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The Road is Full of Dangers (Rene;Aust)

Re: Ordinary Days (Rene)

"You do not like peeping toms, yet you don't mind me watching you so closely?" The bunny man inquired, chuckling, while beginning to softly rub a sponge along Rene's human backside.
Re: Ordinary Days (Rene)

"S...Shut up! You're doing me a service and helping me get clean. You aren't getting off on seeing my girls" She exclaimed, sticking out her chest as she made her point. "S...So I don't have an issue with you seeing me like this." She stated, her face redder then it had been all morning. Damn rabbit was getting on her nerves.
Re: Ordinary Days (Rene)

"They are beautiful," was all he said in response to her mentioning 'her girls'. Taking a bucket and rinsing her back, he would step back from Rene with a smile. "There you are! Nice and clean." he'd announce with a smile.
Re: Ordinary Days (Rene)

"C...Come on. Cut that out. You're just buttering me up for that tip." Rene shivered slightly as the water was poured down her back. Well, at least that was over. "Thanks a million. You can't imagine how hard it is to clean myself properly." If the man had nothing else to say, she'd leave the bath and get redressed. Now she just had to wait for her companion.
Re: Ordinary Days (Rene)

"I heard it's about as hard as it is for a normal man to wash his own back. Why is that?" He'd ask, and the reason as Rene would know it is that Centaurs do not have a pelvic bone, and their bodies can twist and rotate just like a normal horse's head would. So despite contrary belief, centaurs can reach their behind, and wipe.
Re: Ordinary Days (Rene)

"Far as I can guess, it's cause they have a different bone structure. A bone that makes it difficult to turn around enough to reach their back. So humans always need help. I can do it, but it's always tedious and difficult to do every damn time. But I'm just ranting now. I figure I've bored you enough today. I just wonder how long my friends gonna be. She'd can't still be sleeping." Rene was a little curious as to what her elf companion was up to, so without hesitation, she'd enter her room, heedless of what was going on. Was about time she got moving anyway.
Re: Ordinary Days (Rene)

"How interesting! You learn something new every day." The bunny man chuckled, before following behind her. She'd enter the room, and find the two were not asleep, but actively having sex. Rene got a good view of Lola laying on her back, her arms and legs wrapping around the man while his length slid in and out of her, vanishing over and over inside of her folds. "Oh god, yes~! Keep moving! Just like that! Grind a little! Ha-ha-ha! Such a bad boy~!" Lola cooed, spanking the elven man's ass as he thrusted with an expression that told wonders of how much he was focusing on obeying her commands. "Almost done, Rene!" Lola quickly regarded the centaur.
Re: Ordinary Days (Rene)

"Yeah Yeah." Rene said in a somewhat dismissive tone. She did admire the rabbits enthusiasm, but he was being a little too eager. What came next though would surprise her though, given that she knew her friend was sleeping when she started her bath. Seems elves had a different way of starting the morning then centaurs. She found Lola on her back, her arms and legs wrapped around the male as he continued fucking her like there was no tomorrow, hell bent on pleasing the horny elf. All Rene could do while they finished was turn herself away from the act and cross her arms.

"Just take your time Lola. Just don't go overboard. These boys have worked hard enough on our behalf."
Re: Ordinary Days (Rene)

"Haven't worked 'you' hard enough~" Lola announced as Rene turned away. The sex would continue for some time, before Lola was walking out of the room, covered in sweat and heading for the washroom. Once cleaned up, Lola could come walking out, looking refreshed. "I have to thank you for all you've done, Rene. That really took care of that longing feeling that's been bothering me for a while. I feel like I'll be okay for a while." she said with a smile. "I'd like to resume traveling though..." she announced with some hesitation. Rene still had her home, unlike Lola who had none. The elf wished to venture forth until she could find a place to call her own, while Rene already had such a place. "Don't get me wrong though... It's not like I'm in a rush to leave, but... I shouldn't mooch off of you forever."
Re: Ordinary Days (Rene)

"I think you worked that elf of yours pretty hard. Poor guy might not be able to walk right for a week with the loving you gave him." She was surprised to hear herself say something like that. Maybe Rene was enjoying this more then she expected. A scary thought. The centaur would wait as the elf went and cleaned herself off, the conversation picking up as she returned. "It was my pleasure, Lola. I owed it to ya, especially after you saved my neck back at the restaurant. Goodness knows what those rabbits might have done to me had you not been around."

But a more serious issue seemed to present itself. Sure Lola was at least alleviated for now, but she wanted to hit the road again. Rene couldn't imagine what wandering the world would be like. Walking around aimlessly until you found civilization. She almost felt sorry for the elf, especially given her condition. "You weren't mooching in the slightest. I was happy to help after all. Why not come back to my village with me? See if we can get the others to help build you a home. You said yourself you couldn't go back to your people, so offering you a home is the least I can do. "
Re: Ordinary Days (Rene)

Lola looked a bit hesitant to accept her offer. "Well, I am a traveling sort, Rene... I'd love to come back with you, I don't mind your company, but I have the road ahead to think of. I'm not ready to settle down anywhere..." she announced slowly, as if trying to break the news to her.
Re: Ordinary Days (Rene)

Rene could not help but admit she was a little upset by Lola's answer. She'd been a good companion so far and seeing her leave so soon would make things lonely for her too. "Are...Are you sure? Maybe you could join me on patrols or something. I get to leave the village as often as I want. Or...Or maybe I can go with you!" She threw that idea out onto the table almost out of desperation. Living alone was almost painful for someone like her. Rene just wanted some freedom in her life.
Re: Ordinary Days (Rene)

