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The Shape of the Earth is Actually in Debate...!

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Re: The Shape of the Earth is Actually in Debate...!

Why should I need to convince YOU ?
And the only CLAIM that my Thread-Title makes is that the Shape of the Earth is ACTUALLY in Debate.
That part I CAN prove... here... I will QUOTE something AND link his "Credentials" to boot...

THAT was pulled off of the comments-section of this clip...


I have already dealt with too many "pseudo-skeptics" before to know that it is NOT my responsibility to do another's homework FOR them... furthermore, most of the responses I've gotten seem to be of an adolscent-nature, especially that super_slicer forumer. Must be one of those liberals. Clearly he's a liberal. From the responses I've seen, most of the posts probably come from people who are not even in their 20s, and if they are past that, then clearly they have not managed to mature past emotional-adolescence.
Ah, the Burden of Proof. One of the many logical fallacies. If you don't know what it means, look it up.

WE do not need to show you proof. YOU need to show us proof to convince us.

The second thing you need to prove is that people who believe the Earth is round are either racist or war-mongering. Those red boxes contain evidence of neither.
Some people seem to want ME to be convinced that the Earth is a Globe/Sphere/Spheroiid/Marble/Pear/Ball/Round. I have provided PROOF that there are ENGINEERS (even being amonst the TOP of their ASTRONOMY classes) who QUESTION the shape of the Earth, and I made this thread because I am interested in WHY people change paradigms from one to another, and so as long as THIS kind of thing EXISTS, the SHAPE of the Earth will CONTINUE to be in DEBATE.

Now, should you want to END the debate into the Earth being AGREED upon as a GLOBE-Consensus, then FEEL FREE to contact ENGINEERS like the guy in the above clip, GRADUATE-Physicists like Brian Mullin, and other such "educated" individuals who have gone into a FLAT-EARTH Awakening. IF you can CONVINCE THEM, that the Earth is in FACT, a ROUND object, and IF I can see that they THEN put up FOLLOW-UP videos, retracting their "belief" that the earth is FLAT... THEN that would give me something to consider.

Feel free to chew on some of this EVIDENCE for a bit that the Shape of the Earth IS in Debate around the world/planet/globe/sphere/marble/spheroid/pear/earth/plane/etc.
Re: The Shape of the Earth is Actually in Debate...!

Wow, dusting off the "They don't agree with me, so they MUST be children" trope of an insult eh?

You're the one the keeps posting in this thread, why bother if you're not trying to convince us? Because you're a troll, funny thing is: We've been trolling you!
Re: The Shape of the Earth is Actually in Debate...!

You are getting REALLY upset. Something MUST be BOTHERING you.

See, I can use caps as well.

Hey, when are the sexy pictures coming back?
Re: The Shape of the Earth is Actually in Debate...!

I feel I had plenty a reasoned debate with you in this thread. You'd bring up an argument, give analogies and examples, and i would systematically refute them, giving my own examples, explaining why your analogies were impossible, and so forth. in replies, you would argue my points without any discernable merit, add new arguments, or change the subject without giving my arguments a reply at all. I admit i got a little heated myself at times, but after a week or so of having impassioned, but ultimately ignored replies, who wouldn't resort to some ad hominems?

So I stopped. I have a feeling those red boxes you're randomly caps-locking over have less to do with the nature of your arguments, and more with how they are applied. I tend to sign my own rep comments, even the negative ones, because i believe in standing up for my arguments. In the end though, those rep boxes amount to exactly nothing. Even here, they serve no purpose, and do not restrict you from anything. So losing your mind over them is yet more wasted effort.
Re: The Shape of the Earth is Actually in Debate...!

Damn it! I thought I had derailed this sucessfully with hentai and the discussion of the superiority of horse over dog cocks...

Lets try a funny, you guys try 'n guess which one is Takumaru.

Re: The Shape of the Earth is Actually in Debate...!

I'm going to say this once, to everyone in and viewing this thread. Don't make death threats, and don't wish death on somebody just because you don't agree with their opinion. First of all, it's childish, and second of all, it's wrong.

Now on another note, I'm gonna lock this thread, because all it's doing is flaring tempers and pissing people off.
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