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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena: Attack: 9+6=hit Damage: 3
Status: Helena: 8/15, bleeding 1 hp per round, wielding bow. Othmar: Wounded, not prone anymore, away from Helena to Helena. Guards: Arriving in 2 turns.
Othmar screams in pain and fear as the flames hit him, and he scampers away from Helena, falling on his back. Helena can now clearly hear the guards coming closer, and the wound on her chest is bleeding heavily.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena grins widely at the prone figure of terrified and shocked Othmar, using his shock and fear to draw another arrow and level it at his chest. Her blood baying for his, her wound bleeding. This would end it, something in her gut told her one way or another as she looked down at the fallen figure and let the arrow fly.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena: Attack 16+6=hit damage 4
Status: Helena: 7/15, bleeding 1 hp per round, wielding bow. Othmar: Wounded, prone, away from Helena. Guards: Arriving in 1 turn.
Othmar manages to almost dodge the arrow, but it still hits his good arm, causing another flesh wound. Helena can now hear the guards at the doors, about to bust them open.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Not paying the guards any heed, but the combat burning out most of her rage, Helena leveled a glowing gaze at Othmar and made sure to smash through his mind as she dove out of the window so he could hear her words and never forget them.

*This is your message Othmar. Do right by your people, or next time I drag your soul to hell.....*

Whether due to his injuries, or to the hot flame of wrath that had overcome her this night, Helena was sure he had gotten the message. How he acted upon it would dictate many things. Sometimes such a scare changed a man. Time would tell. For now, Helena moved out of the window and up against the wall, quickly muttering her vanishing spell again, and then immediately focused on getting past the wall before healing herself. It wouldn't do for her to bleed to death out here. Jasmine would never forgive her...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Othmar feels thoroughly shocked by the intrusion, and the shock stays with him as Helena flees the scene, leaving the guards to burst into the room for no reason. The guards at the battlements shoot a few blind arrows into the air, but none of them comes even close.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena moves as far as her wound will allow into the forest before setting about healing the vicious wound in her chest, hissing between clenched teeth. The night seemed to be a blur, only the very beginning of her assault on Othmar, and the end coming across clearly. Cursing that she hadn't managed to kill him, the drained Succubus set about returning to the Inn in all haste, moving along the ground and using her stealth to the absolute best of her abilities to get back. Upon getting close enough to the Inn, Helena would use the last of her strength to vanish one last time and fly in through the window and throw herself into a chair.

Panting with exhaustion, now completely drained, and the stress from the night overwhelming her, Helena could do nothing but pass out as she was in the chair.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The healing spell eases the pain and seals the wound, but Helena still feels weak from all the blood she has lost. The room is a blur when she comes back, and the last thing Helena sees before passing out is Jasmine's worried face.

Helena wakes up feeling perfectly fine, with Aqua snuggled close to her. Cindy seems to be gone, and Jasmine is sitting at the table, her back turned to Helena.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena snaps awake, shooting out of bed and looking around in a near panic, wondering what the hell had come over her last night. What she had done was both reckless and stupid. It seemed her anger was harder to control then it used to be... Looking at Jasmine, Helena didn't apologise.

"He still lives. He survived an arrow to the chest from a foot away in his sleep. I don't know what the hell happened. I remember blue fire, and telling him I'd drag him to hell personally if he didn't change his ways."

