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The Slime Arena


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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The Slime Arena - A think coating of slick slime across the arena floor and walls cause character's that touch it to gradually lose Resistance. A rate of 1d6 resistance damage per turn, with 2d6 being dealt to characters that are either knocked prone, or put into in a submission hold.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: The Slime Arena

Tomoe vs Bakan, Horny status battle. (Sheet too long to copypasta with phone, could RJ provide it with his post?)

After having bumped herself against this curious man on the streets of the resort, Tomoe found both of them transported to this slimy and unpleasant place. It had been cool inside at first, but after paddling around and looking for an exit for some time, the outside heat had been replaced with one from within her very own body. Even worse than the hot and bothered feelings were the thoughts she was having, such immoral, filthy desires. After casting a long look at this seemingly nice man, she began to approach him, not entirely sure what her body would do once she did close with him...

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: The Slime Arena

Warrior (Confused Miko as per this sidegame)

Body: 54
Mind: 10

Hit Points: 66
Pleasure to Orgasm: 44
Spirit Energy: 61
Speed: 23
Dodge: 49
Armor: 5
Resistance: 37
Spirit Ceiling: 10 (Armor has no Encumberance)

EXP: 28
Corruption: 0

Strong of Body
Skill with Katana
Hard to Hit
Hard Hitter
Pain Resistant
(flaw)Natural Spirit (Spirit Warrior)
(flaw)Greater Energy Pool
(EXP) Heavy Weapon Expert

Open Soul

Battle Aura (5+X activation, X upkeep for 3X increased Melee Damage, To-Hit, Speed and Dodge)
Instant Transmission (10X to activate, and allows the user to teleport themselves and anyone who is touching them to anywhere they've already been or have line of sight to within X miles. In combat, the effect is delayed by 1 round, and can be interrupted if the character is unable to maintain concentration on it. The effects that interrupt this ability include: Having an orgasm or being stunned. )

Kuchinawa (Tomoe's shrine katana +2, wielded in two hands) (+68)[2d10+62]{none} (Not to be used in wrasslin)
Unarmed Strike (+54) [2d4+22]
Grapple (+54)
Foreplay Damage 2d4+14 (Not likely to see this)

Miko Robes (Cloth Armor AV=1 EV=0 TP=25 DU=2)
Sword care kit
10 denarii

Minor items:
Extra sets of clothes x2
Dried food rations x7

Name: Bakan
Class: Warrior (Paladin)
Race: Human (Badarian, but without the xenophobia)

(Total Experience: 0)

Body: 34
Mind: 16
Spirit: 8

Hit Points (HP): 86
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 37
Spirit Energy (EP): 53
Speed: 18
Dodge: 32
Armor: 11(12)
Resistance: 17
Perception: 34
Stealth: 22
Grapple: 34

Strong of Body: +8 to Body
Healthyx2: +40 HP
Greater Energy Pool: +20 EP
Pain Resistantx2: +8 AV
Natural Spirit Wielder (Holy Magic)
Skill with [Two Handed Blunt Weapons]: +12 to attack rolls using said weapon.

Honorable (RP) : The character cannot break their word once given. Every contract, agreement and promise is totally binding, and the character must seek to fulfill them even at their own detriment.

Idealistic (RP) : The character is unfailingly kind, no matter the circumstances. They will always try to help others to the best of their ability, even to their own detriment, and even if that help is not asked for or met with hostility. This does not mean, however, mean that they will let things attack them without responding. They’re idealists, not pacifists.

Obvious: The character takes a -12 penalty to their Stealth stat.


Skills: 4 (34/10 + 1 = 4)
Untemptable (Passive) - The character gains a +10 bonus to Resistance against all succubus powers, including energy draining.

Knight (Passive) – The character gets a +3 bonus to AV, Dodge, attacks rolls and damage for all melee attacks. Requires: Honorable.

Ground Slam (Activated) - Forsaking damage, the character strikes the ground with all their might, sending a shockwave that knocks any creature within 10 feet of the character prone unless they win a Resistance check against the character, who gets a -4 penalty to their check. Requires Skill with One Handed or Two Handed Blunt Weapons.

Golf Swing (Activated) - The character attacks with an upwards swing at a single opponent, taking a -20 penalty to their attack roll and a -10 penalty to Dodge until their next round. If they hit, the target is knocked back 10 feet, and must win a Resistance check against the character or be knocked prone. Requires Skill with Two Handed Blunt Weapons

Spirit Ceiling: 11 (53/5 = 10.6)
Holy Wall
The character forms a wall of white light at any location within 50 feet. This wall can be of any reasonable size and shape, and the character that created it can pass through it at will or designate any creature and allow them to pass at will.
-The character pays 5 EP. In addition, they must pay 1 EP upkeep every round.
-The wall appears, and any creature not allowed to pass through it must win a Resistance check against the character in order to do so. Creatures attempting to pass through it take 2d6 damage that ignores Armor regardless of whether or not they succeed at the check.
-The character may pay an additional 5 EP when creating this power to give the wall a +20 bonus to the Resistance check required to pass it. If the character does so, the upkeep cost is increased by 3.

