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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Miles pass by as Helena flies forward, but eventually she gets there, seeing what looks like a gypsy caravan from some painting. As she sneaks closer through the woods, suddenly something whiffs past her head. As she turns to look, something black barely misses her face, striking her shoulder painfully instead. In front of her eyes, she sees a slightly familiar looking pale, handsome man armed with a sap, apparently surprised that Helena is still standing.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena headed towards the caravan wondering if she had accidentally found what she was after right up until something whipped by her and she was hit on the shoulder. Turning after yelping in pain, Helena saw a rather familiar looking pale faced asshole. "Well, Aren't you familiar looking Wolf boy" Helena said, her voice dipping dangerously low as her hands erupted in flames. "You're gonna need more then the club you asshole." She said snarling, crouching low even as her body covered itself in black fur to make her harder to see and her eyes turned the same blue as the flames.

Her next act was predictable to anyone who knew her as a bolt of flame whistled out from her hand towards the vampire.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The bolt burns a hole through the vampire's clothing, causing it to hiss in pain. The vampire's gaze catches Helena's, and Helena feels something brush against her mind even as all evidence of the burn on the vampire fades away, save for the damage on the cloth.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena feels the vampire's mind and immediately figures he's trying something sneaky and underhanded to win this. Despite what self control her practice had given her, Helena was assaulted with images of Aren and she lost it. It seemed this horrifying place had found a rather sensitive button to push. She had been lucky to move on with Willow, although that night still haunted her somewhat, but not like the Vampire in her memories did.

The contact sparked what could only be described as an explosion of pure and unadulterated hatred as she dropped right back into her true form, the fur literally burning off of her body along with her clothing as what had been a simple nimbus of blue flames before became a towering inferno that easily rose 4 feet above her and at least a foot around her, swirling around her body as if caught up in the rising thermals of a volcano as she screamed with so much strength that it was actually beyond the human ability to hear, the pitch so high and so loud that Fenrir could probably hear it all the way back in the Inn. Her eyes, which had been shining before glowed along with the rest of her flames in all of the glory of her rage as the plantlife around her withered and died almost immediately and her horns grew into long, pointed affairs and the spade of her tail became a spike.

This was the first true transformation she had undergone and the pain of it all compounded her fury before she threw her flaming body at the vampire, her mouth still open in it's unholy cry as she sought to utterly obliterate the thing that still haunted her nightmares...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Helena bursts into flames and throws herself at the vampire, the creature dodges her with inhuman grace and strikes her again with the sap. The hit catches her on the cheek, making her feel wobbly for a moment and no doubt causing a bruise to appear.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Turning her face from the blow with an angry hiss, Helena leapt backwards even as her wings snapped forwards, pushing her further back and causing a wave of that unholy blue fire to rush from her form towards the thing that had so roused her anger. She simply didn't have the control anymore to think that continuing the fight was pointless and probably stupid, she was her emotion incarnate granting her strength even as it lead her to ruin.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The vampire hisses as he has to lift an arm to protect his eyes, but only for a moment before he leaps forward, the sap-carrying arm snapping forward to meet Helena's face and causing everything to go black.

Helena wakes up with a blazing headache. She's feeling drained from the battle, there's a strip of cloth covering her eyes, and her arms and legs are tied. It takes several moments for her to orient herself, and figure that she's tied up on top of a horse, with someone else riding it. From the little she can see past the cloth, they're on a dirt road somewhere, and it's still night.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena didn't even have the energy to give a startled shout or an angry cry as the sap swung forward again to smash against her face and send her spiraling into the darkness of unconsciousness... Waking up an unknown amount of time later, Helena realised she was blindfolded, tied up, probably on a horse, and pissed, although back in control of herself. She was drained certainly, and any spell was probably outside of her reach, but to hell if she was going to be somebodies prize. Not letting on that she was awake to the best of her abilities, Helena tried first to alter her limbs enough to slip the rope. If that didn't work, then she was suddenly going to cover her hands with that sickly green light and try to leap off of the animal.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Making her wrists thinner seems to be doing the trick, but soon the horse stops and she feels a hand on her shoulder. "I can see that you're awake. Now then, I'm not allowed to kill you, but that doesn't mean I won't hurt you, ye ken, so no tricks."

Seemingly effortlessly, the vampire pulls Helena into a sitting position before cutting her legs free and lifting her enough to get her sitting almost normally on the saddle, save for her tied wrists. "If you promise to behave, I'll free yer wrists, too."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Getting caught during her escape attempt kind of ruined that plan, but then he cut her legs free, she didn't seem to have any bite marks, and then said he wasn't allowed to kill her, he'd obviously never tried to capture a shapeshifting lying bitch with wings before...

"So you can talk. Okay then I'll forestall my all consuming hatred of vampires for a moment and promise that on a condition that you tell me what's going on and why you didn't try a less hostile way of getting my attention. For the record, skulking around my sleeping friends being what you are was the best possible way to piss me off" Helena said, surprised that her voice wasn't shaking even as she bit her tongue on the stream of insults that wanted to fly out of her mouth.

