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The Question of Heresy OOC

Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

Right, speaking of equipment. What about all the stuff we were given for the mission? Stasis cases and the voxcaster etc.
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

Cases were taken back. The voxcaster you were allowed to keep.
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

Micro-beads stay with the cell as well.
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

So, everyone gets 150 spare thrones on Seraph's behalf. Probably passed around shortly after she gets payed it properly.

The spare 50? Well, depends on if I run into a Ecclesiarchy place quickfast.
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

Ballistic Skill check for shooting at the Red Eye: 38 vs 37 - Miss

Fate point to reroll: 100

1d10 to avoid Jamming: 9, gun doesn't jam.
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Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

Okay Mordeci misses.

Blarg rolls a 93 to attack, which is a miss and also one point away from a jam on full auto.

Fate reroll: 64 which is off by 17 of what you needed to hit.

The Red Eye is up next. It attacks Zieg (after nudging Thio harmlessly against the wall for a second to fluff how she's missing with full auto so much.)

It misses Zieg.

Zieg is up. I'll get around to writing the combat sequence up later.
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

Weapons Skill roll to shoot at the monster - 99 - failure

Roll to avoid jamming, 6, no jam, just a miss
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

Okay it's been quite a while.

Lurker, are you aware it's your turn?

48 hours and then I'll assume you're just going to run out into the hallway and prepare to attack with your club again.
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

Aw crap. For some reason I thought it was someone else's turn x,x I'll get on it.
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

Apologies for the delay. Life getting a bit hectic. I'll do a small update momentarily. This combat is almost over.
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

I don't know whose turn it is but when it's mine FULL AUTO.

Or just a regular shot if I can't do that I guess.
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

Rollin' dem bones.

Miss, because Mordeci is apparently a terrible shot.
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

An alert to my players. Sorry for the delay in response. I intend to create one after this crazy weekend is over.

The combat is effectively going to be ended, unless you decide to split the group, due to Mordeci being unable to pursue in his current state. I am choosing to mark this point as the "end of session."

This means that you will all regain back up to your maximum fate points if you have spent any, and I am going to award experience.

200xp for everyone, plus...
50 xp for all in the response challenge, plus...
100 xp to Thiopia for being a well RP'd Adept, plus...
50 xp to Zieg for roleplaying a protector mentality over Lili, plus...
50 xp to Mordeci as a 'bad break' compensation for having his badass scared shitless. ;)

You can start thinking now how you want to spend it. I will consider acquisition of new skills and talents to be instantaneous at this time, as we can assume that in fact you were already in possession of better knowledge or skills/talents and merely haven't used them yet. You won't get new equipment magically though, even if a new talent now retroactively would have given you access to such.
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

As told in Shout, Zieg's changes are:

Disarm - Can attempt to remove a weapon from an enemy in melee for a Full Action.
Double Team - +10 bonus when teaming up against a target with an ally. An additional +10 happens if both parties have Double Team.
Light Sleeper - Counts as being awake in regards of being ambushed while sleeping.

Would ZIEG like to forget QUICK DRAW to learn DOUBLE TEAM?

> NO
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

Thio spends 350 on advances in BS and W.

Question, does Thrown Weapon Training (Primitive) cover grenades, or is that just, like, throwing knives and shit? By my accounting I have 100 xp to spend leftover, and I'm not sure if I should save it and get NADE PROFICIENCY or blow it on flyan civvieplanes or something.
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

thrown weapons (primitive) covers grenades, yes.
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC


On one hand no one else has nades or nade-training and nades are supposedly super-useful in cramped ass shitty hive tunnels.

On the other hand, Willpower is probably important, and I have the most of it somehow anyway. As a Noble, even. What do I use Willpower for again? Resisting fear and shit?

Fuck. Dammit. Alright, I'll swap that WP increase for NADE PROFICIENCY and hope I don't have to... uh... Will at anything anytime soon.
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

Thiopia does not have the Medicae skill or an appropriate Forbidden Knowledge for this task. She does possess a proper tool with which to collect the sample, so I'll consider this an untrained Intelligence test followed by an untrained Agility test to recover the correct sample - however due to lack of a trained, necessary skill, even success on these rolls would mean only that the character believes they have been completely successful. Actual usefulness will still be luck of the draw.

So, first roll is half Thio's Int = 21.
The roll is... a 20.

Second roll is half Thio's Ag = 20
The roll is... a 22.
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

Man. So, looking at my choices for levelups down the road, it seems like I have to choose between KNOWLEDGES and MEDICAE, at one point around 3000 xp or so, and that really fuckin' blows. Especially because it's probably more character-related to try and go for the knowledges, even though I won't.

Also MORE KNOWLEDGES or PSYKER POWERS at about 5000. Which, considering Psykers always eventually just sorta explode and my WP is low, and also yon aforementioned knowledges-are-in-character thing, is a less difficult choice.

That's assuming she or the game makes it that far, though, so.