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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Mana: 15/18

Helena doesn't detect any charms emanating from the priest, and he continues preaching about the glories of Ra and serving Him with pride.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, not noticing anything off about the priest, slinks away a little bit, ducking around a corner once she was about 30 feet away, she had to have enough room that anyone rushing to "Help" her couldn't reach her in time.

Making sure she was alone, Helena suddenly Screamed loudly, running across the street quickly and looking terrified before she was out of sight, muttering the words to her vanish spell in these few, precious seconds before darting back across the street, so far, her display should have only confused and drawn attention. Once back across, she tore her clothing off and tucked it away, before shapeshifting, becoming once again, the grotesgue monster she had used to chase the vampire, though covered in hard green scales instead of fur, and letting loose with an ear splitting roar, before charging back across the street again, her own rendition of a manufactured chase. She had to vanish again before anyone had the chance to actually follow her, or duck around a corner.

After all this rediculous, and admittedly foolish behavior, Helena hopefully successfully, managed to both hide, and vanish again, going to retrieve her clothing and getting dressed quickly. Thinking for a moment, and hiding once again, Helena lengthened her hair, and turned it back to it's usual blonde, rather then the red she had been using to mirror jasmine for so long, and grew noted pointy ears, anc changing the color of her shirt with a simple cantrip before reemerging.

*I hate long winded holy men* she sent to Jasmine, mentally snickering.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena's plan seems to go off without a hitch, and when she returns into the temple, she finds that the priest has stopped talking while a dozen spear wielding guards rush into the street while in search of the "monster". The people in the church are milling about, some of them yelling, others running away or trying to hide and still others rushing about trying to catch the monster. The priest looks quite annoyed.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena looks around, seeming panicked like everyone else, though internally she was rather pleased with herself and chuckling on the inside at the annoyed look on the priests face. Nothing like killing the moment. We learned 2 important things. One, the Temple has armed guards. Two, the Priest does not like being interrupted, and isn'y acting on his own, he's not too powerful. Helena sends over to Jasmine, her amusement coming across the link rather plainly.

Besides, this is hilarious to watch.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

After a few minutes, the priest barks a command for everyone to settle down, and everyone still in the temple seems to settle back as the preacher starts speaking again like nothing had happened.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, not yet done with this game by a long shot, chuckles and stands close behind Jasmine so no one could see her hands working, another quiet spell being worked within her mind, before Pantsing the priest. This just wasn't his day.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Mana: 12/18

Though the spell may or may not have worked, the robes of the priest block the view anyway, and he continues preaching as if nothing happened.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Or he simply wasn't wearing Pants! bastard. Wondering what to do about the insane preacher man, who probably wasn't insane, but who Helena didn't like regardless, Helena pondered what to do about this, before what was possibly the most evil idea she had ever contrived entered her mind. Then she quickly discarded it as incredibly stupid and dangerous, no matter how amusing. Sighing, Helena let it go, since Jasmine liked to listen to him ramble, and she couldn't really pester him without probably getting herself in more trouble then she could get out of.

Resigning herself, Helena just wandered back to the caravan, flopping down next to the fire and wasting the day, doing absolutely nothing of consequence, though a great deal of time was spent cuddling Fenrir and Strike.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Helena heads back towards the caravan through the mostly empty streets, she hears someone playing a string instrument nearby as she passes a pair of guards and a pale skinned woman wearing local clothes. As she continues towards the caravan, she also passes a pair of priests talking about sightings of a sphinx and an arrogant looking man whose manner and dress reveal him to be an important person, a noble most likely.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena stops dead in front of the pair of priests. She didn't like holy men at all, but... that sounded interesting. Umm, excuse me, did you say a sphinx? Where was it seen? she asked, curious now, and understandably a little bored since Jasmine was at a sermon, and Cindy was off being Cindy. Besides, she had time to kill.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The two men - one of them young while the other rich in years turn to look at Helena, and the older answers quickly. "Umm. The sphinx was seen by farmers north of here, young woman. Um. I'd advice against trying to seek it out. They're known to be rather vicious and easy to anger, as well as having liking for human flesh."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Ooo don't you worry~ I wouldn't taste good at all, look at me! All thin and gamey. Still, thanks Helena answered, turning and catfacing. She had a whole afternoon to kill... why not try and get lucky... since the others were busy.

Heading out of town, Helena looked into the sky, before covering her body in soft, blue and white streaked fur, her wings changing color to match when she got out of sight, and taking off, flying low over the dunes until she was safely out of sight. Once there, Helena would let the thermals carry her higher, heading north, her clothing tightly held under one arm... Maybe she'd see a sphinx today.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As she heads out of town to north, she finds a large oasis surrounded by farmland where numerous peasants toil with primitive tools under the scorching sun. Taking to the air, Helena finds it easy to reach great heights. Reaching the sphinx turns out to be more difficult, however; the skies are empty save for a few vultures floating easily far from the oasis.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Unable to find the sphinx in the sky, but seeing people far below, and remembering the preachers words about Ra, Helena can only assume that their Ra is the same as that of her own world. Shifting in the air, Helena took on as close to the form of a pheonix as she could manage, long red and gold feathers rippling over her body as her eyes shone with a brilliant amber and her irises faded away.

Landing in a burst of feathers, her wings folded around her and orange gold flames dancing along her form, Helena raised her head and looked around at the peasants. I have heard the stories, of a great creature, of a Sphinx. I have come to speak with this creature. Tell me what you know of it. And I shall leave in peace, and wish prosperity upon this Oasis. Do not Fear me or praise me, only please grant my desire. she said regally, her voice shaking out as if made of flames themselves.

The show was perhaps a bit over the top, but it would be enough. Patiently, she regarded those around her, awaiting her answer.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Helena bursts into flames showily, most of the farmers scatter and run, but a few of the more curious stay, prostrating themselves before her as soon as she lands.

"O mighty one, the sphinx flew to the north-west."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena looks at the people literally prostrating themselves, before standing and moving towards the one who had spoken. Lowering her lips, she gently kissed him on the forehead, before rocketing into the air and immediately heading to the North west, her form blazing across the sky. Only once she was once again safely out of sight, she shifted back to her usual self, and continued her search, this was getting fun.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The mans looks shocked by the kiss, but by the he gets over it, Helena is already gone back to the sky. Minutes pass by as Helena gets further from the farms and into the deep desert without a sign of what she's looking for, but before too long, she spots a small temple guarded by the sphinx.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

There we go~ Helena said, smiling as she finally spotted the temple, and the sphinx guarding it. Flying in low circles, Helena called out a hello from the air, before landing several yards in front of the sphinx.

Hello there, I'd heard such a creature had been seen, a legend in my own world, but here you are right in front of me and I can hardly believe it. My name is Helena. she said, smiling and bowing slightly.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The sphinx stretches its feline body and stands up, raising its head above Helena and looking at her with curiosity. "Hmm. Not a human, nor a beast. A strange creature you are, a strange creature you'll stay, but answer my riddle or elsewhere you'll lay. I run without legs, I carry without back, I carve without tools. What am I?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena thinks for a moment, still smiling as she listens to the sphinx do something very sphinx like, threaten her with death if she couldn't figure out a riddle. Standing there, pondering, Helena started pacing slowly as she thought about the question. What am I~? Carry without back, Run without legs, and carving without tools, Hrm... what are you indeed. I can only think of one thing capable of all of these things, and It's ironic as very little of it is to be found in a desert. The answer, is Water. Although River may seem fitting, the answer can always be traced back to the beginning, for even oceans and streams, pools, and puddles can run, and carve, though a River would do it the fastest. Helena said, turning to face the sphinx again, smiling.