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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The men seem to all be either in awe or terrified and confused. Three men panic, diving overboard and two of them quickly swimming towards the shore while the third sinks like a stone.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena curses and dives into the water after the sinking man, pulling him from the water and turning him to look into her eyes, She could catch up to the ship at will, but these men were the least affected by her mental outburst, but utterly terrified of her. What did this mean... "TELL ME THE TRUTH!" Helena bellowed as her mind smashed into his like a cannon ball. *YOU WILL TELL ME!*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The man Helena dives after turns out not to be a man after all, but a terrified and very heavy dwarf who struggles in Helena's grasp, making the already hard task of pulling him to surface into impossible one. The dwarf starts convulsing, and Helena can feel his mind become like that of a beast as the stout form changes into more beast-like and horrifying.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena drags him to shore, simply dragging him under the water rather then trying to lift him out, her wings giving her the advantage under the water, not paying attention to his form at all. Everyone had their secrets. That didn't make her stupid however. While he was still transforming, Helena sprouted a mass of tendrils and tightly bound him, knowing that while he was changing, he would have great difficulty mounting a defense against her as she continued to pull him towards the shore. Tossing him up and onto shore, Helena would stare down at him and repeat her question. To all three. "Come out. If I wanted blood or conquest, I would have taken it. I need information, nothing more. What does that symbol mean. Why would I find a vessel full of weapons and water and silver hidden away. I seek the safety of my friends, nothing more!" To any of the others out of range of her voice, they would find her mind repeating the question even as she stared down at the dwarf, the tendrils gone. "Do not attack me... You will not like the outcome. Answer my questions and I swear to you that you can go in peace."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The dwarfcreature ceases struggling in Helena's grasp as soon as Helena's tentacles bind him. As Helena tosses him on the shore, she can feel the other two gaining distance quickly. The transformation seems to want to continue even further while the dwarf stares at Helena, confused and afraid, struggling to speak but unable.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena calmed down, and put her wings away, simply appearing as any woman might, apart from being completely nude. "Control yourself, I will not harm you unless you absolutely force me to, I think I know why you are so afraid. I am not associated with that symbol. I'm trying to find who is so I can get them to leave. Please, calm down" Helena said gently, moving forward so slowly, kneeling. "Please, this is important, I WILL let you leave this place, just answer me. I am not hunting you, but I need this information badly and the longer you take, the worse things become for people I care about very dearly"

Helena muttered a few words under her breath and prepared the sleeping spell just in case, but she sorely hoped she didn't need it. "I saved you, If I wanted to harm you I wouldn't have, think, don't give in to the animal just yet, don't let the fear control you."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The dwarf slowly reverts to his normal form. "Don't know bout the church, don't care. They only wander about, trying to convert people. Don't have much success without spells, though."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"I'm sorry for frightening you, but I'm very worried about my friends, if there's anything odd about this church you can think of, please tell me. I noticed that only those of you afflicted by this curse ran, why is that. Please trust me." Helena pleaded on last time, letting the gray fur of her more lupine form shift over her body for him to see. "We all have our secrets good dwarf. But please, if you know anything... I need to know" She reached out gently and sought his hand, hoping to charm him if she could and get a straight answer.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The dwarf spits at Helena's feet. "With you screaming bout secrets any sane dwarf would run. What else was we to think?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"So you don't know any more. You don't seem to get it. I will burn the world to cinders for these people, your fear does not bother me, but your attempt to flee made you stand out. Notice the humans did not? Regardless, it seems that is all you have. Go." Helena said sadly before bursting her wings from her back and flying back towards the camp as quickly as possible. *Cindy! Willow! Has anything happened!*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The dwarf flees as soon as Helena turns away, although the ship is already gone. *Nothing. We haven't seen so much as a squirrel.*

Helena reaches the new campsite quickly, and finds the entire group there, playing cards together.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*No Squirrels!? O DEAR GOD!* Helena panics jokingly as she hits the camp, landing near the materials and checking on the second group she had found earlier, checking to see if they had moved closer or not. "Well, I just terrified a group of people, interrogated a dwarf, confused the fuck out of everyone, and probably got some serious attention! How was your card game? Hopefully just as exciting?" Helena quipped, laughing off her nervousness but still keeping a very watchful eye.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Apart from Cindy cheating, not really." Willow grumbles. Cindy looks appropriately horrified by the accusation.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena laughs and goes back to the supplies, resuming her watchful place by them and waiting for their owners to show up and claim them, singing softly and worried about how things had gone. Logic had said that the boat was the most likely target... Sighing mentally, Helena just kept her eyes open, ushering Strike over for cuddles and a little stress relief unless she was off plotting or eating or something, then Helena would leave the spider in peace.
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Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The spider eagerly rushes over, cuddling Helena. The boat is still moving along the river and the other group seems to be moving away. The others stay in the camp playing cards, though perhaps more alert than usual. For the next few hours, nothing seems to happen, besides the wolf coming in and snoozing next to Helena.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena cuddles Strike giggling and when Fenrir shows up, she gently strokes his ears and back as he dozes off. Surrounded by her friends, Helena started to relax. Nothing had happened for hours, but that didn't mean that getting lazy was acceptable either. Still. Glancing around occasionally for movement, Helena kept her vigil, glad for the company of Strike and Fenrir close at hand at least. After the first hour, Helena prodded Strike to resume her spiderpoking language lessons, since they had actually proved very useful and learning the strange language had proved to be a great deal of fun. But that was Helena, boredom was always a problem.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Strike continues teaching Helena her language, though they make little progress. The sun eventually starts setting, and Cindy alerts Helena that the dinner is ready. Fenrir stretches and gets up before jogging to the forest.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena wasn't discouraged, just glad to be making any progress at all, more then willing to spend a great deal of time getting closer to the spider any way she could. Patting Fenrir before he wandered off, Helena moved to eat dinner herself, her stomach growling at her. Sitting down, Helena voraciously attacked her food, thanking them for the meal without even really tasting it as a meal turned into empty dishware in the blink of an eye, a very satisfied looking coming over her face. "Gods I feel better~!"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Willow looks at Helena and blinks as the dish empties with impossible speed. "At least we don't have to worry about you not liking our cooking, apparently. Did you see anything?"

Strike goes to the side with Flame and the pair heads out to spin new webs for the night.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Not a damn thing, But im still worried, I wish they would just show up and get their shit and get out of our hair." Helena said annoyed, moving to make more coffee and drinking it as soon as it was ready. "I won't be sleeping tonight, so don't wait on me." Helena said sipping the brew. "What do you guys think of Fenrir, has he warmed up to you guys at all?" Helena asked curiously.