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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The priest nods, though with a frown of disapproval on his face. "It's good to hear that you're hard working people. From your face I can see that you're outlanders -at least the two of you are. When did you arrive here?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena raises an eye at the man's frown, wondering what was going on here really. "1st thing, How do you know we're outlanders, 2nd thing, Several weeks ago, and we've been working very hard to make our own way and not cause trouble. I'm extremely curious as to your interest in us though. It seems only proper that under the Lawgiver, that you return the favour and at least tell us that much." Helena said, her expression growing hard and as unreadable as possible. He made her nervous, among other things, and she found herself gripping the back of the chair, ready to move.

*I don't like this Jasmine...*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The priest directs a hard look at Helena. "Your features mark you outlanders, child, though I can quite place you. Dementlieu, perhaps? Or Darkon, more likely, given the curious mixture of people living in there among the natives. I'm sure you're aware that strange things have been happening in this neighborhood during the past week. I was wondering if you knew anything related to them. Even small things could be important."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena thought hard for a moment, rubbing her chin. "Strange things have been happening, for example! I was robbed on the street in broad daylight and had to deal with it myself as no one would lift a finger in the name of justice. There was the odd incident just recently with all the love making happening for no reason and all the misery that caused us, and now, there's a priest in our room as our guest, acting rudely. As for what I know about any of this or how it came about, I know of nothing apart from whispers on the street of witchcraft and demons, neither of which I've ever given much creed to. If you're curious as to how we make our way, and think it underhanded, I keep large pet spiders, a skill I picked up from my homeland and my family, and sell the silk as a valuable commodity to tailors for rope, bandages, and clothing. I also hunt when I have the time and the patience and when the stressful process of gathering silk doesn't take up the brunt of my time." Helena said, her voice growing colder with every passing moment, her eyes locked on the priests.

It was clear that Helena was losing her patience, and quickly, with the nature of the priest standing in the room and his accusatory nature, but rather then continue her tirade, she bit her tongue and waited. What she had said had all been true, granted with certain facts omitted, but true nonetheless. She did hunt, but she hadn't said what, and she did keep pet spiders and collect the silk. The task of doing so was stressful in that she either had to climb to the roof, or risk being seen flying, and what the silk was used for, she had no real idea, but could guess at the various uses of the silk and the value it held.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine quickly steps in, and Helena can hear the enchantment in her voice. "I'm sorry for my friends lack of manners, father. She does tell the truth, though. If you'd like to know about the strange phenomena that have been happening lately, you'd better search elsewhere."

The priest frowns at Helena, muttering something about insolence, but Jasmine's words seem to calm him down, and he leaves after asking that their friend visit the church to speak with him once she feels better.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena is shaking with fury as he leaves. She'd show the old fucker insolence...

Standing and pacing around, she takes awhile to calm down, looking at Jasmine. "It's a good thing you stepped in, thank you" She says after a moment, taking her seat again properly and wondering at the old man.

"We either need to avoid them, or start killing them, because they enrage me in a way that makes no sense what so ever." Helena said bitterly, taking a swig of her drink and fuming. "Who is he to judge us? What harm have we done anyone? Really? Ever since we got here its been one problem after another, and now this."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Would it kill you to be polite? That old fart could cause us a lot of trouble. It's easy to be an asshole when you think you have a god to back you up, and these people actually do have a god, or so we'd better assume." Jasmine sounds more than a little angry herself, though most of it is no doubt at the cleric, not at Helena.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"I was being polite, the old codger started it with his shitty looks" Helena said turning up her nose. "But still, you're right as always, and it seems you hate him as much as I do. And when I see a god, I'll believe a god. We're demons, so I know there are angels and the like, but not Once have I ever seen one."

Now completely back in her right mind, Helena climbed up to the roof and bothered to collect the silk again, giving the spiders all the love the poor neglected things wanted while she worked.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine follows Helena to the roof, where the two spiders assault them with glomps and cuddles. After a while they get around to collecting the silk, already in better mood.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena is perfectly fine just goofing about with the spiders, rolling around and once again being a total dork. In a far better mood by the time they get around to collecting the silk, Helena heads back inside when the collection is done and checks on Cindy, waiting for the sun to fall. Sitting down after placing the bundles of silk aside, Helena bothers to read the envelope with the apparent information for the late night meeting.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Cindy is awake and dressed when Helena and Jasmine get back down. "So, uh, you must have been really hungry or something?"

The envelope contains directions to certain address, followed by instructions to go down to the sewer and follow a certain tunnel from there. The starting point is, ironically, a church.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena giggles and grins "You have NO idea dear" She says stifling a laugh. "Still, thanks for being a good sport, I appreciate it"

Reading the envelope, Helena covers her face with her hand, and starts laughing uncontrollably, starting out as small snickers and chuckles before growing into outright hysteria as she tries to come to grips with karma being an absolute whore.

"We find our good friend Malken, by following a tunnel in the sewers to an address, and of course, the directions start at a church" she said after she had calmed down enough to speak.
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Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine bursts to laughter as well. "Well. Ain't that something. Maybe we could set in on fire while we're there."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena stares at Jasmine with nothing but longing in her eyes. "Please~~~~~!? O PLEASE PRETTY PLEASE WITH A CHERRY ON TOP!?" Helena begged, falling to her knees in front of Jasmine and gripping her clothing.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine leans down, kissing Helena's forehead. "Maybe another day. But if we're to visit Malken, we need to make sure we don't get lost."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena sighs and wriggles a little "Fine~" Getting up and moving to the window, Helena sat and watched the sun as it moved across the sky, going over her short list of spells over and over in her mind as a kind of simple practice while she waited, now pretty bored, and thoroughly sexually sated.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Time seems to pass unusually slowly, but finally the sun starts to set and Cindy orders a dinner, which arrives with the usual efficiency.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena doesn't even realise the time is passing as she runs over her spells however, her nose is only too happy to tell her exactly when food arrives and she turns.

Feeling less pissy in general, she sits and digs in with a hearty appetite. "For some reason I feel like we're all getting fat and lazy."
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Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"At least we're getting plenty of Exercise." Jasmine comments, digging in as well.

The sun has already set when they finish the dinner. Strike seems to be restless, for some reason.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena snickers at the comment, not able to deny it in the slightest. Finishing dinner, Strike's restlessness starts to bother Helena and she calls the spider down, opening the window and getting ready to wear the spider out with plenty of glomping, hugging, and rolling around per usual.