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The Road is Full of Dangers (Rene;Aust)

Re: Ordinary Days (Rene)

"Right this way!" the man answered, leading the two inside... Where they were treated to many kind men welcoming them with business smiles. Rene was even given a table suitable for her size while Lola sat across from her. A man came, and took their orders, one of the first things being served was complimentary alcohol, "on the house".

"I wonder if these men had to be trained to be so courteous." Lola said to Rene, before popping open a bottle, and pouring herself a glass of a nice drink. "Want some?" she inquired.
Re: Ordinary Days (Rene)

The whole time, Rene tried to maintain a professional attitude when dealing with this particular type of "business". After all she wasn't going to be enjoying the services of the men. She'd only be dining on their food. With seats taken and meals placed, Rene took a moment to observe her surroundings, getting a feel for the place. Wouldn't hurt right? And it wasn't because she was kinda enjoying the eye candy the place had to offer. That'd be just silly. Lola however, sought to break the ice of the awkward silence, opening the bottle of alcohol they were given. "I guess they were. I gotta admit, I never thought anyone would treat me with that kinda respect. It's nice." She smiled at the thought before redirecting her thoughts. "Pour me a glass, Lola. Looking to enjoy myself tonight."
Re: Ordinary Days (Rene)

"Gladly!" Lola said with a grin, before pouring Rene a drink. Once they both had full cups, Lola rose her drink up in offer for a cheer. "To a new friendship!" she offered in celebration to a founding of a new friend.
Re: Ordinary Days (Rene)

"And to new experiences, on top of that. May the future be bright for both of us!" Rene raised her glass to join in the toast, before downing the drink in it's entriety. She slammed the cup down. "Pass me the bottle! You go and have fun! It's all on me!"
Re: Ordinary Days (Rene)

"You're too kind, but I want to drink as well!" Lola laughed, before they merrily drank together. After that first drink, came a few more, and Rene's memory of that night would slowly fade into an incomprehensible haze.

When she'd next awake, Rene would find herself asleep in a pile of hay in a large room fit for someone of her size. More importantly was the presence within her arms. A pair of cute bunny ears tickled her nose as she awoke with a groggy sense of perception. The ears that tickled her nose were connected to a cute man whom embraced her, and she, him. Across from her in the same room was Lola, who was laying on top of a man who shared the same elf ears as she, and her lower body was linked with his, as if she passed out while he was still inside of her.

Most apparent of all sensory stimulation in the room was the smell of alcohol. Rene would find that she herself helped contribute to that smell.
Re: Ordinary Days (Rene)

The time passed like a blur and the wine and liquor flowed freely between the exuberant women. More then ever before, Rene felt happy to be alive. She'd never gotten the chance to get out and live it up like this. Maybe it was due to money, or time, or work, or a lack of people to hang out with. But now she had that. And boy would it show the following morning.


The morning after hit her like a ton of bricks. Not only was the pungent stench of alcohol filling her nose, her head was pounding and she felt like garbage. But on top of all that, she noticed the bunny ears tickling her nose. Then she noticed who they were attached to. Seems over the course of the previous night, she acquired a male caller of her own, and the two were now embracing. And Lola also seemed to have satisfied her urges as well, as she found the company of another elf. And from the looks of it, the two fell asleep mid coitus. Wanting to know a little more, she slightly rocked her arms in an effort to wake up her male companion. "Hey...Hey. Wake up. Come on big guy, rise and shine."
Re: Ordinary Days (Rene)

The cute little bunny man sleeping beside her let out a small snore as she made her first attempts at waking him. "Mmn... Giddy up..." he murmured in his sleep, before he'd quickly rouse to attention. Looking up at Rene, he seemed to take a moment for his brain to turn on before he smiled at Rene politely. "Ah... Good morning, ma'am." he said in greeting. "Shall I go fetch you something? Food, water? A warm bath, perhaps?"
Re: Ordinary Days (Rene)

The man's first reaction was a little unsettling for the normally calm centaur. Oh gods...they didn't? Well, she might have the chance to get a better answer. Maybe a bath would be a good way to get this god awful smell off of her."A bath would actually sound nice." She said, trying to distract herself from the obvious issue at hand."H...Hey... She said, a noticeable blush on her face. "M...Mind telling me what we did last night? All I seem to have from last night is this god awful hangover. Never thought I'd have a caller myself." It was plain as day to her companion that she wasn't use to this. But she need answers.
Re: Ordinary Days (Rene)

The man looked back at Rene with a smile and a chuckle. "We didn't have sex." he said with a simple tone. "After you got drunk, all we did was play. We cuddled together and I giggled at the various things you said. You went quiet for a moment before suddenly jumping on top of me and shouting 'giddy up!'" he announced with a nervous chuckle as if the experience was quite something for him, due to Rene being a centaur. Though, he still smiled at her and looked to her with forgiveness if Rene looked particularly guilty. "Don't worry, out of many crude clients I could have, you were quite nice. I had a lot of fun, so I won't look at you hatefully if you do not give me a tip. I'm thankful for a little casual fun now and again." he said with an honest smile, before he reached up and brushed one of his bunny ears and made a polite bow to Rene. "I shall go prepare your bath." he said, before turning and leaving if she had nothing else to say.
Re: Ordinary Days (Rene)

