard, even the strongest human swimmer has little chance against even the meekest of aquatic mamono. But yes... we'll crush them at the source."

Nessa offered a reassuring look towards Pearl, explaining, "I'd like to think of it as a more... 'aggressive' form of peace negotiations, seeing as they simply won't listen to us until we give them a good enough reason to. I'm not looking to commit genocide here, but again, mainly attempting to get them to see it our way. They've no reason to overfish us the way they do, and while most mamono would simply strike back and take what is rightfully theirs, I'd like to think that we'd do this in a 'guiding' manner... that is, remind them of our strength, and the losses we've suffered, while explaining that there is much they can do to promote peace on both ends. If there is anyone in that village with but a shred of reason, like our dear Bosh, then we should at least be granted an opportunity to state our case. Besides, many of them still think of us as mere monsters--including a beautiful mermaid such as yourself. Surely you'd want to correct that misconception?"

She exchanged glances with Alora briefly. Of course, the tentacled vixen wasn't necessarily intent on making things THAT gentle for the filthy beings, as she knew fear to be the best motivator. Despite his claims, Bosh was still a minority, and most of the men would no doubt be just like his shipmate, or so she told herself. After all, if they were all as gentle as him, then she wouldn't have had to suffer the way she did in the events leading up to this.

Nessa then turned to the young sailor himself, sliding a tentacle around his shoulder. "Oh? What would you have us do, then? If only I could show you what we have been through, as even our now barren reef fails to tell the entire story of our trials at the hands of your comrades. We couldn't just appear at the docks, requesting and pleading for peace with fins and arms open. That would end in our death, and you know it. But if we were to just apply a little bit of force... enough to get their attention and put them in a position where they had to listen--as I did for you--then we can make actual progress in achieving new levels of understanding between human and mamono, don't you think? While many conversations don't start on their own, sometimes all it takes is a little nudge in the right direction to get the best ones started..." She looked at him, then to Pearl and the others expectantly, as if awaiting their response.
Re: The Straw That Broke the Scylla's Back (Nessa)

Alora giggled. "My dear Nessa," she reached out and pet one of Nessa's tentacles with her seductress grace. "You are right to think that such preparations are as improbable as you say, but I was merely suggesting that the humans would not send a ship on it's lonesome, for example... It would be guarded." Alora stated darkly.

"Then we will invade during the cover of night, and steal one." Gale suggested with her writing.

"Yes," Alora nodded. "Let us weaken our enemy while they are not yet fully aware that we are prepared to go on the offensive. Let us steal their finest ship. On another night, we shall use their own weapons against them."

Then, Pearl was silenced by Nessa's response to her hesitance towards their upcoming retaliation to the humans. Everything Nessa said was true about their situation. Even though she didn't like it, attacking was their only option for survival. "But..." Pearl complained. "Once we start fighting... Won't we have to keep fighting?" she asked aloud, glancing around nervously as if too seek everyone's opinion.

"The humans started this, Pearl." Alora answered. "We must end it."

Upon her saying that, and so bluntly, Pearl hung her head sadly. The way things were now, it was too late. There would be battle. Pearl could do nothing to stop it, and she seemed to realize that she had to help, or else who knows might die in the ocean because of the behavior of humans?

Meanwhile, Bosh gave Nessa similar treatment as Alora. Asking him what he'd have them do brought no response, but when Nessa gave her own suggestion over his, he looked to her obediently. "Whatever you say, mistress." he agreed with her, although distant was his tone.
Re: The Straw That Broke the Scylla's Back (Nessa)

"Mm... yes, that does make sense, dear Alora. Virtue of numbers is a strength in of itself, and if they even so much as choose to bring more than one escort, I could see the unnecessary hassle that would result." Nessa didn't seem to mind having her tentacles handled by the nereid in the least, even subtly returning the gesture as her eyes shifted to the message that Gale wrote on the ground.

"A fine plan. And we have a capable seaman... well, two, by which to assist us." She gave a sly glance at Bosh, though the scylla didn't fail to heed the concerns of their token mermaid. Inwardly, she thought to herself of how glorious it would be to have an entire village of humans under her control... perhaps even more. But as always, she did choose her words carefully when it came to presenting her case to the most reluctant mamono of their group. "I understand, Pearl. Not all of us are natural warriors. But in times like these, we must remember exactly what it is we're fighting for--our reef. So long as humans continue to raid our home, we must do what is necessary to ensure our own survival. I cannot guarantee that this will not go further, nor will I say that I even necessarily intend on taking it past this immediate area, provided our struggles lead to peace. Right now, however, this is the only way they will listen; the only avenue that is open. It will only remain that way for so long, and so we must take it while it is available."

"At any rate, we will strike tonight, so steel yourselves," she added. "I'll need a map of the docks area, and most of the village, if possible. Of course, I can't iron out the details until then, but I imagine that Gale and Bosh should come along with me to spearhead the attempt on land, while Coral, Alora and Pearl will be on standby beneath the water. If there are any sentries, I will try my best to avoid... well, killing them, and instead pacify them by tossing them into the water, where the three of you can 'rescue' them to your liking. Of course, for this plan to work best, I would prefer we get in and out with as little conflict as possible. If you have no further questions, let's make the necessary preparations by which to carry out this operation."
Re: The Straw That Broke the Scylla's Back (Nessa)

"I'm not sure about a map," Alora stated. "Such a small, insignificant village is quite unlikely to have someone who'd be willing to chart the few buildings and dock they possess. I have seen it at a distance, and I assure you that we will know the layout of the town the moment we arrive."

