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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The great creature mutters something unintelligible and yawns, sitting down. "Fine, go ahead and enter the temple, see if I care."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena quirks and eyebrow but nods. Well, that's great, not why I came here though, though I will take what I've won. I really just came to see you because I'd never seen a sphinx before, it was a pleasure meeting, and not being eaten by, you. Helena says brightly, before skipping into the temple.

Looking around, Helena wondered what exactly a sphinx would be guarding in the first place, but it was definitely interesting.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The stone doors of the temple are heavy, but swing open surprisingly easily. Behind the doors is a large hall with an altar at the end and chests lining the walls. There is a turban on the altar.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena looks around the temple, walking along the walls and peeking at the chests, opening them if possible. The turban on the altar was interesting, but money was usually more so, maybe there was more gold like at the last temple. And hopefully not a crazy undead curse carrying undead.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Each of the chests appears to be empty save for some wrappings.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, seeing the wrappings, just leaves the lids off so as not to disappoint the next person not eaten by the sphinx so they didn't think there was treasure in there either. Looking back at the altar, Helena headed over to finally inspect the turban, plomping it on her head because hats were just awesome, besides, maybe it was a magic turban. Laughing to herself as she made a face and posed, Helena adjusted the turban on her head and decided to keep it to add to her collection. Tank you~ Come Again~! She said, laughing as she started to head towards the door.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The turban fits Helena as if made for her, and it feels surprisingly comfortable. As Helena leaves the temple, she sees the sphinx on its back, rubbing against the sand. The wind shifts the turban on her head, and it feels like it's coming undone.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, enjoying her new hat, just watches the sphinx rolling around like a goof, scratching it's back apparently. Before Helena could offer to give said scritches herself, she felt her hat shift in the wind, and start to come undone.

Sighing, Helena started to wander back towards the temple, away from the wind. Todays time killing activity? Currently figuring out how to rewrap a turban.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Helena gets back into the temple, the great cat rolls on its belly, looking at her with an expression of mild amusement. The turban continues getting looser, and one wrap falls over Helena's eyes.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, starting to get annoyed with the turban, yanks it off her head, and sees how it's actually wrapped, she knew it was all just cloth, but it had a pattern, and she would discover this amazing secret! if only to do it at a party next time and have a conversation starter. Wrapping a turban was like playing quarters, a nifty trick, and she would master it... if she could get it to stop falling over her eyes... stupid hat.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Helena tries to pick the turban off her head, she somehow manages to get her hands stuck in it as one coil falls lower, tightening around her chin and causing her to stumble. She can hear the sphinx chuckling.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Yea yea laugh it up chuckles, I'm being trolled by a hat. the fuck. But if I can master this, I'm going to smack you with a pot of curry mark my words. Helena said, scowling and trying to figure out thi.... Wait a minute. Having a mild flashback to a similar pile of annoying bandages on a ship, and suddenly smiling, Helena just wanders as she is back into the temple and out of sight. She knew what this was... Reaching out with her mind, Helena tried to contact it, even if it was more unruly then the rope demons, Jasmine had mastered a Chain Demon... She was about to get another pet! Oooo this was going to be fun.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Helena wanders into the temple, she can hear the sphinx following her lazily. The turban continues to unwind, quickly covering her arms and torso as Helena tries to communicate with it: the creature seems rather indifferent to her as it continues to bind her more...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena thinks about what Jasmine had to do to bind the more powerful demons to her before, and decided to smash against it's mind like a battering ram, reminding it of what she was, in short, she KNEW where it fucking lived and it was either going to listen, or she was going to torch it like a bitch. It was going to probably rape her regardless, but even struggling playfully like she was, she really didn't care about that part...

She needed help, or a chastity belt... if only that wouldn't kill her through starvation.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The turban's mind doesn't seem to be especially strong, but even so it cheerfully continues to ignore Helena's attempts to establish dominance as a pair of bands binds her legs together. The sphinx pads around her and gently slaps her with its paw, sending her sprawling over back towards the temple doors.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena grrrs slightly annoyed at the cheerful ignoring she's getting from the demon, before eeping and falling over as it binds her legs, just in time for the sphinx to swat her towards the doors. Scowling, Helena stuck out her tongue.O no you don't! She said at the sphinx, starting to literally inchworm her way back into the temple, and rolling around, and even manage some fairly impressive dodging despite being bound as the sphinx repeatedly tried to shoo her out.

At one point, Helena even managed to float into the air with a pelvic thrust, and blow herself over the sphinx's head, catfacing as she rolled back towards the altar.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The sphinx chuckles again as Helena manages to get into the air, only to land hard on the stonefloor and start rolling towards the altar. The sphinx doesn't give up however, and it easily leaps over Helena, landing a paw on her back even as the turban demon starts removing her pants.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, squirming around now, and a little confused by how playful the cranky cat was being, just figured the cat thought it's new rolling toy was rather amusing. Pinned to the floor now, and squirming around, Helena leaned back, and snapped her teeth at the Sphinx as she tried to wriggle away, her pants coming away with her really caring, the demon would get his soon...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The large paw on Helena's back easily stops Helena from being able to move, and the wrap demon gets her pants down before seemingly becoming satisfied with her situation, merely vibrating gently. "Why do you struggle so hard, little one?" the sphinx asks, sounding amused.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Two reasons, maybe more if I ramble, my fine furry friend. Number 1, it's fun, and you seem to be enjoying it as well. Number 2! I'm trying to figure out this odd creature who seems to be insisting my rear be on display for you. You could have just asked you know, I'm rather open minded. Helena says, once again lashing out at the demon with her mind, and this time actually putting some serious force behind it, like she would charm any mind, but with the will of a battering ram behind it, and all the honey her words could muster. *Setting up a succubus? You sure that's wise little one? There's better prey along with me, rather then in this shithole of a sandbox, and you know it. So Behave. And you can come with.*