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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine responds the kiss gently as her tentacles wrap around Helena's legs, pulling them apart. Their tips start slowly teasing Helena's slit before one gently slides in, sending a wave of pleasure through her even as Jasmine starts kissing and fondling Helena's bust with equal care.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena moans softly as the tendrils twine up her legs and slowly spread them, tensing and gasping as one slides into her, her body arching as the skilled succubus pays gentle attention to her chest causing her to squirm a little. Running her hands through Jasmine's hair, her hips buck gently, enjoying the morning.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Another tentacle suddenly grabs Helena's hands, binding them above her head as Jasmine pulls back and stands up, revealing her own already wet flower to Helena and pushing her head towards it as the last tentacle starts gently spanking her.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena offers only a token resistance as her hands are bound and Jasmine stands up. Seeing her wet folds only makes Helena moan louder, the length buried in her tunnel feeling even more delicious as she willing dove into Jasmine's waiting flower, licking and moaning into her before a slap to her rear makes her jump and yelp a little. Groaning into Jasmine's folds she works harder, eager to please even as she clenches down on the tentacle inside her...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The gentle blows start raining faster and faster, their sharp stings disappearing into the heat that now covers Helena's ass as the tentacle in her folds speeds up, bringing her closer and closer to an orgasm even as Jasmine start moaning from Helena's skilled tongue work, eventually covering her face with her own juices just as Helena reaches her own peak. A quick spell cleans Helena up and another removes the soreness from her backside, even as the tentacles slip Helena's clothes back on her before letting her go on top of the mattress. Strike impatiently opens the door and marches out, even as Jasmine dresses up.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena's yelps turn into deep moans, her body shaking as she got closer and closer. Pushing her face deep in Jasmine's hips and tensing as she climaxed, she moved and focused on her clit until she felt Jasmine's juices cover her face. Lapping them up and shuddering in her after glow, she smiles as she's tenderly cleaned and redressed. Seeing Strike's impatient attitude as she's released, Helena snickers and glomps the spider from behind, hugging and kissing her. "Someone's grouchy!"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Strike flails, trying to playfully shake Helena off. She seems hungry, making Helena realize that it's been almost a full day since she ate anything, too. Jasmine soon follows Helena and Strike out, carrying the silver bag and the broken tools in another sack.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena rolls away and winces as her stomach gives a very hungry and mildly angry growl... "Well... That's back to normal... " Hungry and impatient, she took half the load from Jasmine and started the trek back to the village, shooing Strike away to go eat and telling her where they were staying but to stay out of sight. She was pretty sure the people would not take all that kindly to a giant spider... No matter how friendly...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Initiative: Helena 23, Jasmine 11, Tentacle Rats 11

Helena and Jasmine haven't gotten far when Strike sends a warning, just before a group of half a dozen monsters appear from the road side. They have thick, brown fur and face like that of a rat with a hairless tail slithering behind their clawed also hairless feet. Their body resembles that of a rat, but they stand upright as tall as Helena and instead of front legs they have barbed tendrils that seem to be covered in chitin and they smell like a rotten carrion.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena hears the warning and smells them long before she sees the hideous creatures. Looking at Jasmine she wonders if they even have half a chance. Doing a quick headcount and noting 6 of the monstrous things, Helena first reaches for power she doesn't have. She was pretty certain she could dodge a few, but not all 6, and there was also the distinct possibility she couldn't outrun them either... Muttering a curse under her breath, Helena drops her load and fishes one of the broken tools out of the pile before spreading her stance out and getting ready to dodge...

Full Defense for what its worth
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena: Total defence for +4 AC
Jasmine: Energy blast(fire): 17+8=25, 11 points of damage.
Rats: 3 attack Jasmine, two attack Helena:
11+4=15, 2 damage
Jasmine is hit once: Fort save 13+3=16 success!
Helena isn't hit.

Helena: 8/8 Jasmine 45/47 MP 35/35
Rats: 5 alive and unharmed.

As Helena pulls out a pick with broken head to defend herself, a bolt of fire shoots from Jasmine's hand, killing one of the rats. That doesn't stop the others, however, as two of them attack Helena, flailing at her with their tentacles, clumsily enough for Helena to dodge. Jasmine isn't so lucky, however, and she gets hit by one of the other three, the barbed tentacle tearing a nasty wound in the skin of her leg.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena turns and jumps to the side, narrowly avoiding the attacks. Seeing Jasmine kill 1 and take a hit though, She swung her broken pick at the nearest, hoping to take some of the attention away from her friend.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena: 14+0=14 Miss
Jasmine: 14+8=22, 4 damage, 17+8=25, 7 damage
19+4=23, 1 damage
15+4=19, 1 damage
15-1=14, 2 damage
Jasmine fort saves: nevermind, immune to poison.
18+4=22, 1 damage
11+4=15, 2 damage
Helena fort saves: 17+0=success

Helena: 3/8 Jasmine 41/47 MP 34/35
Rats: 3 alive and unharmed.

Helena's swing is barely dodged by the rat, while the other rat attacking her uses the opportunity to strike at her with it's tentacles, tearing two shallow but painful wounds to her back. Jasmine fries two of the rodents attacking her, but the third manages to wrap its tentacles around her and snatch her arm almost into its teeth, causing her to hiss angrily.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena misses only to be struck by the abominations barbed tendrils as they were whipped across her back, drawing ragged wounds. Crying out in pain she recoiled. Gritting her teeth, she tightened her grip on the pick and swung it like a baseball bat, her muscles spasming in pain at the abrupt motion. Ya, this was real, and god did it hurt!
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena: 8+0=8 Miss
Jasmine: 7+8=15; 5 damage
19+8=27; 5 damage
16+4=20; 2 damage
Helena: Fort save 18+0=18 success!

Helena: 1/8 Jasmine 41/47 MP 33/35
Rats: 1 alive and unharmed.

Helena's swing misses and she gets another tentacle whip, coiling around her leg and tearing skin and flesh as Jasmine shoots more bolts of fire, slaying the two other remaining rats.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena just pushes through the pain, not as intense as the wicked burn across her back earlier, shoving her shoulder forward and lashing out with the pick. It was all or nothing now...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena: 18+0=18, 6 damage
Jasmine: 5+5=10 points healed
4+5=9 points healed

Helena: 8/8 Jasmine 41/47 MP 32/35

The remains of the pick smash into the rat's skull, causing blood to spill out from its nose and mouth as it falls down. Jasmine quickly walks over to the Helena, casting a simple spell that stops the bleeding and knits the wounds before casting the same spell on herself. "I've never seen anything like those before."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena grins in malicious satisfaction as the pick hits home, mashing the things head like a rotten vegetable. As her target falls, she hits to a knee groaning in pain. The pain turns to relief as her wounds stitch, complements of the ever trustworthy Jasmine and she shakily stands. "Whatever they are, they suck, and I have no interest in being close again... "
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"I hope they're not common here." Jasmine looks around to make sure there are no more of tentacle rats waiting in the bushes and gives Helena a hug before starting to walk again.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Same" Helena says as she returns the hug. "I would SO be dead right now were you not here, And screw walking, I can't fly but I'm not sticking around any longer then I have to!" She said as she scooped up her burden and took off at a brisk jog again, adrenaline from the fight more then enough to see her a great deal of the way...