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The "Remembering Abandoned Stuff" Thread


Sex Demon
Feb 11, 2013
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So I decided making something kind of entertaining and off topic, and so I thought to make a thread for this. But before anything, if this is in the wrong place then kick it to whereever it should be. Thanks in advance.

In this thread you can talk about stuff that you did in a sudden moment of inspiration but then completely forgot about it. It can be anything that you did, like starting a game, or a short story, or a book, or a website, anything! So let your... uhmm, brain juices flow to try to remember stuff.

I think it´ll be appropiate if I started this whole thing with a story of my own.
It's really easy to forget something you posted the day before or in a longer period of time. Apparently about 3 years ago I wrote a whole RPG story which lasted forever until it suddenly stops. I was looking through it and had many "this is a piece of art" to "was I so stupid back then?" moments. I would also read it and laugh and go 'Yeah... That's right... Haha... Dammit that's awful'. Who knows, I may even pick it up, finish it and post it in the short story competition or whatever that is.
Re: The "Remembering Abandoned Stuff" Thread

My story 'war of the damned'. I had enjoyed writing it, but lost inspiration over time. Hard to write thousands of words and not know if there's any more than 2 people that actually care.

No one give me the 'write for yourself then' speech. I do, and no one will see those works.
Re: The "Remembering Abandoned Stuff" Thread

The lightless: A setting which came from the idea of flipping the traditional light = good and dark = evil approach. I got stuck when I started going into economics and never wrote any more than that. I probably should, the way magic works in the setting is pretty interesting.
Re: The "Remembering Abandoned Stuff" Thread

I've got quite a few stories to write. Started a scifi thing a while back and I may just haul that race and character into Rule's RP "The Dividing Line"
Re: The "Remembering Abandoned Stuff" Thread

Every single RP setting I work on

Loads of inspiration for a few days, then I move on to- Oh look, shiny!
Re: The "Remembering Abandoned Stuff" Thread

There's something I was working on, but it's been so many years since I last worked on it that I forgot what it was.
Re: The "Remembering Abandoned Stuff" Thread

Oh god. Path of Ashes, that one RP system I keep on working on. I almost get it to where I can work with it, but after that I get busy, then tend to just get sadfaced and stop working on it for ages. I'm almost done with the second revision but just don't feel like working on it cause at this rate I'll never get it to a hostable state for that reason x,x
Re: The "Remembering Abandoned Stuff" Thread

Pretty much the same sentiments as everyone else so far. Abandoned stories and rpg's that either never took off or I just lost inspiration for over time.

Though I've not really forgotten them to be honest, I keep wanting to continue the story but inspiration is a bitch. It only seems to show up when I'm so tired I can't even think straight and disappear as soon as I wake up.

Hey wait I was one of the 2 people that actually cared about "War of the Damned". Though I also understand it can be frustrating to only have 2 people make any comments.
Re: The "Remembering Abandoned Stuff" Thread

Aye, that you was Ronny. That you was. If I ever do revisit that storyline, I might just start from scratch.
Re: The "Remembering Abandoned Stuff" Thread

Most of my ideas never make it to the page. I may end up writing some more original crap, if anyone's interested.

I've begun experimenting with the Fae and stories of them both Under and Overhill