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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*Nothing worth so much is ever easy to steal, especially if it's not even portable.* Jasmine replies, obviously considering what Helena said. *And I'd rather not have us chased by whatever passes for police or mercenaries in this place.*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*But it's RIGHT HERE!* Helena sent, fidgeting and pulling at her hair, thinking of anything that would let them win out in this situation, before she had a lightbulb moment.

*What if..... hrm... what if we scare the captain to his wit's end? Tell him that his life and livelihood depends on him taking this shipment where we want him to? To our dear friends in the waste... or... o god, Jasmine, to Azalin rex as a tribute. Everyone is terrified of him, and we could redirect it ourselves from there. The captain gets to clear his conscience, and his employer wont dare raise voice against Azalin over it, and we just pack it all up and send it along to the wastes... if only we could become invisible and put on a show to terrify the captain and his men into playing along...* she explained, catfacing.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*Nice idea. Don't you think Azalin would find out, though? That damn vampire is probably following us again and he probably has other eyes and ears as well, where-ever we unload the things.* Jasmine questions Helena's plan.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*O Jasmine, im counting on it, and it gives Azalin something he wants more then the cargo. We spin it as a favor, he just ignores it or sends it along himself to our friends, and he gets leverage on me, I'll owe him one. We both know if he's this interested, he's bound to want to collect, no matter how powerful he iss, a willing arrangement is preferable to the other options. If luck holds our way though, and he doesn't notice, care, or interfere, then we just continue on our own. The only way we lose, is if the king is utterly intractable and wants wealth more then an demon, and we both know that's unlikely. Come on, nothing ventured, nothing gained. Lets handle it one ste at a time, well deal with other problems as they arise. Come on, lets convince a captain to pay kingly tribute.*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*I suppose you can just fly after us if the captain decides to throw you off.* Jasmine replies.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena just grins as she stomps her way down to the captain, face set in grim anger, and determination as she figures out the best way, she'd need shock and awe on top of her lie...

Once she was there, wherever cindy and willow managed to guide her, it was just a boat after all, Helena would stand before him and clear her throat.

"The creature above us is a spirit of vengeance, undead and powerful. He is here because of the cargo you carry and the only protection afforded to you know is my word. You must take your cargo, All of it, directly to King Azalin Rex as tribute. That creature cannot harm you with his blessing. You must not let greed or gain destroy you captain, or your men. With me present, the kings men will not hesitate to give you warm welcome, you have nothing to fear on that count unless you continue as you are. At which point not even I can save you from the creature that waits above...."

Helena said, counting on a bold as brass deception and contrived story rather then any supernatural power, playing on the captain and his mens' fear of the king, and death. She waited after saying her piece.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The captain's eyes narrow. "Why would such a spirit be after an honest captain?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena didn't miss a beat, answering smoothly and without hesitation. "Because of where it is from, Sri Raji. The Spirit doesn't care if you're honest or not. But I tell you true the blessing of Azalin is your only hope now. If it becomes his, no spirit may challenge the lord of this land. Do not throw away your life, your ship, and your men for coin. You don't question the motives of a storm, you just survive it. Captain, heed my advice, and live to trade again. Fortune may favor the bold, but so does Death. Please." Helena said, her tone and face carrying fear and warning with each syllable, even if it was a fat pack of lies. She didn't have a clue what the spirit was after.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"How do you know all of this? I think this spirit is from the grey realm and of YOUR doing." the captain ripostes suspiciously.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"You dare?!" Helena asks incredulously. "Captain, if you seek to die here, I'll not join you. I've told you how to find salvation you greedy little fool. If I destroyed the creature myself, i would have demanded your shipment as payment. But I will not die here with you, I'm quite capable of traveling on my own, and willing to leave you to die to save myself. MEN! HOW MANY OF YOU ARE WILLING TO DIE FOR WHAT MATERIAL POSSESSIONS LIE WITHIN THIS SHIP FOR YOUR CAPTAINS FOOLISHNESS!? DOES UE PAY YOU WELL ENOUGH TO DIE FOR HIM!?" Helena cried out, addressing the sailors rather then the captain. Mass hysteria could be a more powerful tool...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The ship suddenly gets very quiet and the captain smiles very slightly. "Rebellion on a ship is a very serious offence. Would you like to repeat what you just said?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Gladly little man. I challenge your right to command this ship." *Jasmine, protect the others, cindy, willow, make yourselves scarce* she said and sent, it was all or nothing now.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Two sailors arrive just as Cindy and Willow slip away and the captain points at Helena. "Put her in chains. You'll get to explain yourself when we dock tomorrow."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena picked that moment to erupt in a sickly green light, hair lashing wildly behind her. "No mortal man commands me, I'm going to rip your heart out of your chests" she screamed, putting on a rather rediculous show she thought as she launched herself at the captain and bit him with suddenly grown fangs, or tried to.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Though Helena puts on quite a show, the sailors manage to grab her before she attacks and try to put her in chains.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, not even for a moment expecting to fight her way out of this, just continued to scream and try to bite everyone who got too close. *when they take me off the ship, just steal the whole damn ship, cant be that hard, it's a tub with a wheel, or something, you'll figure it out.*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena manages to slip free from the sailors and bites at the captain who swings a cudgel at her but misses.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena slipped loose and dodged the cudgel, leaping into the air and floating with her back to the ceiling just out of reach, her arms crossed. "Now, are you gonna continue being a moron? Or do I start using magic to melt you one by one." She asked the captain, glaring angrily.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"I'm only going to tell you once. Get off my ship!" the captain replies in a heated tone, swinging his cudgel threateningly.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Funny Worm! I was thinking the exact same thing! Get the Fuck off MY ship!" Helena screamed like a banshee, and then appeared to have a seizure, and fell limp to the floor. Apparently helpless, the dead sailor's charm falling to the floor before her, singed and smoking, like a witch would, if superstitious bastards believed in such spiritual nonsense.