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The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I can deal with being trolled as I have trolled but can this forum handle the inevitable shitstorm brought on by trolling?

It's endured shitstorms before. I direct you the klub 17 purge.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Experience this, experience that. Point is, Iggy, that you didn't like it. Why should another party be okay with it? They felt just like you did. No need to get nasty.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

It's endured shitstorms before. I direct you the klub 17 purge.

That's cool but let's see if the staff wants another one on their hands. Would you call the next one the Rebellion Against MnF or the Battle Over Reputation?
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Experience this, experience that. Point is, Iggy, that you didn't like it. Why should another party be okay with it? They felt just like you did. No need to get nasty.

I suppose you make a good point Lila.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

So 10's the limit and 8 of them broken? Oni plz

I'm currently using my six year old failing laptop and anymore would probably kill my browser. But just wait until I've got my PC back and I put Photoshop on it.

Also, those eight are intentionally glitched out. Was reducing the size of the gif through imgur's editing options to be able to fit more into my sig without stretching the page like a humongous asshole and they warped like that. I thought it looked cool, in a faux glitch-horror way, so I decided to keep it. Which ended up giving me more ideas for gif manipulation.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Insulting people or giving criticism while remaining anonymous. If a person is too scared to give criticism in person (probably in fear of impact on their own reputation) then perhaps they're not age appropriate to be browsing this forum, it's as simple as that.

You over-estimate the maturity of adults, some might say children and teens would oppose the anonymous reputation system even more so. The real point of the matter is, the reputation system is supposed to act as an indicator of inappropriacy or a lack of tact. People disagree on what constitutes those terms, and a lot of people happen to believe amongst some of the older members that the MnF crowd are annoying to the point of being practically intolerable. I personally don't have so much of an opinion one way or the other, I dislike people who don't even bother trying to spell or communicate like a functional adult human being, so that does get me a tad biased. (though I can understand if English is your second language, which in most cases it sadly isn't).

But honestly speaking, I don't really care if the MnF group gets trolled, because why should I or anyone else? The entire thing is entirely pointless if the games aren't even being pirated, it's just a bunch of people getting hyped up over literally nothing, except say a bunch of inanimate pictures of a lesser tier but identical genre (Hyper) than what one would find on a dedicated hentai site. If the games aren't being released, all that's happening is a bunch of speculation on games between subscribers and people who aren't but are there for some nebulous unknown reason anyways, circle-jerking about plots that are worse than the most inane b-rate porno to the point that they aren't even funny anymore, and I don't even know what else. It really seems like a bunch of pointless bullshit to me, and if there's one thing that attracts trolls, it's people who are unreasonably passionate about pointless bullshit.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

You over-estimate the maturity of adults, some might say children and teens would oppose the anonymous reputation system even more so. The real point of the matter is, the reputation system is supposed to act as an indicator of inappropriacy or a lack of tact. People disagree on what constitutes those terms, and a lot of people happen to believe amongst some of the older members that the MnF crowd are annoying to the point of being practically intolerable. I personally don't have so much of an opinion one way or the other, I dislike people who don't even bother trying to spell or communicate like a functional adult human being, so that does get me a tad biased. (though I can understand if English is your second language, which in most cases it sadly isn't).

But honestly speaking, I don't really care if the MnF group gets trolled, because why should I or anyone else? The entire thing is entirely pointless if the games aren't even being pirated, it's just a bunch of people getting hyped up over literally nothing, except say a bunch of inanimate pictures of a lesser tier but identical genre (Hyper) than what one would find on a dedicated hentai site. If the games aren't being released, all that's happening is a bunch of speculation on games between subscribers and people who aren't but are there for some nebulous unknown reason anyways, circle-jerking about plots that are worse than the most inane b-rate porno to the point that they aren't even funny anymore, and I don't even know what else. It really seems like a bunch of pointless bullshit to me, and if there's one thing that attracts trolls, it's people who are unreasonably passionate about pointless bullshit.

Yeah you have a good point though, some adults still have the mindset of children even after reaching age 18. In regards to American citizens, I myself believe that most people don't really reach true maturity until at least age 25, the average 4 years of college means you're still participating in school, some might say that it's the rite of passage to becoming an adult but you can still be roped into doing childish things under peer pressure. At age 21, you're age appropriate to start drinking alcohol and that can make you do even more childish things, all the while celebrating your youth in some of the most inappropriate ways. I know some people will still act like children in some way until the day they die but the important thing is that you need to start being a responsible adult before things get too complicated.

