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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

After a moment, Helena can hear someone walking closer to the door. "You're not with the church, are you?" The voice is not quite familiar, and the speaker sounds nervous. The fear is getting noticeably lesser.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"O gods no! My all the papists get their just desserts, I need to talk to you, for entirely selfish reasons, Please" Helena answers, wondering what was going on, why was everything familiar and not at the same time. What had happened to Willow's soul after her mission to recover it had been interrupted, What had become of her seemingly failed attempt to right the wrong she had committed.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The door opens to reveal Willow - or rather, a woman who looks almost like Willow might look, had she been younger and living in a time like this. "Come in, quickly." As she steps aside, Helena can see that the room is full of herbs, hanging from the roof to dry or being prepared for other uses, as well as a small stove with a bubbling kettle on it.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena's heart stops for a moment looking at the woman, not believing as she saw Willow, as she was, only to blink and have it be what could be a younger version. Stepping inside and looking around, Helena had to clamp down on her gut to keep from reeling. Sitting down, Helena looked at the woman for a long moment before running her hands through her hair.

"Whats your name" she asks in something only barely above a whisper.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"I'm Willow. I'd ask your name, but most of my customers would rather I didn't. What is it you're after? Birth control, perhaps?"

Willow gestures Helena to take a seat, and goes to fetch the boiling kettle, pouring two cups of some sort of herbal tea.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"The Truth." Helena bites her tongue and stops herself. This Willow didn't know who she was, may not even have been the same woman, but this was entirely too close to be coincidence.

Taking a deep breath, Helena found she was completely at a loss for words, and a single tear rolled down her cheek before she wiped it away. Simply sitting there, unable to say anything else, and hardly in control, All she could do was look up and try and figure things out. Had the elder demon who had struck the deal kept her word after all? or was this something else entirely. Helena knew of no way to know for certain.

Taking a steadying breath, she dried her eyes and held out her hand. "I'm Helena, it's a pleasure."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Helena composes herself, Willow takes a sip of the tea. When Helena introduces herself, Willow smiles and takes the offered hand. "Nice to meet you. We haven't met before, have we? You look somehow familiar."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena has to bite back a laugh, o the universe was cruel indeed, or was it a kindness that this Willow had no recollection of what Helena had done to her on that miserable night.

"No, we haven't" The lie tasted bitter in her mouth, but she forced a smile anyway. "your secret is safe with me." Standing, Helena turned to leave, putting her back to the past, hoping it wouldn't come to haunt her again.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Helena moves to leave, Willow doesn't say anything, only stares at her wonderingly.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The last thing Willow hears from Helena before she slips through the door, is "I'm Sorry" Before the door shuts and Helena heads back to her room. Once there she unstoppers the wine and proceeds to work her way through it, staring at the wall and refusing to speak, shaken and confused, the entire list of moments with Willow from their meeting in the bar to that horrible night all replaying over and over as she only got more and more drunk. It didn't matter right now, she was too much of a mess to be of use to anyone tonight anyway.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Helena comes back, Jasmine and Cindy turn to look at her. "What's the matter, Helena?" Jasmine gently reaches out to touch Helena's mind, reading her emotions. When Helena refuses to answer, the older succubus leaves her alone, though she seems puzzled as she resumes her study. About an hour later, the bell rings and Cindy goes to answer before looking at the two. "There are more visitors."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena wraps her emotions around herself like a shield, making everything too confusing to read easily as Jasmine reaches out, she would explain later.

An hour later, Helena was good and drunk and looked at Cindy as she and the ringing bell announced more visitors. "I ashume you meen more cushtumurrs" Helene said, having trouble saying much of anything after having polished most of a bottle of good wine in an hour.

"I dun have it in me terday"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine looks up from the scroll at Helena and sighs. "I'm not hungry, either. Say that we're not to be disturbed."

Cindy nods, and tells the speaker what Jasmine says before flopping back on the bed, looking bored.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena looks at Jasmine, wanting to speak, and then falls back into the obnoxious habit of just sending Jasmine pictures of what normally has her freaked rather then trusting her mouth to do the work. The problem was, that as drunk as she was, she was pretty sure it was mostly jumbled, but the sight of Willow and the smell of herbs was hammered across loud and clear just as she finished the bottle and went to sit by the window.

*We have a flight tonight, I'm really drunk, but pretty sure I can manage staying in the air.*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine pales slightly as she gets the message, and Helena can feel her fury. "That bitch! She must've thought it was a great joke."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena raises an eyebrow at Jasmine, "I ashume you mean tha Lady. Wha wash he name agan?"

Helena got up slowly, sat down again, got back up, and wondered over to the tube. "I need a sammich and water preash" before flopping against the wall. "I think I overdid the dreenkin"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Shariel. Once we get back, I'm going to be calling her out on it." Jasmine gets up and starts pacing.

As Helena makes her order, the now familiar female voice answers immediately. "Right away, miss."

"What are you talking about?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena shakes her head as she looks at Cindy. "Shorry, ashk me again when I'm shober, I really dun wanna talk about it"

Cindy didn't need to hear that horror story as far as Helena was concerned right now, that skeleton in her closet hopefully staying buried for now. What was more important was Helena getting something in her stomach, and then getting the flight handled, something to distract her from Shariel's twisted little prank.

Turning to Jasmine, Helena nodded and added "Me too, and I'm bringing a pineapple"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Perhaps a minute later a servant knocks and brings sanwiches and a jug of water before leaving. The water tastes flat, but the sandwiches are as excellent as all the other food seems to be in this place.

"I think we'd better take a rest before heading out. Besides, it's not even dark yet."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena takes her time eating, and makes sure to polish off most of the water, flat or not it was wet and it was blessed H2O. At the mention of rest, Jasmine would find Helena was way ahead of her, snoring quietly against her place by the wall...