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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Despite the distraction, Helena suddenly gets the feeling of being watched. Willow doesn't seem to notice, so intent she is on kissing Helena as their bodies rub together and Willow caresses Helena's head with her hand.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, widening her senses as she felt something watching them, stilled her own lust for a moment as she contemplated the situation. If they were in danger, then the crazy man was right, which meant the talisman was useful, so Willow was likely safe... Still.

Not really giving a fuck about her own safety, Helena glanced around before drawing Willow into a 69, Willow on the bottom as they rolled into place. Lapping her talented tongue across Willow's slick petals, Helena kept her eyes open, ready to throw Willow out of the circle, but still quite intent on getting her real meal... with Willow... it was a good day. Hopefully nothing was stupid, because even now, Helena's tongue was taking on a cock like thickness, starting to slowly push and squirm against Willow's slit, before plundering her depths at a deliberate, and delicious pace.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Reflex save
Helena: nat 20
Willow: 7+4=11 failure

As Helena tries to turn Willow around, the weeds around them seem to thicken and lengthen before wrapping around the pair. Helena, through some miracle, manages to keep her limbs free, but Willow is quickly and hopelessly entangled, pinning Helena under her. "I really don't think I should let you get away with it just like that. After all, you were warned, I saw that." a young woman's voice says from somewhere above.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, avoiding the entangling plant life by some miracle, glared upwards. Hrrfflm grrbl lerf urla gribftal mokarlahrgmmm! she said angrily, her tongue like cock flopping around agitatedly before being sucked back into her mouth like obscene spaghetti, and shrunk back to normal.

I mean, Hello. he did warn us, and I refused. Make you a deal... Helena started, her wings, tail, horns, and even spiked heels to raise her ass up alluring, sprouting in to view, though her wings were spread on the ground beneath her. Let her go, and I'll give you anything you want. Refuse... and I'll burn this entire forest down, and kill anything, and everything I find. she finished, blue flames flashing up and down her body for a moment.

I'll just lay here in the circle for the plants to grab. But let Willow go, or this is going to get 269 different kinds of nasty... I can heal Willow's burns... she'll forgive me... Helena added, her hand reaching out to point a fist of writhing fire at the nearest tree.
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Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena sees something out of the corner of her eye, and suddenly an arrow thuds into the ground next to her head. "Do you think you'll be fast enough?" the still unseen speaker replies with challenge in her voice. Willow's eyes widen in surprise. "I don't really want to hurt either of you, but unless you calm down right now I'll have to put an arrow into you - through her, if necessary. Nothing personal, but I REALLY don't like fire."
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Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena didn't react, she expected a show of force to go with her own. You don't like fire? I really, REALLY don't like someone being rough with Willow. Like I said, I'm perfectly willing to be reasonable, calm, even docile and submissive... Helena said, letting the fire fade, but keeping her arm outstretched.

So, we have a problem. You wont let her go, because you can't control me if you do. if you hurt her, I will go on a rampage, you can't bet that I can't set this entire place ablaze before you can kill me. Helena continued calmly, evenly. So... Middle ground? If you just want to join in... well... you didn't even need the plants... So, do as I asked, release her, bind me, and come talk. I promise no hostility... As a further measure in this little bargain... I'm not the only one of my kind around, my sister is nearby, telepathically speaking, and will do much the same if I shout for her... But I haven't. I'm more curious then anything... Well, Extremely horny, but curious as well...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The plants slowly regain their normal shape, and Willow stumbles to her feet. "This is all your fault, you know." the voice from above says. With Willow out of the way, Helena can see a green-haired naked woman sitting on a tree limb with a bow and a readied arrow.
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Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Well... yea... Which is why I'm acting as I promised. Laying here, and waiting. I never lied to you, just... No one hurts Willow... never again. Helena said, letting the aggression bleed out of her as she did exactly as she promised she would, laying still.

Seriously though, what can I help you with? Now that I have no reason whatsoever to be mean. I have a beautiful woman beside me, and one above me, and we're all naked. Believe me, I'm interested...
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Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The green haired woman frowns and then makes an odd gesture. Suddenly Helena feels very sleepy and her eyelids inevitably fall shut.

Helena wakes to the sound of the dryad muttering to herself and finds herself well and truly stuck as well as blindfolded. Her feet are on the ground and she is leaning backwards on what appears to be a tree, but her ankles are held immovable by something wooden, and similarly her arms are held above her. "What am I supposed to do with you? I can't very well keep you a prisoner for long, but I do need to punish you somehow." The dryad seems quite annoyed.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Well... if that's how you feel about things. Anything come to mind? Helena asked dryly, tugging on her bonds experimentally as she came to.

Falling to sleep was a surprise, an odd one, but waking up was a good thing.. She seemed to be standing, kind of, or was she being held up... She could feel the ground, but her hands and feet were bound in wood... Roots or the tree itself if she had to guess, the woman had manipulated plants before.

