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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The slimebaby seems happy, curious, mildly hungry and a dozen other conflicting things as it dives deep into the lake, surfaces, then disappears from the view.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena chuckled, putting her wings away and making sure she was dressed, presentable, and non-threatening, before crossing her legs, closing her eyes, and keeping her mind focused on the baby as it did... whatever it was doing. Not like she needed to eat.

Still, with her mind tuned in to it, she was fairly confident she would detect any more human emotions moving towards her if there were, and this was a good exercise. And if she stayed very very still... anyone moving by may not even notice her.

She had a slimebaby to keep track of damnit.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

After about half an hour, as the sun passes its zenith Helena can feel the slimebaby coming back... just as a group of hunters approaches from the southeast. The hunters are still out of view, but if they continued on their way, they'd be almost certain to spot her.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, smiling to herself as the slimebaby did it's thing, and she enjoyed a bit of learning, raised an eyebrow as a group of hunters showed up just out of sight.

Sighing, Helena reached out to one, speaking directly into his mind, not wanting to freak them out, but not wanting to be bothered either. Turn your friends around. Wait 5 minutes. Then continue on your way. Don't bother me, I wont bother you. I'm on business for the King and have no wish to disturb or be disturbed. she sent to the nearest one.

If that didn't get her message across long enough to collect her odd offspring... A horrifying sight would have to do.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The hunters stay put for long enough for the slimebaby to come out of the lake and bounce onto Helena.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

There we are, come on. Helena said, cooing happily as the slime bounced into her arms, apparently perfectly happy again as she yanked her shirt off, remembering her promise to Azalin and making herself invisible long enough to get high into the air before turning towards the town.

She wasn't quite sure this was the RIGHT town, she was a bit far away still, but hey! who knew!?

Still, she was off again and she'd take care to land as discreetly as she'd taken off when she got close.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The town seems... Small. Not in size, but in scale, and the few normal-sized buildings only seem to highlight the fact. Most of the inhabitants turn out to be barely three feet tall, though with almost adult proportions and bare, hairy feet.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena.... Twitches, her left eye doing a bit of a dance as she glares around and what was admittedly a very small town.... and the worst part about it was it was actually SMALL. AND THE PEOPLE WERE FUCKING SMALL!

Doing an about face for a moment, Helena wandered back into the treeline, furious about being in the wrong place after sitting on that god damned mother fucking boat for so damned long, and even more frustrated by needing to be able to ask these people questions about WHERE she NEEDED to GO!

AND she was holding onto a baby... So setting herself on fire was a TERRIBLE idea, all of this entering her mind as she continued to have a physical tick with the left side of her face and leaning against a tree, arm outstretched, fingers resting on the bark.

The bark sizzled, the heat under her palm rising, before the tree simply withered, burning from the inside out, slumping, it's leaves browning, before a poke from the slime baby brought her back around and she pulled back.

The wood under the now shedding bark was stark white, bleached by whatever contained outburst Helena had just had, but no one was dead, nothing was on fire... She'd call it a win.

Turning back around, Helena wandered BACK into the wrong town, and looked for someone who could give her directions. Because this was getting ridiculous. Quests were stupid.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The little folk seem generally merry, and many of them are dressed in bright colours, creating an almost festive atmosphere. The talk of the town, from what Helena can gather, is a group of adventurers who have settled into one of the inns. Apparently they killed a some sort of a monster nearby, though what kind of monster it was varies from talker to talker. There are a number of taverns as well as several inns, few of the former and most of the latter human-sized, as well as a number of other places where Helena might find someone willing to be helpful.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Big people taverns would be better for Helena, and she was on a beeline to the nearest one as soon as someone pointed her in the right direction. Helena had a feeling people her size were probably better traveled.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The first right-sized tavern Helena finds appears to be less than reputable place, with six shadowy corners, each occupied by a cloacked and hooded person. The bartender in an elderly man with a thick moustache, who seems to be absentmindedly polishing his tinware. There's also a trio of young women who seem out of place here, giggling and whispering to each other.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena managed to find the only seedy bar in the whole fucking town. It was a gift. Still, the slimebaby was happy, and decidedly NOT causing trouble, which left her free to approach the bartender.

I'm looking for a city chock full of elves, and for the life of me I've gotten turned around. Mind pointing me in the right direction?
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena can feel eyes on her back - Well, not EXACTLY back - as she approaches the bar. The bartender raises his hand from the tinware, looking at Helena appraisingly. "Can I interest you in a drink, lass? What would a girl like you want with the elves, anyway?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Custom order, and long story short, after some violent chaos and way too much sand, I'm here. Need to figure out where I am. I Thought, mistakenly, that I was meant to go here. But that's not the case. So I'm starting with race and working down from there. Elves, if you please. Helena succinctly explained, feeling the eyes and wondering if she was still gonna get to burn down a building today.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The bartender seems less than pleased. "Hmph. Well, I suppose Sidnar is as good a place to start with as any. A couple days on foot, if you follow the road upriver."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Smile, information is more valuable then a drink. Thanks. Helena said, sliding a Skull onto the bar and turning for the door, paying attention to her back more then anything and ready to torch somebody. She was still pissed. Just a controlled and manageable pissed.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The rest of the customers, perhaps wisely, choose to leave Helena alone, though she can still feel more than one pair of eyes following her on the way out.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena doesn't mind the eyes, they could look all they wanted, could entertain whatever twisted fantasies they desired, as long as they involved her ass, and not her wallet, or the satchel hanging from her shoulder containing too much blood and sweat to let anyone live for fucking with it. Taking a deeeep breath, once she was outside, Helena let it out in a gusty sigh, and made for the edge of town again.

Once free, it was back into the shadows, and then the air along the road upriver. To this OTHER town, that was supposedly what she was looking for. And blessedly, she was NOT on foot.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The sun has long since set before Helena sets her eyes on the dim lights of what is supposedly Sidnar.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The demon jello child was mostly quiet during the trip, wriggling around a little, and demanding an incident free landing which claimed the life of what LOOKED like a chipmunk.

Helena concluded it was wriggling loose to eat. That was fine.

Approaching what was supposedly Sindar without anything else disastrously going wrong, Helena made her self temporarily invisible. For the 4th time today, and landed, walking into the town at night again, like the return of a bad dream.

Nor was Helena in the mood to wait. If this was the right place, she was heading STRAIGHT for the bastard who sent her on this insane journey for a flower among other things that she highly suspected was made of fucking uranium.