Fey Servant
The character summons a faerie to aid them in combat. Only one creature can be summoned at a time, and in addition to the EP cost for using this power, each creature that can be summoned requires an additional cost of some sort.
-The character pays 4 * X * T EP. X = The number of creatures that you would like to summon, and can never be greater than 5. T = The tier of the creature, which is indicated for each.
-Then, the character chooses one of the following:
1) Kobold, Satyr or Gruff
Tier 1 monsters focused in melee combat. If the character is female, they will require only a kiss (though they certainly wouldn't mind going further than that.) If the character is male, will require that they turn over at least one item from the creatures killed, or 20 denarii, per creature summoned.
2) Sorceress or Siren
Tier 2 monsters capable of using magic. Sorcerers can be male or female but are always the opposite sex of the character, while Sirens are always female. They require that the character have sex with them once their task is complete.
3) Knight
Tier 3 monster with powerful melee capabilities. Only one can be summoned at a time, but their only price is that the actions they take under the service of the character coincide with those of the fey in some way. Can be male or female.
4) Elder Mage, Troll or Warhound
Tier 3 monsters, one a powerful mage, another a heavy bruiser, and the last an agile creature. If the character is male, they will require that they be able to slay at least 1 demon within the course of their service. If the character is female, they can either fulfill the male cost, or bare the summoned creature's child. Only one can be summoned at a time.
5) Lord or Angel
Extremely powerful tier 4 creature. Only one can be summoned at a time. Both require that the character fulfill some task of the summoned creature's choosing, and generally the task asked by an angel will be far more strenuous than the one asked by a Lord.
6) Sphinx
A powerful but dangerous tier 4 creature. The character must correctly answer a riddle when they are summoned, or the sphinx will attack them instead of fulfilling the desired task.

Lay on Hands
The character heals the wounds of themselves or their allies with a touch.
-The character pays X EP.
-One touched creature regains 4X HP.

Recently hand washed cloth(Shirt and trousers): AV = 1, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 2


Suffering from the effects of amnesia that the island bestows upon it's captives, Bakan doesn't recall much of his past. (Aka I don't feel like writing the fluff just yet.)

Bakan stands six feet tall almost exactly. He has a kind and gentle disposition especially when meeting strangers, so much so that all one needs to do is ask for his help, and should the task not involve something dark, he will almost always agree. It only makes sense that he has a fondness for the legendary angels of the world, which he would explain them to be the sole reason he still knows that there is good in the crazy world all around him. Following the ways of the angelic beings, he strives to be an example for how all living things should treat each other. Even facing a being of most terrible power, he will attempt to force it to adapt his viewpoint should it be acting of ill intent either towards him, or others. Only if faced with no other choice will he actually kill another living being, even in the case mentioned before. "Do onto others as you would have them do onto you," he would explain, and then promptly say that he'd rather not be killed by a man with a large and powerful hammer.

His exhausting day proved to become even more exhausting as he had the misfortune of bumping into yet another one of the contestants. Unlike the other's, there was no room for conversation as they were whisked away to one of the arenas. Suddenly finding himself a foot above air, and landing in a slimey pit of gooey slime, Bakan was overcome with not only disgust, but also another strange sensation as he felt the unmistakable presence of magic in his body.

His vision went blurry for a moment, before one thing came into focus. Covered in goo, the feminine shape of the woman in the shrine maiden gown was slowly crawling towards him. It was easy to see that she was been put under the same effects as he. His decency was still intact, and he, no matter what condition, would hurt this woman... But he would try to make it feel good. Crawling towards her as well, once they neared, Bakan reached his arms out, and attempted to grab hold of the woman's body.

Bakan = Tomoe =

Bakan's grapple is horribly lower than Tomoe's so his grapple fails and her's succeeds.

Bakan: HP: 86/86, PP: 37/37, EP: 53/53, Status: Grappled

Tomoe: HP: 66/66, PP: 44/44, EP: 61/61, Status: Grappled

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: The Slime Arena

Despite looking like a man who knew his way around a fight, Tomoe found her opponent to be less skilled than she thought. Easily dodging to the side, she avoided the man's attempt to grapple her, taking a hold at him from behind instead. With her hold on this nice-looking man estabilished, the miko moved closer, squishing her body against the opponent's. Even in her lust-crazed mind, the warrioress still had a modicum of politeness left."I'm terribly sorry about such a way to approach you, but... this slime... its making my body burn... with impure desires... and you are the only way out for me...." she whispered into the man's ear, simultaneously attempting to expose his manhood and maintaining her hold on him.