"Go with me...?" Lola looked quite surprised. "You'd truly leave your job? I wouldn't want to do that to you. The road ahead will be quite rough. I plan on visiting various harsh locations and see the world. I was never exiled from my lands, you see. I'm a unique elf in that I actually wanted to leave!" she looked full of pride as she said that. "But... I won't refuse you, if you're set on the idea."
Re: Ordinary Days (Rene;Aust)

I...Well...I never thought about it like that. I guess I was just so desperate to leave that I leaped on the first opportunity that presented itself. I do have my patrols...and my shop...People that count on me." Her mind was all over the place. She wanted to leave, to get out of that place and see the world. But she had so many people depending on her. "Maybe we can go back. I can talk to a few people and see what they think about it. If I'm going to do anything, I want to do it with a clear conscious and some honest opinions."
Re: Ordinary Days (Rene;Aust)

"Sure, I'll go back with you. You did me a big favor after all." Lola said. She did want to move forward, but due to Rene's assistance, she seemed willing to backtrack to see if Rene could go with her. Lola would go get her things together and invite Rene to do the same, before they'd leave to go back to Rene's town.

Whenever Rene would arrive, she'd find that everyone was actually expecting her to leave. A replacement was already prepared, and everyone was perfectly accepting. "Centaurs often like to become nomads and travel, so it's no big surprise." they'd say. Lola was actually pleased that it would be resolved so easily. "Looks like there won't be a problem!" Lola said with a smile.
Re: Ordinary Days (Rene;Aust)

"Thanks. It means a lot that you'd do this much for me just for one favor." Rene was more then grateful that Lola was willing to backtrack, knowing this was a huge aside from her own trip. Once Rene gathered her things and reequipped her armor and weapons, she'd lead the way home. What she found however was not what she was expecting in the slightest.

The people back home seemed unsurprised that Rene was leaving, simply having assumed given the nature of her people. Hell, her mother was no different before she settled down, always wanting to explore and fight. Least that's what others told her. But knowing that someone was there to take over for her and keep the place safe gave Rene the piece of mind that she needed to make the trip. She'd make one quick stop to her mothers grave for a quick prayer before saying her goodbyes and rejoining Lola. With some tears still in her eyes, but a grin on her face, Rene was ready. "Lets go! We have a whole world to explore and I'm not about to keep it waiting!"
Re: The Road is Full of Dangers (Rene;Aust)

"Aye! I aim to break the traditions of my people and explore this entire world!" Lola announced, before they'd set off on their way.

"I look forward to what comes next!" Lola said with excitement.


Chapter 1: The Road is Full of Dangers

"Alright, we didn't get off to a great start, I'll admit!" Lola announced. "It'll get better soon, I promise!" she swore, while trying to hold onto her belongings as she ran alongside Rene, her elven legs actually carrying her almost as fast as Rene.

What caused her to say that was rapidly approaching them from behind not long after their departure. Lola was quick to flee, while Rene may feel the need to as well as over two dozen goblins were awkwardly driving a wagon they apparently hijacked. "Run, Rene! Just run!" Lola shouted in desperation, turning quickly to fire a single arrow, which caused the goblins to steer the magically powered wagon off to the side as numerous goblin voices shouted out in surprise.

"Get em! Take their stuff! Their clothes! Everything!" a goblin announced, seeking to run them down with her sisters.

Thus, Rene was left her own choices, including just standing there and possibly playing chicken with the goblin wagon.
Re: The Road is Full of Dangers (Rene;Aust)

And just as soon as things got started, they hit their first major road block. And what a roadblock it was. Rene had to admit that Lola was doing an amazing job keeping pace with the centaur, given that she has two extra legs on the elf and should be much faster. But she wasn't going to argue those details when they were being pursued by what could best be called a goblin war wagon. Lola tried in vain to keep them at bay, only diverting them temporarily as she heard a solitary voice call out, driving her sisters to steal their stuff.

"We don't have much of a chance here! Just keep running and hope we can lose them in the woods or something. You have my full permission to climb on my back if you get tired." With little else to say, Rene would just keep running, hoping their first experience didn't end up being the worst one.
Re: The Road is Full of Dangers (Rene;Aust)

The both of them continued to flee from the fast rolling wagon, before it became clear why the goblins weren't a more thriving species. The goblins making the wagon move ended up taking the wagon over a slight hill, where one side of the wagon was going up, and the other was staying low. Slowly, the goblins began to shout out as the wagon tipped over, until it finally ended up falling on it's side with several goblins falling out of it.

"Thank goodness goblins are terrible drivers!" Lola said thankfully, though she kept running so that way the goblins wouldn't recover in time. If Rene continued to flee, then they would eventually come to a halt as Lola needed rest.
Re: The Road is Full of Dangers (Rene;Aust)

Seems running really was the best idea for them in this situation, as they saw soon enough just why the goblins weren't considered the brightest of races. Or the most populous. The moment that wagon crested a hill, Rene would watch as the mighty wagon tipped over and sent many of the the goblins flying with it. "That'll teach you to chase us, you dumb bastards!" Rene couldn't help but taunt them as they continued to beat a hasty retreat.

After running a little farther, the pair would come to a halt, Lola looking quite tired. "Guess we showed them. Teach them to chase after a centaur. Next time though, don't hesitate to climb on. Especially if we're being chased by something really dangerous. But we'll worry about that later. For now, we need to decide on where we're going. Have any ideas?