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The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda HP= 56 EP = 77/77 PP = 78/78 Corruption 235 CL 4

The water engulfed Belladonna but the alraune showed no signs of stirring. "Hmmm... ahh..." A globe of water formed above Belladonna. It had a slight amount of purple slime in it. "Whoever saved this one was skilled but not skilled enough. The corruption is too deeply rooted. The invader's technology is very powerful. If left alone, it will spread once more, this time more resilient to any measures to purge it.." She smiled, as if amused by the situation, and turned to Makeda "I will save her if you pledge your service to me as my priestess. I accept you as you are, corrupted one, but you will act as my agent."
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda watched as the water engulfed Bella and the globe of water appeared above her with the purple slime. As she listened the woman speak of the corruption and power of the aliens corrupting technology she felt herself grow simultaneously hot an cold as her fear for Pira's soul and form grow in equal with measure in relation to her own personal hatred for the aliens. As the woman finished speaking, she kneel to one knee and dip her head in reverence to the woman, "Yes. I so swear it. If you will please save my daughter and help me save my friend, I will offer myself in complete fealty to you. Would thee please infer unto me the name of my matron deity?" She asked as she lifted her head up slightly to look into the face of her new matron.
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda HP= 56 EP = 77/77 PP = 78/78 Corruption 235 CL 4

The spirit moved its hand to Makeda's forehead. "My name is far too long for any use in mortal tongue. You may call me Undine." The hand turned ice cold and began to trickle down Makeda's body. The trickles shivered and entered Makeda's mouth. Makeda was almost paralyzed through the process. Then Undine removed her hand. "I have marked you as my servant. You shall do as I say and if you please me I will grant you boons. For your pledge, I will remove the purge. Other favors may follow.."

The water plunged into Belladonna, soaking through every part of her body. There was a pause, then Belladonna began shuddering. As she did so, she began to expel water. It looked painful but in the end, Bella's body had been thoroughly cleansed and there was a ice crystal. The ice was stained dark purple. Undine gave this to Makeda. "If you offer a prayer over this item, you and those who touch you by choice will be recalled to this temple. Your first task..." She smiles. "Well, you explore your new home first."

Makeda found the temple was far larger than she first thought. Despite what she remembered, there were actually a large wing to the temple. In fact... when Makeda went outside and turned around, the temple was no where that big. "You and your daughter are now bound to me and my temple. It has extracted power from you. As you gain in power and bring additional servants, I will grow in power and my temple will change. Your first task is to clean the temple. You are not to touch this fountain's waters unless I tell you to do so. There should be a small basin in the wing. That will eternally refill. I want to be able to see my reflection in the floor by the time you are done." Belladonna wasn't going to be much help at the moment so Makeda moved her to one of the beds that had appeared.
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

After the water entered Makeda's mouth and she began to shiver she felt horridly nauseous, and a for a moment thought she might be begin to dry and/or wet heave. But thankfully a short while after the feeling hit it soon left. After Undine spoke Makeda replied, "Y-yes, Lady Undine..." Makeda watched in awe at the purification process Undine was putting Bella through, winching a bit as she saw her daughter shudder and pour the water out of her body. As Undine handed Makeda the crystal, she held it in her hand and stared at it for several seconds. At hearing Undines explanation and instructions Makeda searched around the surprising massive temple. When she eventually ventured outside of the building she was surprised by its deceptively small size. After a while, Undine appeared again and explained the situation to her, "Yes, Lady Undine." Makeda said before taking Bella and lie her down on a nearby bed. Makeda wondered why she could not touch the fountain but wisely chose not to question her new matron.

She would go to pick up a scrub brush, mop, and some soap and would begin to use her claws to try to break up and gauge out any particularly stubborn stains before applying more soap, rinsing and rescrubbing the bottom of the basin again, and how ever many more times it would take to meet Undines demands. Finally when she thought it was good enough, she would neatly set the equipment down somewhere out of the way and sit down on the ground next to Belladonna's bed.
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda HP= 56 EP = 77/77 PP = 78/78 Corruption 235 CL 4

Makeda woke up far before Belladonna woke up and realized she was starving. She also realized that there was a kitchen. There hadn't been a kitchen there, she knew that. She had just cleaned the entire place. And yet there it was. It was cool in the temple but as she entered the kitchen, she felt it warm. Stepping out, the air cooled once more. All of the supplies Makeda had brought had been placed in the kitchen. There were some spices there as well. Belladonna still had not awoken. During Makeda's meal, Undine appeared before her. "My high priestess, I have your second task. While you and your daughter contribute to my power, I need more. You are to find another female and bring her here. She must agree to be one of mine. I do not care how you find her or how she is convinced. However, she must have some amount of power."
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

