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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Of course not. You've already spent a good deal of effort getting here, let it not be wasted. I'd offer you refreshments, but I'm afraid I don't have anything suitable...for any of you." Ginny nods at the confirmation and walks past him, only slipping a couple times on the ice.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena shrugs and follows Ginny after offering a thank you to their kind and accomadating host. {What do you think, this feels off....}
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*What? Oh, not really. Dragon's tend to defend their lairs well, after all.* The place looks much like the last one, except there are random artifacts lying around as opposed to the single computer from the last place. There is also a heavy door blocking access to a part of the place, presumably the dragon's hoard, and an exit tunnel leading upwards.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

{well if that's the case then lets not dawdle.} Looking around at the artifacts carefully Helena looks for any clue regarding the Mi-Go before wandering over to the computer and seeing if this ones any different then the first...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The computer looks quite different from the last one, as the keyboard has been replaced and the system seems to be in a different language, though no more comprehensible than the last one. Meanwhile Ginny is busying herself taking photographs and Jasmine spends her time focusing on their host, as Helena can feel her communicating with him mentally. The guides mostly just look around, curious about the strange instruments.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Turning to their host Helena thinks for a second "Are their any outlying buildings? The last of these ruins we found had several" She asked curiously...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Not buildings as such, though I believe there are some... surprises in the grove, meant to discourage the curious. Of course, my master has his own defenses, so they haven't been taken care of as far as I'm aware, but I still wouldn't go poking around there unduly."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Poking around unduly is a talent of mine, ask Jasmine, she'll tell you" Helena says with a wide grin before moving in the direction of the grove. The other 2 ladies were better at the language and artifact stuff. Helena's talents generally seemed to lie in finding things she either shouldn't or wished she hadn't...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

When Helena gets back to the surface a good while later, Strike immediately glomps her. The grove isn't very large and there seems to be hardly any undergrowth, its lack revealing several paths, all going parallel to the hole from the direction of the cars.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena laughs excitedly before kissing Strike on her forehead and wriggling loose "Hello! Now, we have exploring to do!" Helena looks at the paths that are available and selects one at random, moving down the path farthest to the right, Strike in tow.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

20 vs 1
An instinct causes Helena to turns around just in time to see a slimegirl reaching for her. The slimegirl is red, yet it somehow managed to hide enough for Helena to pass by. "Mmm. It's been a long time since I've had prey such as you...If you give in, I promise to be gentle."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena eeps as she dodges and turns. Hearing the slimegirls offer she thinks for a second before starting apparent negotiations. "And what does that entail? You could gently murder and eat me for all I know..."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The slimegirl lets out a short laugh. "You haven't met many slimes, have you? I don't need your flesh, only your...juices. I can almost guarantee that you'll enjoy it." As she speaks, the slimegirl moves closer, though she's careful not to touch Helena...yet.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"You're right, given my nature I probably would..." She says taking a step back,"But I have a counter offer. You can do whatever you like provided you tell me everything you know about these ruins and the Mi-Go." Although Helena was negotiating she still had Blink prepared in her mind just in case she had to kill it with fire...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Her smile turns into a frown as the slimegirl hears Helena's offer. "The Mi-Go? I'm afraid I can't help you much. I've only ever seen them once and it was... a very long time ago. They're big, they're furry and they're scary. That's about all I know. I don't talk to many people, but harpies usually know more than anyone else, and from what they've told me, the Mi-Go have been gone from these parts for a long time. You'll need to go a long way to north to find any."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena is a little disappointed by the scarce information but a deal was a deal and moving farther north was more info then they'd had to go off of in awhile. Sighing Helena moves forward and opens her arms. "Thank you, a deals a deal." Even though this was a submission, Helena would try and probe the slime's mind to tell if she was lying, if she was then 'Kill it with fire' was still viable...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The red slimegirl smiles and moves to kiss Helena several times before starting to strip her slowly, her hands slipping inside the jacket to knead her bust before pulling it off and wrapping her arms around Helena to kiss her again, this time on the neck. Slowly Red's hands trail down on her ass before pulling her shirt out of her pants and over her head, clearly enjoying every movement. After admiring Helena's bust some more, she lifts Helena up and slowly takes off her pants while kissing her nipples several times. "Mmm...You have a beautiful body." Red says, stopping for a while to admire Helena's now naked form.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena smiles back as Red moves into to kiss her, which she returns eagerly, using the contact to very carefully get a proper read on the slime, seeing if she was lying, seeing if there was anything else she knew. Helena had no idea if her power could be used this way but it was a shot... She gives a very small gasp and another grin as Red kneads her bust before stripping her, even picking her up which caused Helena to giggle a little despite the situation. O yes, this was going to be quite enjoyable. Extra thoughts were interrupted as the slime kissed her nipples, the sharp jolts of pleasure causing her to moan and try to pull Red closer when she stops. Being complimented on her form Helena stifles another giggle "Why thank you~ Although, is there something you would prefer? maybe a redhead? or blue eyes... we all have our little secrets." At the mention of different hair colors or slight variations Helena actually went through the motions, the blondes hair and eyes changing color slowly, she felt like showing off a little, before reverting back to her chosen form and winking slyly.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena can feel that the slime's mind is an innocent one, free of pretenses and falsities. As she changes her appearance, Red's eyes widen with surprise. "Ooh! You're a succubus, aren't you? This is going to be fun!" Red embraces her again, the slime covering most of her body as she kneads Helena's bust again while a tendril slips between her legs and starts vibrating teasingly before she kisses her again, tenderly. "Show me how good you are."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena is actually surprised by the slimes mind, innocence, my that was rare. At Red's reaction Helena laughs and smiles widely before moaning and willingly moving into her, the vibrating tendril teasing her slit making her wet with anticipation "Ill show you good" Helena says with a devilish grin before moving in for a proper kiss, her own tongue lengthening a little and wrapping around Red's as her hands slide across the slimes body, gently rubbing her from top to bottom wherever she could as her hips began to grind on the tendril below...