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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

At the inn, Willow is waiting with Jasmine and Cindy in the common room. *Mind explaining what happened?*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*Tried to fuck in a mushroom circle. had to threaten the entire forest to get a so called Nera to let Willow go. And I'm fucking glad I did. bitch drugged and whipped me. So, Now I'm going to torch the bitch unless someone has a compelling reason Not to.* Helena replied, too tired to really give a fuck about her injuries right now. She was hell bent on Arson.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*You're going to burn the entire forest down because you got whipped? That might get us a lot of attention. We're trying to stay on the good side of the king, remember?* Jasmine replies, seeming alarmed. Willow goes to the bar and brings Helena a cup of wine.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine, what would you do, if you were fed a drug that set all your nerves on end, before someone struck you across bare flesh with a strap of leather moving faster then the speed of sound? Helena asked Jasmine, raising a serious eyebrow Or shall I go find a bullwhip and test it. She added, running a finger across the mark on her cheek.

Sitting down, Helena found that to be an immediate mistake as she hissed and took the wine, moving that abruptly wasn't fun. drinking the wine, Helena laughed, remembering alcohol was about as useless as water. Seething, Helena went upstairs to get a little privacy as she stripped down, and used the last of her power to deal with the wounds. Now she HAD to feed. Joy of joys.

Now drained, angry, and starving, Helena looked around to see Fenrir and some of their equipment. Helena had no patience to pretend to be nice, or even seductive. Stripping, Helena stroked Fenrir from his place on the bed, he'd been well behaved this entire time. Raising the large wolf's lust, Helena bent over, and fed, on Fenrir, and anyone else foolish enough to bother her right now.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena mana: 11/18

Jasmine doesn't reply, only watches as Helena leaves. In her room, Helena discovers that the marks left by the whip fade from the first spell and disappear entirely from the second, though she still feels a bit tired. Helena easily arouses Fenrir's lust and the wolf gives her a rough pounding that, though doesn't entirely satisfy her hunger, does make her feel better.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, waiting for Fenrir to finish, and then well, get out, felt better, patting him on the head before getting him back to whatever he was doing, probably napping and being fat and bored here. Cleaning herself up, Helena was still hungry, but not obnoxiously so. Getting dressed, Helena cleaned up and sat down, still pissed off at the universe.

By the BAREST of margins I'm letting the bitch live, the skin of her skinny assed, green haired teeth. Helena said, nearly vomiting at the taste of the words in her mouth. Sitting there in the inn commons and looking for a victim.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*Nice to see that you're feeling better* Jasmine replies with faint amusement.

The common room has a selection of less-than-reputable people, including some trappers, a pair of hunters and a lone woman with the hood of her cloak up.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Yea right. Better. That's the word. Helena replied as she glared around the room, only spotting one person suspicious enough to be useful. Hoods. Hoods were like strapping a bulls eye to your ass.

Walking over to the lone woman, chair in hand, Helena sat down across from her, and looked at her properly. You know, I'm getting the feeling like you'd rather not be bothered. So Hello! She said in an obnoxiously cheerful manner.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"You seem like a perceptive woman," the hooded figure replies quietly, keeping her eyes on her cup of wine. Peeking under the hood, Helena notices that this rather young-looking woman with raven hair is quite pretty, despite a narrow scar running down from just below her eye to her chin.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Well~ There is a pretty face under that hood. Helena says quietly, leaning in just a little. And I'm not, I'm a klutz. but someone has to wonder when they see someone like yourself, hiding in plain sight. Are they hiding, because they want to hide From something? or are they hiding to Get something. If it was noticed, congratulations. Helena continued softly, still admiring the girls face.

There's almost a little too much 'Interesting' going on around this place it seems... So with all the chaos, why is someone trying to slip on by like a shadow?
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Each of us has their own reasons, I suppose. What are you trying to hide?" the woman replies rather sharply as she finally lifts her gaze, eyeing Helena suspiciously.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena raises her eyebrow at the odd reversal, smiling Just my destination. Every time I mention where I'm going the locals lose their heads and panic. You'd think the ruler around here would have garnered a little more love, even out of fear. Still, it's made for an interesting trip. Helena says, remembering the panic she had caused mentioning Azalin, and using that, rather then what she really wanted to say... or do... Since transforming here and creating a spectacle out of spite and anger would probably only cause more problems then she had.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The woman doesn't seem particularly shocked by the revelation. "If you know our beloved king yet are staying in an inn like this one, then you doubtlessly realize the value of discretion." she replies warily.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Well yes, but I also don't like to lie either, unless I'm forced to. You asked, I answered. Still, you've learned about me, what about you, I can't help but notice you haven't answered my question. And something tells me I'm not going to get any farther with you until we're away from prying ears. Why don't we go talk in my room, order some wine, and relax a little bit. Helena offered, stretching her magical muscles a little as she made the Suggestion.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Will save: nat 1

"Perceptive, as I said. Very well. I don't particularly care about the atmosphere here anyway." the woman replies, downing the rest of her wine and standing up.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Smiling, Helena stood as well, going to get a bottle of wine and two glasses before leading the way up to her room, chuckling as Fenrir came over to inspect the new arrival with his nose as Helena closed the door.

And here we are, my own little slice of private, with a very dedicated doorman. Helena said, scratching the wolf behind the ears before telling him to sit in front of the door.

Sitting on the bed, Helena regarded her guest again, now that she could get a better look at her.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As the mysterious stranger pushes the hood of her cloak back to reveal her long, black hair, Helena notices a signet ring on her hand with a design of some kind of tree on it. "That's a large wolf. How did you manage to tame it?" she sits down on the chair, turning it to face Helena.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Saved him from a trap. And I have to say, you are... Breathtaking. As for Fenrir, it took a little magic, and a lot of patience, but sometimes a friend is well worth any effort. sit, stay awhile, and please don't make me drink this alone. Helena said, giggling as she poured the wine and offered her guest a glass.

I'm Helena. she added, trying not to eye the odd signet ring, having JUST had a run in with a pissy tree spirit... or something.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"You don't have the look of a druid on you. My name is... Alys." the woman replies, taking a sip of her wine and eyeing Helena lazily, her gaze lingering especially on Helena's hands and the silver collar.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

If there was ever the idea that I'm a druid, then someone spread the rumor, and is obviously insane. You don't need to hug trees to handle magic. But, it's a pleasure Alys... Helena said stopping and inspecting herself as the woman eyed her hands, and neck.

Running her finger along the silver, Helena chuckled. Ahh, the collar, a fashion statement, nothing more. What can I say, I have strange tastes. Helena said laughing lightly as she ran finger around the heavy silver metal. It was almost weightless to her, Helena had no doubt that if she took it off, she'd feel naked.

But, it seems I make you as curious as you do me, which is funny, that hasn't happened all that often. Most people just see the pretty face... though, that leads to fun all on it's own, which makes me wonder why you'd hide yours. Helena said, taking another drink. Alys seemed nervous, which was a bit strange, Helena was as openly armed as Fenrir, without weapons of any noticeable kind.