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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Was Aqua different colour from before? She certainly seems to be more purplish. Willow's tight lovecave squeezes Helena's fingers as she struggles against the wrap demon while the slimegirl starts vibrating faster as she grows even hotter and tighter around Helena.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena writhed as Aqua locked down even harder, her breath catching as she saw that Aqua had, or was, changing color. This was just odd as hell. *Don't let Willow go* she told the wrap demon, who she doubted would anyway.

At the moment, she was busy trying to figure out what Aqua was doing, because for the life of her she still hadn't figured it out, this fell outside her experience with Red, that didn't stop her from fingerfucking Willow though... as if anything ever would.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Willow cums quickly but continues struggling against the wrap demon which seems to be squeezing her quite hard. Meanwhile, Aqua continues to grow hotter and hotter, until Willow is struggling to get away from her, and even Helena starts getting a little uncomfortable.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*Pull Willow away from the slime before she gets hurt! Helena calls at the wrap demon with every bit as much fear as command in her voice for Willow at least. Helena was mildly uncomfortable, which meant Willow could be in real pain.

Aqua! You're too hot! you're burning Willow! Helena yelled, hopefully loud enough to get Aqua's attention, while at the same time trying to throw herself and Aqua away from Willow. She could likely handle the burns.

*Do whatever you want with Willow, just don't hurt her, and don't let Aqua hurt her* she continued at the wrap demon if it hesitated.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Aqua, once safely away from Willow, encases Helena completely, making it even hotter for her. A slime tendril presses against Helena's nether lips, slowly pushing its way deep inside her.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena managed to get Aqua away from Willow, who was still squirming, which Helena loved. But the problem was that Aqua was at least uncomfortably warm, and didn't hesitate in the slightest in completely engulfing her now, leaving her to squirm and writhe inside her.

As a tendril pushed against her lower lips, Helena arched her back, squirming a little more, her folds still slick and hungry, and the tendril itself was just as hot as everything else. Well, she was along for the ride now.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The tendril moves swiftly yet gently, expanding to fill every nook and wrinkle inside Helena before starting to thrust in and out, pushing further until bumping against the cervix, then picking up speed until finally forcing its way into Helena's womb before orgasming explosively, filling Helena with fiery heat to her very core again and again.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena moaned, her back staying arched as her hips rolled hungrily against the tendril. There was something to be said for being stretched wide, but what Aqua was doing now... a perfect fit..

Helena's eyes rolled back as her moan continued until she ran out of breath, hungrily fucking back as Aqua, before feeling her start to push harder against her inner gates. As Aqua slid into her core, the way only Aqua or Jasmine could, Helena came, hard, writhing and shaking within Aqua's grip as the slime raped her, trapped in her incredible orgasm as Aqua poured something hot, and thick into her core, filling her completely, and still pumping what felt like herself into Helena, leaving the succubus gasping and shaking as she came again.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

After multiple orgasms, Aqua melts into a still-hot puddle in the cabin floor, causing it to blacken and leaving Helena full of slime.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

It takes awhile for Helena to realize it's stopped, but the smell of burning wood catches her attention finally, causing her to look around for Willow first, making sure the Witch was ok, as Aqua had seemed fine enough to fuck the shit out of her, and then of course checking on the size of her stomach. She knew she was full... Was she... did Aqua just Breed her? Well, that was new, and incredibly interesting. Still... Aqua was going to burn down the damned boat.

Protective of her stolen property, Helena started flailing around, running out of the mess in the nude, in whatever shape she was in, grabbing anything that WASN'T.. Wait.. Magic!

Dashing back into the room, Helena slammed the door shut, and started weaving her hands and muttering the spell, soon dumping clean, cold water on Aqua in as much quantity as she could until it seemed like she had cooled the slime off... or until she ran out of juice... whatever happened first.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

At first the water boils as soon as it hits the slime, but after a dozen castings the water no longer boils, though Aqua still seems hot as well as extremely passed out.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena breathes a sigh of relief as the water stops boiling off, one hand rubbing her obvious bulge, before once again trying to find the missing Willow, pondering a good way to take care of a passed out non form holding slime... She'd puddled before.. maybe they just needed a bucket.

Still, Willow first.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Willow is neither in the cabin, on the deck nor in the mess. Jasmine seems to be out flying and Cindy is watching the spiders play with each other.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Crap...*Demon, where are you and Willow. Tell me and I'll give you a name, or you can tell me yours.* Helena asked, throwing her mind out wide around the boat for the pair, looking for pleasure, fear, anything that smelled like Willow while she looked around for an empty barrel.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

There doesn't seem to be any empty barrels on board. There are a few that are half-empty, though. At least one of them must contain water, right?

The demon does not reveal its presence, and though Helena can sense faint...anxiety or perhaps fear from the cargohold, she doesn't manage to catch Willow, either.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena checks the contents of the half empty barrels, at least the ones that weren't full of liquid rubber... She idly wondered what would happen if Aqua got put in one... but that was an experiment to take slower and later. Still, if she found one with water in it, she would take the time to put Aqua in there to recover.

Once that was taken care of, Helena would head to the cargohold where she had gotten a whiff of something, but the wrap demon was hiding the pair of them to do whatever it was doing, making Helena wonder. She wasn't particularly worried, but she was very curious, and liked seeing Willow bound that way very much.

There was a nagging doubt that the demon had pulled her into hell like her Rope demon episode, but that had taken a portal, and they weren't in that world right now... Still, Demon Willow would be fun...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

After getting Aqua into a waterbarrel, Helena goes into the cargohold to search for Willow, but can't find anything... until she's suddenly grabbed by the wrap demon and pulled up to the ceiling, where it's also holding Willow tightly bound.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena eeps and flails as the demon grabs her, reeling her into the air quickly up the ceiling with Willow, who's still tightly bound up, much to Helena's approval. Aqua was in a barrel recovering, now life was officially good again.

Chuckling as she realized she had been caught, Helena struggled playfully against the demon, her eyes taking in Willow with open lust. Mmm, you're a sneaky little fucker aren't you. But I promised you a name. How about Praeligo? she offered, using the Latin for the wrap demon's methods. Fucking college leaving her with useless info. And fuck Latin to now that she remembered the worst elective class in history. And fuck college for that matter, her current life was much more interesting.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Praeligo seems indifferent to what it's called, electing to keep both Helena and Willow hanging from the ceiling for indeterminate time, bound, blindfolded and gagged. Finally after what seems like hours it lets them down gently.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena squirms, enjoying being bound like always to a great degree, working her mouth against the gag as she loses track of time with Willow. Seemingly hours have passed while they hang there, but eventually Praeligo lets them go, lowering them to the ground, Helena offering herself to the demon to re-clothe with a raised eyebrow and a gesture. I know you like it. Come here sweetheart. she says to the demon, waiting to a yes or no before turning to Willow and cuddling into her.

Mmm, He likes you to, you are gonna have to pay attention, cos if you let him catch you, I'm gonna fuck you senseless. she whispered into Willow's ear, kissing her neck as they cuddled in the cargohold.