(Continue grappling and shift Bakan's clothing in order to make him rapeable)

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: The Slime Arena

Reaching out to her proved not to turn out well, as even though the beautiful miko looked slender, she was incredibly fast, and she used that speed, and suddenly captured him with a vice like grip. Feeling her press against him, and whisper into his ear of promises for what was to come, he felt a surge of need. "You too..." he twisted in her grip, flushing deeper red than he had been, "Then... This is fine...? If we're both like this...? Even if it's impure?" he whispered back to her.

He did wish, ever so badly, to respond to her need and do the best he could within his limited ability to pleasure her. But after attempting to switch back on her, her bear hug from the back stole all the breath from his lungs. "Strong...!" he winced, "Holding me in place and forcing me to do nothing... Don't make me suffer that!" he nearly begged of her.

Grapple Check:
Bakan = Tomoe =

Tomoe succeeds, and Bakan's clothes are shifted aside.

Bakan: HP: 86/86, PP: 37/37, EP: 53/53, Status: Grappled, Exposed

Tomoe: HP: 66/66, PP: 44/44, EP: 61/61, Status: Grappled

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: The Slime Arena

this... it does feel so wrong... and immoral for me to do... but the burning that roils through my body... it won't stop... Tomoe whispered back at the man while she exposed him. With the handsome male's already erect member revealed, she took a firm hold on it, maintaining her grapple whit her other arm. "But... the heat is telling me... that this will help me quench it..." she continued her previous statement, attempting to initiate foreplay on the man. Despite having no experience in such matters, she aimed to do her best.

(Maintain grapple and attempt foreplay on Bakan)

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: The Slime Arena

Something about the way she spoke, combined with the intensity of her desire to seek pleasure, drove Bakan's lust to new heights. Her voice was as beautiful as her body, and as fair as her skin. Sitting quietly in her grip, no longer fighting in her arm as he knew what her hand sought, he turned his head back to look at her directly, staring at her facial features, "I feel guilty... For having a woman as beautiful as you do this to me..." he whispered to her directly, but even still, he'd try to reach forward, and kiss Tomoe's gentle, soft lips while bucking his hips in tune with the motions of her hand, enthralled by the incredible sensation of having someone else perform the act.

"It's too much...!" he called out, more desperately searching for the kiss, or simply kissing her more passionately if she accepted it.

Grapple Check: Tomoe pretty much auto wins these

Foreplay pleasure = .

Bakan: HP: 86/86, PP: 17/37, EP: 53/53, Status: Grappled, Exposed

Tomoe: HP: 66/66, PP: 44/44, EP: 61/61, Status: Grappled

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: The Slime Arena

"You talk so nicely.... I wish I could fight this lust off.... and not be burdened by it...." she gasped among her busy handiwork, noticing the man's gestures for wanting to kiss her. Still holding onto the rock-hard shaft, Tomoe did a little maneuvering around the delightful male, moving up to his front while simultaneously undoing her belt and shifting aside her tiny cloth panties, completely exposing her lower parts to him. Once on the front, she would try to grab her limbs around the man and impale herself on his jutting sword while kissing his lips with delight, in an effort to get some pleasure for herself as well...

(Maintain grapple, remove Tomoe's own armor and attempt to "penetrate" Bakan)
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Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: The Slime Arena

Bakan lowered his head upon hearing her wishes, "I don't feel the same way..." he said what his desire honestly felt. "If it's with someone like you... I don't mind this feeling..." he told her. In a sitting position, with her swinging her legs over, his heart skipping it's rapid beat just once as he saw the beauty of her naked flesh, he wanted to see more. Gingerly, reaching his hands up, with her permission, he wanted to see her breasts as well. "I want to see it..." he confessed to her honestly.

Whether or not she allowed it, when she lowered herself, he felt her virgin womanhood take him in, both of them wincing from the tight fit of her unexperienced purity. Looking up at her urgently, it was clear just the initial insertion was too much. His mouth worked, but only moans came out as they writhed together. Held in her grip, thrusting his hips with her's, Bakan clenched his teeth, before releasing many strands of his seed from his shaft, and into Tomoe's now polluted shrine maiden body.

Looking down, and seeing blood, he looked back up at her, knowing what that meant, "I'm sorry..." he apologized to her, despite the situation.

Grapple Check: Tomoe succeeds in getting her own clothes off, and 'being penetrated by' Bakan. (Tassadar fixed that term up.)

Penetration pleasure received = Bakan: , Tomoe: ,

Bakan: HP: 86/86, PP: 37/37, EP: 53/53, Status: Grappled, Exposed, Stunned from Orgasm

Tomoe: HP: 66/66, PP: 20/44, EP: 61/61, Status: Grappled, Nude

Tomoe wins the match.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: The Slime Arena

Hearing the man's honest words made Tomoe smile at him. "You truly are a sweet man. I wish there were more males like you in my homeland..." she gasped back at the man, a small cry of pleasure erupting from her mouth as her lust-fueled body moved onto the male and the jutting member sank into her womanhood. There was a pain-mixed jolt of arousal as she lowered herself deeper, limbs gripping tightly around his body. But the miko ignored the minor pain, the heat within pushing her forward with the act.

