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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Helena opens her mind, she can sense some large creature behind the wall. A careful search reveals a hidden lever behind a stone, that would probably open the door.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena takes in the information she has at her disposal and decides against acting alone. {Jasmine, I know you really didn't feel like doing all that much right now... But I found the lever to open a hidden door, and there's something big behind it. I won't move in alone, but I'm not leaving this spot unless I have to...}
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*If there's something big behind it, I think it would be better if we all were there together. Come fetch a rope and eat lunch.*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena nods to herself and heads back to the rest of the group to grab something to eat and to tell them all what she had found personally. After a light meal she looked at Jasmine and Ginny. "So, how do you want to handle this one?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"You two can fly up and attach ropes for us to climb. If there's a door there, I want to see where it leads." Having finished eating, Jasmine riffles through the packs for some rope and spikes to attach to the wall. "Let's go."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena nods and takes her gear before moving with Jasmine up to the cliff. Popping back up she anchors the spike and casts to rope down for the others to climb, Jasmine doing the same. "Everything's good to go!"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

After Helena and Jasmine have finished attaching the ropes to the wall, Ginny and guides start climbing them. Strike simply runs up the wall. The party meets at the cave mouth in a relatively short time and Jasmine pulls the lever... only to reveal an enormous slime blocking the tunnel behind the door.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena moves forward a little and holds her hands out, still hopefully out of reach but there was never any telling with a slime... {Should we just kill it or do you think it will let us through.....} Even though she hadn't made a move yet she was quite ready to burn the shit out of the slime should it decide to...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

At first the slime doesn't seem to react, then it starts slowly pushing forward, still covering the entire tunnel. It only seems to feel hunger, nothing else.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Well! That tears it!" Jumping back Helena launches a pair of lightning bolts into the slime, not wanting to fill the tunnel with smoke by using fire.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

H 21 vs 15 | 3 vs 9 J 7 vs 20 G 15 vs 9 | 5 vs 14
G 14 vs 8 9 vs 18 17 vs 25
S 10 vs 21 | 13 vs 4 | 9 vs 9 | 9 vs 17 | 17 vs 12 | 9 vs 14

Helena: 6/6 MP 6/4 Jasmine: 7/8 MP 12/8, Grappled: -1 to attack Ginny: 5/5 MP 1/2 G1: 5/5 G2: 4/5 Grappled: -1 to attacks G3: 5/5
Slime: 17/20
The group's attacks don't seem to hurt the slime much, as it manages to catch Jasmine and one of the guides.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Unless you have magic I doubt you can hurt it, Run!" Helena shouts at the two guides still loose, Even prompting Strike to get out as well. Seemed that Ginny and Jasmine were the only others here who could hurt the thing. Hoping they'd take her advice Helena pitches a pair of firebolts next, hopefully the thing burned better then it conducted electricity...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

H 17 vs 15 | 18 vs 22 J 11 vs 9 G 18 vs 23 | 20 vs 18
G 17 vs 17 | 10 vs 22 | 6 vs 18
S 8 vs 4 | 16 vs 14 | 22 vs 10 | 9 vs 9 | 12 vs 17 | 25 vs 7 critical

Helena: 5/6 MP 5/4, Grappled: -1 to attack Jasmine: 7/8 MP 12/8, Grappled: -2 to attack Ginny: 5/5 MP 0/2, Grappled: -1 to attack G1: 5/5, Grappled: -1 to attack G2: 4/5 Grappled: -1 to attacks
Slime: 13/20
The guides start retreating as they attack again, but the slime manages to get a hold of everyone save a lone guide, who hesitates before grabbing a rope and starting to slide down.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena puts all of her effort into getting loose, the fight was already over if should couldn't free herself. Focusing on a spot ANYWHERE in the tunnel out of reach of the slime she tries to blink away from the thing...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

J 22 vs 7critical G 10 vs 16
G 20 vs 12 | 8 vs 19
S 21 vs 18 miss | 18 vs 7miss | 12 vs 17 | 22 vs 17 | 17 vs 15

Helena: 5/6 MP 4/4 Jasmine: 7/8 MP 11/8 Ginny: 5/5 MP 0/2, Grappled: -1 to attack G1: 4/5, Grappled: -2 to attack G2: 3/5 Grappled: -2 to attacks
Slime: 10/20
Jasmine follows Helena's example and blinks out of the slime's reach, blasting it with freezing spell that causes ice crystals to form on it. The guides manage to hurt to slime apparently, but also get further trapped inside the mass.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena matches Jasmine's ice with blistering hot fire, a pair of bolts ripping forward and into the green mess that always seemed to be slowly advancing...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

H 12 vs 20 | 9 vs 13 J 15 vs 13 G 6 vs 11
G 11 vs 11| 11 vs 25
S 25 vs 12 | 12 vs 20 | 9 vs 3 | 16 vs 8 | 12 vs 19

Helena: 4/6 MP 3/4, Grappled: -1 to attack Jasmine: 7/8 MP 11/8 Ginny: 3/5 MP 0/2, Grappled: -2 to attack G1: 2/5, Grappled: -3 to escape, can't attack G2: 3/5 Grappled: -2 to attacks
Slime: 8/20
Both Helena's attacks seem to glance off of the slime as it surges towards her and Jasmine, managing to trap her while Jasmine evades it and further freezes parts of it, causing it to shrink slightly. Meanwhile the guides and Ginny are getting trapped even worse.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Cursing under her Helena follows Jasmine's line of think and tries to freeze the thing, even ensnared she could still attack. The air around her hands begins to drop in temperature and she hits the thing point blank with both hands worth of freezing air and ice.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

H 15 vs 12 | 5 vs 13 J 18 vs 24 G 5 vs 20 counter
G 17 vs 14 | 3 vs 7
S 23 vs 4 critical | 8 vs 17 | 8 vs 16 | 7 vs 3 | 26 vs 15

Helena: 2/6 MP 2/4, Grappled: -2 to attack Jasmine: 7/8 MP 11/8 Ginny: 2/5 MP 0/2, Grappled: -2 to attack G1: 2/5, Grappled: -1 to attacks G2: 2/5, Grappled: -3 to escape, can't attack
Slime: 7/20
The freezing seems to work, but the slime manages to hit Helena hard, bringing her to ground. Jasmine's attack misses, but she dodges the slime and Ginny's attack bounces back to her.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena has the wind knocked out of her by the impact before she marshals what little she has left and tries to blink loose again, Ice flying from her hand, things weren't looking all that good..