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The Question of Heresy OOC

Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

Thio's Initiative roll is 6+ 4 Agility = 10
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

Blarg, you can't move and full auto in the same round.

Full and semi auto is a Full Action.

Movement is either a half or full action depending on how far you're moving.

With a half action, you can move to the door, and with another half action, you can make a single shot, then next turn you could full auto.
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

Zieg's BS 37+10 vs 4
Fuckin' sweet!

Damage roll for the Shotgun: 1d10+4 I, special rules Scatter/Reliable

Used Shotgun Ammo: [0/2]
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

Ballistics Skill roll for Mordeci: 7, making it a hit.

Damage roll for Stub Revolver: 4+3 for a total of 7 damage
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Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

The dreg spends a reaction to dodge the laspistol. Rolls a 10. Success.

Thiopia's turn.

(Rolled in IRC)

Thiopia full autos, having aimed last round and shooting from short range (+40)

The roll was a 74, which is a hit on Thio's BS of 37+40 bonus. The dreg rolled a 15 to dodge, not good enough.

The damage roll was a 3. Modifications and target's toughness have been taken into account.

Zieg is next.
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Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

Much like Mordeci, Zieg's using a free action to toss away his shotgun and draw his pistol with a half-action.

Rolling for proper aiming at Dreg B!

Zieg's BS 37+10 vs 39
Barely caught it. Thank you Short Range bonus. (Stub Revolver is in the same range of Shotgun, so should keep the same short range bonus?)

Damage roll for the Stub Revolver: 1d10+3 I, special rules Reliable

Used Revolver Ammo [5/6]
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

also, something I should have noted when it came to Scatter during my last Shotgun round:

If fired at a foe in Point Blank range, each two degrees of success the firer scores indicates another hit (see Multiple Hits table)

Wasn't sure if it was applicable in that situation but it doesn't really matter at the present anyway.
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

Technically you are shooting at Point Blank Range, since you're less than 3 meters from the doorway where Dreg B and Mordeci are in melee. So you get +30 rather than +10. However, had you missed by one degree of failure, you would have hit Mordeci.

As it is, Dreg B takes a bullet in the fleshy part of his thigh, just as he brings down his club towards Mordeci...

And will connect with Mordeci's ribcage unless the gunslinger dodges... (Agility roll please, Caulder)
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

32, which is a failure as I don't have Dodge trained.
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

Only 1 damage, which after SB vs TB+AV, equals no damage.
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

Dreg C attacks Thiopia. Misses.

Dreg D attacks Mastiff. Misses.

Dreg E attacks mastiff. Hits, but his club reverberates off the metal dog.

Dreg F attacks mastiff. Same thing happens.

Mastiff attacks Dreg D. Misses (aka it's only ripping the rags he calls his shirt)

Gallus semi auto fires at Dreg E. One blast goes over the Dreg's head but another connects with his shoulder. He howls in pain as he gets the nastiest sun burn he's ever had (not hard to do as he's never seen the sun.)
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

BS check for Stub Revolver shot at Dreg B: Hit

Damage roll: 4+3 = 7
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

As a note, if the players in my game are interested:

Brother Kenshin and the driver of the Rhino are of the Storm Wardens chapter. Zahariel is a Dark Angel.

Seraph is about the only character that would really have the background to know that, but I thought the players themselves might be curious.
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Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

Closing in on the end of the initial little derp in my game. Sorry, Caulder, if I cut off anything you'd had an idea on posting.

I'll be posting rewards in here once I get sorted out what all bonus monkeys I'm going to give.

Also, I'm considering allowing character shifts if people aren't entirely happy with the character they've got at the moment. Any new characters will be at the same experience and other stuff levels.
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

I'm happy with my character, Shadow.


In my game, Blarg, you rolled a 99, which means unless you spend a fate point to reroll, your gun will jam. This means that you will need to do a successful (Full Action) ballistic skill test to unjam the gun. If successful, the current clip is wasted and you will need to reload before you can fire again.

Remember you have the option to spend a Fate point to reroll, otherwise it's "click click..."
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Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

Well, I don't have a spare gun, so yeah, spending Fate sounds like a good idea.

Looks like the ghoast of SlutBone is still haunting me, also.
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

So I actually get this moving again, Zieg's doing another shot towards the dredge attacking Mordeci. Obligatorily lazy cus goddamnit brain.

Pretty much unless Zieg jams again or runs out of ammo, that'll be his plan, clearing off whatever's on his allies.
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

The dreg attacking Mordeci has just been killed. As a result, Zieg will move to the next doorway, and attempt to shoot the dreg that is attacking Thiopia.

He gets a Point Blank range bonus of +30, but he is firing into melee, and so gains a -20 penalty. If he misses, but would otherwise have hit if not for the melee penalty, then he will hit Thiopia.

BS = 37.
Net modified = 47
He rolls a 65, meaning that he would have succeeded except for the melee, so he hits Thio.

Lurker, would you like to use a fate point to reroll?
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC


This is spending it temporarily, right? Or am I mistaking that for 'burning' as spoken to in other places?

Either way, yes I'll be using one to hopefully avoid friendly fire.
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

Fate is temporary, yes. Technically is regained at the beginning of a session. For this format, I would say it's regained at the beginning of a day, assuming it's not a day of action and not a glossed over day or one of little consequence.

Reroll is successful. Damage is 7+3 = 10, minus his toughness.

The target is shot through the back and killed, the bullet lodged in his spine. He shudders and falls over in front of Thiopia.

Dregs E and F retreat down the stairs.

Gallus puts a las carbine blast into Dreg D's center mass as he lies underneath the cybermastiff. The cybermastiff, ignoring the now dead man underneath it, barks and runs after the other dregs down the stairs.

The window in Thiopia and Lili's room crashes, as a mostly naked humanoid comes smashing through it. From the nature and trajectory of its entrance, it looks as if the creature made a leap from the adjacent building window. When it looks up, its eyes glow an unnatural red.

Thio, Zieg, and Lili must all make Fear tests (Will Power). Failure indicates a roll on the shock table...


Thio and Lili surprisingly keep their cool, but Zieg is possibly going to suffer from shock unless another fate point is spent. An 88 was rolled, so for every degree of failure, +10 will be added to the roll on the shock table. That currently means +50.