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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Second of the lamias falls under Helena's influence while the third engages in a battle of wills, only grudgingly succumbing to Helena after a battle. The lamias quickly find their arms bound followed by their balls getting ensnared by the agile ropedemon, causing them to struggle on despite the pain.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena strokes the rope and has it tighten to an excruciating degree. "Stop Struggling NOW!" She said angrily. "Or I will drop your balls off completely." The threat was serious, because she liked the rope demon, and if they hurt it she would murder them. "Now this is really easy. I may be a slut, and enjoy a good hard fucking, but I swear on my life that if any of you ever cockslaps or tosses me like garbage again I will tack your balls to a tree as trophies!" She said angrily. "If I get an apology for those two things, because admittedly everything else was great, even having my throat raped, strangely enjoyable, then I'll let you go, you can go to bed, and we can just call this a fun night~ Whaddya say~" towards the end of this tirade, helena was all charisma again, which was probably more frightening then the angry, and a hell of a lot funnier.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The three lamias grudgingly stop moving and listen to Helena. When Helena stops talking, they one by one lower their eyes, muttering apologies.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena nods and lets them all go, saying one last thing. "You boys are welcome to drag me in her like a piece of meat and fuck me senseless whenever you want, hell, surprise me and I'll give you extra points, just... Not those two things, okay, now have a good night." She said, her anger gone. "If you get up early, you'll find I'm cooking a special breakfast in the morning." She added, and then she was gone after blowing a kiss to all three, and heading out, the rope demon in hand, and justice dispatched with an even hand!

And then she saw about cleaning up her cum stained body, which she was surprised she had forgotten about in her anger, and probably looked rediculous.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The males seem shocked by what just happened, and more than a little embarrassed. The camp seems quiet, and though it may not have been the two hours as ordered by Jasmine, it must be nearly midnight already.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Near Midnight, and still confusing as hell, Helena wandered around the quiet camp, a little sore between the legs, and stretched, casting her mind around for Jasmine, curious as to what else had happened during the time she had been busy. Jasmine had given the males instructions to keep her busy for a specific time period, which meant SOMETHING had happened, but it was strange... Because as far as she could tell, nothing was happening at all.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Finding Jasmine turns out to be surprisingly hard, but after a few times Helena notices her sleeping in one of the other wagons. There indeed seems to be NOTHING going on in the camp.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, annoyed, and determined now to revenge herself upon Jasmine as well at some point, set about getting everything ready for the morning because she couldn't sleep. By the end of her preperations, she would have everything ready to go in a moment, the fires all ready to be lit, and the food to be prepared just as quickly. After that she sat down near one of the fire pits, and meditated the rest of the night away.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The sun slowly starts its daily climb over horizon, and as usual, a pair of the younger lamias come out first, only to be pleasantly surprised as everything is ready for breakfast, one of them even giving Helena a hug as thanks. Everyone else comes out of the wagons with time, though noticeably the trio Helena dealt with is late to come out. Willow and Serane are the last ones to come out, Willow appearing very pleased with herself, and Serane moving around somewhat awkwardly, though it's barely noticeable.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, hugging the younger Lamia's right back and laughing was nothing but smiles, admittedly nude smiles, but whatever. Looking at the trio of men, she just waved and acted as if nothing whatsoever had happened, wondering if they would be brave enough to take her up on her offer later, she doubted it. Getting breakfast ready, she was surprised to see that Willow was all smiles and it was Serane moving a little stiffly... that just was wrong. Catfacing, Helena reached out to Willow. *So... Seems like I missed something~*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Willow raises an eyebrow, taking seats with Serane near Helena. *From the looks of it, not as much as I did* Cindy and Jasmine come to sit with the trio as well, and Cindy fills her plate even more full as usual, digging straight in without much pleasantries.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena chuckles and eats quickly. *I dont know what you're talking about~ But making a Lamia "limp" That I'll give you credit for* She answered with a mental chuckle. Seeing Cindy and Jasmine, Helena waved. Morning you two! How did your night go?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*She's not used to the rope, that's all.* Willow answers Helena. "I slept fine. You?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"I didn't sleep, I had to teach my hosts a lesson after you left me there. But it's been handled." She said grinning. *What's bothering you Cindy?* Helena asked, curious now. Of course it was probably that Jasmine had used her like a fuck toy all night, which for whatever reason made her cranky in the morning but now she was curious.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*Nothing much. I just didn't sleep well.* Cindy answers, indeed looking a little tired.

After the breakfast, the caravan moves on. A week passes by, and the forests give way to farmlands which give way to a bleak wilderness where mists seem to be common even during the midday.

Finally, one cool morning the caravan passes a small forest into less and less distinct mist-filled desert. "We're here." Serane announces coolly, raising her voice for all the visitors to hear. "This is the mistborder. From now, no-one is to leave the sight of the caravan, even for a moment. Lost, if you get, you may end up anywhere. Find you again, we can't."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

A week passes, with a great deal of wild and overly rough sex, singing, dancing and generally just a damned good time before the landscape changes from farmlands to forest and then to desert, although the mists always got heavier and soon the landscape was just fucking hard to make out, making Helena scratch her head and get a little nervous as she remembered the mists in the Pod room of EGG.

Listening to Serane, Helena stayed with the Caravan without incident no matter what happened, unless of course someone was stupid enough to ignore Serane's orders surround the place. Even the Spiders had been coralled into the center of the caravan and were being kept under Helena and Willow and Cindy's watchful eyes to make sure they didn't stray, Fenrir of course collared and leashed. They weren't losing anyone to this pea soup fog.

*So here we are Jasmine, this place giving you the heeby jeebies as well?*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine stares through the invisible border thoughtfully. *They feel...strange.* is the only comment the older succubus would make. As they pass the line, Helena feels a kind of relief, and for a moment Helena feels like she did after the weird shadowy-creatures had inflicted her with their touch, as if dozens of voices were just below the surface wanting to be heard - only, the mists seem welcoming, almost friendly.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

And then helena heard voices again, this wasn't normal or good, regardless of how inviting they seemed.. shaking her head, Helena tried to clear her thoughts as they moved, though if she couldn't, she'd start singing, focusing on the song and staying with the group.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The moment passes and no voices actually appear, though Helena has a feeling that there's something just beyond the sight of the others, watching her as a father watches a child. Though strange, the mists don't seem all that bad - as long as she avoids looking at the others. Willow has a haunted look on her face, Cindy seems nervous and irritable, the animals are all more aggressive than usual, even towards Helena, and Jasmine seems to be lost in thought, spending most of her time sitting still. The Vistani seem to be the least affected - cautious to be sure, but it is the caution an experienced explorer might feel as he enters another jungle - strange and dangerous it may be, but he has faced it before and is no worse for the wear.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena has to spend most of her time focusing on the animals as the move, the brunt of her attention on her horse, Fenrir, and the spiders as she seeks to keep them all in line and avoids looking at other people, thinking they all had their own demons to worry about in these mists. At peace with herself for now it seemed, Helena just did her best to help everyone else, Trying to get Willow and Cindy to join her in the simple song she knew they both knew the lyrics to.