"Yes, milady. But.... While I can likely find someone to add and possibly convince her, I have no sense for the power of others. All women are the same to me. Or hermaphrodites or males, for that matter... I am only a judge of physical appearance and fighting prowess. But for special powers, I may as well be looking for a black rock in a dark cave at midnight without a torch... With all due respect, as I am, I am horridly unfit and unqualified for this task. Is there some tool or gift you could bestow me with so that I might be able to properly carry out this objective?" She asked as she got to one knee and bowed her head in respect to her goddess.
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda HP= 56 EP = 77/77 PP = 78/78 Corruption 235 CL 4

"I do not have power beyond my temple at the present. I am sure you, my high priestess, will find the willpower and creativity to overcome your obstacles. You may seek allies. But do not reveal my existence. There are always those that would harm me and I cannot let fate repeat itself."
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

"Yes, Lady Undine..... I will do my best to fufill the objective you have set before me. And respectfully, could you please watch over Bella while I am gone? Thank you." She said before gathering her gear and heading back out into the forest to the town. She would pause for a moment as she would come to the hole where the creature had dragged Pira off used to be Pira.... I promise, I will come back for you one day, when I'm strong enough to .... she said to herself before climbing aboard the carriage and heading back into town. Once she arrived she began thinking I need someone with power. Strong people who have been far and seen some shit. Adventurers, and relatively successful ones to boot.... Those types are likely to be at the pub, possibly even at Loa's- as they likely have the coin to spend. And with that she would ride towards the pub before parking and taking a seat at the bar. "Barkeep, give me a glass of your best stuff, on ice, preferably." She said before handing a handful of denarii to re bartender before proceeding to down her drink while scanning the room...
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda HP= 56 EP = 77/77 PP = 78/78 Corruption 235 CL 4

Unfortunately for Makeda, no one seems to be an adventurer. Mostly traders and traveling merchants. However, she does run into one piece of news that could bear fruit. Apparently, near where the alien spawn had been (no one knows why or where it went), webs have been slowly spreading. One man swears that it was one of the arachne who was doing it. He said a bodyguard he had hired threw a huge ball of flame at the creature who just brushed it off. She had covered him in webbing, picked him up, winked at the merchant, and headed back into the webbing. Most of the customers were skeptical, noting his growing tab, but he insisted it was true. If Makeda asked, he'd be happy to tell her where he saw the creature last.

The area was ominous to say the least. At first, it was just a stray string here or there. However, as she got closer, the strings became thicker in size and number. Soon enough she saw the webbing had blocked certain sections of the area and she would have to either maneuver through it or attempt to break through the webbing.
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda sighed heavily in frustration as she sat in the bar seeing traders and merchants pass through the shop, but nobody who she felt would be worthy to bring to Undine. She was about to give up when she heard the stories of spider webs spreading out and covering the area where the aliens had been. One such merchant had claimed that it was an Arachne and buy his description one of comparable power. Although most of the other patrons were skeptical, Makeda didn't really have much other choice as she needed to bring a new servant to Undine.

Makeda followed the man to the area where he claimed to have seen the Arachne. The forest was dark and ominous, and she was beginning to wish that Bella had woken up when she left. Her ability to travel through the plants would have been most handy. As she got closer, the webbing grew thicker and denser and pretty much blocked off entire sections of the forest. While Makeda was far from a weakling, she felt someone with more than physical strength to offer would be a great boon in this endeavor, and would take the crystal Undine had crafted for her, offering up her prayer, and teleport back to the temple to see if Bella had awakened. If not she would simply head back out to where she teleported from.
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda HP= 56 EP = 77/77 PP = 78/78 Corruption 235 CL 4

The crystal failed to activate and Makeda felt a wave of displeasure come from the item. The message was clear: Either come back successful or don't come back at all.
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda simply growled at the crystal and would proceed to try to make her way through the forest, she would slick her body up with her Succubus powers and attempt to break down the webbing when her oiled body proved to be insufficient to slip/maneuver through the thick webs. All the while she tried to remain vigilant as trekked through the ominous web covered area, keeping her eyes peeled for her target...

((Activate Oil Up))
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Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda HP= 56 EP = 77/77 PP = 78/78 Corruption 235 CL 4

Fortunately, the oil seemed to be able to keep the webbing from sticking to her much. She still picked up the odd strand but for the most part she was able to avoid picking up much of the web. That didn't stop her from running into a net of web so thin she could barely make it out. She removed it but it had gotten into her eyes and by the time she finished removing it, she realized she had no idea where she was. Everywhere looked the same. In fact... Makeda looked at some of the webbing. It was much lighter compared to the rest of it. In fact, it was still warm.


Uh oh.

A net of webbing was fired at Makeda from above. It was gooey and it seems the fresh stuff was much more potent than the webbing she had encountered so far. The oil was doing little to help her. She managed to find a source. An arachne, with pale white hair, a black spider body, and eight red eyes, was looking at her with hunger in her eyes.

