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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

By the smell, the dinner is almost ready when Helena climbs out of the wagon. Jasmine spots Helena on her way and gives her a smile, but the others seem unaware of Helena just yet.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena was still surprised at how freely she could move in the suit, and when she saw Jasmine's smile, she just grinned in return, retrieved her launcher as quietly as she could, and snuck back into the wagon. She was mean, but she wasn't going to interrupt dinner.

Crouching low in the wagon, Helena waited for them to finish eating, and for targets to present themself... Idly wondering if this suit, which apparently moved with her, was any stronger then she was. It was certainly too heavy to fly in...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As the dinner progresses, Fenrir leaps into the wagon and pokes Helena with his cool nose.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, watching the wolf hop up into the wagon with her, while she patiently waited from her place of ambush, jumped slightly as the wolf's cool nose found some of her bare skin, not that a ton of it wasn't on display because of the suits design.

Reaching back, Helena scratched him behind the ears while she waited, wondering who would wander in front of her first.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

A young lamia passes the wagon, soon followed by Willow while Fenrir waits patiently with Helena, wagging his tail at the scratches.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

And it seemed Willow was the first one on the list! Grinning, Helena took her time as she aimed properly, before pulling the trigger on her lover, and setting the reel on the launcher spinning, wanting to get the witch over to her quickly.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Willow is easily caught in the net, eeping as she's reeled over to Helena.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Giggling madly as Helena caught Willow, she tossed the launcher up over a beam, and set to using the reel in getting Willow hung up properly in the wagon and the net tied off, only a few inches above the floor, one of the rubber tendrils waving around near her head letting her know quite clearly what being too noisy would get her. Getting the launcher ready for another shot, Helena chuckled.

Let's see... How many friends will be joining me in the wagon tonight. Helena said, moving up to a crouch so a couple of her other tentacles could slide into the net and start to tease the bound witch while she waited again. You know it's a shame this thing covers my back, it makes using my own tentacles difficult. Good thing this has it's own right? she said, grinning at Willow.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Willow glares at helena as she is hung up from the roof. "Why are you even wearing that thing?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Because only one of us so far hasn't had the fun of being trapped in it. Our dear friend Jasmine! And I'm betting its a lot harder to control if someone else is tampering with it from the outside... Helena said, grinning at Willow.

Besides, maybe seeing you bound up like this really turns me on... Though, that's given me a new idea~! Helena added, setting Willow swinging in the net gently.

Walking to the back of the wagon, Helena slipped out of the suit, leaving it standing in the darkness and open, ready for a new occupant as she laid down on the floor again and waited for a target, her own tendrils now sliding into the net and eagerly drifting across Willow, teasing her as they wormed their way into her clothes, one sliding between her legs while several much thinner lengths wound around her breasts, starting to rhythmically pull and tug on the witch's nipples while she waited for whoever was next.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Willow squirms and moans softly as Helena's tentacles worm their way into her pants, but she does keep it fairly quiet. A few minutes later Helena spots Jasmine heading towards the wagon, though the succubus approaches carefully and silently.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Shit, she's onto me. Helena giggled, quickly working out her vanishing spell as her tendrils retracted, leaving the worked up Willow hanging in her net as Jasmine approached, Helena's ambush having to take on a different approach as she turned herself invisible and waited for Jasmine to enter, burning through her energy as she silently recast the spell again while Jasmine got closer.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine peeks into the wagon and spots Willow, before looking around suspiciously.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, floating up to the roof and pressing herself flat against it in a corner near the entrance, cursed under her breath as she had to keep casting her spell, now into her third casting as she waited for Jasmine to take the bait. And now she was getting hungry to... Grrr... Once Jasmine was in the wagon, Helena would slip down behind her, and shove her towards the open and waiting suit... if she ever came in...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

After a few moments, Jasmine frowns and mutters the words of a spell herself before fading from view. Suddenly Helena feels something touch her leg and freeze in place.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, watching Jasmine cast her own spell, stayed very still, until something touched her leg. Rolling her eyes, Helena grabbed the offending touching thing, probably a tentacle, and tackled it, trying to find it's owner, while Fenrir bounced around in the wagon before moving to sit next to Willow, lapping at her face.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Helena tries to grab Jasmine's leg, Jasmine does likewise and they collide, both fading to view simultaneously as they hit the floor. Fenrir seems mildly amused by this and pads over to poke Jasmine with his cold nose in turn.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena ooofs as the invisible duo do battle, hitting the floor while Fenrir pokes at Jasmine. Hi Jas! Helena said cheerfully, trying to wrestle her into the suit waiting at the back of the wagon, or get her ass high enough into the air to not have to... Either way she'd call it a win.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As the two begin to wrestle, Jasmine accidentally kicks the suit over before starting to giggle, rolling over to her back with Helena on top. "Hello!"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Mind just getting in the nice rapesuit for me? Helena asked giggling as Jasmine rolled to her back, Helena trying to roll her back over, and towards the downed rapesuit. Besides, getting suddenly filled by Fenrir would screw her concentration... And then Jasmine would have everybody... Except Cindy, who was wisely staying away it seemed. Still her original goal had not changed! Get Jasmine into Toy!