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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

With a little help from Helena, Alys is quickly and neatly bound, though she keeps struggling and glaring at Helena.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Helena managed to help the rope subdue her meal, Helena smiled down at the glaring, wriggling Alys, she had chosen the position well to, with her ankles bound to her thighs, alys was still easily accessible, from just about any angle.

She was on the floor again, but o well. Showing she wasn't completely heartless, Helena grabbed a pillow and stuck it under her head, just to be nice, before running her hands down the bound woman's front slowly, softly trailing her fingers over her most sensitive spots, using her feeding to find Alys' more susceptible areas without fail as she slid down to her knees, kneeling between her bound legs.

Don't worry, when you're done having the best orgasms of your life, I'll let you go, this is all just for fun~ She cooed, teasing Alys relentlessly with her fingers.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Alys keeps glaring at Helena and struggles helplessly in her bindings. The rope demon, it seems, is not satisfied and binds her ankles to her arms as well as forming a nice, tight karada.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Mmm, this rope is such a good pet, learns so quickly... Helena said, watching as the rope lashed her limbs together, leaving her completely helpless on the floor, even as she squirmed and struggled when another cord slid up to split her folds, only to meet up with several others winding above and below her breasts, forming a webwork of rope along her stomach.

Leaning down, Helena decided she wouldn't touch Alys just yet, she'd just hook a finger through the rope on her front, and tug every couple seconds, forcing the rope splitting her petals to grind and rub across her clit, forcing the strong sensations to crash through Alys' hips as Helena enjoyed it all.

Hmmm should I make you a pet? I bet you learn quickly enough as well... Helena said teasingly, reaching over to grab her discarded pants to fish the collar key out of her pocket. Unlocking her collar, Helena regarded it for several moments, simply setting it aside for now.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Alys mumbles something through the gag and recoils visibly as Helena tugs the rope. There's now some desperation in her struggle to get free
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Now now~ I'm not interested in anything else but your pleasure, believe me.. Helena said, twitching a little as she thought about Melissa, before leaning forward and pinching Alys' nipples, now flooding the girl with lust. It wouldn't matter how much she fought, Helena wouldn't stop with the pressure until Alys cracked and gave in, Helena leaning in to plant soft kisses along her neck and shoulder.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Alys recoils again as Helena pinches her nipple, and as Helena begins kissing her neck, the struggling slows until stopping entirely.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

There, was that so hard? Helena said softly, pulling back as she slid a hand down Alys front, her fingers spreading her already split petals to slid around the rope and into her depths, pumping slowly and forcing the rope to grind along her clit in time, Helena looking into her eyes.

Now, just lie there, and enjoy it~ Though you're beautiful when you squirm~ Helena teased, enjoying the hot slickness of her depths.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Though Alys closes her eyes and turns her head away, Helena can feel her fingers getting slicker with her juices, and she's clearly getting aroused again.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Mmm, can't hide that from me~ Helena cooed, digging her fingers deeper into Alys hot slit, stroking diligently as her other hand returned to her breasts. Pinching and gently tugging on her nipple, Helena continued to gently work Alys body into a frenzy, her mind would follow soon enough, and Helena was going to feast until she was bloated.

Continuing to use her deft fingers, Helena continued, working on Alys' body and will like she would clay, wanting her begging for release before Helena finally gave it, again... and again...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Apparently having resolved to herself to stop struggling, Alys takes what happens next with surprising calmness of mind if not body, though she still denies Helena the pleasure of looking into her eyes.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, pouting for a moment, shrugged to herself, before deciding she didn't like being ignored all that much. Leaning down to wrap Alys nipple in the heat of her mouth, she wound her hot tongue around the peak, suckling and pulling on it as two tendrils slid form her back.

Slipping around, Helena thinned the lengths down to almost nothing, before they sought out Alys' slit and pucker, sliding effortlessly into her. In her rear, Alys would just feel a round ball, growing larger with each passing moment, while her folds were stretched as that tentacle took a more appropriate form.

As the plug in her ass made her tighter, Helena cooed with pleasure as the tendril in her slit began to thrust and undulate slowly, Helena assaulting Alys from almost every angle as her tendrils took care of her holes, and her fingers and warm mouth continued to lavish her chest in attention.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As the twin tentacles enter into her, Alys freezes for a moment before letting out a muffled moan, her tight holes tensing around the tentacles for just a few moments before she quickly starts approaching an orgasm.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena grinned, getting a real reaction out of Alys yet, seemed she just needed something thick and proper again. Sensing her pleasure, Helena held her slow pace, teasing her right to the brink, before backing off, wanting to hold her just at the edge, keeping her at the precipice as her tendrils stilled, and she favored Alys with the occasional light lick, or stroke.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Helena suddenly stops, Alys falls quiet, trying to grind her hips against the two invading tentacles, but firmly refusing to open her eyes or acknowledge that Helena is the source of her pleasure.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, starting to get annoyed beyond words, continues to torment Alys, quite confident she could be the more stubborn of the two, before sending a tendril after Alys' ring, fishing it out of her clothing and inspecting the sigil itself, Alys' gag opening up for Helena to ask her question.

You know, What family house is this? And why are you running? I don't understand it at all. Unless you've been betrayed, or are being hunted. Helena says, her tendrils whisking away to be hidden as she turned the ring over in her hand. Granted, she was just as ready to resilence Alys if she did something stupid, like scream...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Alys relaxes visibly as the tendrils withdraw, though her breath still comes out ragged. "It's... the house Kondrak. And I'm not running away, I'm going to meet an old friend of mine."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Then why go hidden? Seems a foolish thing to do? Or is this a less then reputable friend. Helena said, giving the crotchrope another light tug to keep her captive on the edge.

I've spent enough time around to know you don't travel alone unless you can fly, or have enough enemies that hiding is better. Seriously, werewolf attack within the first week. Helena continued, turning the ring over again, before setting it down and putting her collar back on.

Running a finger around her nipple slowly, Helena regarded Alys curiously, still gently feeding on the pleasure.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Whoever said I was alone? And I'm travelling incognito because there are some rather nasty people who are not fond of my family." Alys replies, still panting heavily.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Huh, go figure. Well, suppose you'd like to cum now. Helena said offhandedly, running her thumb over Alys' clit slowly, threatening to throw her over the edge.