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The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda HP= 56/56 EP = 77/77 PP = 20/78 Corruption 92 CL 4
Pira HP = 51/51 EP = 40/40 Corruption 709 CL 3

The creature's organ was covered in thick skin that was unyielding, simply bending in a little in response to Makeda's bite. Her hand slipped off the creature, her claws scraping along the creature. More of the cum poured in and Makeda felt her head becoming light headed. Then there was rustling behind her and another creature apparently grappled her, sticking a tentacle into her ass. and flooding her with even more mind-numbing liquids.

Grapple 8 + 46 vs 20 + 36 MAKEDA FAILURE
Grapple 11 + 46 vs 4 + 54 MAKEDA FAILURE
6 + 1 + 10 = 17 PP Damage
8 + 3 + 10 = 21 PP
Makeda takes 7 Resistance damage
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Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

"MMMMET MMMMOMPH OMPH MMMMMEEEE!" Makeda cried out in muffled Rage at the little invaders. She would release her slick bodily secretions hoping to cause the beasties to lose their grips on her. If she managed to shake the creatures off she would then proceed to swing her mace down onto one of the monsters before bringing her massive mighty fist down on another. "PIRA! Take cover, and try to draw the things attention. I can't handle all the buggers on my own! Grash! Get behind me and cover my back! We'd stand a better chance if we're not huddled together and try to cover as many angles as possible!" She cried out getting in a ready stance to strike at the next freak that leapt out at her.

(use Oil Up, Attack then get ready to attack again.)

((Makeda is saying "GET OFF OF ME!"))
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda HP= 56/56 EP = 77/77 PP = 40/78 Corruption 127 CL 4
Pira HP = 51/51 EP = 40/40 Corruption 709 CL 3

Makeda finally managed to grab the one on her face. The sheen of liquid on her body caused the thing to lose its grip for a second and that was all it took. Then she saw a sight that made her heart run cold. Counting the one still attached to her ass, there were three of these things surrounding her. The one still grappling her squirted another load into her ass. It was a LOT too. If Makeda didn't hurt up, she felt her belly would be bulging soon. The other two jumped at her but slipped off her skin before they could find purchase. She managed to strike the one that had been on her face and smash it to pieces but before she could do any more, her body became rigid and she came.

For a few seconds she was stunned but that was all the creatures needed. The other two swarmed her, one taking its place on her face and the other position itself to fuck her pussy.

Grapple 7 + 46 + 10 vs 7 + 48 MAKEDA SUCCESS

Attack 14 + 46 vs 35 HIT
Damage 4 + 1 + 31 = 36
Grapple 10 + 46 + 10 vs 12 + 48 MAKEDA SUCCESS
Grapple 9 + 46 + 10 vs 3 + 48 MAKEDA SUCCESS
4 + 7 + 10 = 21 PP

Makeda cums, becomes Stunned
Automatic success against grappled targets

2 + 1 + 10 = 13 PP
2 + 3 + 10 = 15 PP
6 + 4 + 10 = 20 PP

Makeda takes 12 Resistance damage

Makeda becomes Aroused
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda cried out in shock and ecstasy as the creature had caused her to cum. She inwardly cursed herself and the creatures as the sieged the opportunity to swarm her as she was stunned from the climax, but she wasn't going to go down without a fight. She would use her Succubus powers to try to prevent any more of the creatures from cumming, or at least not in her ass or pussy. While the one in her pussy would try in futility to eject more of its poison in her she would try to take advantage of the distraction and try to smash it into paste with her mace. She would then risk punching herself in the face as she would attempt to clobber the one attached to her face with her knuckle dusters.

((Use Deny Release, then attempt to attack the one in her pussy and the one on her face.))
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Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda HP= 53/56 EP = 77/77 PP = 3/78 Corruption 145 CL 4
Pira HP = 51/51 EP = 40/40 Corruption 709 CL 3

Makeda's tactics kind of worked. It stopped the one trying to cum in her pussy but the others kept going. Since they were really cumming, rather pouring liquid into her she was going to have to focus all of her attention on that.