It was clear from the way he looked at Tomoe that the man found her beautiful. Soon, he asked permission to move her robes, wanting to see her breasts. Wordlessly agreeing, she continued to milk the man's penetrating dick while he pulled down the robe from her shoulders, leaving in hanging behind her by the arms. Much to the knightly male's surprise though, there wouldn't be exposed titties under the cloth, but a sizey pair wrapped inside a neatly-wrapped bandage cover.

It was after only a few thrusts that the man began to gasp, a hot sensation soon making itself apparent within the shrine maiden's womanhood. As the combination of blood and cum poured out, Tomoe could hear the man apologising. "It's.... alright...." she tried to assure the considerate male, lowering him into a sitting position while he was still inside. She needed more, and continued to pump herself into the member from this position, giving the man all freedom he wanted while kissing him eagerly
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Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: The Slime Arena

The fact that he had lost the match to her was something distant in his mind. Given more freedom, Bakan only took that as a good thing, as if she was trusting him more. After undoing her robes, and letting them fall down, he was a bit intrigued by the display of her bandages, as well as slightly disappointed. Reaching a hand behind her back as she became more passionate, and even finally returned his desire for a kiss, his fingers lightly took a strip of the bandage, his other hand coming around to assist, before tearing it. With the top most bandage torn, he slowly began to do his best to see her beautiful chest.

"It's selfish of me, and I know my shame..." he whispered to her passionately as his fingers worked behind her, "... But I want to see them... I must see them..." he announced with a whisper. Lowering his head, he rested his forehead to her shoulder, concentrating on the pleasure of her hip's motions, and his fingers at her tight bandages. "Taking something so sacred from you... If my punishment is to be severe, I at least wish to see your body in it's full glory before that moment... I hope you won't think ill of me..." he said to Tomoe.

Working as best he was able, eventually he would tear his way to exposing Tomoe's chest, letting the rest of the bandages fall to the slime below. Pulling back only to look at her pair of buds for a moment, he closed his eyes, before leaning forward. As he did, Tomoe would feel his soft, wet lips seal over one of her nipples, and suckle gently on the erect point.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: The Slime Arena

Listening to the man explain go on about himself, Tomoe focused on working herself towards release, something she needed desperately with all the heat driving her insane with lust. She had experienced such a thing before, but there had been no men there at the time. It seemed like the chivalrous male was aiming to further expose her, most likely dissappointed by the sight of the bandage-bra underneath her robe. In the current situation, it didn't bother her none, and soon the voluminous chest swayed up and down alluringly in plain sight.

It did not take long for the man to indulge in his desires, his lips having a taste of her smallish nipples. The miko let him have his way, focusing on finding that release. After a short round of pumping on the steel sword of this knightly person, a once-experienced explosion of pleasure overcame her, causing her to squeeze the man tightly, squishing his face between her breasts as her flower released a few gushes of sweet nectar to coat the man's member.

But still, it was not enough for her. Tomoe needed more. "The heat... it's still tormenting me..." she whispered, changing position. Keeping herself stradled on the man's hard-working cock, she clamped her upper body against his, lowering both of them to the ground as she maintained the top position. With both of them down, she held herself up with her hands, that sizeable chest of hers within reach of the man's lips. "Is this alright?..." she asked, adding another line shortly afterwards. "If you so desire, guide me to another position you like..."

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: The Slime Arena

Watching her reactions, he wasn't sure if she liked what he was doing to her nipples. A little discouraged by that, he leaned back slightly, while still holding onto her as she bucked herself up and down along his length. Even if she didn't like having her breasts touched by another's mouth, it was still an exciting sight to see that she was actually enjoying the sex almost as much as he was. And not only enjoying it, she was actually reaching a break point of her own. With her womanhood suddenly squeezing down on him, Bakan held Tomoe tightly, his cheeks brushing against her own as he made his announcement for his second climax, whispering the words of warning into her ear, informing her that he was going to spill more of his seed inside of her body, and did exactly that as she let out a lewd moan and experienced a powerful, drug induced orgasm.

But to his surprise, she was still eager for more. He did feel like he was calming down a bit, but still wasn't sure if he simply purely desired her passionate affections at this point, despite how they're not really her own, or if he was still under the effects of the drug. Either way, he let himself be pushed back, and let Tomoe take this alternate position.

