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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine studies the man just as intently as the man studies her. Finally he breaks the silence. "So. I was expecting some desperate girls who have nothing to lose, come to take the final chance that a nobleman's attentions offer, even if it comes at a high price. Instead I find a young adventurer accompanied by someone like a fiend yet different, apparently here to... attack me? I should like for us to share our stories, for I feel that we may have similar goals, even if our means are different."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena's jaw practically hits the ground... "Umm... Well... Crap. Let's exchange names first if you don't mind, and given the situation, I think civility is preferable for everyone involved.... I'm Helena..."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"I am Oleg Vishnek, and though I fear my reputation does precede me, you can now see it for a mere disguise it is."

"My name is Jasmine. You were right to name me a fiend, though where I come from, the word has a different meaning."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena stares back and forth between the two wondering how the hell this had happened... talk about the unexpected... "So... Stories. Alright well..." Taking a deep breath and wondering how honest she should actually be, she fell back on the old successful standby of being utterly blatantly honest and starting at the part involving her world and the mist...

"I was ripped from my world and deposited here, as was Jasmine and since you apparently already know why we're here, that kind of leaves in a slightly awkward position. But I guess I shouldn't be too surprised, between werewolves and the other nasty surprises this place has had I'll accept just about everything. You know my end, It's up to Jasmine to share her tale and my part in it. As for my goal, I... I don't really have one. I find that with Jasmine I don't really want to go home, but I have no wish to stay in this world either, short term is making it to a major city so I can further my training..."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Your explanation is brief, yet perhaps sufficient. I shall be brief as well. Five years ago a group of adventurers helped me deal with a rather personal problem concerning my father. Out of gratitude, I allowed them to stay in my estates for a month before their duty forced them to leave again. During that time, a paladin amongst them and I became friends, and I slowly began to see the corruption of the nobility and the wasteful suffering of the common people. In secrecy, I began to train as a paladin, for the powers that rule the land do not look upon such endeavours with gratitude, for it is seen as inciting revolts. Thereafter I sought means to help at least some people, and by accident met an enterprising criminal who sought to help the corrupt nobility do as they wish. Quickly I devised a plan: I would give him coin to send the most desperate to my house. Thereafter I've helped those desperate, sending the worst out of the town to begin a new life elsewhere, merely giving coin in exchange for secrecy to others."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Then you are a good man and I applaud your efforts Oleg, that still leaves us in a rather difficult position. Given the situation I wonder what exactly you're thinking and more importantly what you're going to do. I'm out of my depth honestly and rely on Jasmine to guide me. Whatever she decides I'll back without question. I would also be curious to know what you think about our situation."

*This was both unexpected and confusing, I know something is kicking around in that noggin of yours Jasmine*

Helena leaned back in her chair and watched the man, wondering what he was thinking as well as Jasmine, she always had something... And it was probably better then Helena's idea of cut and run. Still, they very well couldn't move without knowing what Oleg was thinking or planning and it was better to find out before moving...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"You're situation is certainly unusual, but not unheard of. Whenever the mists rise, strange things may happen. Many an outlander has suddenly found himself in these lands and no sage can offer an explanation as to why, except perhaps blaming the gods. Yet, almost all of these outlanders are noble men and women in their hearts, ready to battle the countless evils that taint these lands."

"A man like you is hardly likely to become content. You would have us further your cause?"

"I indeed do wish for you to help me as I shall help you. The current ruler, Othmar of house Bolshnik, is even more corrupt than other rulers have been, and though the rulership traditionally passes from house to house, he has refused to continue this tradition and means to cement his house above all others which, I fear, will make things even worse. I would have you stop him, as I have no doubt you will be able to device a plan to catch him by surprise."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena snickered a little at the Paladin asking the Succubus and company for help... "Have you considered assassination?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Oleg's eyes widen and his expression turns disapproving. "I have no such means at my disposal, and he is quite well warded against assassins, as others have proved."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"I'm sure the rich evil man is, but is he warded against acts of nature? What would happen if his manor were to catch fire along every wall at once? I'm certain a little more subtlety is called for then that, but no one is untouchable. Catching him away from his wards would be best, but I doubt he travels much. All it takes is patience and timing. Jasmine, Care to chime in? I know how people are murdered in my time but they all have 2 things in common, speed and position..."

Helena didn't really like where this was going, but if he was more to blame for the damage done to this town and its people, then she certainly wouldn't mind seeing him in a shallow grave. The question was how, leaving him alive would accomplish very little if his corruption was a well known fact, no amount of disgrace would work, only make him angry and take his frustrations out on the people. No... He needed to be put in a pine box. She could think of a few ways, but if he went to ground, he would be impossible to drive out again, and if he had mages, which wards suggested he did, it made things much more complicated.

There were other questions that needed answered as well, but they could only be answered by watching the man and finding his weaknesses. If the Paladin was unwilling to act in this vein, then he had most certainly kept an eye out and semi resented his inability to act in such a manner but odds were he had answers they would need and resources at his disposal...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"I'm sure we'll be able to figure out something once we know more."

"I have met the man but once and I'm afraid my knowledge of his defences is far from complete. I shall not be able to openly help you, but you can be assured of my covert support."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"True, but if we're not careful then its over before it begins. To keep up appearances we should probably ask you what to do from here at least in the short term, there is a friend here waiting for us. We can start hunting your target tomorrow but since Jasmine seems to be on board, then so am I. Also... If you see a massive spider lurking around, leave it alone, she's a good friend of mine..."

*What do you think Jasmine, Think we can pull it off?*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"I shall give you enough money to travel to Kantora with your friend, where Othmar keeps his court. Later, I shall follow you myself so that I may help you."

*Hard to tell. If magic is as rare as it seems to be, we can probably come up with something.*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena smiles and nods. "Alright, we can most likely put him underground. Let me and Jasmine work on it, and if you know of a way to circumvent his wards, let us know."

"Shall we spend the night here? or be on our way..." Helena was unsure as to what the man wanted to preserve his cover, but she supposed it was best to play that angle his way.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Igor!" As soon as Oleg speaks the name, the old servant who brought them in appears. "Show our guests to their rooms." Oleg turns to look at Helena again. "It would be best if you stay for at least a few hours, but it is not unusual for such guests to stay the entire night. If you need anything, Igor is at your disposal. For now, I shall bid you good night and farewell, if you leave before we can meet again."

Igor bows slightly. "This way, Miss Helena and Miss Jasmine."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"We'll see you in the morning, do not let this act trouble you, judging from the look of the situation, its more then called for Oleg."

Standing and looking at Igor, she chuckles at being called Miss. "Lead the way!"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Oleg leads Helena and Jasmine into a large bedroom with a double bed. The furniture is well made, but apart from the bed, hardly luxurious. "Shall you need another room?" "No, it's fine. Good night Igor."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena smiles at Igor and looks around the room "Goodnight Igor" Flopping on the large bed, Helena snuggles the pillows and rolls around like a proper dork. "Talk about your odd situations Jas, What are you really thinking about all this?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Igor leaves, Jasmine pulls of her own clothes before lying next to Helena. "It's strange. The first time I've been asked to assassinate someone. At least it's a purpose other than getting out of this world. Well. We've been resting most of the day. You think you can stay awake for another practice session?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena strips as well, figuring Jasmine was hungry. When she asks about practice though, Helena smiles and laughs a little. "Ya, we haven't gotten much done today in that area, lets hit it hard"