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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"There's only four of us, though."

"That means we need at least one more, doesn't it?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"I'm with Willow on this one" Helena said laughing, "But Willow dear, Make sure Jasmine is the one in the pillory first rather then me, or she'll just take advantage again~ I'll even help you with this one, Sounds like entirely too much fun"

"Besides..." Helena said muttering a few simple words, her hand directing the collar in her hands to rise into the air and open, "I do remember Cindy had you last time, on the ship... But I've yet to see Cindy on a leash~" Helena said smiling, the collar floating towards her.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"It's not my fault that none of you are any good at cards." Cindy catches the collar mid-air and looks at it for a moment.

"Maybe we should play something else for a change, then."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"That sounds like you have a game in mind Willow" Helena said grinning "But on the off chance you don't then how do we resolve this? When I was grabbed... I was just grabbed, Twice even" Helena said grinning at Cindy

"Sadly, I'm expecting~ So rough housing is out of the question at the moment, as much as I would just Loooove to pounce on Cindy in a rather predatory fashion, I can't so... We need a new game~"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"How about we see who can use Prestidigitation the best, since we're all mages here?" Willow suggests playfully. Cindy frowns a little, but doesn't nay-say her.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"So a contest based on simple tricks and illusions huh? I'm in, but who judges?" Helena asked, before thinking of Aqua, and prodding her mind, asking her if she was in for a possible meal and judging the game. "Also, what are the stakes~? How about winner takes all..."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"I'm in. We could ask Aqua or wait until Jasmine comes back."

"Suits me. Get Aqua down here and lets get started.

A couple minutes later Aqua rides Flame through the window. As she jumps down on the floor, the spider leaves the way she came. "So what's this about?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena smiles as Aqua enters. "O... you know, just us... being us, Playing a little game, but we need a judge to decide the winner~" Helena said, her smile flashing from her spot on the bed, pondering her own performance.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Well, let's start, then. Who goes first?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Willow's idea, I vote she shows us how it's done" Helena said snickering, thinking about how to use the simple spell herself and looking at Aqua, discarding one idea for another, and then another.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Willow nods and stands up. She then lifts her hand palm up and chants the words of the spell. Sparkles appear on her hand and start buzzing about. One of them grows quickly into something resembling a beehive, and the others form into illusionary bees and start dancing around it in complex patterns. One of the bees suddenly flies into Aqua's mouth, and the slimegirl seems surprised. "That's tasty."

Finally the beehive disappears and Willow steps back, letting Helena have the stage.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena clapped, applauding, liking the display quite a bit, the bee being a nice touch and took her turn, returning to her place on the bed to hum, and cast the spell before starting to sing, the notes shimmering in the air as she worked her own illusion. Each sound, syllable, and word drifting through the air as a small ball of light, the colours reflecting the pitch and timber of her voice as she sang as they swirled around the room, landing lightly on everything within range at the same pace as a new one entered the air, Helena directing the music like a conductor, her fingers moving through the air. Every place the balls touched, they seemed to soak in and stain it, the colour of the note bleeding through it, soon staining the furniture, the floor, their clothes... Aqua.... in a myriad of different colours, shifting steadily as the notes continued to fly until Helena had finished the song, holding the colours for a moment before letting it all fade. Except with Cindy, whose hair stayed a vibrant purple... and would for the next hour.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Aqua applauds a little before turning to look at Cindy. Cindy in turn turns to look at Helena. Suddenly spots of color appear on Helena's skin, quickly forming into pictures of Helena in various positions she has experienced over time. More and more such pictures appear on her skin for several minutes until she's covered with them. The pictures aren't very elaborate, but they're good enough to see what's going on in them.

Aqua applauds Cindy as well and, when it's clear that the show is over, looks from one competitor to another, clearly wondering who she should choose.

After a long while, Aqua points to Willow. "Willow won." The witch grins evilly, and snaps the collar around Cindy's neck before leashing Helena as well. "How long would you say it's going to be until the eggs come out?"
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Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena chuckles as Cindy is leashed and raises her chin as the same is done to her, grinning up at Willow. "Maybe another hour Mistress" Helena said from her spot on the bed, looking at Cindy and just grinning, she couldn't stop herself, seeing Cindy on the losing side was the same as a win as far as she was concerned.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Willow makes a pouty expression. "But I'll be bored by then! I guess I'll just have to start with Cindy." The witch walks back over to Cindy and tugs her leash, making the girl stand up and follow her around. Willow fetches the rope demon and a pillory and then leads Cindy to the bed. Cindy sighs and puts her head and arms onto the pillory, which Willow locks with a click before ushering the rope demon onto helpless Cindy. As the rope demon forms into a harness and starts to vibrate, Willow flips Cindy around and starts to grope and tease the helpless girl.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena chuckles and watches as Willow proves that turnabout is most definitely fair play, putting Cindy into the pillory and adding the rope demon as well, the familiar harness forming quickly and starting to vibrate, Helena all to familiar with the demon's particular brand of torment. "Well, by the time you're bored with Cindy, I'll be ready then Mistress" Helena said smiling, getting comfy, checking on Cindy's mood to see just how annoyed she was.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Cindy is clearly annoyed, but also aroused and getting more so by the minute as the rope demon continues to vibrate slowly and Willow continues to abuse her bust, groping and massaging it and pinching the nipples, causing Cindy to wriggle and moan excitedly. As the girl approaches an orgasm, the rope demon suddenly stops, causing Cindy to whine, followed by Willow causing her to yelp by tugging her nipple particularly harshly.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena puts her hands behind her head and just enjoys the show, having a pretty good Idea that Cindy was going to have a very... infuriating time. Grinning like a cat herself, Helena just waited for her eggs to hatch as Willow had her fun, and Cindy finally got to be on the receiving end of one of their wagers, something long overdue.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The rope soon starts vibrating again, causing Cindy to moan. Helena can see Cindy's juices flowing as the girl is teased to the edge of an orgasm again, only for it to be dangled out of her reach. Cindy finally cracks and starts pleading: "Please mistress! Let me come!"

Willow studies the desperate girl for a moment before stuffing Cindy's panties into her mouth, causing her to let out a muffled scream in frustration, only for Willow to tug her nipples even harder. This goes on for a long while, until Helena finally feels the eggs start moving within her.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena got hotter and hotter the longer she watched, her hand drifting up her thigh on the bed, biting her lip as Willow kept teasing Cindy, gagging her with her own panties to silence her pleading as the torture continued. Gently stroking herself as the show continued, Helena couldn't stop herself from giving a throaty moan as she felt the eggs start to move, her folds already slick from her own teasing as she adjusted her hips and gasped, moving her hand up to tease her clit as she waited for the birthing, her thighs twitching and her moaning getting louder as it got closer, no longer paying attention to Willow or Cindy at all.