But, before you get any further, Punish for what exactly? Curiosity? I'd never even heard of a fey circle before I was told today, and then well... I enjoy meeting new people... Helena said, wondering absentmindedly what she was blindfolded with... She didn't want to try and escape her usual way... this woman had already proven she could be quite nasty... and she was right there...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"For disturbing my circle. I could have overlooked it if you were ignorant, but I saw that man give you a warning." the dryad replies with certain finality. Helena can hear her pacing ahead. "Drink this." Helena can feel a cup brought to her lips and tilted to pour viscous liquid with taste that reminds her of apple cider into her mouth.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, drinking what she was given without any resistance, smacks her lips and tilts her head, thinking. I'm a demon, I don't take hairy men in the woods seriously often... Though, it seems I should have. Still! I get to meet you, that's something. I'm Helena by the way. Helena said cheerfully, smiling and squirming around playfully.

This binding thing with the plants is a really nifty trick... any chance I could learn it from you? Helena adds innocently. Also... what exactly is the significance of my disturbing the circle? As far as I know... they're just mushrooms... though, that may be ignorance as well... Helena continued, beginning to run at the mouth with questions and curiosities.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Almost as soon as she swallows the liquid, Helena starts feeling light headed. Then a mild, not completely unpleasant burning feeling appears in her stomach and starts spreading slowly. "What sort of question is that?" the dryad sputters. "You just don't DO it. It's like... like walking into someone else's house uninvited, I guess? And then starting to rearrange the, uh... f-furniture?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

An honest one.. Mmmnot from round here. Helena says, smiling as whatever she swallowed takes a rather impressive reaction, especially given her usual resistance to such things. Wriggling around, honestly now more aroused then before, due to both her hunger, and the drug, the bindings being an added bonus, Helena was slowly bucking her hips as she panted softly, working herself into her state just to be a suggestive temptress. It was in her nature after all.

But if it's caused you so much trouble. Sorry... What's your name? Helena asked, enjoying the warm feeling spreading through her. She never got to be properly drunk... or even intoxicated on anything... This was a rare treat.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"My name is Nera" the dryad replies angrily, stalking away. The mild burn keeps spreading, and it seems to increase Helena's awareness, making her senses sharper.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, hearing the name, nodded, not managing a reply before the cranky woman wandered off, leaving Helena stuck to a tree, with a drug making her more sensitive to just about everything. Well... This could either be really good, or really bad... Or she could start setting things on fire....

Deciding against fire, Helena squirmed a little, finding she really was rather well stuck. There wasn't much to do outside of call to Jasmine, or wait and see. This was getting to interesting, and Helena couldn't really tell if she was getting through, or to the dryad at all. So wait it was... If Nera was going to kill her, she'd have done it already.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

After a few minutes, when the burning has spread to every part of Helena's body, Nera returns. "This might hurt a bit." she warns before swinging a whip that connects with Helena's thigh, giving her a sharp shock and increasing the burning feeling thousandfold.

The whipping that follows is savage, and each lash sends Helena reeling as Nera leaves no part of her body alone, robbing her of the ability to concentrate completely as each whipmark creates a new inferno on her nerves. Mercifully, the pain soon makes her black out.

When Helena wakes up, she almost immediately throws up. As her head clears, Helena realizes that she's next to the fey ring with her clothes hanging from a nearby tree. The high from the drug seems to be gone, and the whip marks merely hurt mildly instead of being debilitating. There's no sign of Willow or the dryad.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena had promised after all, for Willow's sake, hopefully the Dryad would keep her word. Waiting there, Helena got to feel the entirety of her body held in the drugs grip, that warmth and sensitivity, before warning words made her ready herself as best she could.

The first lash was enough to have Helena gritting her teeth, but the second soon had her screaming, the pain was unbelievable between the REAL whip, and the drugs... Each lash drew another cry of agony from Helena before she stubbornly stopped giving Nera the satisfaction, and sealed her own mouth shut, breathing through her nose until she blacked out.

Helena awoke, alive, next to the fairy circle, to shudder and immediately vomit. Seemed the drug was done with her...

Reaching up to get her clothing, Helena immediately opened her mind up, looking for Willow. Willow! You there? Answer damnit! Tell me where you are, things are about to become Nasty.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*I'm back in the town. What happened?* Willow answers. *Are you okay?*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Nope. Get me some oil, lantern oil or ask Jasmine to find some kerosene. She'll know what I mean. Helena sends back, getting dressed before moving back towards town. Damnit, bitch had even lashed her face, she was lucky she still had both eyes.

Once back in town, and outside the forest, Helena would stay determined on her current warpath, covered in whip lashes, bleeding or otherwise, and hellbent on returning the favor. Honestly, Nera would have been better off killing her.