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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Helena and Jasmine fly higher and head towards the village, Helena spots it as well as the farmlands surrounding it. There seems to be also a high way going through it from north to south, a large, paved road that has seen better days and likely more traffic as well. The village itself is fairly small, with only a few buildings more than one story high.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Well, if we're just going to introduce ourselves, best make with your best Mistress act, because I'm nude and in a collar. So they're not going to like me one little bit. Or you could handle this one alone, OR, I could continue trying really hard to give a fuck, and failing, and just say Hi. Helena said, stopping in the air as she thought about their next move.

Showing up as a lycan would be a bad idea... Sighing, Helena landed and waited... Because she wasn't going back for clothes, she was getting really tired of clothes. She didn't need them.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*I don't think they have slaves here. Think you could fake a foreign accent?* Jasmine replies jokingly, turning to circle the village before landing north and heading in on the road.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena laughed, before hiding all her demony bits with a disappointed sigh, and simply strolling towards the village without a care in the world, and a confident sway in her step.

Fuck It. she sent to Jasmine as she sauntered into town, naked as a jaybird and strutting as if she owned the ground she walked upon.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena's majestic entrance is somewhat spoiled when she sinks almost knee-deep into the muddy ground only a few yards from the village. There isn't much traffic in the village itself - most people are likely on their plots of land - and what is there is mostly women and children. Most people quickly avert their gazes from her, some men(and not a few women) blushing from the view, while some stare at her, especially the older men. A girl of perhaps nine or ten is the only one to voluntarily get any closer to her, though. "You're a very pretty lady."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena chuckles at the stares, enjoying the attention and the reactions, until someone finally approaches her, a sweet little girl, someone too young to really understand modesty. Squatting down to look at the child, Helena smiles. Thank you! And you're a sweet little thing aren't you. hey, why don't we find your parents so or someone who knows the area so I can get some directions, could you do that for me? I'm Helena. She says, smiling and holding out her hand to the young girl.

Looking around, and so far having been nothing but nice, Helena stood up and started wandering around a little and taking a look. It was hard to miss the pretty lady with no clothes on, and Helena wagered that the adults would give her information just to get rid of her. because she was obviously unholy with her nude, unabashed female wiles, and her amazing T&A, surely she had come to steal all their men and eat their children.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"I'm Amelia." the girl replies cheerfully before grabbing Helena's hand and leading her towards a very flustered looking middle-aged woman, who immediately grabs the girl and pulls her against herself. "W-what do you want?" she manages to stammer out.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena looked a little taken aback by the older woman's fearful look, before glancing down at Amelia. Nothing from you but information, I swear. I could never do harm to any place that raises such a sweet child as Amelia here. You should be very proud. Helena said softly, reaching out to ruffle her hair a little.

I'm trying to reach Delagia, my friends and I were lost in the Mists, and we just want to reach a business associate of mine. If you know the way, then please, let me know, It's of vital import that I speak with Azalin Rex as soon as possible, he's been waiting for me for far too long now, and I really must reach him. Please, can you help me? Helena said, telling not a Single lie, but also not touching on the truth of anything important either.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"A-a-a-azalin!?" If the woman had seemed scared before, she was now on the verge of panicking as she squeezes the child even tighter. "The town is to the south east. Just follow the road to Diiki and take a boat from there."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Thank you very very much, and well, between us, I was never here, and he never needs to know. More peaceful that way. Amelia sweetheart? Never let this place get the better of you, and you'll do just fine. Helena said with a smile even as she passed the information on to Jasmine.

*Well, seems Azalin is rather well feared. This is only going to get more rediculous. Also, tell me Amelia wasn't just the cutest, sweetest little thing you've seen in this place so far* Helena sent over as she did exactly as she said, and started leaving the village.

On a whim, as the others were farther behind, Helena sent Cindy and Willow a warning to stay ON the main road, no matter what, as the surrounding area was mostly swamp, and which direction they should head.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The woman looks after Helena fearfully as the succubus departs while Jasmine arrives into and stays within the village, apparently amused. *What road are you talking about?* Willow replies, seeming puzzled.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena chuckled, shaking her head, before showing Willow what she had seen of her trip out, that the terrain was going to get quite boggy here soon. Riiight, that would be a problem, stick to dry ground as best you can, and head towards Jasmine, she's in the village. No matter what, do not mention me, or Azalin, it freaks the people right the fuck out. Helena sent to her lover.

Whistling a rather cheery tune, Helena did as she was told, heading south east along to road to a place apparently called Diiki for a boat. Though this time, she probably wouldn't just walk straight in nude, likely simply waiting just out of sight outside the town in a tree, and calling to Fenrir and Strike to lead the others to her without fail.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Being mounted, the rest of the group catches up with Helena around lunchtime. "Uh... why are you walking around naked?" Cindy asks, clearly regretting her question even as she lets it out.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Because Clothing is uncomfortable, Useless for me, and really starting to bug me. Honestly, how much time is wasted putting that stuff on when someone like me or Jasmine doesn't need to worry about exposure to the elements 99% of the time. Helena said, smiling and winking at Cindy.

Shrugging in defeat however, Helena wandered over to her own mount and patted his nose lovingly, before reaching into her saddlebags for a simple loose outfit, her silks, again. Honestly, if it wasn't armor, Helena was going to try and avoid wearing it anymore. Really, if she could have her way, she'd just try... Wait a minute.

Holding out the clothing away from herself for a moment, Helena tried to grow bone plating, or scales that were actually usefully hard across her skin, seeing if she could actually give herself some kind of natural protection outside of her own demonic heritage. Failing that, Helena would get dressed with a sigh, and they'd all head on to Diiki together for that damnedable boat, and the end of this trip.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Boneplating seems to be out of question, and the only kind of scales Helena manages to grow are the soft ones. As Helena gets dressed, the group stops to rest the horses and make some light lunch. While she gets dressed, a turban appears on her head from the saddlepacks as well, despite her not asking for it.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Sighing loudly in annoyance, Helena vowed something. Everyone, you hear about any kind of magic that will improve my ability to shapeshift, and I will be unbelievable grateful, and subservient for a currently unspecified amount of time. She said as she pulled her clothes on. Smiling as the Turban ambushed her head, Helena reached up to stroke the fabric. Well, Hello there, Miss me? She said sweetly, before sitting down and sighing again.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Willow makes some warm sandwiches for the group over a small fire while Aqua starts playing with the spiders and Cindy practices juggling with four small stones.

The lunch doesn't take long, and as soon as everyone is ready, Jasmine takes to the air again.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Onward! To that one place! Helena shouted suddenly, actually, almost immediately after eating, though she did wink at Willow and give her ass a swat as she stormed passed on foot.

Jasmine took to the air, but this time, Helena stayed with the wagon, whistling again and floating around Strike lazily, poking the spider in the abdomen just to annoy her a little.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Strike responds to the poking by poking back in retaliation as she scuttles along the horses. As the day passes on, the group passes a slow-moving caravan that seems to be carrying wood, and after a couple hours, the spiders start falling behind.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, not realizing she was hallucinating and that there was no wagon, continued to believe there was one, until she saw real ones. Blinking repeatedly at the caravan hauling lumber, Helena was really, REALLY tempted to steal them, but she wasn't in the mood for murder.

Waving at them as they passed, the urge to once more attack them, and take their shit, resurfaced with a vengeance and Helena hid her face and tried to meditate as they neared their destination, slowly but surely.

Jasmine... Remind me to steal a wagon from this asshat king when I meet him.