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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The murmuring turns into a chant "...Bast, bast, bast..." and Helena can feel that the three witches are close to completing the spell. She can also feel Jasmine reaching out towards her, to create a connection for her own spell.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena does nothing, Sitting back down and letting them finish, unsure and afraid but trusting Willow anyway. She had to trust someone and she liked Willow, it would hurt if this really was a betrayal, but life was never fair and you could only hope to get lucky in the end...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Willow turns to face Helena, her face filled with rapture. "Bast, we call to thee! Let us invoke thy form!"

Helena realizes that she's suddenly naked and her legs give way. She can feel her body...twisting to something it's not meant to be. Hair grows all around her. Her ears shift on top of her head, turning into those of a cat. A tail sprouts from above her buttocks and her feet turn to paws. Smiling, Willow pulls out a leash and starts walking towards Helena. She can still feel Jasmine in the back, but now with more curiosity than anything else.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena cries out as the change takes hold, looking at Willow in horror and pain as she loses the last shred of humanity she had left, the last chance to trust others like she did Ginny and Jasmine. Looking at Willow with an odd mix of sadness and shame she takes off running through the swamp, away from them and away from Jasmine, not stopping or looking back...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Willow utters a word of power and Helena's legs fail her as the witch collars her. "Now be a good cat, will you?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Why?" Helena says, fear and pain being replaced with anger and hatred, tugging at the leash.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Willow sits down on a log and spreads her legs, making her pants disappear. "It's just a little fun. Now get on your knees and get some milk." The other witches also make their clothes disappear, though Selene blushes as she does so. Willow's command seems oddly hard to resist, though Helena certainly could do so.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

And resist Helena does, Absolutely refusing to obey the command without further explanation. "This is fun? Im okay with fun, but this is something you ASK about first!" She says in cold fury. And she was telling the truth, a little warning would have made this all most likely perfectly acceptable, but it hadn't happened that way, trickery and deceit from what was supposed to be a friend...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*Having fun, are we?*

"That's not how you do it." Anne says, stepping behind Helena. "You do it like this." She then drops to her knees and kisses Helena's buttock before flicking her tongue across it.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*I... What...I have no idea whats going on, now I'm furry and confused and extremely angry. Anything you can do about me being turned into catwoman?*

Helena shudders at the strange contact before turning on Anne, "You wanna lose that tongue?" The succubus turned cat suddenly decided to try something and did as she was asked, moving forward on her hands and knees and running her tongue along Willow's slit, sliding into her as she worked gently and seeing if she could still feed before she stopped, looking up. "Explain, because if this is permanent...."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*Try not to let any of them get away, I'm not in the mood for a chase in this swamp.*

Willow suddenly looks in Jasmine's directions. "Wha-" And just as Helena's tongue touches her, the spell hits.

Infernal fires hit Helena as the transformation is canceled instantly, filling her with comfortable warmth. The witches look shocked as the spell bounces at them, and Helena can see them transforming as she had, though it happens more fluidly and quickly. The collar catches fire and falls off as several seconds later the three witches have turned into very confused looking catgirls.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena doesn't even stand, reacting as quickly as possible and throwing out as much webbing as she could at the witches turned cats, taking a certain sadistic pleasure in the turning of the tables, and so Extremely grateful Jasmine had come along like Helena had asked. *I owe you Jas*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Selene seems frozen in terror, and only Willow has the presence of mind to try anything, but she quickly stops struggling when the web hits her.

Jasmine calmly walks out of the forest, wearing black catsuit and nothing else. "Well. I for one am hungry, how about you Helena?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena stands up and dusts herself off. "Starving Jasmine, and pissed." Moving over to Willow she looked down at the witch, her eyes flashing dangerously... "I wonder what Witch Soul tastes like..." she says softly as she arranged the webbing in a more uniform fashion.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Willow struggles weakly, but it's clear that the ritual and the transformation have taken much of her strength. A rope flows from Jasmine's hand and coils around Selene before she turns to look at Anne, who is meekly on her hands and knees, looking up at the succubus.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Messing with Demons is about the Dumbest thing you can do" Helena spits as she continues working, soon sticking Willow to the log bent over with her ass in the air and giving her ass a hard smack, leaving a red handprint and smiling sadistically. "Its just a little fun~" Helena says in a mocking tone as one hand starts to rub her mound, the other periodically giving her rump more cracks randomly...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Willow continues struggling, and when Helena slaps her, she lets out a loud yelp, almost getting free as she tries to leap to her feet.

Jasmine sits down, spreading her legs and Anne obediently starts licking her as Jasmine's tentacles hover over her ass before starting to spank her, occasionally causing her to yelp.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena smiles and completely webs the wriggling furry witch to the log, only leaving her back end and face uncovered, even her legs and arms. No... No one was leaving until she said so. Seeing that she was secured she suddenly noted that no one was paying Any attention to Selene whatsoever and decided Why not the ghost? it was fun.

Walking over to Selene, Helena marched her over to the house and tied her there, just inside the door. "Have fun and wait your turn~" She said as she walked away. Returning her attention to Willow, the succubus ran her hand over her mound again before sprouting several tentacles and rubbing the fuzzy cat ears softly while the tendrils stroked the witch's flower, teasingly, Helena bombarding Willow's mind with images and lust, wanting her to beg for it...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Selene is visibly shaking as Helena drags her inside. "Please...don't!"

As Helena leaves the house, she has only taken a few steps when she can hear the first screams from the helpless witch.

Willow stops struggling as she is covered in the web, and Helena can feel the energy flowing from her, as she first squirms, then starts sobbing quietly, but refuses to say anything even as her body heats up and she quickly gets wet.

Meanwhile Anne is eagerly licking Jasmine and the yelps turn into moans as the masochistic witch is spanked even more, and Jasmine starts getting more creative, the tentacles hitting everywhere. "Fuck me, oh, fuck me please!" Anne manages to say between the licks, and gets a tentacle shoved deep into her ass, causing her to moan even louder as her juices start dripping down to the ground.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena turns her back on her humanity entirely and for good, tired of the games and the bullshit. Leaning over Willow she whispers into her ear "Something wrong?" before she unceremoniously slides a tendril deep into her slit, taking long deep strokes for a few seconds before stopping and waiting a minute or two before starting up again, the first tendril joined by another pushing its way into her pucker as well and continuing the infuriating pattern of thrusting and stopping, resuming at completely random intervals, drinking in the energy...

This went on for several more minutes before the thrusting became more uniform, long, deep alternating strokes, wanting to savor the taste of Willow's climax. Helena absently wondered how long Willow could go without a break, they had all night after all...