As for trolling people: There's a time when things can be taken too far. Some people and or groups might retaliate against the trolls in some way, Iggy has already told us about one of the scenarios that can take place. I know the call of the troll is hard to resist (as I mentioned before, some users who aren't normally seen around here that much tend to pop up out of nowhere when someone's about to go apeshit from the trolling in order to fuel it) but the saying "curiosity killed the cat" can come into play here if you aren't careful. I would also suggest just ignoring the MnF section and going about your own business. I know the quality of the mnf stuff leaves little to be desired but like it or not, some people enjoy these things, especially if they can get it for free, I mean who wants to pay $30 monthly to play interactive movies traced from doujins and other flash games? A few years ago they would just plaster heads over bodies designed by Flying Tree Frog.

The moral of all this is don't kick a man when he's down, despite how fucked in the head people seem to you people, you don't really know what they're going to do if you keep berating them for it.

boy I've used "i know" a lot in this post
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Okay, I've resisted jumping into this conversation for as long as I possibly could but now, I'm breaking the silence. Not like this is a huge thing, but...

*tosses in the two pennies*

I think what Cappy is trying to say, Ace, is STOP FEEDING THE TROLLS.

The more you bitch, the more you are going to attract their attention, which is going to turn around and make YOU bitch more and it's just going to become an endless cycle of what sounds like e-peen whining.

Face the fact that rep system is going to stay where it is. You mentioned before that it can hurt potential developers if people see all the neg rep. If said developers cannot stand by the merit of their work alone and if the one reviewing them is shallow enough to take ONE FORUM and ONE GROUP instead of the work itself into account, then maybe they shouldn't be the one you should be looking at to back your work.

While this thread is meant to both alternately make us laugh and give props to people who have pos-repped us and call out/retaliate against those who have given us neg-rep, this argument has been going in way too long (imho). Yes, pointless neg reps are annoying. Yes, unfair and anonymous neg-reps suck. But there comes a time when you hike up your big boy panties and move on. Criticism exists. As one who creates something that is put out there for others to sample and judge, you have to remember to separate the constructive criticism from the non and the bullshit. Yes, it's okay to rant about it for a little while. I find that helps me move on. I also find it helps me to do something BETTER so they have nothing more to say. (Although some people will find fault in everything you do because they just suck like that.) Thicken the skin, keep doing what you're doing if it makes you happy and makes others happy, and just (and I hesitate to say this, but...) Let it go. Just let the other shit go. It takes a while, but it will happen.

That went on longer than I thought it would. *gets off soapbox and goes back to gaming*
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

"Troll me once, shame on me. Troll me twice, shame on your mum. Troll me three times and the cotton pickers get gassed. Don't fucking cross me, cunt."

Damn we got a bad boy over here :D
Going to start to ignore the rep trolls, and like Copper said, let it go :)
But i'm keeping posting the neg rep quotes here just for the laughs :D
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Okay, I've resisted jumping into this conversation for as long as I possibly could but now, I'm breaking the silence. Not like this is a huge thing, but...

*tosses in the two pennies*

I think what Cappy is trying to say, Ace, is STOP FEEDING THE TROLLS.

The more you bitch, the more you are going to attract their attention, which is going to turn around and make YOU bitch more and it's just going to become an endless cycle of what sounds like e-peen whining.

Face the fact that rep system is going to stay where it is. You mentioned before that it can hurt potential developers if people see all the neg rep. If said developers cannot stand by the merit of their work alone and if the one reviewing them is shallow enough to take ONE FORUM and ONE GROUP instead of the work itself into account, then maybe they shouldn't be the one you should be looking at to back your work.

While this thread is meant to both alternately make us laugh and give props to people who have pos-repped us and call out/retaliate against those who have given us neg-rep, this argument has been going in way too long (imho). Yes, pointless neg reps are annoying. Yes, unfair and anonymous neg-reps suck. But there comes a time when you hike up your big boy panties and move on. Criticism exists. As one who creates something that is put out there for others to sample and judge, you have to remember to separate the constructive criticism from the non and the bullshit. Yes, it's okay to rant about it for a little while. I find that helps me move on. I also find it helps me to do something BETTER so they have nothing more to say. (Although some people will find fault in everything you do because they just suck like that.) Thicken the skin, keep doing what you're doing if it makes you happy and makes others happy, and just (and I hesitate to say this, but...) Let it go. Just let the other shit go. It takes a while, but it will happen.