Her attacks also worked, kind of. She managed to hit the one attached to her pussy but the fact that they so close pushed some of the damage onto her. It didn't die. She managed to miss the one on her face, somehow. The disorienting effect of the liquid, combined with the alien feeling of the creatures, was making it hard to act.

Makeda Attack 1: 12 + 34 + 12 - 22 vs 35 SUCCESS
Damage: 3 + 1 + 31 = 35 Makeda Takes 17 (-14 AV) Creature takes 17
Makeda Attack 2: 8 + 34 + 12 -22 vs 35 FAILURE

8 + 2 + 10 = 20
2 + 5 + 10 = 17

Makeda takes 7 Resistance Damage
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda's mind was reeling from the liquids the creatures were pumping into her and she knew she had to act fast or she wasn't going to last much longer. She tried secreting more of slick oil out of her pores, hoping to shake the monsters. Failing that, she would try to weaken the creatures making them easier to deal with. She would channel her Succubus powers to imbue her attacks with a weakening effect. She would then swing her fists and mace wildly, hoping to at least take out the ones in pussy and ass. She would grab at the one in her ass and try to dislodge it, and toss it to the ground to where either Grash or Pira could attack it. She would then try to do the same to the in her pussy. Finally she would attempt to smash both them with her mace. She hoped Pira or Grash would be able to handle anyone's she couldn't. If the creatures ended up indeed getting the best of her.

((Try using Oil Up once more, then activate Drain Through Pain and go into Flurry, attacking the ones in her pussy and mouth.))
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Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda HP= 53/56 EP = 77/77 PP = 3/78 Corruption 235 CL 4
Pira HP = 51/51 EP = 40/40 Corruption 709 CL 3

It wasn't working. There were simply too many things going on. Then she felt something stab her. One of the creatures fell off of her. She was stabbed several more times. Makeda's vision went grey. When she woke up, she had several wounds but all the creatures on her were killed. There was an awful lot of fluid in her stomach, though. Then she felt a sharp pain when her stomach was stamped on. Her brain was so soaked that the pain registered as pleasure as well as the goo squirted out of her. Pira stared at her coldly. "Can I do anything else for you, Mistress?"
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

"Yes..... Clean me. Lick every inch of the this shit off of me.... And then swallow it. You could have helped. Instead of letting me be a cum deposit for those things... And if you sit by and do nothing while I'm being attacked again, or step on me or disrespect me like that again.... I will NOT hesitate to let Grash and his workers make you their fucktoy and cum bucket for the day. Understand Pira? NOW. Get off of me and help me up, slave." Makeda barked and hissed out at Pira. Once the blue oni had finished doing as instructed, Makeda would stand up erect and pop her back and neck before continuing. "I'm sorry, Grash. I sure made a pitiful display of myself didn't I? Damned those buggers! I got ambushed! But know this, I'll not look foolish when we get to the Fallen. I promise you that!" She said, fuming and burning even brighter red than she already was, her pride had taken a nasty hit in this scenario.
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda HP= 53/56 EP = 77/77 PP = 3/78 Corruption 235 CL 4
Pira HP = 51/51 EP = 40/40 Corruption 709 CL 3

