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The Question of Heresy OOC

Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

There's really only two more "events" that were likely to happen before I would consider the session "done" compared to what my offline group would be able to get done in a session. And only one of those would be likely to result in combat.

As for what the test was about, it's a non-combat Fear Test, which the rulebook places a flat 1d5 IP gain on if the test is failed by 30 or more.
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

Okay I'll spend a fate point.


46, still a fail, but now it's only by 1 degree of failure.

Since I've officially failed, I'll now roll on the fear Shock table (adding +10 to my results due to degree of failure.)

52 --> Mallia will back away in shock from whatever it is that repels her. She can't willingly approach it, but may otherwise act normally. She gains 1 insanity point.
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

Okay, although the Shock Table isn't required for non-combat Fear Tests.

Penalty for failure on non-combat Fear Tests is -10 to any tests involving concentration around the cause of the test, with the insanity gain being on top of that.
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

Ah, okay, so good use of the fate point then, Mallia avoids further insanity. :D
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

Whelp, results posting:

In order of original roll posting:

Drake: 1 IP, -10 to concentration related tests while in vicinity of test source.

Markus: 2 IP, -10 to concentration related tests while in vicinity of test source.

Seraph: 4 IP, -10 to concentration related tests while in vicinity of test source.

Mallia: -10 to concentration related tests while in vicinity of test source.
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

Cool. Now tell us why we're pissing in our pants. ;)
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

Mallia attempts a Search check at halved Perception (21) and at -10 because of fear, for a grand total target of 11. Wheee....

87. Nooope. :)
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

Well, fuck me.

Also, search is apparently not available for me until I hit Regulator rank... Dear gods.

I'll try search as well... Though considering my lack of training in search skill and the penalty, I'm looking at a roll that needs to hit 8 or lower. Again, fuck me.

84 vs 8. Welp.
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

So then. Best of 3?

Seraph rolls for Search, -10 from fear and half Seraph's Perception equals...

21 vs 4(28/2 -10)

...Well I would have made it if I wasn't penalized. Aw well.
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

The Search skill is not readily available for anyone at beginning rank. I think it represents thorough detection skills that go beyond mere perception.

If he wanted, ShadowWolf could ask for a Perception test if he was being kind. But even so, with fear, we all would have failed that as well.
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

Yeah, basic Perception sounds doable.

Just state what exactly you're going to have your character checking for, and I'll figure in any bonuses that would apply.

Oh, and also... Something my offline RPing group would always seem to forget: The Psyscience skill, available to Psykers, can be used to determine if there was any kind of warp disturbances in the area.

Not saying there was, just offering up the reminder, since we'd often forget that with the offline group.
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

Tech Use test for determining if the melting was done by a weapon that might be known to the Mechanicus - Failure by 2 degrees.
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

Wait, so we state what we want to look for, and you'll let us know if there might be any bonuses involved, right?

Well, I'd like to check out exactly what kind of weapon felled the battle sisters.
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

That'd be a +10, which would cancel out the Fear penalty.
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

That looks doable.

34 vs my 37 Perception. Not too shabby.
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

Did good enough to determine rough idea of what was used: Either some kind of explosives, or perhaps bolter fire.
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

I'd like to do a Psyniscience roll, specifically checking for warp taint on the bodies of those who appear to have been strangled with their own intestines or used their intestines to strangle the others.

I don't know if the focus of that will allow me to get a bonus to by test, but here is my roll...

Cripes... a 77. Not detecting much these days. :eek:
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

@ShadowWolf: What can Mallia see in the direction that the chimera is facing? Is there any obvious objective or facility in that direction?
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

Nothing obvious.

Also, I'll be editing a clarification on the post describing the scene. Think I forgot to mention something/something wasn't clear enough.
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

Players in my game, please make a Perception check.

Since there's been no response, I'm assuming that the group is carrying on towards the habstack apartment.