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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The feeling of being watched doesn't go away, but there seems to be surprisingly few city guards around tonight, as Helena doesn't see a single one on her way back to the inn. Cindy and Jasmine seem to share her paranoia, as Cindy keeps looking behind them and Jasmine seems on the edge as well, scanning the emotions around them.

After a chilling walk, they finally get back to the inn and their own room, where Aqua and the spiders seem to be playing a strange sort of game: One of the spider goes close to Aqua and pokes her, after which she kisses the spider, after which the spider retreats.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Once they were back inside, Helena heaved a sigh of relief and snapped the door shut after Jasmine and Cindy were inside. "And Back." Looking into the room, and seeing the goofballs playing with Aqua, she watched for a moment before snickering. "Nice to see everyone is getting along" She said laughing. Plomping into a chair, Helena immediately opened the envelope and scanned over the content, the only thought on her mind being Othmar.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The map shows that the castle has four floors, with Othmar's bedroom in the highest floor, bordering the courtyard. There's only one entrance, but most rooms bordering the courtyard have a window, though the map doesn't tell how big the windows are. The outer walls have arrowslits only, and there's two doors leading up to the battlements.

The second paper is a simplified take of the same maps, with guard routes and times marked in, with a note that it should be good for one to two weeks.

The third paper has three people in it, and where they can be found outside the castle and when. One of them is the captain of Othmar's personal guard, to be found in a tavern named Golden Dancer every week night. The second is Othmar's secretary, who is in charge of arranging entertainment, and who usually has the guards take care of hiring the entertainers. He can be found scouting inns such as the one where they're staying and other such places in search for entertainers. The last one is Othmar's mistress, who rarely leaves the castle.

As Jasmine opens the bag, the stench of death fills the room. Amidst numerous gold coins and pieces of jewelry, there's a freshly severed child's head, still bloody. Cindy stares it with horrified fascination while Jasmine gently pulls it out and stares at in disgust.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena is pouring over the maps and notes until Jasmine pulls the head from the bag... Staring at it, Helena doesn't feel disgust, but absolute and all consuming fury. They had been used for something so atrocious that it would never be forgiven, never be forgotten. Shaking with her rage and vowing revenge on being a part of such a disturbing act, Helena suddenly calms, not moving, not even breathing, her eyes closed. Suddenly her eyes snap open and they're glowing with a soft blue light as her wings snap out as do her horns both lightly wreathed in blue fire.

She was beyond talking or speech, beyond consolation or redemption. The only words from her lips before she snatched up her bow were "Dispose of that permanently." And without another word, she launched herself from the window, the flames turning inward so as to hide her in the night. Flying high in the air, she moved with purpose towards the entrance to the sewer where they had first met Malken, mumbling the words to her small vanishing spell before rocketing towards the ground and landing so no one would see her until she was safely inside the sewer.

Dropping down, Helena started towards the central chamber, full of fury, full of hatred, and lost to her inner demons as she sought out her target.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

There are but a few unfortunate souls out in this forsaken night, save for a precious few guard patrols acting as sole beacons of order while the city seems to wait in silence. The alley is abandoned as last time, with not a single beggar where there should be many.

