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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The rest of the day becomes hazy. The stableman is followed by another, then scullions and other servants and finally even soldiers. Some of them fuck her in the pussy, others in the ass and yet others do both. Some use Willow's wand, some do not. As the dawn approaches, Jasmine comes to fetch her, taking off the ropes and bridle. Supported by Jasmine Helena stumbles back to her room as the latex crumbles and flakes off, leaving no sign of the pink goo.

When Helena wakes up, she's not entirely certain what time it is - or what day, for that matter.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena was a good pony, tied up and hung out to dry as a piece of fuckmeat, she loses track of time quickly enough, and then days. Unaware of how much time is passing as she slides from one fucking into the next, seemingly without pause or stop, just a juicy toy to be enjoyed by whoever wanted a romp in the stables.

When someone finally comes to get her, Jasmine it seems, the ropedemon is pulled off of her and she's led back to the room by her bridle, before even that is removed, the latex crumbling away and her mind returning before she passes out. When she wakes up, her memory is hazy, but she feels back to normal. Seeing the bridle, she shakes her head and grins. She'd played around enough... ish. She needed one more thing before she left, And that was everything she would need to make herself a new slave to bring home. A certain Drow she knew would do nicely. Someone that could be bent and eventually broken into being a cross between a constant decent meal, and an attendent maid.

But as she was thinking about that, she had to wonder if that would be incredibly stupid, or wise. She'd have to think on it. She knew at the very least that while searching for whatever Azalin wanted, this ship, she'd be stopping by for more leather and toys. She could maybe even make the underground fuck dungeon her home away from home, a place away from Azalin to get her head on straight and a good solid meal. And if she was lucky, someone to lead her around on a leash like a good little bitch. It was funny, she'd always enjoyed being a bottom, but being a semi immortal demon made her crave the loss of control even more. It was amusing.

Rolling out of bed, she stretched and didn't bother getting dressed. Today and many others she'd stay naked. There really was no point to clothing anymore and she wouldn't suffer it. Heading out to the front room, she sat down, looking for something to drink and wondering how long she'd been out of her head.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Helena steps out of her room, she finds out that it's the morning. Or a morning, at any rate. There are piles of books laying about on the floor and the table, and Jasmine and Willow are quietly arguing about the finer points of divination magic. "Morning, sleepyhead. How are you feeling?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

A little confused, and with no idea what day it is, Other then that? I feel fucking fantastic! Look! New planet! Helena said, shifting and showing off what was a third planet spinning around her head.

After that, she sat down and smiled at everyone. So... What, are you divining, What... did I miss... and Why isn't Cindy covered in black. I could have sworn Jasmine would have used the stuff I found already just for cheeky fun. she said, grinning.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"You were out for a week. We're trying to figure out whether we could Scry on Drigor while he's outside Darkon, but there are some strange limitations to magic in this place. And as powerful as he is, I doubt we could get it to work anyway." Jasmine replies. "I decided to give Cindy a break while we're studying. Work before fun and all that."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena snorts her tea for a second as Jasmine says what she does, starting to cackle. Jas! In all the time I've known you, you have NEVER been the work before fun type. Never! Even when we went to fucking Tibet you had Ginny so busy being your entertainment that I never doubted it was Fun before or While working, or bust. she chokes out, still laughing.

Also holy shit, A whole week? Wait! I spent all week in the fucking stables!? No wonder I have a craving for Hay and I feel wierd without my bridle. she starts, before pondering the last and turning her head. You're right though, even the book of fiends has weird rules in it about magic. We're probably gonna have to find a new way to track things, Or? Do it he old fashioned way. but If I've been gone a week, Charlie is probably back so I suppose I'll get dressed here and find him. she said, standing up to hug and kiss Willow, before ruffling Cindy's hair, and hugging Jasmine.

Once all the hugging was done, she'd put clothes on only because she had to >.<, and then head out into the castle proper, casting her mind around for Charlie, or a nearby servant to ask about him. Azalin said he'd give her the vampire...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"You'll have to start your search in Dementlieu and the tracks are cold." Jasmine warns Helena, slapping her ass as she passes by.

As usual, Helena can sense nothing of the vampire, but she soon comes across a serving girl who tells her that he's probably somewhere in the servant's quarters.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena shakes her ass for Jasmine, and then thanks the serving girl, heading for the servant's quarters, or finding a Guide to the serving quarters, looking for the Charlie.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena manages to find her way to the servants' quarters. After asking two more servants, finds herself at Charlie's door but when she knocks, there's no reply.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena tries to open the door anyway, and failing that, would remember his daytime thing, heading back to find a pen and paper, probably a fucking feather, and then leaving Charlie a note. We need to go Madrigore hunting. Helena. Come to my Room when you wake up... Ass. and shoving it under his door before heading back to her room and flopping, taking her clothes off and pouting, winding up with her head in Willow's lap and cuddling.

Vampires are Stupid.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Asking any of the servants would produce a piece of paper and a quill, and Helena is soon on her way back. As Helena gets back into her apartment, she is glomped by a giant spider.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena immediatly hugs Strike back, wriggling and cuddling all over the spider, scratching and kissing her big face and winding up in a spider wrestling match.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Strike happily wrestles and cuddles Helena, rubbing her face and shoulders with the fuzzy pedipalps. "At least you'll be able to travel quickly together, even if you're limited to night-travel."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

That's very true. Helena said, giggling as Strike rubbed her face before starting to tickle the giant spider between her legs and under her belly, catfacing as the pair went full retard right there in the room. ERMAGERD I MISSED YOU! she cried out happily, laughing as the derpery continued.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Strikes rolls onto her back and wraps all eight legs around Helena, slowly rocking back and forth. She doesn't seem to be in any hurry to let Helena go.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena is in no hurry to get out of Strike's grip, cuddling the spider happily and giggling now and again, still tickling her with her fingers when she could and rubbing her face against the spider. Using her succubus powers her clothing was quickly thrown away anyway because she was really getting to the point anymore that she didn't like wearing any, and once naked, she cuddled contentedly into Strike, before tapping web, and carry, and hugs, on Strikes belly, wanting to go somewhere alone with Strike to cuddle her for hours on end because she had really missed the affectionate spider.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Strike rolls over and puts Helena on her back before heading to Helena's room and up a wall, where the ceiling is already covered with webbing. Hanging Helena from the web, she continues to cuddle her.

After a couple hours, Jasmine interrupts the pair. *Do you want any lunch?*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

hung from the web, Helena holds out her arms in the room and happily spends several hours cuddling Strike. When she's interrupted for food, Helena just shrugs it off. *No thanks. Much need Spider love taking up my time. Unless lunch is Cindy. Cindy! Want to be my lunch?* she sends to Jasmine, before asking Cindy.

If it was yes, helena would tap Web and Cindy and Sex, Strike would get it, she was her familiar. If it was No, then Helena would tap Web, and Cindy and Hugs. Because the cuddlepile could use an unwilling partner and Helena wasn't above fucking Cindy again anyway.

But she was going to spend the whole day with Strike.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Cindy doesn't reply immediately, but Flame walks into the room, after which Cindy locks the door. Flame and Strike immediately start plotting together.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena winds up locked in her room with both spiders, Helena giggling as Strike and Flame start plotting, Helena poking in between to try and follow the conversation. Pffft, I'm get you later, don't worry. she teased Cindy, before continuing to try and follow the spiderpoking and poking herself, wondering what they were plotting.