He couldn't help but smile at Tomoe. She was a very sincere kind of woman, an honest person that he could find reliable. "It's fine... Any way you find comfortable." he replied to her question, before wrapping his arms around her, and pulling her into another kiss. 'Perhaps if we had met on different circumstances, we could have been more than victims of a drug.' he thought to himself.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: The Slime Arena

The man was agreeable to her request, not wanting to go his own way with the act. This pleased the lust-crazed Tomoe, who proceeded to move her hips a bit faster than before. She was shortly taken down against the man's body, his desire to kiss taking him over. The young shrine maiden was eager to indulge him yet again, her own silken lips colliding with his as they started making out some more.

After a while spent on kissing with this knightly male, Tomoe withdrew, just laying against him while the penetration went on. She came again, but even this had not seemingly calmed her down. Getting upright again, she started riding the man like a horse, going at it even more furiously than before. Not having a care about anything after a few moments, Tomoe just let go of her conscious mind and kept on the nailing machine.

If something else happened along the line, she had failed to notice as the time and the numerous climaxes she had received went by in a blur of ecstasy. Eventually she had lost her endurance and the exhaustion overcame her, the miko going limp against the man as her mind blanked out for much-needed rest. What followed afterwards, she had no earthly idea....

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: The Slime Arena

(Blah, post)

This situation would never have happened if it weren't for the drug. It might have been a joke on the demon's side, to have the shrine maiden throw her virginity away to a stranger, but he would have liked to think that she was more than just the victim to a group of perverts. Asides from just the sex, Bakan would very much like to think that kissing, since it has nearly nothing to do with finding sexual satisfaction, could mean something else as well. Once this was all over, maybe she'd understand... Maybe she wouldn't feel as bad for at least not ending up in the arms of the wrong person.

But she never stopped. He had already came so much inside of her, and he felt her reaching her climax as well. The monotonous repetition of their session made him feel as if their minds became the same, dull mesh; devoid of thought and reason. She was acting as sore as he felt after another observation, but that didn't stop either of them. Even the mere slightest stimulation was sought after, even if both their bodies tortured them with soreness. They just kept going at it, thrusting and humping...

He wasn't quite sure when he ever was taken out of the arena.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
Reputation score
Re: The Slime Arena

Character Sheet:

Name: Naltaibur Slybelqua/Vestido de Guerra (formerly known as El Chalupa Sangriento)
Class: Mage - Phyisician by day, LUCHADOR SUPREME BY NIGHT
Race: Night Elf
The elves of the jungle, who have long wandered the jungles. They were once like their norther cousins, but decades of trafficking with demons mutated them, causing their skin to change colors, becoming a range of blue, to violet, to bright pink, and even, very rarely red. They abandoned their worship of demons long ago, but the after-effects of it have left permanent marks upon their bodies.
Stat Adjustments: +4 Body, +4 Spirit
Racial Talents: Perceptive
Racial Flaws: Open Soul, Demon Lover

Body: 16
Mind: 28
Spirit: 22

Hit Points (HP): 41
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 47
Spirit Energy (EP): 44
Speed: 13
Dodge: 33
Armor: 5 (natural 4)
Resistance: 14
Perception: 28
Stealth: 16
Grapple: 28

Experience: Starts at 0
Corruption: Also starts at 0

RACE - Perceptive: The character gets a +12 bonus to their Perception stat.

***Natural Warrior: Grapple Expert: The character gets a +12 bonus to their Grapple stat.

***Natural Spirit: *Psychic: Telepathy, Mind-break, Mind Plunder

*Natural Succubus: Succubus Magic: Pull Out, Shapeshifting

*Healer: Whenever a character casts a spell that restores HP, or casts a Buff spell, increase the effective spell level by 1.

Focus in [Body]: The character chooses an Element. This Talent allows the character to cast up to 5th level spells in that Element, and in addition, they gain a total of +10 to all Casting checks for spells of that Element, all spells of that Element which deal damage deal an additional +2 damage per spell level, Buffs increase the chosen stat by an additional +1 per spell level and round up instead of down, and creatures summoned by spells of that Element gain +2 to their Body stat per spell level. This Talent can be chosen multiple times, but each time a different Element must be chosen.

Pain Resistant: The character has some sort of natural resistance to pain, be it deadened nerves, scars, scales, thick skin or what have you. Increase the character's AV by 4.

Strong of Body: +8 Body.

Concentration: Increase Base-Casting by 8.

**Focus in {Experimental Body}: Gives a +12 to Base Casting when casting any spell of the chosen element.
Also allows up to 2nd Level spells in that Element to be cast without casting rolls.

RACE - *Demon Lover: Any pleasure dealt to the character by Demonic creatures is increased by +8.

RACE - Open Soul: The character takes an additional 4 EP damage whenever anything would cause them to take any.

*Fertile: The character is more likely to become pregnant, or to impregnate their partner. Mechanically, rolls of 2 or more now indicate success.

Mutated: Your character starts the game with 3 mutations of your choice.

