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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Helena wakes up to the rays of dawn shining through the window, she finds Jasmine holding her in her sleep, her hair golden red in the sunlight falling on the disheveled curls, her flawless face near Helena's and her crimson lips slightly open as if waiting for a kiss. Helena also notices the tentacles gently wrapped around her and her flower is already moist, probably because one of the tentacles goes under it, rubbing on it with her every move.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena wakes slowly, immediately shuddering and looking at the visage of the beautiful woman before her. Jasmine seemed to glow in the first rays of the sun and It was no surprise to Helena now why her dreams had been so... heated...

The tendrils around her, and the one sliding between her legs were definitely to blame and as she looked at the sleeping succubus, not really wanting to move much to wake her, she also realized that if she didn't do something about the arousal slowly building, that she was going to start moaning and twisting and wake her up anyway!

Smiling, Helena figured she'd wake Jasmine up in a similar manner. Remembering how sensitive those tendrils were, she twisted around just enough to find the tip of one and moved to lick it slowly before wrapping her warm lips around it...
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Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Helena's tongue slides on the smooth surface of the appendage, Jasmine shivers visibly. As Helena's lips wrap around the head, Jasmine moans quietly, but doesn't appear to wake.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena smiles around the length, moaning softly and bobbing her head, sucking and licking the tendril with a tongue that remembered its trade surprisingly well as she ground her hips along the length between her own thighs, letting out muffled moans and arching her back a little. Helena could think of worse ways to wake up in the morning...
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Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Slowly Jasmine's eyes flutter open and the tentacles start moving of their own accord as she breathlessly looks into Helena's eyes. Pulling Helena even closer, Jasmine's tentacles start to work on Helena's body, the one in her mouth starting to thrust in and out while the one that had been teasing her slit easily slides into her tight pucker before starting to expand, another sliding into her flower and expanding as well, and a third wrapping around her bust, squeezing gently. Then the two tentacles inside Helena reach the end of her comfort zone and almost pull out before slamming inside, and start violently yet strangely painlessly pounding into her.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena smiled at Jasmine with her eyes as she woke up slowly but surely *Good Morning~* Was all she really had time for before she tensed her whole body at the intrusion into her rear. Groaning and shaking, she shuddered and groaned again as her flower was occupied and both lengths expanded, making her feel more then a little full.

Helena's eyes rolled up and her eyelids fluttered as they pushed right to her limit before nearly sliding out. Slamming back into her, Helena was immediately pushed over the edge into an explosive climax that had apparently been awhile in the making. Arching and writhing in Jasmine's grip, there was nothing she could do, or even wanted to do, but ride the wave of pleasure as Jasmine pistoned in and out of her body. It was exquisite, the feel and sensation of the experience, living out the dream she had been having before she awoke herself in Jasmine's arms...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine moves down Helena's body, her lips wrapping around her nipple as the tentacles continue to fuck her wildly and her hands wander along Helena's body, massaging and groping, even pinching mischievously, but always bringing more pleasure. After several orgasm the tentacles pull away and Jasmine lays her head on Helena's bust, smiling widely.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena is trapped within a tangle web of pleasure and bliss, her eyes unfocused as Jasmine continued to work her over, her hands, her lips, it was delectable...

As she crashed through one orgasm after another, she lost her focus on time, on Jasmine, on the room, everything in her focused on the white hot fire that was the rising and crashing tide of her ecstasy. As the tide ebbed, and Jasmine stopped, laying her head on Helena's chest, Helena groaned and wrapped her arms around her.

"Good Morning Indeed!" Helena said with a mildly hoarse voice.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine almost purrs as she answers. "Good morning." Jasmine wraps her arms around Helena in return, seemingly content to just lie there for the moment.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena simply lays there, holding Jasmine for the better part of a half hour before speaking again. "Well... You've had breakfast, I however, Have not." Getting up and stretching, she got dressed, aware of Jasmine watching her the entire time and smiling. "Come on, we can't lounge around all day."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine gets up as well, clothes just appearing on her as she stretches, still smiling widely. As they head downstairs, the innkeeper has breakfast ready for them, and also supplies for the two-day trip to the next village packed equally in two backpacks. The breakfast is simple porridge with honey and goat's milk.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena thanks the innkeeper and digs into breakfast, idly pondering whether or not she should slow down and actually taste the food. Shrugging and finishing quickly, she checked to make sure she had her morningstar and got started on the pack, getting it put on and strapped in place. She was gonna be sore after this trek...

Making small talk with Jasmine about her own world for once, rather then the one she shared, she waited for her to finish before they headed out. Given what had happened yesterday, she didn't want to waste any time...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The pack isn't very heavy, but it doesn't have very much supplies either, just the necessities. Jasmine finishes eating soon after Helena and gets up, swinging her own pack on.

The air is clear and the pristine forest seems peaceful. As they get out of the sight of the village, Strike appears and glomps Jasmine.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena watches the goofy spider tackle Jasmine and bursts out laughing. It was all well and good to receive such love from here arachnid friend, but it was far more amusing to see it happen to someone else. "Come on you spazz, we're burning daylight... And Jasmine! playing around at a time like this? Lazy~"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"It's your spider, take care of it!"

Strike soon lets go of the protesting Jasmine and gives Helena a hug as well before letting her continue walking. Soon the group is on the way again.

The forest around them seems eerily silent, and there's a constant feeling of being watched, but this time nothing attacks the group as they keep walking.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena notes the unusual silence of the surrounding woodland as they walk, and figures some noise is in order. Beginning to hum a tune her and Jasmine had practiced before, she was soon singing cheerily to try and lighten the mood that the ominous feeling was causing. They had a long way to go and if they were nervous wrecks only part way in, then it was going to be a miserable trip...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine soon joins the song, though only half her mind seems to be in it as the succubus strives to stay alert. Nevertheless, several hours pass without anything happening, and the air grows warm with the sun high in the sky.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena's spirits are lifted by the song, and the lack of anything bad happening, which is nice. As the air warms she stops for a second and stretches again before continuing. Still, she had this nagging thought in her mind that worried her. Everything in the EGG had been interested in raping her, which was part of the game. But those rats... The long bloody wounds they had caused... No, this place seemed to be out for blood and she seriously doubted she would just be able to walk away from a loss.

As her spirits sank a little, she took a little comfort in the weight of the weapon she carried. Certainly better then the broken pick had been, she took to walking with it in her hand, finding the balance and getting used to the weight.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As they continue onwards, Helena spots a wolf following them in the forest. It seems odd behavior from such animal, as wolves aren't known for attacking humans.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Seeing the creature and remembering what she had seen the night before Helena calls it to Jasmine's attention. "Umm Jasmine.... We have wolves... Anything unusual about it that you can tell? apart from it following us?" she says, making no noticeable changes to her pace or stature...