"Oh thank the gods that didn't happen" Was the first thought to rush into her head as the rabbit man. But hearing her actions first hands were almost shameful. How could she have gotten so drunk that she would try to do something that stupid? "D...Don't worry! I'll be sure to leave you a generous tip. As an apology!" She wasn't sure if that would settle accounts, but she had to try something. With him preparing the bath, the least she could do was prepare. Seemed overnight she had removed her heavy chest plate and was in her tunic underneath. Well that made things easier. She removed the shirt before turning her attention to her armored horse half. A tug here and a pull there was enough to cause the armored skirt to wall away, making a 'thunk' as it hit the ground. Her last bit of clothing away, she'd await her companion to return.
Re: Ordinary Days (Rene)

The bunny man chuckled and left without too much concern for Rene's promise of a tip, nor did he seem interested in arguing against it. After Rene had gotten naked, he returned with a towel over his arm like a butler ready to serve his mistress; however, upon seeing Rene, his face blushed and he turned away. "The bath is ready," he said calmly. If Rene followed him, she'd be led to a large open bath, well enough for her to fit into, and still private enough for her to take her time and relax.
Re: Ordinary Days (Rene)

Just seeing the mans reaction to her form alone was enough to cause Rene to turn a little red as well. It was hardly common for her to just dress down like this, let alone to a person she only knew for a single night. A single night where she was blitzed and had no recollection of just how rude and stupid she was the night before. Not wasting time however, the bashful guards woman followed her rabbit man. What she saw certainly surprised her. She never thought there was a bath big enough for someone like her, but here it was. Almost like a child, a wide grin crossed her face as she explored what the bath had to offer. "This...This is amazing! It's so big! I take it I'm hardly the first centaur to come here?"
Re: Ordinary Days (Rene)

He chuckled. "Plenty of centaur come here, none with any intentions of doing anything naughty, until they drink that is. A drunk centaur oftens indulges in our services, so we of course have plenty of accommodations." he informed Rene, before taking a wash rag and soap. "Would you like me to wash you?" he inquired, his questioned directed to areas Rene would find impossible to reach.
Re: Ordinary Days (Rene)

"W...Well, Centaurs and alcohol aren't necessarily the best combination. My mom always warned me not to overdo it. She shook her head, almost surprised she was speaking like this. "Listen to me! I sound like an old nag. Gotta learn to lighten up a little. Yeah, go ahead and wash up. I'm gonna have trouble reaching certain spots on my own anyway, so having someone nearby always helps. And before I forget, thanks for putting up with me.
Re: Ordinary Days (Rene)

The bunny man nodded to her permission to wash her. "I'm surprised," he said, before wetting a brush and getting it well soaked in soap suds. "Most centaurs are reserved about letting a man wash them." he revealed, and the reason why became clear as the brush went down along her body, and to her backside.
Re: Ordinary Days (Rene)

"W...Well, I'm not like other centaur. I do take pride in my race, but I wish we weren't so stuck up about everything. Makes it hard to get along with other races. I enjoy being a little different. She said quite proudly as she stuck out her chest to compliment the statement. But she'd let out a yelp as he reached her behind. Not something people got around to touching all that often. "G...Go easy. There's more places to clean!"
Re: Ordinary Days (Rene)

"Oh~?" the bunny man cooed. "You sound a little embarrassed for someone so proud~" he chuckled, scrubbing back up and going back down near her rump again, likely on purpose, but still doing his job.
Re: Ordinary Days (Rene)

"O...Of course I'd be embarrassed! I may be proud but that doesn't mean I have no shame! Plus, I'm not use to having someone touch me, especially strangers. No offense. She said in an effort to not anger her companion. Last thing she needed was for him to be mad while she was in his care. But then he started to gravitate back towards her behind, almost causing her to yell back at him. But before she could, she took a deep breath and just stopped. He meant well and he was only teasing. Just let him finish his job.
Re: Ordinary Days (Rene)

He finished his job proper. It felt as if a small weight was lifted from Rene's body as all that dirt was removed. "All clean, young mistress!" the bunny man said proudly. "Shall I wash your upper half as well?" He inquired, looking at her firm human back.
Re: Ordinary Days (Rene)

The centaur guardswoman let out a sigh as the man finished his task, almost relieved to finally be clean in at least some capacity. "I can't thank you enough, sir. Definitely beats trying to wash myself in a lake or stream. That and there's always damn peeping toms" She turned flush for a moment after telling that story. Why was she even bringing it up? Damn it! She had to keep her mouth shut. "Just take care of my back. I'll clean my front!" She said quickly before grabbing a rag and getting it soaked in soapy water. She began running the rag up her arm, waiting for him to continue.