Standing up, Helena touched her chest where the wound had been, figuring Jasmine must have set it to rights, before she moved to the table and sat facing her Sister. "I don't even know what I am any more Jasmine." she said quietly, showing her the rainbow flame once again, and the blue that always seemed to pervade it just a little.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Aqua shifts to stare at Helena as she gets up, taking a sitting position. Jasmine doesn't say a word the entire time Helena is talking, looking downwards. When Helena shows her the flame, Jasmine's eyes rise to stare into Helena, full of fury. Without warning, the full specter of Jasmine emotions hits Helena. Lust. Passion. Joy. Anger. Hate. Forgiveness. Love. Disgust. Worry. All the things that make up human present, with Passion, lust and anger dominating the others, but the other shades constantly battling for dominance.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena reels from the blow, staring at Jasmine and tumbling from the chair, before showing her her Flame as it was last night, how she knew it to be, the solid blue mass towering in her soul like an inferno and all of the pain and hatred that had coursed through her that night, tears now rolling down her face. It wasn't something within her control, and wouldn't be until she was older and stronger, that day in training warping her permanently as the other Sins had coursed through her soul and that gate had been opened. Along with it all came a feeling of utter hopelessness, as she had failed to better everything as far as she knew, and that all of it had been wasted.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Suddenly Helena catches a glimpse of Jasmine's flame. Far from being pure red as one would expect, it, too, has all the colors present, although to a lesser extent. Jasmine stares at Helena expectantly, clearly trying to show her something.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena nods, understanding the implications, knowing that Jasmine had much the same problem she did, just to a lesser extent, and tempered by 600 years of experience. "I lack the ability to always fight it off Jasmine. I don't have your control, or your experience. It was different when we always needed to feed back home, where Lust was always the overreaching need. It's been different here. And my anger is a lot harder to control then it used to be." Helena said quietly, hoping Jasmine would understand as well.

"And when I'm lost like that... It's like needing to feed, just as powerful."
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Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*You're still the same person you always were. Only time will change that. This place may be influencing you somehow, but it doesn't change who you are. Self-control gets easier with time and experience. Now. Focus on the flame. Don't let your emotions color it, just focus on the essence. Your soul isn't made of pure lust, so it shouldn't be red. It's not made of wrath, so the flame shall not be blue. Rather, it is of all emotions...*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena nodded and closed her eyes, taking a cross legged position on the floor after wiping her face with her arm and diving into her soul, the act now as natural as breathing as she looked for the underlying truth behind it all, trying to push past it and find her true core which she now understood is what she had found that day. Yearning to believe that what Jasmine had said was true and that she wasn't a freak, just young and inexperienced. In the search she threw away her hunger, her pride, her jealousy, her anger, all of them shoved away with her will as she looked and searched as desperately as she ever had...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine's guiding words help Helena strip off the false colors from the flame, revealing the pure white she saw the very first time. Only, now she can see that it isn't truly white, but made of all the colors, perfectly balanced with each other as her soul truly rests, free of emotions and thoughts in perfect peace.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena stares at the flame in utter disbelief. It was beautiful, entrancing... Still, Helena's lack of control meant that even with this revelation, she still was in danger of letting her emotions get the better of her until she had Jasmine's experience under her belt and age to temper her wisdom, but she supposed that was neither her nor there at this point. She had already lost control and infuriated her Sister. Standing up, Helena walked over to the bed and flopped down, trying to deny her hunger in absolute stubbornness and failing utterly.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine frowns at Helena's back, but says no more. Soon Cindy comes back and orders lunch for four, and Aqua joins Jasmine and Cindy at the table.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Unbeknownst to the others, Helena is actually still meditating, just in a more subtle way, curled up in the bed and poking and prodding at the pure flame as she tried to figure everything out. She gives up about halfway through everyone eating lunch and rises slowly, calmer and more sociable. Getting up, Helena moved back to the table and plated up her helping before moving away again and eating.

Sitting in front of the window as she ate, Helena watched the sky, as she usually did when feeling shitty, and slowly ate her food almost as an afterthought while she tried to avoid raping Cindy at the table or diving on Aqua. The food not really helping the situation nor the view. Calling the rope demon over, Helena idly stroked it like a house cat as she tried to puzzle things out.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The others eat lunch fairly quickly, leaving Helena the last one eating for once, and there's almost no small talk, other than Cindy mentioning that she got the usual price from the silk. When the lunch is over, Cindy and Jasmine head over to meditate while Aqua stays at the table.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena would have sat there all day, if she wasn't starving and that need overpowered everything else as Helena and Jasmine set about practicing themselves. Walking over to Aqua, Helena prodded the Slime shyly and looked at her. "I'm really hungry... I need to lay you... Rather badly." She said quietly, not wanting to bother the other girls.