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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

H 7 vs 14 | 12 vs 5
G 12 vs 13 | 7 vs 20 J 18 vs 13 G1 15 vs 15 G2 16 vs 4 G3 15 vs 9
9 vs 8 13 vs 21 8 vs 12 14 vs 14 6 vs 5 7 vs 20
Helena: 4/6 MP 7/4
Ginny: 5/5 MP 1/2 Jasmine: 6/8 MP ?/? Guide1: 4/5 Guide2: 4/5 Guide3: 4/5
Harpy1: 4/4 Harpy2: 3/4 Harpy3: 5/5 Harpy4: 2/4 Harpy6: 7/7 Harpy7: 7/9
Helena manages to hit one of the harpies, but unfortunately it manages to hit her, too. Ginny seems to have trouble hitting, but manages to dodge both of hers again. Jasmine seems annoyed at the scratching and sends a powerful webshot at one of the harpies, catching its wings and sending it plummeting to the ground far below. Two of the guides manage to finish off the harpies attacking them and move to help Helena and Ginny.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

giving ground and moving closer to her allies Helena tries one of her new spells, setting Blink up for an increase to defense while attacking. Not sure about the drain but certain that continuing to take hits was bad she has the rope demon coil into a whip in her hand and lashes out at the obnoxious feathered vermin...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

H 13 vs 8 G2 2 vs 11
G 13 vs 6 | 21 vs 21 G3 14 vs 11 J 16 vs 11 G1 8 vs 15
5 vs 17 14 vs 21 11 vs 18 3 vs 8 5 vs 19
Helena: 4/6 MP 6/4
Ginny: 5/5 MP 0/2 Jasmine: 6/8 MP ?/? Guide1: 4/5 Guide2: 4/5 Guide3: 4/5
Harpy1: 4/4 Harpy2: 2/4 Harpy3: 4/5 Harpy6: 6/7 Harpy7: 7/9
Helena hits the same harpy as before while Ginny's double attack kills yet another of them. The harpies all manage to miss, this time.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena follows the whip strike with a double blast of fire, hoping to finish it off and move on to the next combatant. Knowing Ginny has probably hit her ceiling...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

H 13 vs 12 | 21 vs 7 G2 16 vs 11
G 11 vs 20 G3 9 vs 21 J 5 vs 20counter G1 9 vs 5
5 vs 12 11 vs 20 9 vs 16 9 vs 17
Helena: 4/6 MP 4/4
Ginny: 5/5 MP 0/2 Jasmine: 5/8 MP ?/? Guide1: 4/5 Guide2: 4/5 Guide3: 4/5
Harpy1: 3/4 Harpy3: 4/5 Harpy6: 6/7 Harpy7: 6/9
Another harpy drops, and they once again fail to do any significant damage, except a scratch to Jasmine.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Seeing another enemy fall, Helena attacks again, spinning in place to try a little lightning again. another double dose...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

H 14 vs 11 | 18 vs 15 G2 10 vs 19
G 21 vs 7 G3 6 vs 7 J 11 vs 3 G1 6 vs 9
19 vs 12 4 vs 13 12 vs 16 4 vs 17
Helena: 4/6 MP 2/4
Ginny: 5/5 MP 0/2 Jasmine: 5/8 MP ?/? Guide1: 4/5 Guide2: 4/5 Guide3: 4/5
Harpy1: 1/4 Harpy3: 3/5 Harpy6: 5/7 Harpy7: 6/9
Helena's blast catches the harpy squarely in the chest and she blinks out just as it would have hit her. All of the remaining harpies are looking hurt, though some more than others.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

From her new position caused by the short range teleport Helena lashes out at the wounded harpy with the rope demon, hoping to finish it off and move on to the next, She'd have to thank Jasmine again for the useful defensive maneuver...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

H 10 vs 5
G 16 vs 5 G3 8 vs 12 J 5 vs 18 G1 20 vs 14 G2 6 vs 14
8 vs 13 3 vs 10 10 vs 4
Helena: 4/6 MP 1/4
Ginny: 5/5 MP 0/2 Jasmine: 5/8 MP ?/? Guide1: 3/5 Guide2: 4/5 Guide3: 4/5
Harpy3: 2/5 Harpy6: 5/7 Harpy7: 5/9
Helena manages to kill another one. She can feels Jasmine doing something to one of the remaining ones, but it doesn't seem to be working as it launches another attack the succubus easily dodges.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Wondering exactly what Jasmine's trying she makes a guess and orders her rope demon to try and restrain it, commanding it to bind the harpy while firing another double shot of lightning at one of the others. they were almost done here it seemed...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

H 15 vs 9 | 19 vs 15
G 2 vs 6 G2 4 vs 9 G1 13 vs 17 G3 3 vs 2 R 7 vs 16 J 22 vs 2
The last harpy attacking Ginny falls as Helena can feel her strength draining and one of the two remaining flees, leaving the other to be hit by Jasmine's spell. It hesitatingly looks at Jasmine before landing in front of her and dropping to its knees.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena glances around quickly "Is everyone alright?" she asks looking at the other members of her party, she hadn't seen anyone fall but things get missed when your tied up in combat and she wasn't sure. verifying that everyone was at least, still alive, she turned to Jasmine and stared at the succubus, wondering what she was doing with the Harpy...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine quickly binds the harpy with her rope demon before turning to the others. "Let's eat lunch, then." *You look quite hungry, dear.* The leader of the guides gives Jasmine a suspicious looks before the guides dig out lunch and bandages, tying everyone's wounds.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*Just glad we fed well and proper last night, but yes, im famished. that being said i'm in no mood currently for feeding, I'll manage for now.*

Helena waited patiently for the guide to bind her wounds and thanked him before heading over to stay near to Jasmine *What did you do to the harpy?*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The guides put a fire inside a cooker and start frying some sort of meat with potatoes. Ginny seems thoughtful, not really paying attention to the pair of succubi. *I charmed it. It's not really harder than doing it with touch, but it requires a lot of power.* Jasmine looks at the harpy, seemingly trying to decide what to do with it.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*ill have to try that at some point when im not so drained. until then... Im gonna eat something the old fashioned way* Moving away from Jasmine she sits off to the side with Strike and takes a breather, waiting for food to be ready and to move again.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

After a couple minutes, Jasmine comes to the cooker. The food doesn't take long to make and the meat is quite tasty. The men talk about the old times while eating. Soon everyone is ready to leave again.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena finishes eating, gets up, dusts herself off, helps repack everything quickly, and shoos everyone along 'Were burning daylight, Lets go"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The cars start again with Helena's car on the lead this time. This time they drive on for hours, before arriving to a small village as shadows are creeping up the mountainside on the other side, almost reaching the peaks already.

As the cars stop in front of a large building, a middle aged fat man comes out. "Hello, hello! It's been a while since you were here, Aren." The leader of the guides answers, stepping out of the car. "We have customers this time. This is Ginny and the other two are Helena and Jasmine. Ginny, this is Johnson." "A pleasure." Ginny smiles, nodding to the man as they shake hands.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

being both 'hungry' and a little on edge Helena just offers a small wave and a smile. "A pleasure", she says curtly before taking her cues from Jasmine, content to follow her lead for now and simply go with the flow of things.