While Pira did that, gagging, Grash looked at Makeda... then shook his head in disapproval and looked away. There were many of the creatures on the ground and Makeda found that the creatures had actually been dragging her away while they were raping her. She was on the very edge of the jungle when Pira had attacked. While Pira was on the ground, dry-heaving, Grash grabbed Makeda's shoulder and took her a little away. "While the hard-ass method might be a good idea in some cases, you might want to know that sometimes being a bitch to someone isn't a good idea if you want a trustworthy relationship. I'll let you know that during the fight none of us noticed you were being pulled away. We were all busy. Pira was the only one who figured out what was happening. So leave me and my men out of your little tantrum." He turned away and led the caravan away in silence.
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda let out a heavy sigh, "Haaaaah. You're right. My pride got the better of me. I don't like looking foolish. And those filthy buggers took me surprise and threw egg in my face. I shouldn't take it out on her, but she's been nothing but trouble since I got her. I even tried treating her to something nice last night and she wants to stab me in the back. She seems to only know to repay kindness with malice.... Someone's hammered some damned ignorant bigotry into her skull and I can't seem to get it out. It all makes for a nasty cocktail that explodes when wounded prided is added to the mix. Let's just move on, and like I said that won't be happening when we deal with the Fallen." She said as she fell back behind the caravan following Grash and the rest of the company to fetch the lumber, "Listen Pira, I..... apologize. It's not easy for me to do this so listen close as I probably won't say it again.... But... I was in the wrong okay? I was taken by surprise and made a fool of by those things, and I shouldn't have taken in out on you. But you've been a real pain in my ass since we met, you know? And you were trying to enslave me first, so it's not like you can take any sort of moral high ground with me, either. So let's just try to co exist without killing each other, stabbing each other in the back or making either of our lives a living hell. If nothing more, let's just try at least tolerating each other's existence, no?" She said hanging her head down in shame, embarrassment and frustration as they continued on in the job.
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda HP= 53/56 EP = 77/77 PP = 3/78 Corruption 235 CL 4
Pira HP = 51/51 EP = 40/40 Corruption 709 CL 3

Pira said the only think she could in the situation: nothing. She simply moved to another part of the caravan, avoiding Makeda. After another day of travel, they finally arrived at the other settlement. It was much smaller than the one they had left and the biggest attraction was probably the tavern. There was a bunkhouse that Grash had rented for them to stay at. It was cheap and uncomfortable, and the whole team was stuck in a single room. At least there was a nearby river so people didn't smell too badly. "We're going to be unloading today so you have the day off... though there isn't much to do around here."
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

"Thanks, Grash. We'll be back in for the night before dark. Pira.... Let's head to the river. I think we could both do with a bath after the day we've had. Keep a weapon handy in case. We don't want to deal with more of those creatures or anything else unprepared." When they arrived at the river Makeda motioned for Pira to get in the water first, "I'm afraid we'll have to do with freezing cold water for now. Heh, who knows it actually do us some good." She joked as she would slowly get into the waters behind Pira, "Just relax now, I'm going to give you a good massage, than when I'm done you can do me, okay?" She said as she began to slowly knead and work and pound away at Pira's sore and tense muscles. "I really am sorry. Whether you believe it or not, I don't care, because I am. Now answer me honestly. Would you rather I leave you to deal with the Fallen or anything else in that forest when you and your slaver buddies tried to sell me? Or would you rather I had let the elf bitch have her way with you? If I really didn't care, I would've abandoned your ass several times ago. I won't lie, I could loosen and be less of a hard ass, but you keep proving to me what dumbassed idea that would actually be. Now.... I don't want to be a bitch to you for eternally, and I don't want to be at each other's throats forever either. I would like to have a real relationship without the collar, at some point in time. But alas, I'm afraid with how blindly bigoted you are, and how you view me now; that could take years. So for the time being, the collar stays..." She said as she finished up Pira's massage, "Now. It's your turn to do me, okay?"
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda HP= 53/56 EP = 77/77 PP = 3/78 Corruption 235 CL 4
Pira HP = 51/51 EP = 40/40 Corruption 709 CL 3

Unfortunately for Makeda, all she got from Pira while the woman gave her a massage was sullen silence. Looks like this incident wasn't going to go away any time soon. Pira wasn't very good at massaging so it Makeda got quite a bit of pain out of it, though she didn't feel like Pira was doing that on purpose at least. The day went by and they arrived at the bunkhouse. It was smelly and loud, with men laughing, drinking, and playing cards and dice.
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