*Beast Lover: Any pleasure dealt to the character by Bestial creatures is increased by +8.

Whip-Tongue: Your character causes +2 pleasure damage during oral foreplay (xivvix)

Tight: The character deals +2 pleasure to your opponent during penetrative sex. Can be taken up to 3 times. (thetwo)

*Odd Skin: The characters skin becomes noticeably unusual. Either because it has somehow managed to turn a color that you wouldn't expect, or because it has started growing a thin layer of fur or scales.

*Futanari: The character gains a penis. Can penetrate anything with the appropriate holes.
- *Doublecock: Twice the phallus, twice the fun!

Shapeshifter: The character can change their physical form at will. At any time, they can change their physiology so that they functionally have any of the physical mutations. If they do not have the Supernatural Special Mutation, they cannot exceed the number of mutations that they already have, and cannot replace normal mutations with physical ones. This shapeshifting is limited to the base physical mutations, they cannot get any of the mutations that have requirements even if they have the base mutations. This can be used to hide the more unsightly greater mutations, however.


Base Casting: 22
Favored Elements: Body

Spirit Ceiling: 8
The character can reach out to contact other beings with their mind. This can be as simple as communication, or as invasive as attempting to dominate their will entirely.
-If used for communication, the character pays 2 EP and thinks of on creature whom they are familiar with, or who is within line of sight. The character opens up a telepathic link with that creature, across which the two can communicate. Additional creatures can be added to the communication by paying another 2 EP.
-If used offensively, the character pays 8 EP, and must win a Resistance check against the targeted creature. If the character wins, the targeted creature gains the Dominated status, and the character can control their actions as if they were a summoned minion. Forcing the creature to make actions contrary to what it would normally do can cause it to make another Resistance check against the character, and if they win they throw off the effect.

Mind Break
The character invades another creature's mind and attempts to erase it completely.
-The character pays 4 + X EP.
-One target creature within 50 feet of the character must win a Resistance check against DC 4X or be killed instantly. This effect erases their mind completely, turning them into a lifeless vegetable that cannot even feed itself. This damage cannot be repaired in any way.

Memory Plunder
The character searches through the memories of a creature, possibly finding out valuable information. This is highly invasive, however, and can lead to a great deal of damage if the subject resists.
-The character pays 8 EP.
-One target creature within 50 feet can make a Resistance check against the character. If they lose, or do not resist, the character gains information possessed by the creature in the form of memories (this is decided by the GM, but you can suggest what sort of information you're looking for.) If the creature resists, they take 20 damage that ignores armor, but if they win the Resistance check the damage is halved.

Succubus Powers:
Pull Out: The character can prevent themselves from receiving pregnancy rolls from creatures that orgasm while penetrating them, if they so desire.

Shapeshifting (Passive) : The character gains the Shapeshifter Special mutation.

Ceramic Beaked Mask

(Most of her) Plague outfit
Clothes: AV = 1, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 2.

A small woman, with a small bust. Naked, her body is a charcoal-gray. Her left leg is an orc's green all the way up to the top of the thigh; this green can be found on her face as well, where, in a large patch, it turns the skin around her right eye, right cheek, and extends back to color her long, pointed elven ear green. The left side of her torso - stretching from her collarbone to bellybutton, and reaching almost all the way around to her spine - is a deep purple, another shade found amongst Night Elves. Her hair is dyed the black it originally was, but the roots show through a fiery orange-red. Her other noteworthy features are a wiry musculature, barely visible under her skin, and bright green eyes.

In her mouth rests an unusual tongue, augmented by Nal's exposure to mutated creatures and her own flesh-warping magic. Pink and pointed, it's long enough to reach the base of Nal's neck, strong enough to lift small things like spoons and forks, and dextrous enough that Nal can move it any which way she wants.

Similarly warped by magic, her nether regions sport not one, but TWO phalluses! In contrast with the rest of her modestly-sized figure, her penis grows to almost eight inches long, with a good-sized thickness as well. All three of her skin colors tint it, colors spreading and wrapping them vein-like from the base to the tip.

Unlike her normal, many-layered outfit, Naltaibur only has her mask, hat, linen shirt and the black leather robe in this Daemon's realm.

Naltaibur is missing a few of the articles of her clothing. Possibly the most important to her is her mask - Under the hood, a reinforced white ceramic mask, with a beak like a bird's covers Naltaibur's face, held in place with a few leather straps. The beak is hollow, with two airholes drilled in it at the further end. Two eye holes are covered by reflective glass - Naltaibur can see out of them, but if someone tries to look in they'll just see their reflection.

Besides that, she has an undyed linen shirt that extends to right around mid-thigh, over which she has only the black leather overrobe covering it, and a black, wide-brimmed hat. A few ribbons of red silk decorate the other-wise plain outfit, wrapping around her hat and her left arm. A wider armband decorates her right arm, made of linen dyed white, with a red cross stitched into it. Finally, a gold brooch of a caduceus is pinned in the front of her outfit, with a small ruby topping the staff the snakes twine around.