"I've already lost one good friend to the lies of a vampire and I'll die long before I risk losing another." She added, huffing the rest of her rage away for the moment, figuring she'd use her head now that it was under her control and actually think.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Well, miss, seems the high and mighty are interested in you, and I think I can figure out why. Me, I'm just obeying orders. First it was just to watch you, which is what I was doing the last time we met. As you came to the town though, I was ordered to find out more. Seeing how you reacted the last time, I figured catching you would be the easiest way to do that." Keeping a hold on Helena's shoulder, he cuts free Helena's wrists, but Helena notices that he doesn't put the knife away, using his other hand to grab the bridle. "We might as well talk on the way. What are you, exactly?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena thought about everything that he was saying very carefully, and smirked as he asked exactly what she was. "O me? I'm nothing special, just interesting apparently. For the record, the next time you want to talk, best to leave a fucking note. As for high and mighty, the only high and mighty I'm interested in is Malken so I can tear his heart out and eat it. But that's a story for another time I think. And for the record, I didn't seriously attack you until you hit me, I got you wet and tried to stun you in the water, I know a vampire couldn't care less about a little electricity."

Helena just answered everything in that manner is a nice polite calm voice before immediately and using every ounce of her mind, used the only talent he likely hadn't seen yet, she charmed the horse and commanded it to buck as hard as it could, filling it's mind with horrifying images before diving off the side and trying to take to the air, her wings bursting into existence.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As the horse starts to buck, the vampire seems surprised, and Helena manages to throw herself off the horse. Though her wings burst from her back, but her direction doesn't seem to change, and she hits the ground face first, blacking out again.

When she wakes up, Helena is hog-tied, still blind-folded, and she can feel dried blood on her face. It's completely dark, and she's lying on something cold and hard.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

And right back into unconsciousness because the ground was hard and didn't agree with her face. Waking up now far mor thoroughly bound and lying on what she could only guess was stone, Helena skipped the sneaky attempts and just had her hands blaze with the powerful acid to destroy her bindings in a flash before reaching up to pull of the blindfold. "That hurt, and once again, I'm Angry." She said to whoever was there whereever she was. Looking around quickly.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena finds herself in alone in a windowless cell of cold stone. There's a small crate on the floor - too small for anything human to wriggle through - and the only way out is blocked by a sturdy looking wooden door reinforced with iron bindings.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, annoyed, drained, pissed off, aching and now in a cell, walked over to the door and set about melting that too, because she didn't have the energy to force the lock with magic, focusing the simple conjuration on where the hinges should be. At least she was certain of one thing, she was a pain in the ass to capture and hold, and she wasn't about to start making anything easier, especially when elemental power was literally a thought away and the only think stopping her was wood. And wood, was feeble.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

It takes a surprisingly long time, but eventually the hinges give way and Helena pushes the door open, causing it to fall on the floor with loud racket. She starts realizing just how hungry she is at the same time as she sees daylight through a barred window. The door has opened to a hallway with similar doors on either side of Helena's, and a sturdy door of iron bars on one end.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Well... Shit." Helena muttered, moving over to the iron door at the end and realising that if the hinges had taken that long, then this was probably going to take even longer, especially as hungry as she was getting. Sitting down in front of the bars, Helena pondered them for awhile, wondering where her Jailer had gotten to. Still, Daylight and Vampires... Had to try something right and if it turned out to be hopeless, then he could just deal with her again when he showed up.

Placing both of her hands on one of the iron bars, Helena tried to see if she even had the strength left to even start on wearing the bars down, if she didn't then she would sit down and wait for either a meal to come along, or for her jailer who was going to have to think of some way to move her again without a horse, because he sure as hell wasn't going to put her on one again, that would just be stupid.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Helena approaches the door, she can see two men sitting around a table, one reading a loose set of papers while the other is enjoying a tankard of ale - until they see Helena. Both quickly reach for their crossbows and point them at Helena. "Shit, boss's prisoner is loose!" one of them yells, looking panicky.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena raised her eyebrows at the crossbows. "O No! A naked woman is loose without any weapons. Relax you idiots, that was my last spell for 24 hours, I didn't expect an actual prison, what a waste. Or what, you going to shoot a naked unarmed woman? If I had any power left I would have just attacked you through the bars." What she was doing, along with intentionally trying to make them angry and insult their manliness and intelligence, was get them pissed off enough to come 'Show her who was boss?' Gods, the day a nude woman couldn't get laid by a pair of men probably with loose morals was the day that everyone picked up a bible and swore to chastity.

"What you gonna do about it? Put me back in my cell? Well? Lets see it then you little girls, or are you actually afraid of little old me." Helena added, goading them further by pressing her bare ass against the bars and waving it teasingly. If she still had the strength to affect their lust from here, then she would, if she didn't well, they'd have to come get closer to shut her up eventually...