As they arrived back at the bunkhouse Makeda pulled Pira close to her and held her secure, whispering softly into her ear "Don't worry Pira, I won't really make you do anything with them that you don't want. Also, just lie close to me tonight. I'll keep you safe and warm and won't let them touch you without your spoken consent. she said sweetly before giving her a long, affectionate kiss on her head, while rubbing her back. Makeda found a small isolated corner bunk in the back of the building, where led Pira to before peeling back the cover and sheet, smoothing out the bad and patting it inviting Pira to join her. "It's okay, Pira. You can share my bed tonight. I wouldn't have you sleep with any of them." She said pulling the woman in before wrapping her might arms around and her slippin off to sleep for the night.
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda HP= 53/56 EP = 77/77 PP = 3/78 Corruption 235 CL 4
Pira HP = 51/51 EP = 40/40 Corruption 709 CL 3

More sullen silence. Pira ignored Makeda's offer and laid down at the foot of the bed, the spot Makeda had assigned her for the few days that she had been Makeda's slave. Once, a man approached her only to back slowly off when a dagger was pointed at his throat. The next day, they headed back to the town and no Turned were waiting for them. However, as they slept at night, one man disappeared. No one was brave enough to look for him. The next day they arrived back at the larger settlement. Grash counted out the payment for everyone. "Makeda, you earn 10 denarii with a 5 denarii bonus for your part in the fighting. Pira earns the same." Pira did not hold at her hand, her arms were crossed and she was looking in another direction.
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

"Thanks Grash. It was a pleasure doing business with you." Makeda said cheerfully with a pleasant smile on her face, before shaking his hand firmly. Once the oni and her slave were well out ear reach of Grash and the other workers, Makeda let out a heavy sigh and rubbed the back of her neck, "15 denarii. This isn't enough to get any decent armor. I'd be surprised if we could even get a night at the inn, let alone Loa's place again. I'm thinking we may have to get day jobs, or possibly even take our chances with the elf bitch, if we're ever going to make enough to go anywhere but here, Pira. This is proving to be a lot more time and difficult than I had originally thought." She said as she climbed back into the carriage. If she was greeted with more of the sullen silence from before she would reply, "Listen. I truly am sorry, alright. I was embarrassed, covered in filth, taken by surprise, and frustrated; and I didn't know all the details and shouldn't have taken it out on you. But I really did mean everything I said earlier. And to prove it to you, I'm willing to let you keep your share of pay from the job. And any thing else you get from now on, okay?"
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda HP= 53/56 EP = 77/77 PP = 3/78 Corruption 235 CL 4
Pira HP = 51/51 EP = 40/40 Corruption 709 CL 3

Pira sniffed and held out her hand for the money. When Makeda dropped the payment, Pira turned her hand vertically and watched the coins fall to the ground before turning around.
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda merely sighed before kneeling down to pick up the coins that Pira refused, "Oh well. Want not waste not." She said before getting into the wagon and driving around to see what kind of jobs were available for the day time, to make some extra coin for equipment and the likes.
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda HP= 53/56 EP = 77/77 PP = 3/78 Corruption 235 CL 4
Pira HP = 51/51 EP = 40/40 Corruption 709 CL 3

Some heavy lifting for Makeda, a stint as a waitress for Pira. Eventually Makeda gathered another 20 denarii over a week, though she, of course, lost some due to room and board but people seemed to be hiring the two of them for exotic appeal apart from anything else. During this time, Pira said not a word to Makeda apart from reports.
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

With the money earned and saved up over the week Makeda decides to have her tattered armor repaired and to get Pira a Badarian Flak Jacket and and Machete. She would then head to the restraint to eat and look at the job boards. Either her armor repaired and her and Pira better equipped, she liked her odds of dealing with the elf bitch better than earlier. She wasn't feeling anywhere near confident enough to go charging into a nest of fallen, though. But she felt much more capable and secure to visit the elf again. "Let's go Pira. We're heading back to the inn. I feel were better equipped and ready enough to pay that elf bitch bac from before. We're going to need our rest and energy for this one. So we're going to want to turn in early." She said.