Perception 2 + 18 vs 45 FAILURE
Perception 9 + 18 vs 25 SUCCESS
Attack 16 + 52 vs 33 SUCCESS
Makeda is webbed! She has one instance of webbing! 10 penalty to attack rolls, grapple rolls, Dodge, and Speed! You may spend your turn attempting to remove the webbing if you so choose!
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

"Alien's testicles!" Makeda cursed out as she felt herself covered in the stringy, gooey material. She opted to try to remove the current layer of webbing covering her so she could maneuver better and try to get herself in a defensive position in case the spider attempted to attack. "Hold your attacks, webs. I didn't come here looking for a fight. I would rather not harm you if I don't have to. But I've got a kid off elsewheres and I don't plan to be anybody's slave. So if you look to throw down I won't be holding back either."

((Attempt to remove the web.))
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda HP= 56 EP = 77/77 PP = 78/78 Corruption 235 CL 4

As soon as Makeda managed to remove most of the first web, another net wrapped around her. This was getting to be annoying. Some of it got in her mouth too. Oddly, it tasted kind of like candy but didn't seem to have any effect other than being annoyingly chewy and sticky. The spider raised herself up, towering over Makeda even though she was more than ten meters away. Her voiced didn't quite match, though. "I-I have no intention of making you a s-s-slave! I will d-drain you completely!"

Makeda removes the web
Makeda is hit by another attack, placing another stack of webbing on her.
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda was about to gag when the next wave of webbing hit her, when she was surprised to find it actually tasted okayish. She would have thought of eating it, we're she not in a rather dire situation. As she saw the spider rear up, shockingly towering over the mighty Ono, Makeda would decide to steel herself for any oncoming attacks the spider would undoubtedly descend upon her. "I'm afraid you find Im no pushover, lady! And I can last just as long as you can! So how about a proposition? If you win, you can do whatever you wan with me, but if I win you have to come with me wherever I say."

((Go full defense, activate Iron Body put 10 from attack into AV))
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Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda HP= 56 EP = 77/77 PP = 78/78 Corruption 235 CL 4

The arachne suddenly backed off. "T-that's right! I'll do "that" with you! But you won't beat me! No one has ever done that in my home!" She sounded very proud of herself as she fired more webbing onto Makeda. Unfortunately, while the arachne was quite accurate, Makeda was able to grab the webbing and toss it aside before it could engulf her. Looking frustrated, the arachne flung herself at Makeda. The oni quickly learned that having 10 limbs to work with was quite the advantage when it came to grappling. Very quickly, Makeda was forced under the spider's body. Each two legs of the spider's body held each limb. The feet of the creature were barbed and bit into Makeda's tough skin, though did no damage. "Do you s-surrender!?" She sounded hopeful.

Arachne Web 10 + 42 vs 53 FAILURE
Leap Glomp Two Grapple Checks at -10
14 + 49 vs 14 +46 ARACHNE SUCCESS
15 + 49 vs 8 + 46 ARACHNE SUCCESS
Makeda is now in a submission hold and may only attempt to escape it
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

"Grah!" Makeda cried out as the Arachne flung herself onto her, her multiple limbs pinning her arms and legs to the ground, "Surrender is not a word in my vocabulary! I'll have you know, I'm full of surprises!" She cried out coating herself in her slick mucous oil attempting to break out of the Arachne's hold.

((Activate Oil Up, attempt to break out of submission and grapple.))
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda HP= 56 EP = 77 PP = 78 Corruption 235 CL 4

Amazingly, despite the oil now smeared on both of them, the arachne manages to keep control of the situation. "Ahh! Slippery! Stop it!" The body is lifted higher. Makeda has one moment before she realizes what is about to happen but cannot get out of the way. The spider-woman lets her body slam into Makeda, causing her pain. Makeda's armor wasn't particularly good against blocking this kind of assault, nor was her tough hide. The shock also causes Makeda to be shaken for a moment. Then the spider repeats the process. Over and over again it happens until Makeda's armor is ripped apart. Every time Makeda thought she was going to get her bearings again, the body would slam her back into the ground, making her see stars. After quite the beating, the arachne would pause for a moment. "Do you surrender now?"

Makeda 5 + 46 + 10 vs 3 + 59 MAKEDA LOSES
Makeda is still in a submission hold
Arachne uses Slam!
Arachne automatically hits!
8 + 10 + 21 = 39 (-25 AV; Armor takes 9)
Resistance check auto failed!
Makeda Stunned!
At this point, the arachne hits every round, causing damage. Makeda cannot make the 42 Resistance save needed to prevent the stun.
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda had the wind nearly knocked out of her as the Arachnae slammed her into the ground, but the Oni was made of much more sterner stuff than that, "HAH! This is just a warm up! A good whack is just what I needed to clear my head!" She cried as she would continue to try to use her slickers body to slip out of the spiders grasp, at least enough for her to try to ram one of her horns into her underbelly. If nothing else, it would hopefully stun the woman and give her time to get on her feet to where she could fight better, at best she prayed it would actually punch through and deliver her powerful paralyzing agent into the spider and give a bit of an advantage.

((Try to break free and head butt with horns.))