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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine sighs. "I'm sorry Jason, but this is more important than what we were doing."

Ethereal flames shoot out from Jasmine's fingers, drawing a summoning circle on the floor. She then steps inside and disappears.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena immediately follows Jasmine, having no idea what was going on, but trusting the older Succubus as she always had.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The atmosphere is scorching hot and filled with red mist as Helena finds Jasmine on top of a mountain towering over endless plains. Behind her is a huge crater filled with boiling mists and the smell of sulfur, and down below is a city standing in the shadow of the mountain, discarding the rules of human architecture and mocking gravity in all its designs.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena simply stands next to Jasmine, looking at everything, the blasted landscape, the strange formations, the city... There was no way to describe it all but there was little doubt as to where she was. *So. What do I need to do Jasmine...*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*I don't know. I've never done it myself. Let's head down there and find out.*

Jasmine leads over the edge, quickly floating down towards the strange city.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena stays right behind Jasmine, flying close and keeping her eyes open. Strangely, she found the place comforting. The last time she had been here had been her transformation, the place where this had all started in earnest...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Once they land, Jasmine looks around and starts walking, clearly knowing the place. The streets are filled with mostly succubi, though a few other demons stand out from the crowd. *This is the succubi quarter. Most demons stay in their own quarters, since we don't really get along all that well. Not that it should matter here, since attacks aren't tolerated.*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena looks around, glued to Jasmine. Having met Amber, other succubi made her nervous, Still, she had a task to accomplish. *Where do we go, I assume we're after someone specific...*

Despite her best efforts, there was no hiding the fear that crept along the link...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*There's no need to be worried yet. Just don't try to make a bargain with anyone or better yet, don't even speak with anyone you haven't seen me speak with.*

Soon Jasmine leads Helena to a building slightly less strange than most, a mere ball suspended mid-air. Jasmine easily floats upwards, arriving at the open door that reveals a bar beyond it. There are a few customers talking with each other mentally, though Helena can't tell what they're saying. The bartender is a stunning blonde, and she appears to be more powerful than most, though not quite as powerful as Jasmine. "Hello Jasmine." "Hello Lydia. This is Helena, she's new."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena does say anything, but nods slightly and plans on following Jasmine's instruction to the letter, she was out of her depth here...

Following Helena up and into the sphere, she was taken aback by the bar, and the blonde behind it, catching her eye and holding it. Making the conscious effort to look away, she turned back and as she was introduced and tried her best to slap on a smile. "Hello Lydia"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Lydia merely nods at Helena, her attention focused on Jasmine.

"I haven't heard of you lately. Are you buying or selling?"

"I'm after a resurrection with complications. Also, I have a shuttle filled with smugglers to sell. Not under thrall, but guaranteed summons."

"I'll give you three hundred marbles for the shuttle. The resurrection costs a favor, so that's one less favor I owe you. You'll need to bargain with a Lady for that one. Shariel should be easiest to deal with. You're lucky, too. She's in that crater, as a guest to a dragon. You'll have at least a couple days to reach her, so I suggest you'll hurry."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena listens to everything, and decides that explanations are in order, but only when time permitted, such as during the search for this Lady... Whatever the hell that was...

Staying quiet and polite and glued to Jasmine, Helena prodded a little. *What's a Lady...*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Send the money to my account. Got anything else to help us with?"

Lydia shakes her head.

"Good. Then we'll be going." *A lady is to succubi what a demon lord is to other demons. In other words, a very powerful one who has managed to get recognition from her equals. Let's go. I don't know this dragon, but he's bound to be a very nasty one, if a Lady is having dealings with him.*

Jasmine steps outside, sprouting her wings and heading back upwards.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena follows Jasmine up into the sky, staying close and far more nervous then before. Succubi were one thing, A demon lord? That... Well... Shit, there was no turning back now. Gritting her teeth and setting her jaw, Helena stayed right behind Jasmine the entire way. *How old are you? Other Succubus owe you favors!*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*Time is different here. I was born in the year of our lord 1478 in a village near Paris.*

It doesn't take the pair long to reach the top again, and Jasmine immediately dives into the red and hot mists filling the crater, though she moves more carefully now that she can't see very far ahead.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena visibly stops in the air at the answer, shocked, before blinking several times and speeding along to catch up. *Holy Shit! I'm nothing but a child compared to you!*

The mist was both thick and unsettling, making flight difficult as the heat caused sudden updrafts and hot air spirals to quickly rise, making Helena dip to one direction or the other suddenly more then once. Couple that with an inability to see very far at all, and the situation became even more concerning to the very young succubus, doing her best to stay close as always. *So... you would be... over 500 years old!*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*627, to be precise.*

It's a long, long way to the bottom of the crater and the mists keep getting thicker and thicker. It'll probably occur to Helena that it should be hard for her to breathe, but the heat or the thick mists don't really bother her. As they get lower, faint screams start echoing from before.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*Wow. God almighty, am I going to live that long?* She asked more of herself then anyone. More caught up in the sudden revelation of extreme longevity then in any difficulty breathing, she was snapped out of the strange line of thinking by the sounds from below.

*Do I even want to know what that screaming is?*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*There are more things in hell than demons. Most of them aren't really threats except in packs, though.*

As Helena and Jasmine drift close enough to see a wall, they can see that the screaming comes from strange birds nesting on it. A little while longer, and they're on solid ground again and Jasmine concentrates, trying to find the right direction.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*I'll remember* Helena thinks absentmindedly as she looks at the birds. Bothering Jasmine while she was trying to concentrate would only make everything more difficult in the end, and although this place didn't really bother her, that in and of itself was mildly alarming. Part of her kept shouting that this was hell, and hell was bad. The other half of her maintained that this was now officially her home of sorts, and that it was fine just the way it was, part of the order of things.