Naltaibur awoke to find herself in a clearing. She tried hard to remember where or who or even what her name was, but couldn't - all she knew was that she was a FRIEND TO JUSTICE and would FEEL GREAT SHAME if she were ever UNMASKED.

Unable to recall her name, she took to calling herself the first thing to come to mind. To her, it was complete nonsense... as it is to any and everyone else. EL CHALUPA SANGRIENTO.

The silly side of it is that she thinks she's a flamboyant Mexican wrestler, when in reality she is a moody Viking doctor.

The darker side of it is that her personality is so fucked up from running a secret genetic-test-facility and/or slaughterhouse in her basement and being so insecure about her freakish and unnatural appearance all the time, while simultaneously being an idealistic healer of the people, that when afflicted with "light amnesia", she forgets everything, and thinks she's a flamboyant Mexican wrestler, when in reality she is a moody Viking doctor. With giant-invader PTSD and shit! Fun times.

A snap resounded throughout the pit, and Naltaibur was suddenly there, seconds ago having been ankle deep in hot, white sand.

The slick coating on the floor made her wobble even more than the alcohol coursing through her system, but she miraculously kept herself upright, bare feet sliding around on the slimy floor.


If we're doing some chit chat first, postpone this, but otherwise:
Level 3 Body buff to Body (effect is as L4, due to Healer)
6x4 = +24 Body
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Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
Reputation score
Re: The Slime Arena

Name: Six
Class: Warrior
Race: Part Demon

Body: 30(26+4)
Mind: 18(12+6)
Spirit: 20(12+8)

Hit Points (HP): 49 [30+(18/2)+(20/2)]
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 43 [(30/2)+18+(20/2)]
Spirit Energy (EP): 44 [(30/2)+(18/2)+20]
Speed: 25 [Square Root of (30*10) +8]
Dodge: 44 [(30+18+20)/2+10]
Armor: 8
Resistance: 15 [30/2]
Perception: 30
Stealth: 58 [30+12+16]
Grapple: 30


Unarmed Fighter: The character deals Improved Unarmed damage when attacking without a weapon. In addition, the character gets a +10 bonus to Dodge so long as they aren't holding any weapons.
Pain Resistant (2): The character has some sort of natural resistance to pain, be it deadened nerves, scars, scales, thick skin or what have you. Increase the character's AV by 4.
Stealthy: The character gets +12 to their Stealth stat. In addition, whenever the character attacks a creature that is unaware of them, they automatically hit and deal double damage (after armor) on all attacks.
Heavy Hitter: The character deals +8 damage on all melee attacks.
Pain Resistant: The character has some sort of natural resistance to pain, be it deadened nerves, scars, scales, thick skin or what have you. Increase the character's AV by 4.
Quick: Increase the character's Speed stat by 8.
Hard to Hit: Increase the character's Dodge stat by 10.
Sneaky: The character gets a +16 bonus to their Stealth stat.

Infertile: The character cannot, for any reason, become pregnant. Nor can they cause anything to become pregnant.
Unlucky: The character takes a -3 penalty to all of their non-damage rolls.
Mutated (x3): The character gains 3 mutations of your choice.
Bloodthirsty (RP) : The character cannot, under any circumstances, back down from a fight. Even if defeat seems certain, and/or engaging in battle endangers their allies, they must fight until they themselves fall, or every enemy has been defeated.
Sensitive: The character takes an additional 4 PP damage whenever anything would cause them to take any.
Tainted Bloodline: The character gains corruption 1.5 times as fast as normal. Note: Characters of a race that cannot gain corruption cannot take this Flaw.

Skyclad - You feel uncomfortable when wearing any sort of clothing or armor and take a -2 penalty to all non-damage rolls when not nude (save for belts or other gear).
Night Eyes - You see very well in the dark, but not so well in the light. The character receives a -2 to Perception in very well lit areas, and a +2 to Perception in darkened areas.
Claws: Claws sprout from the character's fingers, causing them to deal +2 damage with unarmed attacks but to take a -2 penalty on any attack rolls made for Weapons or Spells.
Tail: The character grows a tail. It can be of any kind that you like. This mutation can be taken as many times as the character likes.
-Dangerous Tail: The character's tail can be used to deal unarmed attacks. If so, it deals an additional +4 damage but has a -3 penalty to the attack roll. Using their tail to attack is optional.
Odd Skin: The character has unusual skin in some way, whether that be by just having an odd skin color, or by having fur or scales.
Reverse Jointed Legs: The character's legs are reverse jointed rather than forward jointed.
Fearsome Maw: The character has a mouth filled with Razor Sharp teeth. They deal -4 pleasure whenever they use their mouth during sex, but whenever they deal unarmed damage to creature that they are in a grapple with, they can choose to bite them. If they do, they deal an additional +4 damage.
Clawed Feet: The character has claws on their feet. They cannot wear shoes, which doesn't really matter all that much mechanically. They get a +2 bonus to Resistance checks made to resist being knocked Prone, but also take a -1 penalty to Speed.
Demon: The character is a demon. They gain resistance to Fire and Force, ignoring the first 5 points of damage from sources of either type.
Warped: The character has started becoming something other than completely human. Characters with this mutation cause any creatures that do not have this mutation to take an amount of corruption equal to 1/2 the pleasure that they deal. Racial Mutations and other Special Mutations do not count toward getting this.

