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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As she is prodded awake, Jasmine mutters something unintelligible and slowly struggles out of the pile. Willow and Cindy emerge as well, and the group quickly starts getting ready to leave. The turban doesn't seem to like its new role as a sash, but it obeys Helena's commands nevertheless. Strangely enough, the suit doesn't seem to respond to Helena's mental commands, staying completely inert. There's giggling and other noises from outside as the lamiapile starts separating, though from the sounds of it there might be some knots involved.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena chuckles at the idea of several of the Vistani tied together accidentally. Apparently being serpentine and drunk had unforeseen consequences. Frowning at the suit, Helena thought for several more moments. She had no doubt whatsoever that the suit would NOT behave as long as they needed it to, and would most certainly be too heavy for the horses... Wait... Aqua! She could basically ignore it's more amorous affections... maybe? She could certainly escape if she wanted to...

*Aqua~ You can either somehow Ride a horse with one of us... OR you can try and wear the tentacley rapesuit and walk around in it. We could even put clothes on it! one catch, you have to dominate it with your will, or it's going to start enjoying you... But yeah! It's an interesting problem, we need to move both yourself, and it, and It cannot be carried on a horse... So... Mind coming over to try and help?* Helena sent over to their gelatinous friend.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

After a couple minutes, Aqua peeks into the wagon. She's back in the dress she was wearing when she first met Helena and Jasmine, and she looks mildly curious. "Can't you just tie it on a horseback? I don't think I'd like to walk for very long."

Nevertheless the slimegirl comes in and prods the suit curiously as if considering the offer.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

I'd like to in all honesty, but it's heavy, and most of the horses have to carry a good amount and their riders. Cindy's horse is probably the only one that could actually carry the thing around if it really came down to it... And even then, I'm not sure. As for the suit, it locks it's user in, but you're all made of jelly, you can just slip out whenever you want. And I know you don't want to walk, but this thing does the work for you, so the user doesn't have to fight the weight.... When it's listening. That's the rub you see... You can either try and dominate it, or you can let it have it's fun, and THEN it will listen. Either way. I was figuring, since we didn't have a mount for you, and this was also a problem, that we could put you in it, you could walk in it, and we could dress it up. You could even pretend to be a massive armored man... Helena said, puzzling the problem out in her head and wondering how much clothing it would take to cover this thing.

Chuckling and shrugging, Helena just nodded. That was the only real conclusion I reached, apart from wearing it myself and walking around... Another option, since I don't mind it as much as the others, but I can't get away from it if it gets friendly...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Aqua frowns and pokes the suit some more before slipping out of her clothes and slowly oozing into the suit. The suit comes alive, humming softly as it locks in place... then nothing. Aqua gives Helena a glance. "Was that supposed to happen?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, watching Aqua get into the suit, held her breath for a moment, before letting it go with a happy smile. The suit has tendrils like myself and Jasmine, but it seems to either know it can't have it's fun with you, or you're too strong willed for it. Either way, this is excellent because you can move it around without any problems Helena said, clapping her hands together and starting to bundle the ridiculous contraption up in clothing, if anything just to hide the sight of a slime woman wrapped in ridiculous heavy armor hidden... Panic was bad.

Nodding at the incredibly tall and heavyset man that was now Aqua, Helena flailed around for her mask, before bequeathing her mighty Turban upon her head as a final touch. There! Now you are desert royalty~! Tall! Tough! Imperial~! MYSTERIOUS~! Helena cried, spreading her arms and spinning around excitedly.

The suit is quite strong on it's own, so I see no reason why we should have any troubles. But! before I forget... Helena said, slipping behind the armored aqua...

Fishing the turnkey out of hiding from it's many layers of fabric, Helena made sure the suits docility wasn't because of it simply not being wound, because then it wouldn't work.. Twisting the key several times, Helena waited with baited breath.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

With Helena's help, Aqua clumsily gets to her feet and stands there as Helena plays dress-up. "Royalty doesn't have to walk," Aqua remarks pointedly. Aqua waits for Helena to turn the key and then tries to walk. "It's heavy. Are you sure it's working right?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

I have no idea... but it shouldn't be heavy... Damn, so much for that idea... Shit, i'm gonna have to wear it... and keep it behaving... or Jasmine is gonna.... To hell with it, Aqua, wriggle outta the suit, I'll walk the damned thing around, you can ride my horse. Helena said finally, admitting defeat and waiting.

If Aqua exited the suit, Helena would immediately enter, and then challenge the rapey contraption to a battle of wills.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Control check: 21
Aqua stands still for a moment, then flows out of the suit and dresses again. The suit springs open, though oddly enough it remains standing. As Helena wiggles inside, it closes up around her and she feels the now-familiar resistance inherent to it, but after a moment it lessens but doesn't completely disappear. The suit's tendrils start moving of their own accord, but otherwise Helena stays in control.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, slipping into the suit, pushed against the presence that was the suits primitive mind, and asserted control, for now. And now they could transport the thing. However, the tendrils were still just their own thing... Well... To hell with it.