When Helena arrives to the sewers, something strange happens: amongst the perfectly ordinary sewers there is not a single tunnel out of place, and no sign of the veritable labyrinth that lead her to Malken before.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena looks around the sewer, her wings and horns once again wreathed in flame, her target should be here, or at least his lackeys, Someone to vent her horrifying rage upon, Someone, Anyone! As the burning fire of her fury turned into cold and unforgiving wrath, Helena stalked through the sewers to the place where the tunnel should have been, holding up her hand and firing a bolt of blue flame where the wall now was, seeing if it was simply illusion, or magic sewers. It hardly mattered, She had her prey, and if she couldn't find it, then Othmar and anyone else within her reach was going to die this night, she was going to raze this city to the ground! Nothing and no one was safe this night.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The flames of Helena's fury scorch the wall, and it stays as solid as ever. Rats are the only sign of life, and it is as if the labyrinth never existed.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Screaming her rage at the wall and shaking as her fury soared to entirely new heights, Helena recalled two things. One was the bedroom Othmar slept in, the other was the church nearby. No longer able to control herself in any conceivable sense, Helena headed back to the street and took to the air once more. Flying above the city, her gaze once again fell on the church and without a second thought, a ball of flame streaked through the sky and into one of the windows to set it ablaze before she turned to move in the direction of Othmar's castle, another shadow among thousands in the night. She was tired of the church, tired of this job hanging over them, tired of this cloak and dagger, and tired of being used like everyone elses personal puppet. Helena would float in the air, silently, as close to the bedroom of her target as she could, waiting for the guards to either move, or until her temper demanded she start shooting...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The fireball shatters the window, but the church fails to catch fire. The two guards in the upper battlements walk in regular circles, and Helena is able to slip into the courtyard. Othmar's bedroom is easy enough to spot, and there doesn't seem to be guards inside it, and only one making his round in that floor, soon to cycle to the other side of the building.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Moving carefully and quietly, Helena managed to make her way into the courtyard and spotted her targets bedroom. Someone would die tonight, and if Malken was out of her reach, then she wouldn't waste the information she had been given. Floating up to the window, she inspected it, it didn't need to be large enough to enter, just large enough to shoot through, an unarmoured man taking an arrow to the chest in his sleep would kill most anyone. Looking at it, she found it was easily large enough to climb through and she would try to find the latch on the inside of the window and open it with her mind, muttering the words to the spell quietly and motioning for it to slide away so the window could be opened. Alighting in the room like some kind of twisted grim reaper, Helena looked towards the bed, her bow ready and her eyes full of hatred...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The window latch shifts enough for Helena to slide the window open, and the window itself would open silently, giving Helena a clear shot at the sleeping figure.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Rather then make the mistake of shooting blindly, Helena snuck closer and made sure it was who she was after, not wanting to kill an innocent. Only the wicked would die tonight if she had any say in it as she padded across the room with all the natural grace at her disposal, her eyes shining in the darkness.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The sleeping figure is an elderly, handsome man with a thick mustache and receding hair, probably in his early fifties but in an excellent shape nevertheless. Helena almost stumbles, but the sound isn't enough to wake the sleeping man.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena smiles to herself as she draws the bow back, leveling the arrow at the sleeping figure, her eyes flashing blue in the darkness as she prepared to put the bastard down once and for all. And without another thought, she let the arrow fly straight into his chest. It was time to be done with this.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Coup de grace attempt: 4+8+1 = 13
Fort save: 18+8=26, DC 23. Success!
The arrow pierces into the man's chest, but fails to hit anything vital, it would seem. The man wakes with a shout, his eyes soon falling onto Helena's flame-wreathed figure. "Guards! Guards!" a shout escapes his lips as his hands dart onto the shaft of a battleaxe of blackened steel.
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Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena doesn't even hesitate as he gives a shout, obviously not dead. Drawing an arrow, Helena hopped back and immediately fired another shot at the man. He had to Die, Helena's soul would allow nothing else. And armed, he still was without armour.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena: 13+6=hit, 7 damage
Othmar: stands up, rushes towards Helena
Status: Helena: fine, wielding bow. Othmar: Wounded, not prone anymore, next to Helena. Guards: Arriving in x turns.
Helena's second arrow buries itself into Othmar's left shoulder as the man stands up and rushes towards Helena, swinging his battle axe already to gain momentum. Helena can hear the sounds of people waking up as the alarm spreads, no doubt bringing guards sooner or later - probably sooner.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena dives out of the way and rolls as she knocks another arrow, her natural acrobatic skill used to keep her out of harms way as she let another shot fly. Regardless of how tough the man was, he couldn't have much left in him. Not after taking an arrow to the chest at point blank and another to the shoulder. She just had to make sure he dropped...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena:Acrobatics:20+9=success. Attack:8+6=hit Damage: 4
Othmar: Attack:10+13=hit Damage: 1+5=6, 1 bleeding
Status: Helena: 9/15, bleeding 1 hp per round, wielding bow. Othmar: Wounded, not prone anymore, next to Helena. Guards: Arriving in x-1 turns.
Helena's arrow only glances the man, leaving a flesh wound as she passes out of his reach, only for him to rush towards her and swing is axe, dealing a grueling wound across her chest as the axe starts humming with pain.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Even as pain flared across her chest, Helena refused to flee, her fury long ago removing that option as Othmar finally got to see properly what he was facing. As blue fire blazed across the wound, Helena opened her hand and with a scream that held all of her anger, she sent that burning blue demonic flame straight at him so he could feel her rage personally.