Sudden Strike (Activated) – The character can take a -10 penalty to their attack rolls and a -10 penalty to Dodge until their next turn. If they do, they may make a Stealth check at a -10 penalty against any creatures that they attack, and if they win, those attacks count as sneak attacks. Requires Stealthy.
Blinding Strike (Activated) – The character may trade their bonus damage from making a sneak attack in order to force the creature they’re attacking to make a Resistance check against them. If the creature loses this check, they gain the Blinded status until combat ends. Requires Stealthy.
Head Over Heels (Activated) – When the character makes a sneak attack, they can choose not to do damage, and instead knock the creature that they’re attacking on its ass. The creature must win a Resistance check against the character or be knocked Prone. Requires Stealthy.
Shattering Blow (Activated) – The character can choose to take a -10 penalty to their attack rolls and damage, and in exchange, any attacks that hit deal double damage until their next turn. Requires Unarmed Fighter.


Bio/Description: Six, as she is now known, looks like something out of a nightmare. A beastial visage, covered in black, glossy plates, the normal human form of this part demon was coaxed beneath the surface and armed to the teeth with powerful living weaponry. Nowhere in the poor girl's redesign by whatever dark masters morphed her body was for compassion or remorse. The subtle irony being the factor that they made her far more powerful then they could contain, however, is much more worrysome.

Six doesn't even remember her old self, not even if she was just a normal villager or anything. Now she's been mutated with some form of daemonic artifact from her captors, her monsterous form, with glowing green eyes, almost razor-sharp short black hair, and blackened, hardened skin. Even darker parts of her personality were drawn out from the mutations has broken her mind into something much more primal.

How she was transported and dropped into a tournament where sex is survival, then, is as much a question to her as anything else, and probably at least partly glad that her masters had not fully developed herself into the killing machine they were envisioning.

The OOC section:Six don't like cuddling, and finds signs of affection alien. Expect her to play hard to get for a while until she figures out that fact...
In addition, thanks to Host enlightening me on the subject, picturing Six's half demon part as Shadow Demon would probably be best for both non-storyworld breaking, and linking her better ingame as a whole ^^;


A rifthole appeared above the arena, soon depositing a thoughly unhappy Six into the sludge. Luckly, with a mix of reflex and falling the right way up, she landed gracefully on her claws, though thanks to the slime coating everything the splashdown caused her to get thoughly slathered with it.

Sputtering and cursing, she glared at the other halfbreed. "You interupted my nap. Prepare to die," she hissed. Allready she glanced around the arena, noting quickly and much to her disdain that there was little she could find for proper cover to take advantage of her natural stealth. Great, a brawl, just what she didn't need...
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RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
Reputation score
Re: The Slime Arena

"Hah! Rudos always talk big, but JUSTICE always prevails in the end! Prepare to taste RIGHT-hic-EOUSNESS!"

The masked woman chanted a few words she didn't remember ever learning, and felt her muscles bulging more than they usually did on her tiny frame.

Turn 1, L3 Buff~
BC 1d20+32 vs 20 for 24 body


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
Reputation score
Re: The Slime Arena

A dark clicking growl echoed from the back of Six's throat, her limbs tightening up as she prepares for leaping onward. It didn't take long for her to begin to fight properly now, leaping forward with a savage scream!

Attempt Sudden Strike!


Lord of the Tap Dance \oO.Oo/ (And Reputation Mana
Staff member
Nov 24, 2008
Reputation score
Re: The Slime Arena

Status round start
Naltaibur: HP 41/41 PP 47/47 EP 44/44 Six: HP 49/49 PP: 43/43 EP: 44/44

Initiative Nal 18 Six 11
Nal: Spell: 10+32=42 success!

Six: Sudden strike: stealth 10+58-10=58 vs 18+28=46
Attack roll: 3+30-10=23 vs. 33 Miss!

Arena: Nal 1d6=4 Six 1d6=2

Round end:
Naltaibur: HP 41/41 PP 47/47 EP 40/44 Resistance 10 lvl 3 buff for 28 body ongoing Six: HP 49/49 PP: 43/43 EP: 44/44 resistance 13
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