Pushing around her silk clothing, and annoying pushing under it occasionally, Helena just started walking, clunking along. Well... Let's go. Daylight's wasting and I have no idea if I can keep this thing under control all day... Helena said, ignoring the tendrils.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The group gets mounted except for Helena, and when the lamias are still getting up they start moving in vaguely southern direction. For the first few hours they make good progress, but as midday approaches, the suit starts feeling heavier. Shortly before midday the group stops for lunch and Cindy and Willow quickly build a fire.

Jasmine lights the fire with a gesture and they start warming the rations. "Are you sure walking all day in that suit is a good idea? I'm sure one of the horses could carry it if we don't push them."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, plodding along beside everyone else, was quite happy to flop down for lunch, rolling out of the suit and flailing the tentacles away, Helena glanced up at Jasmine from the ground.

Probably not, do you really think the horses can haul it around? I mean... We can try... Helena said, glad she hadn't been raped midjourney. Looking around, Helena realized that nothing looked familiar... at all.

Frowning, Helena glanced around again, before jumping up into the air and flying high enough to get a good vantage point, looking around at the surrounding area, and hopefully spotting the town they were looking for. *Are we going the right way?* Helena sent to the others, confused.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"I think they should be able to if they carry nothing else. We can always fly, after all."

The forest around her seems no more familiar from high-up. Although she does see a town and a river to the east, the do not seem familiar in the slightest. *One of the lamias mentioned that we should head south. Why?*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*No idea, lets just trust our serpentine friends and keep moving. I'm betting though, as nothing here seems familiar... at all... That the mists never dump someone out in the same place. So we're probably a ways off from where we were.* Helena answers, diving back down to get the suit properly lashed up to Jasmine's mount.

Once the problem of the suit was handled... Again... Helena popped back into the air, she really didn't mind the flying and it gave the succubi a chance to plot, or do nothing whatsoever... Helena however amused herself by scaring any birds she saw.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Helena ties the suit to Jasmine's saddle, she notices a squirrel watching her, but it quickly disappears behind the tree. After the lunch is eaten, the group starts off again, with Jasmine and Helena flying ahead over the treetops, scattering birds ahead of them. The hours pass quickly and they stop against a couple hours short of sunset to make dinner and prepare camp for the night. The horses seem invigorated from being out of the mists, and they have hard time calming down while the two spiders scuttle into the camp half an hour later, clearly tired from the travel.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As they start moving again, Helena sees the squirrel and reaches out with her mind. *All Glory to the All Squirrel...* She whispers to it, before they get going, the little furry denizen vanishing.

Seeing the horses wound up, Helena spent her time calming them down herself once they stopped for the night, scratching Strike on the head as the spider wandered into camp. Hello fuzzball. She said sweetly, kissing the arachnid gently before noticing Fenrir nosing at her as well.

Flopping down between the wolf, the spider, and the horses, Helena just laid back and cuddled while she waited for dinner. So if the Lamia said to head south, then we should keep going south. But how far off track do you think we are? Helena asked the others from beneath the cuddle pile
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Strike's long limbs reach around Helena and Fenrir easily. The wolf growls softly, but curls up next to Helena while Strike remains on top, hugging them. "I hope not too far. We could be on the road for weeks." Willow replies as she makes some sort of soup that smells tasty while Cindy makes more firewood.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

That could definitely suck... Helena pondered, wriggling between her pets and scratching them both. Jasmine! Next time we find the constructs. we have them build us a car, or motorcycles, or something... Helena joked, missing some of the comforts of the modern time she was from... mainly short travel times.

Also, fair warning everyone, I saw a squirrel, they are plotting... beware... Helena added, looking around suspiciously
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"I think that might be tricky for them to understand." Jasmine replies lazily, tossing a pinecone at a nearby squirrel upon hearing Helena's warning. The squirrel screeches before diving behind a log and running away. "What's a motorcycle?" Cindy asks, breathing heavily as she brings the woodman's axe down on a piece of firewood, splitting it in two.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

A motorcycle is a vehicle. It has two wheels that are driven by a chain which is turned by an internal combustion engine. Realistically it's a metal horse without legs that's powered by small explosions that move pistons. So... it's a really fast mode of transport if you don't mind riding around on top of a tank of explosively flammable fluid. Helena answered, watching the squirrel run away. She knew there'd be more...

Pondering the motorcycle, Helena wandered behind Willow and kissed her neck softly. Just me being impatient I suppose, what we really need is a way for Cindy and Aqua to fly... Helena suddenly said, perking up and glancing at the rogue as she chopped firewood. She had to be corrupted faster... then... then she could start on Willo... Willow could already fly. Okay! Only Cindy needed wings.