With the thought of coming with her in mind, Bosh gave Nessa a curious look. "You're going to make me fight people I once knew?" he asked.
Re: The Straw That Broke the Scylla's Back (Nessa)

"That small, is it? Might be easier than I thought, then... provided it comes down to using force and not stealth. Very well--it's the ship that we're interested in tonight, anyway. Once we get a count on how many are docked, it can also give us an estimation on how many more need to go until our reef is spared from those excessive fishing trips... at least for now." Nessa made it a point to gauge Pearl and Bosh's reactions as well.

"Hopefully, it won't even get to that," she replied towards the seaman. "I'm just going to need you to board and prepare the ship with Gale, making the proper adjustments to the... sails, or whatever it is you call them. Of course, I'll handle the steering, as the captain," added the scylla with a wink.
Re: The Straw That Broke the Scylla's Back (Nessa)

The five individuals Nessa selected nodded to their apparent leader. Gale and Bosh came forward, both not even glancing at the other, while Pearl, Alora, and Coral went to the water to follow some good distance behind. "We are ready~" Alora announced, before the group went on their way, providing Bosh with air via Pearl giving him a kiss, the mermaid blushing as she seemed to enjoy the meeting of their lips. Alora came close to Nessa as they swam and this was happening, grinning at the squid. "Pardon me for saying this, but it is necessary for that in order for us to remain undetected... As well..." Alora pet her hand along Nessa's back. "That look on your face when another woman touches Bosh... I find it arousing~" she giggled.

Nessa would have time to respond to that, and react to the town quickly coming into view. It wasn't that far from their original location. Gale and Bosh swam up beside Nessa once their destination was clear in sight. "We'll be back here." Alora nodded to Nessa.
Re: The Straw That Broke the Scylla's Back (Nessa)

Nessa didn't fail to catch the interaction between Pearl and Bosh, though she said nothing of it as they made their trek towards the harbor, concealed beneath the waves the entire time. The scylla would continue on with her mind focused on the mission at hand... that is, until the flirtatious nereid bothered to bring up the topic of the kiss. Trying her best to keep a flat expression, she made her reply in an oddly stoic tone. "No... I understand completely. She's wanted him for quite some time, after all. I can't be terribly surprised." And she really wasn't surprised in the least, as the dynamic between the mermaid and sailor was something that Nessa would be hard-pressed to forget. Normally, Alora's touch would be responded to with a degree of sexy wit or a cool response, but here, the leader seemed distracted. Never before had she felt so... inadequate. It was almost worth getting angry over, and a crack in her usual demeanor illustrated her inner conflict concerning the matter, albeit only for a second. Now was not the time, after all. There was work to be done.

Employing the powerful suckers on her tentacles to sneak up one of the pier posts, Nessa kept herself below the actual dock level, employing her other senses to check if there were any traces of sentries in her immediate vicinity--footsteps, coughing, yawning, the like. If there were none, she would double-check this visually by peeking her head up from the edge of the pier to see if any guards were about, then offer a set of tentacles to Bosh and Gale down below, hoisting them up onto the dock, but only if the coast was clear. She would then bring herself up onto the wooden platform and take a look around to see which boats were available for hijacking.
Re: The Straw That Broke the Scylla's Back (Nessa)

As Nessa went up to the pier post, she'd find only three rectangular wooden extensions sticking out over the water, where there were three large ships were docked, and a dozen smaller ones along the beach line. Coming close, Nessa would hear a couple men talking, their conversation a rather boring topic about their past relationships, which centered mostly around the physical appeal of the women they once knew. Like this, Bosh came up, climbing up along the wooden pool that supported the wooden bridge above quite easily, before whispering to Nessa. "Let me handle them," he requested, "Please."
Re: The Straw That Broke the Scylla's Back (Nessa)

Overhearing the guards' conversation, Nessa didn't think much of it, at first anyway. From what she knew, all human men were like this, no doubt--fixated and driven by more primal lusts. Mamono like her had the advantage in that department, being able to fulfill these desires and more, and yet they were demonized so widely by human society as a whole. However, she did know that now was not the time to ponder such things too deeply, as there was a task to be done. Keeping herself out of view, she turned to Bosh and gave him a slow nod. "...Very well." She lent him a tentacle if he needed it, but otherwise waited to see his action while remaining alert, ready to spring onto the dock if things went sour.
Re: The Straw That Broke the Scylla's Back (Nessa)

Bosh didn't accept her tentacle. Instead, he swam further up, closer to the shore. Giving a silent gesture in the water, Bosh directed Nessa and Gale towards the main boat that they were after, the boat that would easily be carried by the current and sail off, as he swam to one of the other boats.

Nessa had time to lead Gale to the boat he indicated, and climb aboard just as Bosh's voice would call out from one of the boats from afar, not quite in a shout, but enough to catch the men on the dock's attention. "Someone's sneaking onto this boat!" Bosh exclaimed. Hearing his voice, the two men immediately gathered their weapons, and headed away, towards Bosh, leaving the boat Bosh gave indication for Nessa to focus on completely unguarded.
Re: The Straw That Broke the Scylla's Back (Nessa)

Raising a brow at first, the scylla watched as Bosh took an alternate route, then allowed her features to soften once more upon realizing why he made the choice--it was a more believable one, after all, moreso than him simply appearing at the edge of a dock. Her stomach nearly dropped when she heard his first words, but when the two guards moved on to inspect the other ship, Nessa knew that she had to act as quickly as possible. Pulling herself and Gale up onto the docks, she hurried onto the target ship, then ordered for the sahaugin to remove any chains or ropes keeping it in place. The leader herself would work to free the sails. She didn't quite know how it worked, at least, certainly not to the extent that Bosh did, but she knew that freeing them would be a start, so as to catch the ocean breeze that was present this evening. If it worked out to her satisfaction, with the boat starting to drift away from the pier, she would then take the mast, looking back occasionally to check on Bosh as well in order to ensure that he was okay.