That went on longer than I thought it would. *gets off soapbox and goes back to gaming*
There are various reasons why I've let myself keep taking the bait thus far, but you have to come to understand that even if I didn't respond to all this, it wouldn't help the situation plaguing users who themselves keep taking the bait right now and it would keep happening until Aika eventually removes that section or do something about the rep system. I'm prepared to have my rep bar sent to the reds otherwise I wouldn't even be responding here anymore if I was "THAT" worried about mine but the problem is how other users are going to behave under the pressure, truth be told some of the users here are also part of my forum and all this abuse is messing with their heads a little.

I'll tell you guys one thing I'm trying to accomplish here, I'm trying to give the trolls an excuse to come clean and at least try apologize to those users because fact of the matter is something bad is getting ready to happen to them if this continues and since the trolls have already been narrowed down to people who are both highly reputed and supposedly have over 1000 posts that allow them to frequently neg rep, they probably wouldn't want to see their status thrown into the gutter.

I'll ask you guys this though, would it not matter to you if all this abuse was centered towards you and you had your rep reduced to red?
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I'll ask you guys this though, would it not matter to you if all this abuse was centered towards you and you had your rep reduced to red?

Even if it DID matter, shitting up this thread is not constructive, it just shits up the thread which is for posting amusing, angering or bemusing reps, not for merely complaining about reputation in general. A constructive course of action would be talking about it in a proper section or privately contacting an administrator.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Even if it DID matter, shitting up this thread is not constructive, it just shits up the thread which is for posting amusing, angering or bemusing reps, not for merely complaining about reputation in general. A constructive course of action would be talking about it in a proper section or privately contacting an administrator.

If going offtopic was the issues here, Nunu or Toxic should have deleted or moved all these comments a long time ago and I doubt Aika really wants to get involved in all this as hinted by the other users. Anyways I can see that everyone here is starting to get annoyed and pissed off at me now not to mention I'm getting bored at this myself so I'm going to give up on trying to reason for now. Gonna go focus on playing Ass Creed Black Flag and maybe participate in the #GG discussions regarding Intel choosing to rely on tokenism.
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

While I do enjoy Random Neg reps for no apparent reason Faceless Red repper I appload you for confusing the fuck out of me I demand more Bizzare Neg rep I can't make heads or tails of. Also enjoy my lack of periods :D.

OHNOES CLEAVER MAN, he's going to chop us up with his butchering knife!

Also a got a bunch of + for my last post here so to celebrating my neg repping of Hentai spider because he thought of that name before me and now I really want to be called Hentai spider but I can't now can I because he's already a hentai spider I present you with this.

I like pancakes too
Yeah, alot of people on here really lack a sense of humor.

Now my children you must remeber that while I love all of you dearly Some times You have to take those panties out of your ass and stop being so upset all the time. Also yes my grammer sucks yes I am using google and yes I failed to spell check dispite it being built it. I am Lazy hear me roar >:D
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

If going offtopic was the issues here, Nunu or Toxic should have deleted or moved all these comments a long time ago and I doubt Aika really wants to get involved in all this as hinted by the other users. Anyways I can see that everyone here is starting to get annoyed and pissed off at me now not to mention I'm getting bored at this myself so I'm going to give up on trying to reason for now. Gonna go focus on playing Ass Creed Black Flag and maybe participate in the #GG discussions regarding Intel choosing to rely on tokenism.

Not every offtopic discussion gets ended, only if it gets way out of hand. It hadn't gotten to that point yet, but he's right, this isn't the right topic for complaining about rep in general, because there isn't really a topic for that since about a year or two ago.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I got stormed by klubfags for saying I was excited for their thread being removed or something, and they reduced my rep to 0 almost. To this day I still have that neg rep. Now I want you to think about that for a moment.

Er... You pissed in the beehive and didn't expect to get stung... Thats why Aika didn't pull those negreps...
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Not every offtopic discussion gets ended, only if it gets way out of hand. It hadn't gotten to that point yet, but he's right, this isn't the right topic for complaining about rep in general, because there isn't really a topic for that since about a year or two ago.

Games Discussion Thread 12th January 2015 03:48 ...

This was fine when you were negging posts that you could actually disagree with, BUT THIS HAS GONE TOO FAR! So yeah, any mods willing to tell this bitch to knock it the fuck off?

He doesn't like you associating with me because it's interfering with his goal of pushing me to the reds. You don't have to keep repping me and risk your own rep in the process, just let him do what he wants so he can get bored and move on
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

It would seem while people are getting "..." negreps...

Lili has been getting "-s" posreps.

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